
Draco smirked a little and shook his head a little. "there's no point in being Jealous over Akudama and Damia." he teased smiling at him. "it's a great honor for them to like you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "now if Belladonna where to kiss you on the cheek you'd probobly be punished." he admitted smiling as he closed his eyes as well, then he was asleep, breathing softly as the Damia smiled and brushed a kiss over Draco's forehead before she and the Akudama went back into their tree to let Draco sleep.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded as he watched the Wolf twins, his head tilted a little. "well you'll have to wait until they wake up, or change back, i don't know if they can speak in that form or not." he admitted. "just be careful approaching them, if they hiss at you it's best just to back away." Harry admitted grinning a little. "they've warned us that if they ever have to transform in front of us, that the transformation is traumatic and it takes them a while to distinguish friend from foe." he admitted simply, snickering a little. "your both drooling." he stated simply, watching as one of the swans shifted and seamed to wake up, looking around before starting to groom it's own messed feathers, plucking out feather after feather as it groomed itself.
"I do feel honored."He muttered before laughing at that."Harry'd kill us both."He muttered falling asleep to.

Sampson grinned bounding to his feet."Am not.But they wanted us to help groom them. So we're going to go do that."He said already heading for the swans with cristo. Belladonna snickered at the boys eagerness to get near the swans, hiding her face in harry's chest as she laughed. "Oh, where's amara when you need him.He'd never let them live down the fact that they're drooling as much as he is over draco.She gigged before looking at her men, her father and her lover."Come on. Let's cook. They'll want food when they change back."
Harry snickered a little as he watched the Wolf twins move over to the Swans, the one who was awake turning to them and lowering his head, hissing at them, warning them off as he spread his wings a little. a Swan could break a mans leg if it wanted to, so Sampson and Cristo would do well to head the warning, especially as the Swan stepped out of the water and seamed to stalk them. protecting his sleeping brother, though the other twin woke at the first hiss, and blinked slowly before simply reaching out and grabbing hold of his brothers tail, yanking out a beak full of feathers. the swan shrieked and flapped hard before turning on his brother, both of them hissing and bobbing their heads before calming down and turning to Sampson and Cristo, blinking a little. "... sorry, you can come over now." that was Fred, the one who had threatened them. he settled onto the dirt, and though his beak never moved, he had spoken. Harry grinned as he watched from the house, shaking his head a little. "don't forget, the twins are vegan's." he admitted grinning a little. "they'll want a lot of fresh greens like spinach, maybe a green salad and a fruit dish." he mused smiling a little. "the Wolves are going to want meat though, a lot of meat... steaks maybe?" he mused grinning a little. "do you want anything love?"
Cristo and sampson crouched, lowering their eyes looking submissive as they watched the swans slightly worried before looking relieved to see that they weren't going to get attacked. Cristo looked worred but nodded as they stepped closer, the twins settlnig on the ground next to the swans, gently reaching out cristo ran his fingers through the feathers to get rid of loose feathers."So whats the best way to help?"He asked looking curious and eager to be helpful.

Belladonna grinned a little nodding."I'll make a big salad. And steaks. And maybe bacon."She said starting to gather food before looking at harry, scooting over leaning into him for a moment."I want you."She muttered blushing as she stole a kiss before moving away again to take care of getting dinner ready.
the Swan shivered as he felt the fingers through his feathers and he nodded a little. "just yank out the loose feathers." Fred ordered calmly. "it still itches terribly... i hate Molting." he admitted George snorting as he grabbed Sampson's sleeve with his beak, making him pay attention. "you heard the Swan Man, yank out the loose feathers." George ordered. "i can't scratch without fingers and it ITCHES." he complained simply spreading his left wing and using his beak to yank out a red tipped feather, grooming his own wings while Sampson did his back.

Harry grinned a little. "and i'll make a fruit salad, some cake and..." he blushed as she pressed into him and told him she wanted him, stuttering a little as he was kissed, whining at her. "Bell you can't just tell a guy something like that and then go back to cooking it's meeean." he whined, pouting at her. "we get all hard and then we get blue balls." he complained playfully, kissing her neck gently as he moved into the fridge to get to the fruit to make a fruit salad.
Samspon yelped laughing softly as he looked at the swan holding his sleeve as he worked on stroking out the loose feathers."We're working on it, no need to attack us." Cristo smiled looking amused as he worked at feathers, looking at fred wtih a smile."No need to bite. We're working on it."

