
Amara smiled softly,closing his eyes as he drifted off to sleep.Glad to see that draco was finally allowing him to holdl him.Snuggling to just be there with him.Smiling he fell asleep.

"We'll fix him, I promise."belladonna muttered drifting off to sleep with a smile.

In the morning belladonna yawned as she wandered downstairs, raising a eyebrow at the sight of draco without amara with him.After last night she hadn't thought amara would let him out of his sight...thhough..sending a absent thought through the house she realized the elf had already left. Looking at draco worriedly she smiled slightly as she set about getting herself food."How do you feel this morning?"She asked looking worreid about his mental state.
he smiled at her and shook his head. "i don't know how i feel." he admitted hoarsely. "i'm... afraid." he admitted softly. "people hurt me... people always hurt me... they want me, for some reason or another they want me for something. because i'm rich, because i'm pretty, because of how popular i am or my social standing... i don't know what Amara wants from me... he must want something... everyone wants something... but what does he want? my powers? my body?.... i just ... can't figure it out..." he admitted lifting his cup of tea to his lips, sipping at it. "i haven't shared a bed with another person since i was four... it was... strange, awkward and uncomfortable and yet i... i liked it... Merlin save me i liked being all wrapped up in his arms..." he shook his head. "i can hardly stand to let Harry touch me, let alone hug me...." he admitted swallowing thickly. "all of this is... unnerving and... upsetting and i have no idea what to do about it..." he admitted softly, pouring himself another cup of tea and offering the teapot to Belladonna, wondering if she wanted some.
Belladonna smiled slightly as she sat down to eat her ceral, studying him, taking the cup of tea when he offered it."Amara wants you,because you are unattainable. At least he thinks."she said smiling slightly."He liked you because of the wild magic,but I he's grown to care about you."She said having easedropped on the man's thougts she was very sure on what the elf king thought.Looking at draco she paused before reaching out, resting her hand on his."Don't do anything you are not comfortable with. Amara has eternity to wait, I say make him work for your affections."She said not about to tell him that amara was already doing a good job winning him over since he got the flowers, and was helping draco with the ucre,and whateve else the man needed
he shook his head. "i'm anything but unattainable.." Draco muttered softly. "i'm just cautious..." he admitted with a small shake of his head. "...so it's ok if i'm scared of what i feel for him?" he asked softly. "it doesn't make me a prude or something?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly as he looked down into his tea. "i can't know what he feels for me, and that more than anything scares me... i could just be a pawn to him and if i love him, and he throws me away... i won't survive." he admitted softly. "i barley survived it when Blaise dumped me... i know i deserved it but..." "you did not!" Harry spat suddenly as he came down the stairs, glaring at Draco. "he was a bastard and a whore Draco, you didn't put out so he got bored and that's no shame on you!" Draco just flushed red and shook his head. "look Draco..." Harry sighed and shook his head. "i'll make you something special hows that? maybe some cheesecake?" Draco brightened and nodded. "yes please."
"It's always okay to be what your feeling."She said looking at him."I can dreamwalk draco, and even accidently walking to him, I can tell he cares for you. Not because you are powerful or rich or anything....he's attracted to you. It might be a touch of magic, elves love wild magic, but its more because he wants you."She growled at his words, responding to harry's anger for a man that she'd never met. That touch of chaotic rage filled her eyes, just enough to fill her eyes with the darkness of the stars.Swallowing hard before she smiled softly, looking at harry."I want some cheesecake to."She said smiling a little, fighting for control, fighting to not take that step between and find this blaise.He'd hurt someone she cared for, and that deserved a death sentence.
