
Harry blinked a little looking confused before blinking as Xaneth shook his head, looking horrified. to be trapped in sleep for millennium was a fate almost worse than death for a Dream Spinner, trapped in nightmares and darkness... "no! no sweetie!" he protested pulling her tight into his arms and hugging her. "no i would NEVER leave you..." he whispered. "i love you so much my darling..." "there is a way to be certain." Harry admitted simply, staring at Xane. "a few ways actually... one way is we can give you veritisium, the strongest Truth Potion we have at our disposal. or, we can put you to sleep, and Belladonna can reach into your memories, and find the truth." "Xane nodded. "i am willing to do both." he promised gently stroking his daughters hair.

Draco groaned a little an shook his head. "poor Sampson..." he muttered. "he must be trying to keep an eye on Harry and Bell right?" he asked smirking as he glanced at his watch. "Ten Galleon's says he's spent at LEAST, the last ten minutes looking for them." he muttered shaking his head as he laid back down, yawning a little. "mmm we should get up... the twins are coming over later tonight to help Harry." he admitted sluggishly. "for some ungodly reason Lupin won't attack them... which is really weird." he admitted nuzzling Amara's neck. "how are you feeling Amant?" he asked blinking at Armand, too asleep to really realized that he had called the other 'lover'. if Armand was smart, he wouldn't comment on it.
Belladonna whimepred softly as she pressed her face against Xane's chest, crying softly as she relaxed, the tears slowing as she clung to her father."No...no lets ust go home. I want to go home papa."She muttered shifting to reach out wrapping her arm around harry to,holding them close as she sighed softly, feeling her father and her almost lover together, she just wanted to relax."You're coming with us?"She asked looking up at him,smiling slightly as they apparated home.

"Probably."Cristo said looking amused at the idea because it would be like harry and belladonna to just disappear out of the huse. Grinning as he left the other two alone. Amara whined softly, annoyed at being woken up,"I don't care."he whined, "Let harry deal with it. I dont want to get up."He grumbled before smiling grinning as he looked at him, smirking slightly as he translated the word,but he was smart enough to not say anything."WEll, I feel good. Just tired.But you're right, we should be getting up and going."He said stretching a little.
Xane smiled a little as he nodded. "of course i'm coming with you... i have to protect you." he muttered softly, Harry smiling as he apparated them both, looking at Xane curiously as the man looked around the house, looking startled. "...there are muggle thing in the house..." he muttered, astonished and Harry started to snicker. "yes, yes there are." he admitted Xane looking curiously at an unmoving picture of Harry Lupin and Sirius sitting on the counter. "how odd! look Bell it doesn't move!" Harry laughed and shook his head as he moved over to the fridge and opened it, Xaneth gasping in astonishment. "why! it lights up! and it's COLD!!!" Harry snickered a little as he looked at Belladonna. "... why is he freaking out like this?" he asked lifting an eyebrow a little. "you didn't freak out like this..." "belladonna saw the world through others dreams." Xaneth explained. "she probably understands how the world works, even if she doesn't honestly remember most of the dreams..." he admitted blinking at them. "i've been completely cut off, even from dreams... in a way that was easier... i didn't have to miss anything while visiting other people in their dreams."

Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head a little as he kissed the others neck gently, smiling a little as he shook his head. "Harry's gone remember? besides the twins are going to freak out when they see all the werewolves that Harry's collected." he admitted chuckling a little. "their afraid of werewolves, except for Lupin, not that i can honestly blame them." he admitted as he yawned getting up and pulling his hair into straightness with careful fingers. "i'll make Harry make us something to eat, he's back... wherever the hell he went. hopefully he's not hurt this time." he muttered rolling his eyes.
Bellaonna giggled a little as she watched her papa move through the house."I could put you in there papa. You always liked the cold."she teased before looking at harry, nodding a little."The world was more a dream to me, something I could see even if I didn't know what I was seeing,"She said grinning as she watched her father look around before sighing, "It was... interesting. Not really painful still dream walking, because I wasn't really aware until I really woke that I was seeing a world a million years later."He said smiling as she looked around."WE should all get some rest though.It's been a busy morning already."She said grinning at the two.