Belladonna blushed as she whined softly, shuddering as he kissed her neck."I didn't want to know that. it's not my fault you do all that stuff!"she whined blushing harder as she went back to cooking, ignoring the fact that her father was still in the room.She didn't want to think about that. It was embarassing.
George snorted a little as Fred chuckled. "George likes to bite." fred admitted ruffling his feathers to make it easier for Cirsto. "i do to actually." he looked at Cristo. "but only in bed." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, George chuckling a little. "i like to bite at about any time, specially if the person i bit squeals." "that's because your sadistic." "and your a wuss." "i can kick your ass George!" "no you can't!"

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "i'm a virgin." he admitted smirking a little as Xaneth choked. "your a WHAT!?" "...you heard me.." Harry muttered stiffly, flushing hard. "...Bell have i ever given you the talk?" Xaneth asked a little worried. "i mean, you know about contraceptives and..." "relax Xaneth i'm not about to impregnate your Daughter." Harry promised chuckling a little. "Sirius keeps me well informed for when i finally o have sex." he admitted shaking his head. "when Bell is ready, i'll know how to keep her safe." Xaneth hesitated, studying Harry before relaxing. "thank all the ancients! i REALLY didn't want to have to have that particular conversation with my daughter..." he admitted blushing. "it's just....weird! it's times like these i wish i'd thought to make them a mother when i made them..."
Both wolves snickered looking amused. "Well we like to bite,but the people we bite aren'y usually happy about it."Crisito said snikering, so amused at the idea. "Well, we tend to try and eat our food after biting it." "True.Though elves aren't usually kind about being bit by a wolf.even in human form."

Belladonna blushed hard pressing her cheek against harry's chest, hiding from her father,"...I dont want to have this conversation."She muttered blushing before snikering, looking at her father,"You should have. We have used a mother for cooking. You can't cook."She teased smiling at him because there just wasn't anything tot do bu move on from this conversation
the swans laughed a little. "you can't get lycanthropy through a werewolf when it's in human form." they both complained even as they yanked feathers out of their wings. "tell you what, promise not to eat us." "and we'll let you bit us anytime." the twins purred happily. "after we change back anyway." they chuckled a little and looked at each other. "we should go for a flight while we're in Swan form, my wings are aching." "yeah mine too."

Harry chuckled a little as Xaneth shrugged. "why bother? you and Sarsen could cook just fine... and you used to love burnt cheese sandwiches!" he complained pouting at her. "your a little old for a mother in any case and i'm a bit afraid to try and make one... she might be a nag and Sarsen was bad enough." he admitted looking amused. Sarsen had always been a bossy little thing and she'd always loved complaining about Xaneth and all the things he did wrong. "besides, i can't eat, why should i learn how to cook now that your an adult?" he asked looking amused. "Harry is a good cook, make him cook for you."
The twins grinned nodding."Hmm we might have to take you up on that."Cristo said snickering a little before tilting his head a little,"Go fly. We'll go bother the others."He said before they both headed inside.

"She always was a nag wasn't she?"She muttered snickering a little as she nuzzled arry again before sitting down next to xaneth, looking at harry."ook for me. Please?"She said pouting a little, grinning. Looking soamused at the idea of making harry cook for her. "You remmeber ow she complained all the time?"She said looking at her father.
the twins chuckled and lifted there wings, rushing into the air, spreading wings wide, gracefully as they swept into the air and wheeled around the gardens. making sure to stay in the wards, they didn't want to get hunted after all.

