
Narcissa smiled as Belladonna giggled, the fearsome dreamweaver lost for a moment in the teenager that her body was. Sliding a plate in front of belladonna, narcissa smiled."Because you enjoy the arguing to.You and lucius were horrible."She teased. Belladonna smiled a little starting to dig into her food,"I could teach them more.Be glad their sticking to english and modern cussing."Belladonna said grinning at the animagi.
Sirius snorted a little. "Narcissa, me and Lucius actively HATED each other in school." he reminded her looking amused. "we tried to kill each other at least seven or eight times in sixth year. it wasn't until you and Lily became such good freinds that the rest of us settled down." he reminded her laughing a little before pointing at Belladonna. "and you, young lady, are NOT helping my point!" he complained Harry laughing a little as he shoved a doughnut into his fathers mouth. "oh stop complaining Papa." Harry ordered rolling his eyes. "will Dad be down this morning?" "i don't think so red Bear, the Moon has a good hold on him this month. we moved him down into the cellar this morning." he admitted shaking his head. "he tried to bite Lucius." Harry grimaced a little and nodded. "you'll take him something to eat?" Harry asked offering Sirius a tray of food, Sirius smiling a little as he kissed Harry's forehead. "of course i will." he promised walking off with the tray of food.
Belladonna looked startled before jumping out of her seat."No!I will."Belladonna said stealing the tray from Sirius and walking down into the cellar, opening the door, swallowing hard as she reached for the wolf inside Remus, mentally stroking a hand down the wolf's back to try and tame him as she held a tray out for Lupin to take."Are you hungry?I could go get something else."She said trying to ease the strain of being a werewolf. Wondering if dreamwalking would somehow be able to seperate the two.
Sirius looked startled. "wait, Bell! he might attack you!" Sirius tried to protest, but she was already gone. Lupin was huddled in the steal room they had built ju1st for him, the walls three feet thick and the door sealed shut with magic so he couldn't escape. unfortunately the potions that snape had been making, had lost their potency, Lupin's body simply shrugging off the potions, leaving him wild an untamed during the full moons, and only Sirius, as he was Lupin's Alpha, was able to get near Lupin without being attacked. Lupin snarled at Belladonna, his wolf not recognizing her as a member of his pack before he growled, his eyes fluttering at the mental stroke, whining at her, his mind already wolf, his body just not having followed yet. the wolf in him recognized the kindness of Fey, and he stalked forward, setting his head opn her knee and whining again, his entire body aching from the pull of the moon that wasn't even up yet.
Belladonna smiled softly as she sat down on the ground cross legged, tugging him down to lay in her lap, stroking the wolf's head as he cuddled himself around her, forming a half circle around her frame."Shh love, shh.The moon is coming, I promise.And I will find a way to help."She muttered looking down at him with eyes as dark as night lit with stars, raising a hand and doing one thing that was odd only to her. While the fae could summon the elements to their hands only the dreamweaver could summon moonlight to her touch, as wispy and fragile as the real thing, but there, enough to try and ease the touch of the wolf who was hurting. for while the humans controlled the tame things, the wild things, the wolves and such, belonged to the fae. And belladonna who was born of both races but a child of neither could cross the lines that no pureblood could."I'll help you wolf, I will help."She muttered stroking him looking startled when she realized that sirius had been watching her for awhile.
he whined as he settled where she ordered him to, Sirius looking both amazed, relieved, and just a touch jealous as he watched his wild lover do as she said. Lupin whined as she promised him the moon was coming, sighing in relief at the touch of the moon on his skin, settling down and deciding to take a nap, his human body curled around her like he was in wolf form, Sirius smiling as he stepped into the room. "thank you Bella." he whispered softly. "the Moon's hold on him has been getting so much worse these last few months... i think the potions might actually be making him worse now." he admitted sighing a little. "but we're all scared to take him off of it in case it makes him even worse than he is now." he admitted softly, gently stroking Lupin's hair. "no one knows anything about werewolves these days." he admitted softly. "so... no one can really help Lupin... most werewolves don't live as long as he has... so... we don't know if this is normal or not either..."
Belladonna looked startled at that, looking slightly amused as she stroked the wolf's side, absently as if she was petting a dog that had curled up against her. And in all likelyhood, that was exactly what she was doing, because to her for a moment he was more wild then tame. "Humans were never supposed to interfer with the wild things. That is fae business."She said looking surrised before shaking her head."No, most HUMAN werewolves don't live this long. The fae do,because they were made for the wild places. humans were supposed to be the tame things. Human werewolves are unnatural."she said sounding thoughtful as she sorted through the things she'd seen in her long sleep, and what she knew of her past and what the fae were.