Amara groaned at that, whining because he didn't want to get up,but he was going to now that draco reminded him about the wolves."Harry didn't collect them. You collected them.YOu're the one who wants to feed them flowers."He chuckled looking amused, "Besides, the brothers aren't dangerous. Well ,no more then any other elf is. They're sane, at least for a few more hundred years."He said smiling as he watched draco pull his hair straght, getting up slowly."Hopefully not.Though if he was hurt, I'm sure bell'd be up here howling in demand that we take care of him."He said smiling slightly as he headed towards the door slowly, carefully.
Xaneth smiled at her as he nodded. "i love the cold." he agreed chuckling a little. "but i'm a little too tall to fit in there." hell, the poor ancient Dream Weaver had to duck to get through the doorways. he was tall, but slender, like a whip, and just as dangerous as one. "i am glad that you where not harmed while sleeping." he admitted looking relieved. "it would have been very painful for me to walk the dreams of men..." he admitted smiling a little as he watched Harry shake his head. "i can't sleep, i have to wait for the twins... their... different, and will react...er... badly to the werewolves..." he admitted shaking his head. "you go sleep, cuddle with your papa." he ordered kissing her forehead. "i'll wake you for lunch with a breakfast in bed." he promised smiling at her. "i'll make you something special." he decided happily.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "yeah but the twins won't beleive that, not right away anyway." he admitted with a small chuckle as he shook his head. "and it doesn't matter if their dangerous or not, they are still predators, and the twins are very much prey." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and she'd only be up here if she knew he was hurt, he has an annoying habit of not telling anyone he's in pain until he's either healed, or getting worse. if he can hide it, he does." he admitted smirking as he spotted Sampson. "Harry's back, he's in the kitchen you can stop panicking now." he teased snickering a little.
"Sarsen robbed me of the ablitiy to truly be awake while sleeping. I wasn't...really aware of things."She said smiling a little looking at the man she looked "Oh.Well...come get us if you need help."She said smiling as she wrapped her arms around her papa, grinning at her lover, leaning over to kiss him gently."Love you."She muttered hugging him tightly, nuzzling his neck."And I didn't forget your birthday.We'll celebrate when we get up."He said nuzzling him before grabbing xane's arm, dragging him upstairs like she'd done as a child. Dragging him and pouncing on him to put him in bed, cuddling her papa as she rested her head on his chest, falling asleep cuddling against him like she was still a child, and not a dreamweaver everyone feared would become the next evil to be feared. in that moment, she was a child again.

Amara ywne rubbing a hand over his face, smiling a little."Oh.Well, the boys wont attack.. at least not once they know the rules."He said already walking down the stairs to make sure his elven wolves knew that anyone in the house was not to be attacked unless they attacked first."Well, we'll just have to make sure he's oaky." "Thanks. I'm gonna injure the brat for disappearing."Samspon growled annoyed as he walked into the kitchen, cristo tilting his head as they followed the others in."Well, where did you two wander off to?"The brother asked looking eager to see what harry had been doing.
Harry smiled at her as Xaneth smiled at both of them, very pleased that the two where so deeply in love. harry smiled as he kissed her eagerly, running his fingers through her hair, laughing as she dragged Xaneth up the stairs, the man smacking his head on the doorway, having to take a moment to untangle his horns from the wood before joining her in bed with a small chuckle as he stroked her hair as she slept, just as he had done as she was a child, singing her favorite lullaby in the ancient elvish, so old no one knew it anymore.