Draco shook his head a little and smiled a bit. it was reassuring to know that the other man really did want him, not just because of power or anything but because Draco was Draco. Harry set his hand on her's, calming her as best as he could and offering her a small smile. "sure, cheesecake for all of us." he agreed looking a little worried about all of their sanity. "... when do you think Amara will be back? i need to see what a moonflower petal will do to a werewolf..." Draco admitted, deciding that focusing on work was best, that he needed to do that. "i don't know, he'll need to find some volunteers first." Harry admitted. "finding someone to risk their life is a lot harder than you'd expect." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i know." he admitted shaking his head. "i hate doing it this way, but there's no other choice, without plenty of test subjects, there's no way to find a cure." he admitted sighing a little as Harry started whipping up a batch of Lupin's cheesecake. Harry's was a little... less, somehow but it was still good.
Belladonna smiled a little as she tried to stay calm, leaning into harry's touch for a moment. She wasn't calm, but she could fake it until she couldn't."He should be back soon.It matters if any of the shifters were at the palace or not."Belladonna said looking amused that draco seemed to be missing amara."Its not that they wont want to risk their lives, its more that the shifters are rare enough now, that he'll have to find the perfect test subjects, because he wont want things to go wrong."belladonna said. "Missing me?"Amara said smiling as he walked in, looking amused as the two wolves followed after him,"This is Cristo.And Sampson."he said stroking a hand down the wolves back, looking at draco."They prefer traveling in wolf form."He said looking nervous, and not about to admit that the two were so scared of the outside world that they prefered a form that they were dangerous in. Because that would make draco feel bad for making them leave, even if the two had volunteered to come.
Harry smiled, opening himself to her, taking her rage into himself, Harry was much better at handling rage than she was, than anyone was. he spent most of his life in a fury. Draco nodded, drinking tea, snapping up his cold and aloof mask as soon as Amara walked in, his head tilted. "miss you? why in the world would i miss you? your just here for menial labor." he stated simply as he drained his tea and stood up, examining the wolves carefully. "it is a pleasure to meet the both of you, have you been taking anything to control your transformations or are you in control enough to go natural?" he asked, he needed to know to make sure that none of his potions interacted with anything they might have taken. "thank you for being here... the next few weeks might be difficult and frightening i know... but you two could help save a great man li..." he paused as he heard a violent snarl and he winced, Harry leaping to his feel. "Bella, Amara, Wolves, outside! now!" Harry demanded, leaving no room for argument as Draco turned and started ushering them out the door. "Lupin is having a... moment." he explained to Belladara. "he's going to be in the basement all day again..." he admitted looking worried as the sounds of snarls and smashes ran through the house. a typical mad werewolf, sometimes Lupin just woke up a furious wolf for no reason, he'd never bitten anyone yet, but neither Harry nor Sirius took chances. they where carefully luring Lupin into the 'cage' in the basement, harry being the bait. he was too quick for Lupin to catch, but it made Draco nervous. "that was our resident Werewolf." Draco explained to the two wolves. "he's... going mad." he knew they would understand what that meant, it was every werewolfs greatest fear... because it always happened no matter what you did. potions, no potions, in the end you went mad.
Amara pouted a little at that, "Aww,but you slept with me last night."Amara said pouting as he teased the man. Smiling a little as the wolves changed back, the two elves both tll and blond as they stood, actually looking a little like malfoys, saying somewhere in their backgrounds they shared a ancestor, "We haven't been taking anything."Cristo said slowly, carefully. Because english wasn't his native language, he had to speak slowly so he would understand what was being said. Sampson titled his head before he looked up looking up at the stairs. "Do you need help?"Sampson offered but letting belladonna and amara herd them both outside. Both wolves shivered, swallowing hard as they considered that, "...that is a fate worse then death.We are to help him?"Cristo asked, shuddering. Because their forms might not be a infection but a infliction on the blood, yet they both could be driven insane by it, it just took longer to afect elves because they were lived so long, it was a slow progression of madness.
