
Harry smiled as Lupin growled a little. "i already told everyone." Harry promised. "and yes i'm going with you, he likes to rape just as much as he likes to bite children." Harry admitted. "there's no way i'm leaving you alone in a room with him." "just don't kill him." Lupin ordered softly, his eyes furious. "i... want him to suffer for the crimes, against me, and the other children he's hurt..." Lupin was only one of three children who had actually survived an attack from Fenrir for more than three years. normally, Lycanthropy killed within the first six years, the young children usually died faster than adults did, and elderly even sooner. "don't worry Moony." Harry promised smiling a little. "we're not going to kill him." "good." Lupin grunted, resuming his meal as Harry slid food to the rest of the table, Lucius looking worried. "about Fenrir..." he muttered softly, looking over at bell. "it's... it's not all his fault... i... grew up with him..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "his father was the same way... Fenrir doesn't know any better..." "that does not absolve his crimes!" Lupin snarled Lucius growling right back. "no, but he knows no better, he has only ever known rape and torture, from his father, and when Viper Greyback died it was straight into Voldemort's... 'welcoming' arms." Lucius stated sighing a little. "he is.. loyal to those he loves..." Lucius admitted swallowing thickly. "it's all he knows... and... he is family to me... or he was..." Lucius admitted softly, looking at Belladonna. "... he knows no better..."
Belladonna sighed quietly, shaking her head."It is sad, that even fae have lost so much of themselves, to a madman."She said looking pained, finishing her food."I will not kill him.But the fae have long had a way of dealign with being werewolves. I want the location, or at least a direction to look for the prince of elves."She said, knowing of all the wolves, the prince of werewolves would know where to find the man she needed. Not only because the prince would be helpful for lupin, but because having his help against voldemort would be welcome.
Lucius nodded a little. "thank you..." he muttered softly before wincing a little. "the prince of elves has locked him and his people away..." he admitted calmly. "for almost a hundred years now his people have been tucked away, hiding from the chaos of the world until... well, he never really said until what..." he admitted simply. "the half breeds like me... where abandoned to live in the mortal world... and... the full Elves... they left to their hidden homeland." he admitted. "i don't know where that is..." "... no... but i bet the prince of Werewolves would know." Draco admitted, Lucius shaking his head. "i have my doubts about him knowing anything." "but we might as well ask, unless Bella knows where their homeland is already?" Harry asked, blinking at Belladonna.
Belladonna looked unsure biting her lip."I knew where it was, once...but they would have moved it. Elves are notoriously paranoid, and the dreams they do have about it, doesn't hold a name."She said looking sorry that she couldn't offer more. Not realizing that she was already doing more then anyone else ever had. Smiling slightly as she looked at the other's, "We'll be back.With answers."She said before waiting for Harry to apprate them to the enclosure, quietly calling for the werewolf, adding power to the words to keep him calm."PRince?"She asked softly looking around the room.
Harry looked amazed then bit his lip a little. "would Lucius's blood be able to summon an elf?" "Elves are above summoning, their bloodlines are such that you can't just call one. one might come, if it's bored enough, but i wouldn't get your hopes up." Draco admitted grinning as Harry sighed. "Fenrir is out only hope then." he agreed apparating himself and Bell to the building, letting her walk in first and looking shocked as he saw the state of the building, it was completely destroyed, more so than Lupin ever going have hoped to accomplish. Fenrir was the most shocking of all, he was pale and trembling, and he was huddled tight into the corner, looking completely freaked out. "... i've never seen him like this before... i've never seen him captured before either though..." he admitted, not realizing that the small room they had locked Fenrir in, was very much like the tiny room Viper Grayback had locked his son in when he was bad. Fenrir was afraid, because he thought Viper was still alive, and was punishing his son. it wasn't hard to realize that Fenrir was completely insane.
Belladonna trembled as the emotions he was feeling hit her like a fist in the stomach. Becaue he was so completely freaked out, that the freak out itself was almost a dream. So she could feel it. Feeling it like a kick she swallowed crossing the room summoning moonlight to her hands as she crouched down in front of him, trying to calm him by giving him moonlight."Sweetheart, prince.Fenrir."She muttered using each name, trying to force him back to himself."Fenrir you are safe. You are mine, and I will not let anyone harm you.Never."belladonna promised trying to sooth the werewolf, heartbreaking pain showing on her face, because she couldnt help but feel deeply for him.