Draco smiled a little and nodded as he shook his head. "make sure they know the rules then, Harry won't hesitate to hurt them to keep the twins safe." he admitted simply as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail, humming a little as he smirked at Sampson. "don't blame Harry, usually when he vanishes it's for a good reason." he admitted. "it's Father's fault for not warning you first." he admitted shaking his head as Harry smirked at them. "we went to... fetch someone." he admitted simply, his eyes gleaming in delight. "the Dream Weaver." the twins and Draco wouldn't know what he was talking about, but Amara would. the last Elf king, Amara's Grandfather, had been very, very good freinds with Xaneth, and had the great honor of helping form the nightmares in which the very wicked where punished. "Sampson! Cristo!" he stated suddenly. "i have some freinds coming over, their going to smell really good, your probobly going to want to try and hunt them, but if you even growl at them, i will NEUTER you!" he warned, smiling pleasantly at them, but there was no doubt he meant the threat.
Sampson sulked, "Yes it is. He should have told us. Your father is a very stubborn bastard, who should have told us this."He said smirking a little."You two, no attacking anyone in this house."Amara warned looking at the two wolves before looking startled at hrry's words, turning to look at the other."...Xaneth?is that why Belladonna's not down here?She's tucking him in bed somewhere,demanding a cuddle?"He said sounding amused, because there was a mixed legend of the relationship between them all, it was so old that no one was sure anymore except belladonna xaneth and sarsen, and now well harry, whether they'd been father and daughter or lovers.Looking shocked and amused, because he was interested in seeing what would happen now that the man was back.Both wolves startled, sapping to attention as they looked at the alpha male, not because he was a wolf,but he was powerful, and he was belladonna's lover, belladonna darkwalker, belladonna who walked between dark and dawn, oh yes, they didn't want to give harry a reason to be pissed at them, because if he turned on them, belladonna would."We'll be good."Sampson whined softly sounding like a young pup wanting to reassure the other.
Draco chuckled a little. "he's so exaughsted he probobly didn't even think about it. when he gets tired all he can think about is that he needs to check on them, not why. and don't forget, you did MAKE him go to sleep." he teased chuckling a little. "i can't remember the last time someone was able to do that." he admitted, sounding pleased as he grinned at Harry who chuckled and nodded. "yes, Xaneth is here, he was trapped in this glowing glass ball..." "it' a dream orb Harry, it's where Xaneth stored the dreams he made." Draco stated suddenly, remembering an old tale. Draco loved history almost as much as he loved gardening and potions. "and yes she is upstairs sleeping with Xaneth." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head and gently stroked Sampson's hair. "it's alright, i know you'll be good, but the warning is a good incentive to keep your instincts in check." he admitted grinning at the man before shaking his head as two loud CRACKS filled the air and two happy red heads pounced on Harry, knocking him to the ground with happy laughs, so relieved to be forgiven. for a moment it was not clear why Harry had been worried, and then the air kicked on and their scent wrapped around the room. they smelled like sweet meat, their hearts fluttered so loud you could hear it, the quick beating of a prey animal. they smelled of feathers, of blood, of...prey...

Swanmanes.... they where swanmanes... such creatures where rare, so rare, because a Swanmane was not created by being bitten or scratched, no, you where either born a Swanmane, or where cursed into one, and being cursed took months, even years of work before someone could curse someone into being a swan. the twins had been born as Swanmanes, sharing their mother, Molly Weasley's gift, or curse depending on your view. Swanmanes where always in perfect control of themselves, they could always control when they changed and when they didn't, even on the full moons, but they had no beast man forms, only Swan forms, and the curse went deeper, rendering all males infertile and incapable of fathering children. the women where gifted, or cursed, with amazing fertility, thus the seven children. there where other gifts and curses going with it, but not much else was known, as Swanmanes where very secretive. the twins suddenly froze as they noticed the Twin Wolves staring at them and they stood slowly, their eyes bright and black like a swan's as they studied the wolves, tense, ready to run at a moments notice, but knew better than to, well aware that the movement would attract an attack. "it's alright guys, their freinds... they won't hurt you." "...they won't try to." Fred corrected Harry shrugging a shoulder. "their not like Lupin... or Fenrir..." "f...Fenrir is here too?" George managed to ask, his voice high in terror and Harry nodded a little. "it's alright, no ones going to hurt you, i promise, i'll protect you." they glanced at Harry, hesitated, and then slowly began to relax, hesitant, but willing to trust Harry.
"We had to hold him down.tired, he's not stronger then two full grown werewolves."Sampson said looking amused before tilting his head. Amara sinckered a little, looking amused at draco's words, because it was so adorable to see him so excited over something besides his garden and potions. It was a moment before sampson and cristo responded to the scent, heads snapping up as they sniffed the air, shaking their head to clear it. The scent was keeping them from thinking clearly even if they were staying where they were sitting. They knew their king well enough, Amara wouldn't hesitate to break them apart if it even seemed like they were going to attack them."Swans?"Sampson muttered after a choked moment, sniffing the air, in a very inhuman like action,but had belladonna been there she probably would have done the same, not because she could actually smell them,but because she could sense the...otherness in them in the air and she woould have wanted to be closer.

