
Harry didn't even seam to realize that there was a shield, he just walked right through it, his eyes wild as he shot a spell at Sarsen, hissing in Parseltongue, warning them back, his wand fixed on them intently, blazing with all the power that he had been born with, which had been a lot. Sarsen would know the power, for there was none other like it, Fey all over the world would bow to this strange touch of magic, neither mortal, nor Fey, it was something else entirely. "go away, she is mine! she does not belong to the likes of you!" Harry snarled, his eyes flashing furiously.
Sarsen growled raising a hand to cast shadows between them, like Belladonna the dark magics were her speciality, though the other woman was so much better. Snarling as she felt the wash of neither fey or human, assuming like belladonna, he was a mixed."She belongs to me in a way you would never understand, no one's child." She snarled feeling the world start to shift as Vldemort chanted, the wards falling on Belladonna's cage. For it was a cage, for as much as humanity's protection as it was for hers.

And there, on the space between, almost present was Belladonna, struggling to reach through to free herself, weak from her long sleep. And weak...because something she hadn't anticipated. She had aged...backwards. She had become a power to be feared as a adult, as it was, she was a old teenager, just on the crusp of being a adult."I am Belladonna!I am the reason men fear!"She snarled, and it seemed the night grew darker as she tried to force her way through to the world.
Harry snarled back at her his eyes glowing with Power. "she belongs to no one!" he hissed. "for she goes where she wills, is who she wants, and does only what she pleases. no, she does not belong to anyone." he growled. "but she is Mine nonetheless." he shot a spell at Sarsen. "be gone bringer of darkness!" he ordered before suddenly 'vanishing' turning into his Animagus form and vanishing down a hole in the ground, chirping as he rushed down into the massive Chamber underneath, dropping down in front of the Fey guards and turning back into the crazed boy he was, looking around him, power and rage emanating from him. "BE GONE! she is MINE!" he ordered, half the guards wincing as they felt his power, recognizing him, the other half moved to attack him, thinking, like Sarsen, that he was just another human/fey mix.
"No!Do not attack them!Harry!"Belladonna screamed as she struggled free of the magics of her room, raising a hand and blowing the windows inwards, grinning a little as the guards ducked and hid for a moment. "And just what kind of trouble are you getting into?"Belladonna asked as she used shadows as a staircase,stepping into the room with harry with a slight smile, the way a cougar would smile. That she'd let someone pet her,cuddle her but wouldn't think twice about ripping the arm off that the hand was attatched to.
Harry growled but watched the Fey hide and smiled at Belladonna. "Voldemort and Sarsen are outside trying to get in." he admitted calmly. "i do not know if they can... but, at the same time i'm also not sure how we're going to get out. my animagi form is small, i was able to slip in through a hole but unless you can shape shift, i think we might both be stuck down here." he admitted. "Lucius is going to be so pissed at me..." he admitted shaking his head. "i left him stuck behind a barrier." he admitted with an impish grin. "is there another way out? surely these Guards don't live down here, they must know a way in or out..."
Belladonna smiled a little, nodding."There is. I think."She said raising a hand and knocking one of the fey out, crossing over to his still form and allowing harry to protect her as her eyes glazed over slightly. Dreamwalking-or in this case-thoughtwalking to find the exit. Smiling a little as she stood wrapping a arm around harry's, tugging him towards one of the walls."Shift.I need to be able to carry you.The tunnel will only allow one through."She said smiling happily, despite everything, when he shifted.He was so cute. Picking him up she stole one of the guards jackets, huddling in it as she wrapped herself and him in it, breathing slowly as she stepped through the mirage of dirt, swallowing hard at the enclosed space as she started to walk. Being half fey, and half human, made both races fear of enclosed spaces so much worse for the woman.
he smiled a little as he followed her, shooting stunning spells at anyone who came after them, not hurting them, just laying them flat on the ground asleep as he watched her, worried about her expression before smiling a little as he shifted, chirping at her, his adorable furry body about the size of a common house cat, it was pretty obvious why Sirius and Lupin didn't want Harry in with the werewolf, Lupin might think Harry would make a very yummy snack. he chirped at her and gently licked her cheek as she walked out, just as the roof of the cave collapsed, letting Voldemort into the massive chamber, now empty of the dreamweaver. he gave a furry little grin as they stepped through the barrier, Voldemort had lost again. they came up just a few feet away from Lucius, and Harry chirruped at Belladonna and leaped out of her arms and proceeded to climb up Lucius's leg, well aware that the man was going to freak out, not realizing it was Harry at first, considering poor Lucius didn't know what Animagi form Harry took.
"Bloody hell!get off me you dirty rotten....cute...awww.."Lucius paused after a moment looking down at the animal climbing his leg, starting at the sound of belladonna's delighted laughter. "Ah, lord malfoy, you are amusing." "Bell..."Lucius trailed off for a moment before looking down at the rodent crawling up his leg, before shaking the animal off. Having a bad feeling. He was so not going to live this down."Get off me potter. We better get home."He ordered flicking the animal playfully in the nose.