Fenrir whimpered as he felt her approach, feeling the soothing moonlight like a mothers touch he uncurled and leaned into her like a child, whimpering pathetically as Harry growled, the Boy Who Lived feeling possessive. "don't let daddy get me." Fenrir whispered. "he'll hit me if i don't bite the little ones..." he whispered softly, Harry looking shocked as he realized that Fenrir's behaviors where not only learned, but forced. he'd been brainwashed into being insane. Fenrir trembled against Belladonna, the half sanity lingering just underneath the surface, all she had to do was calm him down a little more and he would be sane enough to answer some questions, and maybe even get help. "i know a good Therapist." Harry admitted. "his insanity could possibly be cured..." it was a fifty fifty chance between succeeding in curing him, or making it even worse. not very good odds. "we should get him out of this tiny room, he doesn't seem to like it... i know a cavern i can take us too, he'll feel better in the larger space."
Belladonna muttered soft wordless soothing things at the werewolf looking up at harry,holding the werewolf close as she reached for harry."Apparate us then."She said wincing a little as he did, stroking the werewolf's hair as she dropped harry's hand."Shhh shhh its okay. You're okay. We just want to help fenrir."She promised looking so worried about him because it hurt her heart to see someone, even someone she didn't know, to be hurt so badly.
he whimpered again and practically tried to crawl into her Lap, harry snorting a little, not in the least bit amused at the wolfs behavior as he gently apparated both of them into a large cave. there appeared to be no entrance or exits, but it was almost twenty feet high and it was so wide you couldn't see where it ended. Fenrir almost immediately calmed down, whining a little as he pulled away from the woman, the sanity returning to his eyes as he hunkered down in front of Belladonna, wondering what she was going to do with him. even with his regular sanity restored, he was half mad, driven insane by his father and Voldemort. he pretty much just did as was told now. even Harry couldn't help but pity him.
Belladonna smiled a little tilting her head back to look at her lover smiling softly at his sweetness, and his worry.She knew the man wasn't apperciating fenrir climing so close to her, but she felt better taking care of him. Smiling as she saw the werewolf calming down, she tilted her head a little."Fenrir, I need your help. I need the werewolves cure for the fey, or a why to get the prince here. There is a reason fae wolves don't attack humans, they're not made to handle it. I need the cure to help.At least help the victims."She said looking so worried about not only lupin, but with fenrir.
he whimpered a little, looking upset. "i... there... is a cure?" he asked looking confused, so confused as he looked between her and Harry, keeping his distance. "no no. no cure... not a thing. papa never said. papa made me... he made me..." "good god he's completely mad." Harry whispered, actually looking worried. "he isn't like this when...." he looked horrified. "oh my god... Voldemort has been holding him under Impirio to control him, that's why he appears so sane..." "Master makes me makes me makes me." Fenrir babbled. "makes the voices go away, far away bye bye." "... oh man... i don't think we're going to get much out of him right now Belladonna... he needs help... REAL help." Harry admitted, looking worried for the poor wolf. "Moony i think can help him... if we explain to him why Fenrir bit him, why he's this way..." he knew Moony would forgive Fenrir when he realized the man was mad and hadn't been acting of his own volition. Sirius was the one who was going to be the problem.
Bekkadonna winced, she'd hoped the prince would know where the cure was, but she'd have to search for the prince of elves. This poor broken wolf was to devastedly mad to be of any help. And the dreamspinner looked down at the wolf, muttering as she focused, using her gift of both fae and human, that allowed her to dreamwalk for both races she muttered soothingly as she trapped the voices talking to him not in his own mind, but hers. Because the voices he heard were a manifestion of his mind, and not real, she could hide them...at least until they could get him help. Though the strain didn't show, it would the longer that she had to do it. Nodding as she stood she helped fenrir up, looking at Harry."we better take him with us to the manor. We wont be able to help him if he's just here."