"FEnrir's staying with belladonna.She carries the moon with her, he wont attack you."Samspon said after a moment grinning before he looked at his king, and amara's stomach tightened knowing that he wasn't going to like what the man said next, but not about to stop him from saying it because it seemed to amuse the man so much."Besides, Amara's making draco moon flowers as gifts, both fenrir and lupin are following after him." "They are not." "True. But only because they follow Bell's, who does make them balls of moonlight to chase." Cristo said snickering."And they know you're more interested in making draco flowers then helping us." "I am not. I'd help if I could." "Only because draco's asking you to." Amara frowned looking annoyed at having his morals questioned, because while he didn't try to help, because he couldn't do more then make it worse for the wolves, so he'd just helped them keep their sanity without trying to help the curse."Stop it you two."The king scowled looking annoyed as he looked at the two wolves. But it had its desired affect the two wolves shifted cuddling against their king because they knew the man tried his best.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "he must not even have thought about blasting you with magic." he muttered smiling a little as he shook his head a little before tensing as he watched the twin wolves react to the twin swans, his hand curling a little, more than ready to unleash Wild Magic to detain them as the Twins crouched, looking for all the world like they where going to take flight at any moment, looking terrified. the twins both nodded at the question, swallowing thickly. "born this way, from our mums side..." they explained their eyes watching cautiously before relaxing as they stopped acting like they where going on the hunt. they both turned an stared at Amara, looking shocked, paling so badly it looked like they'd pass out. "B..Belladonna... t..the Dreamspinner!! the Darkwalker!?" Harry growled at them suddenly and they winced, cringing away from Harry.

"Belladonna is my Lover, my Mate and i will have no bad words about her." he growled the twins eyes widening to comical proportions, their pupils dilating and contracting like a frightened birds, swallowing thickly as they nodded. Harry chuckled as he watched Amara getting teased by the Wolf twins, letting the red heads recover from their shock as he snickered at Amara. "Amara, your just not qualified to help find a cure for the curse that's all. you help the best way you can, by helping Draco. if you so happen to be in love with him all the better." the twins sputtered in astonishment and a wicked grin spread across his lips. "someone fell in love with that git!?" "seriously!?" "your name is Amara? are you MAD!?" "Draco can't love anyone!" "he's an ice-cold... brat!!!!" Harry laughed a little at the teasing tone the twins had adopted as they hugged Amara, pretending to be sad as they chorused. "we are SO sorry." "oh knock it off you two." Harry demanded, swatting George over the head, the boy just laughing as they both released Amara Draco rolling his eyes, well used to their teasing.

"Amant, make me food." Draco ordered the Twins going very still in shock as Draco addressed Amara in that way, still seemingly unaware of what he was saying. the twins and Harry said nothing, they knew better, they where just shocked that Draco was actually falling for Amara. "hey, Amara, mind if we have a word with you?" the twins asked grabbing his arms and hauling him off, not allowing him any response, Draco lifting an eyebrow. "... are they giving my stalker 'the Talk?'...." he asked looking at Harry who snickered and nodded. the twins did give Amara a very unusual speech, one of those 'you don't hurt him we don't hurt you' kind of speeches that showed just how protective over Draco that they where. they warned Amara to treat him right, and told him that if he was just playing with Draco he better stop or he'd wish he'd never been born, then wished him luck taming the little bitch and let him return to making Draco breakfast while they examined the newest additions to Sirius's once dead garden.
Amara smirked slightly, turning his head to hide behind drao, so the twins couldn't see him laughing at them."That's not nearly the worst of what people call her harry."He said snickering a little looking amused as he pressed his face against draco's shoulder to keep from laughing.A soft growl sounded as sampson and cristo reacted to the fright, but made no other move to turn on them. They were above their emotions, above the petty concerns....at least that's what they told themselves as they focused on what the others were teasing amara about. "Oh yes.Amara is in love. Or at least in serious lust." "...shut up you two!" "He's made moonflowers, that are a courting gift. It is a very serious thing." "...do you two have anything other to do."Amara whined annoyed at being teased, smiling slightly as he as hugged, grinning as he looked at draco relaxing when he realized that draco was okay with the teasing.