Lupin relaxed into her strokes, Sirius smiling a little as he settled down next to her, gently stroking Lupin's hair, the man sighing and laying his head on Sirius's lap, preferring his Alpha, as all wolves did. "Lupin was bitten by a Fey werewolf when he was a child." Sirius explained. "as far as we can tell Lupin is human save for the Wolf inside of him." he admitted shaking his head. "but we've tried bringing Fey in to help Remus before... he hates them all, even the ones he's know for years like draco and Lucius." he admitted biting his lip. "when he's like this the only person he doesn't mind being near is me, and that's because i'm his mate i think..." he admitted. "he's even attacked Harry before... he always feels terrible about it in the morning but he's so wild... we just don't know what else to do but lock him in here so he doesn't hurt anyone..."
Belladonna bit her lip looking curious as she shifted through his words."I...I might be able to help."She said looking at him anxiously not sure if he would accept the help. Having grown so used to having people expect her to do things,but still hating that they had to ask her to do it.But this, this she could do. It was a fae high crime to bite a human,and she'd do something about having a werewolf here. She would make sure the stewards of the wild things had to take care of him,even if she had to remind them there was a reason they had made her name a posion."I...I should be going.Harry's probably worrying."
Sirius smiled a little hope flaring in his eyes. "you can help him!? honest!?" he asked his eyes wide, setting his hand on hers. "please... anything you can do to help him..." he whispered hesitating a little. "i suppose it wouldn't help to tell you the name of the Fea bastard who did it? Fenrir Greyback... or that he likes to wait around children's homes during the full moon so he can bite them?" he asked his eyes firm and angry. "he's bitten almost thirty children in his lifetime... and those are just the ones who survived..." he admitted stroking Lupin's hair. "Harry's going to be annoyed with you for risking your flesh like that." he warned smiling a little as he watched her leave, Lupin whining as he watched her leave, but not getting up to follow her, content to stay with his Alpha. Harry rushed Belladonna as soon as he saw her, checking her over for injuries before pulling her into a tight hug before pulling back and glaring at her. "so your first order of business after you wake up after a thousand year sleep is to go and try and kill yourself!?"
Belladonna laughed quietly, resting her head on his shoulder as she leaned against his chest."I wasn't trying to kill myself. Wolves like the fae, and I knew I could sooth the wolf."She said more confident then she really had thought she'd been.Smiling wider as she leaned back to look at him,pulling him down for a soft kiss before leaning back."There's something we need to do.Tonight, before another child's bitten."she said because even as she spoke she took that side step out of herself, letting her mind drift even as she waited for Harry's answer, looking for greyback, having every intention of teaching him that the wolves should have never forgotten the laws that the first fae had laid down, for not only their own protection,but the humans.She'd-and the other long dead fae-had been gone to long. It was time the world remembered.
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. "and i suppose there's no talking you out of it?" he asked softly his head tilted a little. "alright, if it is important, we will go." he promised kissing her forehead. "it's a good night for it, Pop and Dad will be locked in the room all night, and Lucius Draco and Narcissa don't stay on full moon nights, just in case." Harry admitted. "where are we going?... we're going to do something reckless that's going to get me in trouble aren't we?" he asked with an impish little grin.
Belladonna snorted looking amused as she leaned in to kiss his cheek,"Would I ever be reckless?I'm to old to do reckless things."She teased before looking that he hadn't asked more, closing her eyes as seh concentrated on the werewolf, apparating them to the house. Looking startled as she found them outside a small country home befre remembering what sirius had said about him spying on children. The man, was truly sick.He needed help.
he chuckled a little as he kissed her gently, on the lips this time before hugging her carefully and pausing when they apparated, swallowing thickly. "Fenrir." he snarled softly. "that bastard... he's targeting another child..." he growled his eyes flashing with fury as he swallowed thickly taking a few steps forward as the sun started to set intent on stopping Fenrir from biting another child, he, and the two death eaters who where there to guide Fenrir into the house using two thick leashes that where already around his neck. none of them noticed Harry or Belladonna stalking towards them, fury in his eyes as he drew his wand, emanating his impressive aura which flared around him like a flower. intending to cause heavy pain and massive damage.
Belladonna raised a hand, resting it on harry's."No.Let me speak.For he has broken my laws, along with your own."She muttered stepping around him, creating a fist as she dropped her hand to her side, moonlight forming gauntlets as she added enough power to make moonlight a protection."You have broken my laws Fenrir Greyback, there are laws against mixing breeds."She purred quietly, adding enough command to the words to draw his attention letting harrry take care of the death eaters as she focused on the werewolf, and only the werewolf.Having slept so long that she didn't understand that wizards themselves had become a force to be reckoned with, and no more then teh death eaters.
Harry growled but nodded, letting her handle Fenrir as he dueled the Death eaters, Fenrir snarling darkly as he turned to Belladonna. "who the fuck are you!?" he demanded, smirking darkly. "a Fey!? for fucks sake lady don't you know who i am!? i'm the prince of Werewolves you can't tell me what the hell to do!" the prince of werewolves was a fey title, they where supposed to control the werewolf population and make sure they where following the rules, but Fenrir was clearly abusing his position. a shame the Dreamweaver cared little for titles. he looked up at the moon as the full light shone down on him, snarling as his body bulged, Harry gasping as he watched, his eyes wide as he watched Fenrir, wondering what was going to happen, fenrir snarling as he advanced slowly on her, wild and hungry for blood.