Draco snorted. "i was half asleep and frightened." he stated simply. "i thought you where Lupin." he stated simply before smiling at the elves, looking curious about that. "interesting... elves can change back and forth at will? Lupin can't do that..." he admitted. "he's only half elf... i wonder why he can't control it.." "probobly because he never thought about trying." Lucius admitted, having run out the back with Narcissa. "i didn't even realize that the elves could transform at will..." he admitted before shaking his head. "no, if you help Lupin will only grow afraid, right now he's just... venting. he'll go in the basement cell like he always does and rant himself out. no harm done but if strangers go in he will defend himself, whether you attacked him or not, someone would get hurt badly." he admitted speaking slow so Cristo could understand him. "he is why i am working on a cure, yes." Draco admitted his eyes sad as he head the smashing sounds go dull. "it will be safe in a minute or two." he admitted looking at the wolves. "please understand, i am not trying to cure you of your wolf... there is no way that can be done... i am trying to cure the disease... the part that drives you made and forces you to change against your will." he admitted as Sirius and Harry both came out. Sirius had claw marks down his chest. "don't worry, he scratched me in my animal form, i'm not infected." Sirius promised Draco relaxing and nodding. "lets all go back inside, i'll make lunch." Sirius promised.
Sampson tilted his head, listening closely, before swallowing."We can change at will, because its in the blood. We weren't infected by a bite, we were born with the infection.He might try to control it,but we learned in the cradle we were dangerous to the people around us."he said shrugging a little. Cristo looked worried but didn't move to go help,shaking his head a little."We know we will never be rid of the wolf. It has grown to...deep into our blood. To seperate the wolf, is to kill us."Cristo said slowly, and unsure because it was only a theory that the elves had thought would happen should one of the werewolves be denied access to a form that had been theirs since birth. "Lunch sounds grand.And draco can tell the guys about his potion."Belladonna said, to perky for the moment,but she was trying to be upbeat and happy, to not let the worry about what lupin would do if they didn't find a cure drive her insane.
Draco pondered that and then nodded. "that makes more sense." he agreed smiling a little at the others. "i know it is a painful thing... but i think i may have a way to make it less painful... i will show you in a moment." he admitted softly as he led everyone inside, Sirius heading inside as Draco smiled at them. "i will show you something, i do not know how it will affect you, but it is something that we have never before had. it might be the key to solving the madness." he admitted heading upstairs while Harry went upstairs and roused Fenrir, who had taken to sleeping in the same bed as Sirius and Lupin. he brought Fen back downstairs the wolf whining unhappily that he was tired until he saw the moon rose, darting for it and burying his nose in it, rubbing gently against it like a cat and whining like a wolf when Draco lifted it out of reach. "Fenrir is a submissive wolf." Draco explained. "but Lupin, a dominant crazy wolf reacts the same way to this particular flower." he admitted examining the two elvish boys. "how do you feel? in control still?" he asked, wondering if it would affect born wolves the same as changed wolves. Sirius was watching, interested, fascinated. "if we dropped a petal into the cell?.." "he might eat it and i don't know what affect that will have on him mixing with the wolfsbane potion... the flower does nothing to Fenrir's blood, he hasn't been taking the potion but when i tried lupins blood it practically exploded, a reaction to the wolfsbane." "... right, lupin's not getting the flower..." Sirius agreed shaking his head.
Both wolves smiled as he explained, letting them lead them inside. "Wht is this thing?" "A flower."Amara said smiling slightly amused. NOt abut to ruin the surprise of what the flower was. "...thats a moonflower."Cristo said frowning at his king, wondering what amara was doin giving out traditional courting gifts to a human. "yes it is."Amara said ignoring the look. But when both wolves saw it they responded, changing so they could do what fenrir did, whining softly as they rubbed against draco's legs, trying to get him to bring it back down.Belladonna laughed softly."It seems they're in control,but want the damned flower."she said looking at the flower,"They're not going as wild over it,but they want it." "Not until we can figure out how to clean his blood."Amara said smiling slightly, before sighing."Lets get them outside, and I'll make them each flowers, they might change back if they can each have their own flower.'"