Amara whined looking at him,"Fine fine."He grumbled annoyed at having to make food. Yelping as he was dragged off, he looked a little mussed as he came back, looking amused as he looked at draco, leaning down to press a kiss to draco's forehead as he set back to making food."I think I'd rather deal with bell then those two." "Why?" "Bell'd just drive me insane, those two would make sure I'm tortured." "I'm going outside."Cristo grinned already heading out after the twins so he could show them the courting gifts of the elven courts, knowing he was going to make them laugh at the idea of amara making draco flowers out of riddiculous things just so that he could get close to the wild magican he wanted to snuggle
Harry huffed darkly. "and i'll kill anyone who dares call her such things." he stated glaring at Amara. "so watch your tongue." he ordered with a sniff before smirking at the Wolf twins as the Swan twins snickered happily as they watched Draco's suspicious face, clearly wondering if the moonflowers really where a courting gift. "but i told him to make me moonflowers.... so it doesn't count..." he decided nodding a little, his deciding that he had made Amara make him the moonflowers meant that they weren't really courting gifts and that meant he could be ok with it. he shook his head as the twins dragged him off, well aware that they where threatening the man he loved, but instead of being annoyed, he was flattered. it wasn't often that the twins stood up for someone like that. they where very protective of the people they loved, but had little concern for anyone else... it meant that he was loved by the twins, and that made him feel safe. he chuckled as he shook his head as he watched Amara come back in, looking ruffled as he nodded. "just never break my heart Amant, and i think they will never have a reason to harm you." Draco teased.

the twins where outside, looking at the water flowers with their heads tilted. George had stripped off his shirt, revealing his body to the wolf twins, in a way it was a tease. he was firm, well muscled and pale. but more than that, with his chest to them, they could see the line of feathers that trailed down from his belly button. like the line of hair that many men had that led from belly button to pubes, only his was the softest feathers, smooth as silk and as soft as cream, as white as a lilly... it made you wonder how far down those feathers went. he turned to listen to his brother, revealing his back, two large tufts of feathers on each shoulder, as if wings where starting to grow there, and a line of feathers trailed from the base of his neck down his spine to be hidden by pants yet again. Fred still had his shirt on, and that was part of the tease too, did Fred have the same pattern of feathers, was he as well muscled, as handsome as his brother? they where flirting in such a subtle manner, that only harry knew for certain what they where doing. "Amara's smitten, and Draco's starting to realize it..." Fred muttered, stroking one of the water flower petals, his eyes worried. "Amara is the king of elves... will Draco go with him to the Elf kingdoms?" "Draco would never leave here... he needs Harry and his parents... he needs Lupin and Sirius to function, you know what Voldemort did to him... he could never leave..." they where not aware that the Wolf Twins had come outside, or they never would have been talking about such things.
Cristo snickered at draco's words,finding it amusing that the man seemed unwilling to accept a courting gift as a courting gift, even if he had asked for it. Smiling as he watched the twins leave with amara, he found it amusing that the king of elves was just willing to be threatened by humans for a man he was in love with. Smiling happily at draco, he looked like a over eager puppy as he looked at him."I wouldn't do that!I wont."he said promising that he'd never hurt draco that way.The twins growled softly at the twins teasing, biting their lips to keep from reacting to the sight of all that creamy flesh. Not so much turned on, as it was driving them to want to hunt. Before focusing on their words."Amara wont leave, not if draco wants to stay."Cristo said snickering a little."he enjoys just being with draco, and the prince is old enough now, that he does not need his father there every minute of the day."Cristo said, not realizing that it was news that amara had a son, so used to the fact that the 300 year old existed, that it never occurred to him that others might not know about him
Draco smiled at Amara, the look of a man who had his heart broken too many times to really beleive that, but he said nothing and instead kissed the others forehead gently. "just make me food Amant." he ordered simply smiling at the other shaking his head a little as he watched the two sets of twins, smirking a little as he shook his head. "George just can't help himself...." he complained with a shake of his head. "their mother is a Swan too, she said that because they where born instead of cursed, they'll grow wings... like a Muggle Angel." he admitted smiling a little shaking his head again. the red heads stared at the wolves, Frozen in shock as they stared at them and then they looked shocked instead of frightened. "... Amara has a son!? does DRACO know this!?" no, but then, Draco honestly wouldn't care, so long as the son wasn't a 'brat'... meaning anything younger than his own age that he had to raise or take care of in any way. still, Draco would be willing to... interact with a child so long as he wasn't expected to take care of it at all. "how old is the kid? please PLEASE don't say anything younger than sixteen." Fred pleaded, both twins staring at the wolf twins. "Draco has a tendency to make children... well..." "cry.." "scream." "wet their pants..." "puke..." the worst part about that, was they where being completely honest. "well you've met the guy he's just not a people person and he's even WORSE with kids!"
Amara smiled easily, stealing a real kiss before shifting to get up as he started to cook."That's...interesting. More interesting then being able to change into a wolf."Amara said snickering a little as he looked at draco before watching the set of twins again.