Belladonna stepped slightly away from harry, making sure she had the werewolf's full attention as she raised a hand, backhanding the wolf hard enough to drive the man to his knees."I am Belladonna, prince."She said leaning over, wrapping her fingers in the werewolf's hair, pullig his head back as she pressed a knee into his back, forcing him to arch and hold him in the awkward position."I could kill you now, and no fey or wolf will deny me the kill,whoreson. Betrayer of all that you are."She muttered trying to fight the darkness in her, trying not to kill him just because she could.
Harry didn't take long to knock out the death eaters, they where young, stupid, and weak ones, ones that Voldemort could easily replace if they where bitten or killed by Fenrir. Fenrir himself snarled as he lunged at Belladonna, and screeched when he was flung to the ground, and howled in pain as he was yanked around jerking as he tried ti get away from her, his loud whimpers filling the air as his inner wolf submitted to her, whimpering pathetically as he tucked his tail and tried to roll onto his belly and show his submission to her, baring his throat as he whined loudly, Harry setting a hand on Belladonna's shoulder. "it's alright, he's given in, let him go Bell.." he ordered calmly. "we can find something to do with him, i bet we can turn him a little bit tame..."
Belladonna paled, swallowing hard as she turned her head to look at him,studying harry through dark eyes that for a moment didn't seem to recognize him. It was like she was drugged, and in a way, she was. Power was her drug of choice, the highest form of high that there was. "...harry..."She muttered blinking slowly dropping the werewolf and backing away quickly, not trusting herself to be near him anymore."We need his help..."She muttered reminding herself that she needed the fey werewolf if she was going to help lupin.
Harry nodded as he smiled at her, binding the wolf in silver chains, the creature yelping as the silver singed his flesh and sapped his strength. "we'll put him in the emergency shelter that we made for Lupin." he promised. "it's just as strong, he won't be able to get out in human or Wolf form." he promised smiling at her. "come on, you have to come with me." he ordered calmly. "i won't be able to control him." he admitted calmly, grabbing his foot and her arm and apparating them directly into a bunker made of solid steal that they used when Lupin couldn't be in the house for some reason or another. he dumped the rather limp Fenrir onto a bed and took Belladonna's hand and apparating her out, Harry and Sirius where the only ones who could apparate in and out, so Harry had to take her out, apparating them home, sighing a little as he heard the yelping and snarling below them in the room where Lupin was trapped in his full wolf form, clawing up everything to get free, Sirius probobly not in there. Lupin was too wild right then to be in there with him anymore.
Belladonna whimpered quietly as she leaned against harry's chest a sound full of pain because she was reacting to the werewolf.Shuddering as she sighed, resting her head on Harry's shoulder."We should eat. I wont be ble to do anything for him, until Fenrir changes back, or when Lupin changes back."She said before stepping back,rubbing a hand over his face."We should eat.We're going to need our strength."She said nodding a little because she knew to deal with the werewolves they'd have to be strong and ready.
he nodded and gently kissed her forehead, releasing the chains that restrained Fenrir as he nuzzled her gently. "i'll make you anything you want" he promised smiling as he led her into the kitchen and sat her down, trying not to listen to Lupin's snarling rage and howls of pain as he scratched and bit himself. Harry fed Bell and then gently urged her into bed, giving her a happy little kiss to the forehead before gently tucking her in and urging her to sleep, promising her that everything would be fine until morning.
It took awhile but bell did indeed let the man coax her to sleep, snuggling down into the bed to sleep. In the morning she yawned sitting up slowly rubbing a hand over her face before she climbed out of bed. Looking worried s she headed downstairs as she realized that she'd slept in and that the people were cooking."What's for breakfast?"She said looking sleepy and worried. wanting to know how things were going
Harry smiled when she walked in, Lupin sitting at the table, pale and sickly and nursing a steaming cup of tea. but he was still alive, still sane, and now free of the moons hold. he offered Belladonna a smile even and offered her a small nod of thanks, his voice rather incapable of speech at the moment as Harry offered Lupin, and Belladonna some super sweet sugary concoction of pancakes coated in whipped cream, chocolate, cherries and powdered sugar. "eat up." Harry ordered Lupin when the man made a face at all the food. "eat." Harry ordered. "it will make you feel better." Lupin sighed and started eating, his color slowly returning with every bite.
Belladonna smiled happily at all the food, after so long going without, it was good to eat. Smiling as she started eating she glanced at the werewolf, watching him because she worried, and she knew she had to talk to Fenrir.And she sort of wanted to know more about him,but she didn't know how to ask without bringing up bad memories. Looking at harry she smiled a little,"I assume your going to go talk to...him with me this morning?"She asked, nervous despite fenrir's submission, to be around him alone.
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