Draco chuckled a little looking amused. "yes it is a moonflower, damn if you know what it is then it mean's others have made it, and here i thought i was getting something special." he complained grinning as Fenrir whined and looked up at him with those big ol puppy eyes, Draco snorting. "your barking up the wrong tree pup. it's mine, i need it." he stated simply before shaking his head at Amara. "no. i need to see something." he ordered simply as he plucked a single petal off the rose and held it up. "i want one of you to eat th..." he paused as Fenrir's mouth closed over his entire hand and started sucking, not biting, just sucking, Draco's eye twitching madly before he grabbed a newspaper and smacked Fenrir over the head. "no! Bad Fenrir No!" he growled, Fenrir whining as he backed away, the petal gone, swallowed, Draco racing for the sink, dropping the flower in his effort to remove the germs, washing his hands furiously in the sink, muttering hatefully in french. it looked like Fenrir was not having any ill effect at all from eating the moonflower, except that he was a little more affectionate as he nuzzled Amara's hand, whining, upset that he had made Draco angry.
"No_Only our kings, and only in legends."Cristo said smirking a little. "It is said that it only forms to those truly in love."Sampson added looking amused. Cristo growled softly as he pounced on the flower, ripping it to shreds to eat it, laying on the ground as he ate the flower."Its okay.He's not mad.Just upset."Amara said rubbing fenrir's ears, smiling a little amused as his love tried to get rid of the germs. "Draco!Cristo ate your flower!"Amara yelled jsut to see what he'd do, amused as sampson crowded his legs whining because he hadn't gotten a flower.
Draco frowned a little looking a little unnerved by that information but had no time to comment, he was too busy washing away the germs. Fenrir whined a little as he nuzzled Amara, glad that Draco wasn't angry at him, wagging his tail happily as Draco turned and scowled at Cristo. "Cristo! your not supposed to eat the whole thing! dammit!" he stomped his foot on the ground, crossed his arms, and sulked Sirius laughing as he watched all of this, watching Cristo intently for any strange reactions. "Draco... nothing's happening to Cristo.." "... try to change back." Draco ordered Cristo, studying the man. he he couldn't change back, well that was a problem, if he could change back, then Draco may very well have the key he needed.
Cristo wagged his tail buncing up to his feet, the flower seemingly made the quiet wolf loving. Crowding against draco's side he cuddled draco before shifting back, leaning his head against draco's thigh."I feel....content. Happy.But not...bad."he said looking up at her, smiling slightly as he looked at him. Sampson frowned a little."I want a flower.You need to see everyone to understand whats going on."He said pouting a little because he hadn't gotten a taste of the flower.
Draco smiled a little as he ran his hands through Cristo's hair, something about werewolves just made him feel like touching them. his Wild Magic reacted to theirs he figured, though he had no proof. it would have the added affect of making Amara jealous. "Sampson, you can't have a flower, Cristo wasn't even supposed to have the damn flower." he grumbled. "your lucky it didn't hurt you Cristo, you should have more sense than that, Lycanthrope blood is very reactive, that would you do if your blood started to boil?" he scolded firmly, he sounded like a worried father, it was kind of cute. "but, since Cristo got the flower, then Sampson can have the first potion, how's that?" he asked smiling a little. "and the biggest piece of cheesecake." he decided with a small chuckle as he turned to Amara, warmth shining in his eyes, the warmth of a werewolf, reacting tot he strong wolf magic in the room as all Wild Mages did. Draco could probobly turn werewolf if he tried hard enough.
Amara grumbled but didn't complain about them touching."But its not doing anything to him."the king pointed out sincering at the wolf who looked apporiately abashed for eating the flower, swallowing his laughter at draco's worry, not about to tell him it was cute. Sampson grinned nodding happily."That's good. And cheesecake?What is cheesecake?" Amara smirked a little at sampson's question, leaning over to kiss draco softly,"So lovely. Now. we better go inside before it starts raining."He said looking at the sky that was darkening with clouds,"Besides. We have to show them what cheesecake is."