Both wolves looked startled at the outbursts, trying to figure out why they'd reacted like that before nodding in understanding. "He is 300, far from a child."Cristo said snickering a little at the idea of Kristof being a child.Even when he had been a child, Kristof had been as serious as amara, and as brilliant as his mother. "...I am sure that Kris will be interested in meeting his stepfather."Sampson said perking up at the idea of inviting the prince, because kristof always made things so much more interesting, and he was one of the few wild magicians left to the elves.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "unfortunately the twins don't see it that way... it's a curse to them, an honest to god curse... they have feathers in places there shouldn't even be hair and they can't even eat meat anymore because of the changes..." he admitted sighing a little. "they hate what's happening to them but they can't change it, no one can, they just have to live with it." he admitted shaking his head a little. "they are very powerful though, powerful enough that if they weren't shielding so strongly then the Wolves here wouldn't even think of them as prey. their so strong that their very aura can solidify like a shield. it's very interesting."

they sighed, relaxing before looking shocked again. "if that kid is three hundred...." "...then how old is AMARA!?" they asked, shocked, wide eyed before George shook his head. "somehow i don't think Kris and Draco will get along..." he admitted scratching the feathers on his back with a frustrated sound. "goddamn molting son of a bitching...." Fred rolled his eyes. "why is it, that even though we're both suffering the same, you bitch and i don't?" "because your not a bitch." Fred snorted. "that also doesn't make sense, your more dominant than i am, why are you a bottom and i'm a top?" "because i like to bottom more, feels better." "your an idiot." they both stuck their tongues out at each other before they smirked as they looked around at the garden. "besides... i'm not sure you want to bring in Amara's son until we're sure Draco isn't going to start shoving Amara away..." their faces fell into unhappy looks. "he's had his heart broken so many times..."
Aara sighed a little looking thoughtful."That would be helpful.And the boys'll figure out they're not prey, as soon as they get over the urge to shove their faces against those feathers."He said watching the wolves for a moment, snickering that they looked almost eager, wanting to press against that smooth goodness, not for sex, just the temptation of seeing how hot that blood ran."Should we check on bell?"Amara said glancing towards the stairs slightly nervous because it worried him to see her so upset.

"Amara's..."Cristo paused. Looking thoughtful,"He's old." "As dirt." "like four fifty I think."Cristo said looking aused laughing softly at george's words, shaking his head."...this is the weirdest conversation I've ever heard. And that's included conversations with kris and amara."Sampson said snickering a little before shrugging."If draco shoves him away, he's going to shove back. I've never seen Amara go anywhere that he didn't plan on being." "REmeber that girl?The last on?He so told her her boobs liooked like sacs of rats and her stomach was flabby...for a immortal who didn't show age, it ws amazing, but he didn't do what she wanted him to do."
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head. "George is Molting... it makes clothing very uncomfortable. if he where in his own house he'd be nude by now." he admitted with a small chuckle. "Fred has a lot more self control." Draco admitted shaking his head. "and no, Bell will be fine, give her time with her Father..." he hoped it was a father anyway, rumors where that Xaneth was her lover as well, Harry shared well, but he was so possessive of Bell he wasn't sure that he would allow Bell's lover to live for too long. "Harry's keeping an eye on her in any case." he promised glancing at the man in the living room, reading a newspaper, his link to bell open wide in case she needed him.

the twins laughed at the old as dirt comment before shaking their heads as well. "sorry, we're known to over share." "a lot." "it's Fred's/George's fault." they both chorused before smirking at each other. they shook their heads though. "if Draco pushes Amara away, it won't be physically..." they explained softly. "Draco is fragile... broken... if Draco starts pulling away, and Amara pushes... he might break Draco more than can be fixed..." Fred explained softly shaking his head a little. "right now, Draco likes Amara, he's willing to give the man a chance and that more than we've seen since that whore put him under a love potion..." after that, Draco had never trusted anyone again. "if Amara pushes too much... Draco will break..." they glanced at each other, they'd explained this to Amara, but they didn't trust him, not in the least.
Amara smirked a little looking amused."Xaneth is good for her."The elven king mused, and while he wasn't old enough to remember them when they walked the world, his family was. Had greeted the mixed born child as one of their own,even as the fae and humans rejected her. Upstairs belladonna stirred, nuzzling her father, yawning a little."Papa...?"She said sounding confused, not having thought she'd be with him. Hving thought maybe she'd dreamed him being back.