he whined as he felt the voices being silenced and he shook his head. "no no no... don't wanna please don't make me." he whimpered setting his hands over his eyes, clearly thinking he'd been put under the Impirio again, Harry sighing a little as he gently moved Fenrir's hands. "shh, pup... none will harm you here." he promised softly taking Belladonna's hand and apparating them both to the manor, gently settling the wolf into a regular bedroom, which he seamed to like considering he crawled onto the bed, crawled under the covers, and went to sleep. "..Sirius... is NOT... going to like this..." Harry muttered looking at the wolf man who was all curled up. "we'll lock the door." he decided pulling her out of the room and locking the door so that Fen couldn't get in, but also so that no one could get in and hurt the poor mad wolf. "that Impirio on him can't have helped his sanity." Harry muttered shaking his head. "we'll tell Lupin first, he'll keep sirius calm." he headed to Lupins rooms and knocked on the door, thankfully the werewolf was alone and as Harry explained what was happening Lupin's happy expression turned to a scowl. "i want to see him." he ordered. "alone." Harry hesitated, but eventually gave in, and for almost an hour he hovered outside the door while Fenrir and Lupin talked, alone. at least, Harry hoped they where talking.
Belladonna smiled a little as she hovered at Harry's side, leaning back against the wall, "Its not a impirio. I just took the dream away....it'll help."she said swallowing hard,"Maybe."She said looking worried herself at the idea of it. Before smiling a little, "Don't worry."She muttered nudging her boy, blushing a little at that. It'd been so long since she'd had anyone to trust, and she'd never had a lover that could see beyond the dual bloodline in her viens, so she was finding her attraction to harry upsetting in the fact that she didn't know how to handle it. Blushing a little as she turned her head, already raising a hand to stop sirius, wincing as he slammed against her shield."I wont let you in there, pup."She said shrugging a little."I wont let you hurt him, when I can fix them both."
Fenrir blinked a little as he licked his lips a little looking so confused as the voices in his head faded away, without them telling him what to do he wasn't sure how to react. usually he picked a voice to follow in a situation and just did what it told him to do, ow they where all silent and he didn't know how to react, to anything. Harry watched as Sirius slammed into the wards, the man snarling. "you let my mate in there alone with that Madman! i have to protect him!" "Fenrir is harmless Siri." Harry stated calmly. "you trust my judgment don't you? Fenrir is mad, but not all of it is natural, Voldemort's been controlling him with Impirio..." "not just Voldemort." Lupin admitted walking out of the room, his eyes pained. "... i know why i'm not dead yet..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "and why i was Fenrir's first victim... and Fen knows how to find the..." "Fen!? your calling him FEN!?" Sirius demanded, his voice a shriek, so pissed off and terrified that he was practically insane himself. "yes, i'm calling him Fen... he's barley a child right now... he can barley even react." Lupin admitted shaking his head a little. "but he does know where the Elf king is, if we can get him to focus long enough to tell us... he won't talk to me except in babbles. he needs to calm down and Sirius, your not going to help by yelling." Sirius just snarled furiously and slammed his fist into the wall before stalking off, Harry grimacing, Lupin sighing a little. "he broke his fist... i'll go calm him down." he grumbled Harry nodding. "Moony... you said you knew why the Lycanthropy hadn't killed you yet?" "... i'll explain after i calm Sirius down." he promised before racing off after his mate.
Belladonna looked worried as she watched the man go, biting a little as she sighed. "I'm going to go sit with him.You'll come get me when we're ready to talk?"She asked resting a hand on his arm, leaning up to kiss him softly before disappearing into the room, letting go of the voice control, letting just a few of the voices rise. Because she wanted to slowly wean him off, she didn't want to hurt him badly."Shh fen, shhh.I'll take care of you."She muttered climbing up on the bed next to the werewolf, gently stroking his hair, looking up when harry came in. Smiling gently,"See?Harry's coming to help me watch you.No one will hurt you."She promised smiling a little as she leaned back against the headboard, trying to figure out what Lupin had found out. As old as she was, she was young mentally, even before her time kissed body had been locked away. She'd been barely 200, barely out of childhood when she'd fought sarsen, and the time she'd spent sleeping had locked her away in a mentally younger child.As if she would have to learn the adult lessons all over again."Harry....this is so bad..."She said eyes sad and torn because she oculdn't fix this. not easily.