Harry chattered at Lucius, very pleased with being called cute as he clung to the man's belly, chittering in sounds that sounded very much like Harry's usual giggles, whining as he was shaken off, lifting his arms up into the air like a baby wanting to be picked up before abandoning Lucius as a lost cause and changed back into human form, smirking at the man. "i am cute aren't i?" he asked beaming happily as he took Belladonna's hand and vanishing, apparating them both back to Black Manor, yawning loudly. "mmm tired." he muttered leaning into Lupin who was right there to catch Harry as the boy practically collapsed, Sirius smiling at Belladonna. "please don't worry about Harry, he just hasn't been sleeping well, please follow me, i'll make you something to eat while your room is set up. after centuries of sleeping i bet your hungry."
Belladonna nodded as her stomach rumbled, looking at the brunette worriedly before smiling. Leaning over to press a kiss to Harry's forehead,"Sleep well,dreamer."she muttered watching lupin take harry to bed before looking at Sirius, following him into the kitchen looking around amazed at things."I had seen the world through other's dreams, but I had thought they were lying when they showed some of these things. But-this have changed so much."She said sounding amazed that humanity had managed to come so far in their ablities to do things.
Harry was breathing softly already, sleeping deeply, Lupin chuckling as he carried Harry off to bed and gently tucked him in. "good night my little red bear." he muttered softly. Sirius smiled as he led the way into the kitchen, grinning at her. "yeah, i guess things have changed a lot haven't they?" he asked his head tilted. "how long have you been asleep"? he asked his head tilted curiously as he started up the stove, making a large omelet, something simple and fast that she could eat almost right away, not wanting her to wait too long. Lupin came back in just as Sirius was sliding the eggs onto her plate, starting up the kettle for tea and coffee. "Harry's asleep, he'll probobly sleep for a long time, he's been up for almost a week now... where's Lucius anyway?"
"Probably recovering from the shock of calling harry cute."She said giggling, grinning as the man in question came in.Lucius rolled his eyes smiling as she started eating, glad to see she was relaxed enough around them to trust."Oh no, I was just checking on Narcissa. she was worried about harry."He said sitting down. Belladonna smiled a little before tilting her head, thinking as she tried to think."...Saber tooth tigers were still walking when I went to sleep.I...I don't know how long that's been. after awhile, the years and time lost their meaning beyond knowing I had slept for a long time."
Sirius looked amused. "harry IS cute! he's irresistibly cute! he's so cute you HAVE to spoil him!!!" "excuses excuses." Lupin complained affectionately. "he wanted to buy Harry a broom when Red Bear was THREE!" Lupin complained, Sirius laughing. "he was begging!" "he wanted the cotton candy you idiot." they both paused when they realized just how old the Dreamweaver was, and they both started making more food, determined to make her enough food to be satisfied after her very, very long sleep. "it's been at least a few million years." Sirius explained to Belladonna as he handed her a grilled cheese sandwich, Lupin working on a more filling stir fry with rice.
Belladonna smiled litsening to them talk about Belladonna before frowning a little as she looked at the sandwich, poking it with a finger before lucius showed her how to eat it. "You will be fine Belladonna Dreamweaver, Harry will help you."Lucius promised resting a hand over hers. "I know. It's...just been so long."Belladonna said quietly looking sadden at the realization that so much time had past without her consciously helping humanity.
Lupin smiled a little gently setting his hand on her shoulder. "it has not been so long to the world of fey." he admitted smiling a little. "you can easily make up for lost time, it won't be so bad with Harry helping you, he makes everything, even the worst of situations to seam that much be..." an ear piercing scream cut him off, a loud thud filling the upstairs and Sirius rushed up the stairs, Lupin sighing a little "Voldemort sent Harry another nightmare.. punishing him probobly for taking off with you." he explained to Belladonna. "don't worry, he'll be alright... this happens a lot..." but he was worried, anyone could tell because he kept looking up at the stairs where Sirius was comforting Harry, the sleepy boy finally wandering downstairs to snuggle into Lupin and mumble that he wanted hot chocolate, Lupin chuckling as he stroked Harry's poor head. the poor child was so exhausted.
The snarl that curled belladonnas lips was vicious and cruel, a look at the woman she was. She was such a fierce enemy, because she was a fierce protector and voldemort had crossed the line, crossed that dark shining line into belladonnas realm."I am not a child to be ordered about and demanded like a child. I am the dreamweaver, I am the poison all men devour." she snarled into the dark as she stood leaving the room, trailing shadows in her wake as she did what she hadn't done in a millinea. Dream walked through the realms of man and fae, found the death eaters, found those who followed the dark, and on the heels of a golden dream they had, belladonna filled it with a darkness as deep as the abyss. She was the reason men feared the dark. It was time they remembered it. She would leave no mistake to the dark lord and his followers that she was no ones toy and that she would not let them destroy her chosen dreamer. Quickly loosing control of things as her eyes shone like the night with stars filling them, not with starlight but the light of the abyss.