Cristo looked concerned thinking about it before shaking his head."He wont push... to much.He'll just refuse to be budged out of the way. He wont let Draco shove him out of his life without fighting to stay there." Sampson snickered a little, "Those moonflowers wouldn't have grown for anything else then love. Amara's in love, and he hasn't been in love in 400 years. He wont let draco go. Even if that's what draco wants."
Draco smiled a little, willing to trust Amara's judgment on the matter, he was old enough to have known Bell and Xaneth... at least, Draco thought he was. "hey Amara? how old are you?" he asked suddenly, curious. "i mean, i know your like, dirt old, but how exactly old is that?" he asked looking amused.

Xaneth smiled as he gently kissed the top of his daughters head. "i'm here my darling." he muttered. one of the 'curses' of being a Dreamweaver, was that they could not sleep. though it was hard to tell since Xaneth was the only Dreamweaver in existence. "did i thank you for rescuing me yet?" he asked smiling at her his head tilted. "i honestly thought i would never be free again..." he gently swept her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. "i was so afraid that Sarsen had killed you..." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "isn't it strange that she was supposed to be made from the good dreams?" he asked smiling a little. he had made his daughter out of moonlight and night dreams, he had made Sarsen out of sunlight and daydreams. "i just don't understand how i went wrong with her... i'm glad one of my daughters is filled with goodness." he admitted smiling at her. "i am so proud of you. and your choice of men is exquisite."

the twins nodded a little. "well, i suppose Draco would appreciate that, no one's ever fought to keep him before, they just let him go." they shook their heads before looking shocked, glancing at the wolf twins their heads tilted. "... so a Moonflower is the ultimate sign of love... hmm..." they glanced at each other and it was clear they where speaking without words before both of them shook their heads. "i can't decide if telling Draco that would be a good thing or not..." he admitted. "he's never had someone honestly in love with him before, he'll either relax, or try to bolt..." they pondered then. "Harry knows Draco best, you should inform Harry of that, he'll know what to do with the information."
"Hey!I am not as old as dirt."Amara sulked giving his boyfrien a look, pouting a little as he studied him."I'm 452."He said blushing ever so softly because when he said it outloud it sounded even older then what he was. Smiling a little as he looke at him."Not as old as Belladonna though. Or Xaneth.They really ARE as old as dirt."

Belladonna smiled sleepily, closing her eyes again before shaking her head."No,but I know you are."She muttered sniffling a little at the idea that she would have never seen her father again. Snickering a little at that."She tried to. She found that even if the fae hate me, they will fight against someone they fear more."She muttered before sighing softly."Maybe there was no darkness to balance out the goodness. I always knew I was made of nightmares and darkness, so I tried to be good. She never tried."she muttered before laughing softly, blushing hard."He is exquisite isn't it?I do love him."She smiled blushing harder.

Cristo snickered at that,"Oh amara'll fight to not let go.He's never known how to not fight for things." Sampson nodded, tilting his head."Draco wanted something exotic, something to make the potions out of, but the flowers, are the ultimiate sign of love. He wouldn' tbe able to shape a unseeable thing into something solid if he wasn't in love."He said snickering, before shaking his head."I'm pretty sure Draco'll scream as he runs awy if he knows that."He pointed out, before tilting his head."Belladonna knows.I'll let her explain elven things to harry."Cristo said grinning at the idea, because maybe if she talked about those things to harry, those two would get farther then they already were.
Draco smirked a little. "your almost five hundred years old... your as old as dirt." he teased snickering a little. "but, at least your not as old as the earth itself." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i know the stories about the Dream Weaver... it is said that he created all things from his Dreams. he fell asleep long ago, back when the earth was new and dreamed all the things, and from him came the Muggles and the Elves, they Fey and all of the intelligent things." he admitted smiling a little. "and that he was so horrified by what he had done, that he never slept again for fear what horrors his dreams might make next." he admitted smiling. "i wonder if that's true?"

he smiled at her again. "you where not made from nightmares, who told you such things? night dreams, and nightmares are two very different things." he admitted simply. "night dreams are formed from a persons unconsciousness, the same place where there emotions are born... Daydreams are from a persons consciousness, where thoughts and memories live." he admitted simply. "there is no evil in dark things simply because they are dark, but simply because they themselves decided that they where to be evil. people fear the darkness, and what they fear must be bad, but this is not true... look at your young lover, he was born of darkness." he admitted simply. in fact, Harry's exact makeup was shadows and fear, a child's tear, and the love of someone true, among other things. but Xaneth would never admit that out loud. "i am very impressed with him, i never imagined that he would honestly be a creature of Balance." he admitted smiling at his daughter. "you will have to take very good care of him, as strong as he seams, he is fragile inside." he admitted smiling at her.