Lupin nodded a little. "i'll make sure to get you myself." he promised smiling a little as Harry followed Bella into the room with Fen, the man blinking at them from where he was huddled up in the bed, hiding under the covers, Harry chuckling a little. "Lupin does that." he admitted softly. "on the days before the full moon, he hides under the blankets when he gets upset." Harry admitted Fenrir whimpering. "you took them! i want them back you took them! want my voices!" Fenrir cried in fear and anger sniffling as she let him have a few of them back, Harry grimacing as he laid his head on her lap. "i think he's adopted you." Harry admitted. "as a mother hopefully... that will help him a lot i think.. he's never had a mother, and he'll look for you for guidance." Harry admitted licking his lips a little. "that means you can help him more than anyone else can." he admitted smiling at her. "he's barley a child..." he admitted gently running his fingers through Fenrir's hair like he did for Lupin when he was upset. Fenrir seamed to like it just as much because he calmed a little more. "is Elf man going to come back? i like the elf man." he muttered softly, Harry looking confused. "Elf man?" he asked looking baffled as he tilted his head at Fenrir. "... you never met an Elf have you Fenrir?" "met the king.. king king king. he was a funny Funny king king king." Fenrir half sang before he closed his eyes. "showed me his hideout secrete secrete secrete." he mumbled before falling asleep, Harry looking astonished. "... he does know where to find the Elf king!"
Belladonna smirked a little as she looked up at him."At least, you hope its a mother figure he's adopted."she teased, resting her head on Harry's shoulder closing her eyes."Well, compared to me, your not even a toddler yet."She teased nuzzling him a little."Lupin said he did."belladonna said still looking a little wide eyed as she looked down at the man. Trying to figure out what he was saying,biting her lip. But she couldn't make any sense of what the other was saying."Hopefully, we can figure out where that is.The elf king can reverse the curse, or at least make it dormant. Its why fae wolves live so long, because they don't always have to live with the curse."He said sighing softly as he pinched the bridge of her nose, lookign tired and worn.Despite having slept centuries, she was still sleepy hadn't recovered her full endurance yet, and the day had been full of adventure and upset."Think sirius willlcalm down?"She asked worriedly, not wanting to hurt the animagi, but she would because she'd adopted this wolf as her own to.So if she had to, she'd hurt him.But she much rather not.
Harry nodded. "if he's thinking of you as a mate i'm cutting his balls off." he promised with a small little smirk shaking his head as he sighed a little. "i know Lupin said he did but i didn't think it was actually possible... but..." he bit his lip. "is the Elf King wanted to make sure someone knew how to find him, why not a lunatic prince? if Fenrir ever regained enough sanity... it would be to the elf king he would run to... the man might have been trying to help Fen." he admitted. "giving him a way to run away if he gained enough sanity to..." he smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "you need to rest." he ordered softly. "your not used to such excitement... and yes, Sirius will calm down once Lupin pounds his ass into the mattress a few dozen times." he promised grinning fondly at his parents unique way of dealing with each other. they just fucked each other until they where calm and then talked. it worked for them, even if Harry often walked in on traumatic events. "you just sleep, i'll watch Fenrir." he promised. "just lay back and rest alright?" he ordered smiling at her as he gently pushed her onto the bed so she would sleep and gently moved Fenrir to his lap instead so he could pet the man. "it's going to be several hours before Lupin or Sirius are ready to talk, probobly not even till morning so you might as well sleep." he assured her.
"That. And he might have had another reason,along with wanting to help fen. If fen ever told anyone-namely voldemort- where the king was, he probably wouldn't be believed. Voldemort would never believe the ravings of another lunatic when he's not sane enough to talk to himself."Belladonna said smiling as she closed her eyes, just listening to Harry's voice was soothing her to sleep. Blushing at the boys words, she smiled burying her face against his shoulder. "Hmm that is one way to deal with things."She said burying her face, not about to tell him she was a virgin and therefore curious about those ways of dealing with things. It was a interesting thought. Granted.. she'd dreamwalked enough to know what was expected of such encounters....she was just untouched. "Okay okay...wake me up when..."She muttered already drifting off to sleep.