Harry blinked a little as he watched Belladonna leave, a small whimper falling from his lips, not of fear, but in empathy of the death eaters and Voldemort who where about to feel the wrath of a true nightmare. he closed his eyes as he yawned a little and settled down to sleep, reaching out to Belladonna, gently nudging his mind against her's with a small Red Panda chitter to let her know it was him. let them go Dreamweaver, they will not learn this way, and their lives are already nightmares from Voldemort. they fallow the dark because they know nothing else, it is not their fault. please, let them free and come back to me, i fear you might be lost if you don't come back."
Belladonnas Attention turned to him, for a moment showing the true nightmares before she frowned a little, the nightmare fading as she tried to remember why she did not want to scare this dreamer."You would sue for peaceful sleep for the very men trying to destroy you?"She asked tilting her head a little as she sank down onto the couch the expense of using so much power leaving her a little weak kneed and shaky.
Harry smiled at her as he stood up from the kitchen and joined her on the couch, snuggling into her as his dreamer self smiled at her. "yes, i would ask you to leave him alone. he will only turn around and give me even worse nightmares for it. it is the price i must pay for his sins." he shrugged. "it isn't fair, but part of his soul is inside of me, and i don't know that Voldemort isn't completely unaware of the nightmares he sends me." he admitted before kissing her cheek. "be at peace for now Ma paix dans la nuit." Harry muttered softly, grinning a little, glad that Draco had taught him french and wondering if bell understood what he said.

Translation: My peace in the night
Belladonna frowned thoughtfully at the words, while she had only learned mordern language through vague dreams, it was harder for her to understand the languages from lands away from where she'd slept."Sleep, dreamer. And all will be well."She muttered snuggling down into him as she rested her head on his shoulder.
he smiled and snuggled into her, closing his eyes, pleased that she did not understand what he had called her. he didn't want her to be insulted or something. he sighed softly as he settled into sleep, Sirius chuckling as he watched, happy that Belladonna was so willing to listen to Harry, that meant Harry could possibly control her if it came down to that. "their both asleep." he informed Lucius and Narcissa who where being served hot chocolate from Lupin who was shaking a little, setting the tray down. it was so close to the full moon that with the moon high over head he was getting antsy. "alright Moony, it's time for you to go to bed. here drink your potion." he ordered moving into the fridge and handing Lupin the smoking wolfsbane that Snape made for them every month. "you two should sleep as well." Sirius admitted helping Lupin to drink the potion before dragging him upstairs to go to bed.
The two malfoys smiled a little before heading upstairs to sleep. Content to just be together and try not to worry about what was going to come.

In the morning Belladonna walked downstairs, pausing as she studied the two blonds sitting at the table, starting to bristle to defend the sleepy brunette walking down behind her."Who are you?" Narcissa smiled, remembering what Lucius had said, to keep calm and easy, to not provoke the woman who had been asleep for so long that she'd probably forgotten how to be human."Belladonna I am lucius's wife Narcissa, and this is our son Draco." "Oh.Dragon...you dream of dragons and changes."She said frowning a little as she studied the youngest malfoy trying to figure out why the person in his dreams kept being able to change her face. Catching whisps of adream about tonks and his own slight ablity to change his features, but not enough to really understand.
Harry stumbled down after Belladonna, yawning a little as he rubbed his eyes, blinking at Draco. "morning Dray." he muttered sleepily, Draco chuckling a little. "finally got some sleep Harry? good you where looking dead there for a while." the blond teased looking at Belladonna curiously. "yes, i do..." he admitted running a hand through his platinum blond hair, turning it an emerald green. he wasn't as good at changing as his aunt was yet, but he was very clever and was quickly learning how to change his appearance thanks to Tonk's lessons. "i'm a Metamorphagi." Draco explained smiling at her. "my aunt has been teaching me." he admitted, Harry smirking a little as he dug in the fridge. "i suppose you want me to feed you Blondie?" "of course, why else would i bother coming here? certainly not to see the likes of you." "bullshit, i'm the only person willing to put up with you, admit it, you need me." "i need you like i need a crushed skull." Draco complained, a strange affectionate tone to both of their voices.
Belladonna watched the two curiously as she sat down, looking at harry to."I want food to."She said, the words coming out more as a question as if she wasn't sure if she was going to have to cook for herself. Narcissa smiled a little looking at the fae/human woman, knowing that the world had to be so confusing."Of course you can have some."Narcissa said already getting up to start to make alot of food, remembering how log she'd been asleep, she was going to feed her alot of things. "A crushed skull would be bad..."she said frowning confused at the teasing between the two.
Harry smiled at her and nodded. "yeah Belladonna, of course you can have food! we'll make lots." he promised before Draco laughed at her comment about the crushed skull being bad. "it's alright Bell, we don't really feel that way about each other, we're just play fighting. like cubs or pups do when their little." he promised Harry snorting. "it's more like a friendly rivalry between siblings, you know, always mocking each other and trying to out do the other, but inside they love each other very much and want to see everyone succeed?" he asked smiling a little as Draco made a small fake gag noise. "been practicing that have you potter?" "of course not, unlike you i'm just naturally gifted." Sirius laughed as he walked in, looking sleepy and amused. "at it already boys?" he asked, both boys smirking. "well, don't swear at least." "ass." "shit." "wanker." "dick." ".... why do i even try?" Sirius mused rolling his eyes.
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