the twins snickered a little and nodded. "good." they chorused happily. "Draco deserves something good in his life for once." "and Amara is a good honest soul who will give Draco what he needs most." they decided, nodding a little as George scratched at his back again, grunting in displeasure. "Harry is young and he's never been in love before." Fred admitted shaking his head a little. "he doesn't know when he hurts her, or when he's jealous." he admitted George shrugging his shoulders. "we should tell Bell that, i doubt Harry has the sense to realize he needs to tell her she's his first love." "i doubt he even realizes it..." one of the gifts of a Swanmane, was the sensing of true love between people. like between Amara and Draco, and between Belladonna and Harry, and between Sirius and Lupin even. people who stayed around a Swanmane, always found their true loves.
Amara looked thoughtful at that, tilting his head a little efore nodding."I would not be surprised if it is. Xaneth is rumored ot be as strong and stronger then belladonna, and she's already creepy as hell."He said smiling a little as he handed drac his food looking towards the door where he knew harry was listening to them."And no protesting. You know she's creepy sometimes."

Belladonna blushed slightly, looking unsure looking so young as he corrected her."Everyone."she muttered at the other's question tears misting her eyes for a mment before sighing sotly. "He is a very good piece of darkness."He muttered smiling at the idea, because she wanted so much to take care of her lover. Grinning a little stupidly."I plan on doing so. He is not what I thought of being the balance."She muttered because the same people that told her she was nightmares, had also told her that the balance was her destruction. How would have imagined she'd fall in love.

Sampson looked thoughtful, tilting his head a little."Belladonna's never been in love before. She wont understand."He said looking pained because it hurt to think about that belladonna being that innocent, even after so long. "No wonder he didn't understand this morning when he'd upset her. He'd never had anyone before."cristo said looking startled at that, because it amazed him that anyone could make it to their age without having found love before. It was odd, and somewhat endearing all at once.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "Xaneth is rumored to be the strongest creature in existence." he stated simply as he rolled a stem of a flower in-between his fingers, contemplating something. "Amara?... do you honestly love me?" he asked looking up at the Elf king, looking both afraid and worried, and yet.... hopeful, as if knowing that Amara truly loved him would heal some great gaping wound deep inside of himself. Harry had turned to scowl at them for the creepy comment but turned back when Draco started getting emotional, he wanted no part of that little... fight?

he shook his head. "well this 'everyone' is a fool." he admitted rolling his eyes before grinning a little. "The Balance is a creature that will Balance Order and Chaos... you are a warrior of the Order my lovely, and Sersei a warrior of Chaos, he needs you both to form the balance." he admitted smiling at her. "he loves you as well, i had never imagined that The Balance would be capable of such an emotion... it makes my heart soar with relief to know he can feel good things." he admitted smiling at her. "i suspect they used a part of you to make him." he admitted. "and that is why you two are so tied to each other." he admitted smiling a little. "like Soul Mates." he grinned a little. "the Elders are not going to be very happy when they find out you have been freed, and that The Balance is not going to destroy you, and that i'm not trapped in my orb anymore thanks to you and The Balance." he chuckled a little. "i might send them a particularly nice Nightmare informing them of all of this." he purred. Xaneth was a spoiled, wicked creature, and his life had been ruined by the elders when they helped Sarsen trap him in his Orb. yes, he would make them suffer for a little while. "want to help me make some nightmares?"

the twins nodded. "they will both need to learn how to act, Harry is already learning, and he's so singularly focused on Belladonna that i have my doubts about him making the same mistake twice." Fred admitted shaking his head a little as he headed deeper into the garden to look at the honeysuckle Draco had planted. "wild Honeysuckle... Draco's been showing off...." he admitted before sighing a little. "out of everyone, Harry has always felt very differently... like he wasn't anything human." George admitted. "as Swanmanes we can see the many romantic pairings, what will work and what won't work, who truly loves who... but Harry... he never had any connections to anyone. he loves us, and Draco and his family, but that is not the kind of Love that we see... he's never even had a crush..." they both shook their heads. "but between Harry and Belladonna..." they both smiled and whispered in unison. "a Golden tie, of honest and true love." the Wolves probobly wouldn't know what they where talking about, but a Gold tie between two people was so rare, that it only happened once or twice in a century, honest love, true love... soul mates.
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