In the morning narcissa raised a eyebrow as she looked at the three,holding a tray of food."Lupin thought you three might be more comfortable eating in here, then coming downstairs."She said quietlyl when she saw harry was the only one up. "Hmmm sleeping...dont wanna eat..."Belladonna muttered cuddling down against harry, annoyed and refused to being woken up yet.
Harry smiled a little as Narcissa walked in and he nodded a little. "me and Bella could do it but Fen couldn't, there's no way... he's too unstable and Sirius is still too pissed." he admitted smiling at her. "thank you for bringing us some food Auntie." he said gently stroking Fen's hair. "uncle Luc was right though... Fen wasn't even acting of his own Volition... how come you never told papa?" he asked wondering why Lucius had never said anything, never realizing that Lucius had never had the proof needed to be certain that Fen was being controlled, he'd only had his theories. "i think he can be helped though..." Harry admitted smiling as Belladonna whined. "it's ok Bell, just sleep, you can eat later." he promised softly kissing her forehead. "hows dad?" he asked wondering how Sirius was doing, but he and Lupin hadn't left their bedroom yet, still going at the whole angry sex thing. a new record in the black house that was.
"We never had the proof to know if he was doing things on his own. Ad theories would have gotten us no where but killed."Narcissa said smiling a little as he talked to belladonna, amused because the girl looked so young, so inocent when asleep. It was disturbing to consider the fae and human worlds had one trembled before her. Smiling as he asked about sirius."They haven't left the bedroom yet. I think Sirius is determined to make fen leave, no matter how helpful he could be."She said amused because it was indeed a new record. "Food...?"Belladonna muttered blinking sleepily as she at up, looking a little wide eyed as se remembered where she was.
Harry blinked a little and then nodded. "i suppose you have a point there." he admitted smiling a little as he ran a hand through his hair and gently stroked Fenrir's hair as the wolf blinked awake. "oh! oh oh i know you you you!" he chirped smiling at Narcissa. "pretty lady to pretty man man." he mumbled sleepily Harry smiling a little. "he babbles like that a lot... he complains about voices in his head, i think they throw him off a little." Harry admitted as Fenrir took one of the plates of food and helped himself to the contents Harry chuckling as he kissed Bela's forehead. "yes love, food." he promised smiling a little as he handed her a plate, Fenrir sniffing at Narcissa. "yup yup your her." he chirped Harry chuckling a little. "Fenrir's lively this morning, i think he's figured out that he's safe here." he admitted smiling a little as the wolf stole Harry's food, shaking his head a little. "and he's hungry too apparently.
Narcissa smiled a little,"It is good to see him like this. Better then when he's with...tom."narcissa said glad to see the man excited about something, more lively and sane then she'd ever seen him, despite the control voldemort had forced on him. Belladonna smiled as she yawned leaning back against the headboard as she sat up,rubbing her eyes, looking amused as she watched the wolf eat, before looking at harry."Are lupin and sirius up yet?"She asked looking worried because if sirius was still upset, she was worried that the man would neveraccept that they were trying to help Fenrir, and would do more damage then they could fix to the man.
Harry nodded. "i've seen him under the control of Tom... horrifically enough he does seem more sane." he admitted watching the man lick the plates clean as he smiled at Belladonna. "no, not yet, their setting a new angry sex record." he admitted chuckling a little before pausing as someone knocked on the door. "come in." he stated smiling as Lupin came in, the man looking very sated. "hey, Sirius is calm now." he admitted calmly shaking his head a little. "still upset, but calm." he admitted smiling a little. "he's ready at least to see Fenrir for himself, will you bring the poor man to the kitchen? he looks like he's still hungry." Lupin admitted grinning as Fenrir finally focused on Lupin. "oh! it's the Elf man! hi elf man!" he chirped Lupin chuckling as he took Fenrir's hand. "come on Fen, lets get you more food." Lupin suggested leading the man into the kitchen and gettign him more food, Sirius glaring at the wolf as they walked in, his eyes narrowed, but didn't fly into hysterics as he set the man down into a chair. "oh! oh it's you! i know you! your the pretty pretty man man man! who's not a man your an Elf too!" he chirped looking at Lucius who smiled and patted Fenrir on the head. "it's good to see you too fen."
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