Draco glared at Amara. "that is not the point Elf." he growled. "the point is, is that he COULD have been hurt!" he growled. "your a terrible father figure!" he complained sniffing at Amara before grinning at Sampson. "it's heaven Sampson, it's heaven." he admitted with a small laugh as he led the other inside before freezing as he was kissed, snarling as he sank his teeth into the man's lip, looking properly furious. "don't... ever... kiss... me." he snarled before turning on his heal and stalking into the house, Fenrir blinking a little before looking at Amara. "... your bleeding." he commented, the others lip was bleeding where Draco had bit him. Draco led the two werewolves into the house and Harry gave them large slices of cheesecake, having heard that they didn't know what it was. "Draco, you really shouldn't bite the Elf King." Harry pointed out, Draco growling at Harry as he stormed up the stair and slammed the door shut, locking himself in.
"Its a good thing I'm not a father isn't it?"Amara said swallowing his laughter because it amused him that draco seemed so upset that he hadn't been worried. "heaven?Heaven is heaven, not a cheese...cake."Sampson said sounding so onfused. Amara whined nearly falling as he looked after draco, gently touching his lip."Damn."He sighed wiping it away. Belladonna smirked a little as she watched draco leave, before the wolves started digging into their cheesecake with happy littlegrowls. "You'd think after sleeping with him last night he wouldn't be disturbed from a kiss."Belladonna said looking interested and worried about her friend.
Draco scowled at Amara. "hopefully you never will be." a shame that, because Draco wanted children, lots of them, as many as he could physically handle. "it's a figure of speech Sampson." Draco explained smiling a little. "it means it's the best thing you will ever have in my personal opinion." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head and then had his little freak out on Amara. Lucius just chuckled. "Draco was upset last night, he isn't now. plus he has germ issues and the mouth has the most germs a human can carry...." he hesitated then. "and the last person who ever kissed him drugged him with the strongest legal love potion allowed." he admitted simply. "he followed her for three days before someone gave him the antidote. he's never trusted a person's lips after that." Lucius admitted sipping at his coffee as he watched the wolves mowing down on their cheesecake.
Amara made a face at him, looking curious thoug. Sampson smiled slightly, blushing."Oh... well then."He muttered heading insde. Blushing about not having known the phrase. It was interesting to talk to people who lived centuries, because they didn't always understand slang. Belladonna snickered a little,"Poor germaphobic draco.Wonder if I could give him germ repellant...lip gloss?"Belladonna said slowly, as if testing the idea, as if she wasn't sure what it was. "Thats saddening."Belladonna said looking upset at the idea of someone abusing draco's trust like that, and it was only through sheer force of will to not respond angerly."Who was this person?"Amara asked, looking to curious about the answer for anyone's good
Harry chuckled a little. "he's wear lip gloss if he thought it would keep the germs away, he really would." he admitted with another laugh before smiling darkly. "who did it has been accurately punished." he promised simply. "Pansy hasn't gone near Draco ever since i finished with her." he admitted, very pleased with himself. "hasn't even looked at him." he purred before pausing, his head tilted as Sirius looked at the floor. "..Lupin's finished his temper tantrum." Sirius admitted heading downstairs to check on his lover, Harry watching the door to the basement intently before smiling, relieved as Lupin came upstairs with Sirius, pale and weak but alive and perfectly fine. "cheesecake papa?" Harry offered handing Lupin an entire tin, Lupin laughing a little as he kissed his son's forehead. "thank you Harry that's sweet of you." he looked at the two new wolves and nodded to them. "sorry if i gave you a fright... i'm not myself these days."
Belladonna smiled a little."I'll have to ask amara to work on the lipgloss.He seems to be smarter then me."She said sadly, because she was young enough, or well...old enough that the fey hadn't developed potions until she was older, so she couldn't do alot of simple things most people could do."Hey!why's he get the tin?"Belladonna sulked, snickering as amara leaned over to steal a bite of cheesecake. "Its okay. Draco gave us a fright when we ate his flower."Cristo said slowly, his lilting accent sounding amused, even though he looked at the other werewolf worried.
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