Xaneth nodded a little. "you know.. i really should have known your sister was going to end up like this." he admitted. "now that i think about it..." he muttered frowning a little. "she was never happy with anything, always wanted more..." he smiled as Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "of course i'll cook for you, what do you want? Waffles, pancakes? doughnuts?" he asked smiling a little as he watched the other his head tilted as Xaneth blinked. "waffles? what in the world is that!?"
"Waffles.Papa needs to see waffles."She said grinning leaning up to look up at harry, tilting her head a little.Looking so amused at the idea that xaneth had no idea what waffles were. Shaking her head a little she looked at the twins, grinning a little."Done 'helping'?" "For now."Cristo said refusing to get agiated at the teasing. Just finding it amusing."We got rid of the old feathers.We were helping. No need to tease us."Sampson said pouting a little looking amused.
Harry chuckled as he started whipping up some Waffle batter, grinning as he watched the Twin's flying over head. "now i understand why their such damn good dancers." he complained shaking his head a little. "their training to be in the First Wizarding Opera." he admitted with a small grin. "they run a joke shop on the side." he admitted looking amused. "besides if she doesn't tease you i will, do you know how wrong it is for a wolf to fuck a swan? or in Fred's case, a Swan to fuck a wolf!?" he asked, teasing the boys. "you guys want some waffles?"
"Well, swans are always graceful. It never occurred to you before?"Belladonna asked looking amused as she turned her head, pressing a kiss to harry's shoulder as she got up to get herself something to drink. Sighing softly as she grinned at the boy's blushing. "We're not getting fucked!We do the fucking."Cristo said snickering because it was going to be intertaining to see them all trying to decide who got to do what and here.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's just so contrary to their personalities. their mischief makers not dancers... or so i thought, everyone was shocked when they suddenly handed over the shop to their workers and vanished to join Dance classes and Ballet." he admitted smiling as he watched the Twins swoop around, chasing one another, simply enjoying the flight. "besides, Fred is a very serious Dom, he has never bottomed... ev...er..." Harry stated making it into a two syllable word. "George flip flops but Fred has never bottomed." he admitted smirking at the two. "an he has no intention of it either, he'd rather leave you in bed, both with boners and go home rather than bottom so unless you plan on raping him." he cracked his knuckles. "which i don't suggest, then one of you us going to have to settle for playing vixen." he teased smirking, amused as the Twins landed on the pond, spreading and relaxing stiff wings, the flight seamed to have made their aching wings worse.
belladonna grinned snickering a little at the twins pouting and arguing amongest themselves about that, before looking up at harry, finishing her food before sighing."I think we probably should get some sleep."She said looking worried at harry, worried because he seemed to be so upbeat, an because he seemed to be taking care of her so well, that she felt bad for not being able to take care of him as well. Not realizing just her being well, was all harry needed.
Harry smiled at her as he kissed her forehead. "i'm alright." he promised smiling at her. "unless your tired?" he asked a little worried as he kissed the others fingers smiling at her as he kissed her gently on the lips now. "come on, lets go take a bath together first and relax." he decided smiling as he held her hand, wanting to snuggle with her as he nuzzled her neck happily. "i love you." he murmured happily, taking her upstairs to bathe and relax. while the Twins slowly forces themselves back into human form, sweating and in pain. "...Cristo... Sampson..." they groaned, shuddering and trembling as they laid out on the grounds, panting hard, Harry already out of sight and hearing range, leaving the Swans helpless in their pain. they didn't understand what was happening, it hurt, hurt so badly, their backs, their wings, it hurt! it HURT!
Cristo cursed as he bit his lip the twins panting and shuddering as they tried to not attack, closing there eyes as they knelt at the twins side, cristo's hands gently running over george, looking for a wound or something.CLosing their eyes helped forget the vision of a prey animal in pain."Guys, what's happening?"Sampson asked cracking a eye,trying to figure out what was going on.

Belladonna blushed a little as they walked into teh bathrom, smiling at him shyly as she started to undress, looking shy and unsure, like she wasn't quite sure how to act around him naked now that they'd had a sex talk with her dad. It was just to weird.
The Swans cried out in pain as they shuddered and let themselves sob in pain as their backs arched, as if something was trying to force it's way out. "... the... bad thing..." red managed to stutter... "Xaneth... is... enhancing..a..aaah..." he cried out as his skin split, like some massive beast had laid into him from the inside, George keening, hard as blood splattered across the ground, twin pure lily white wings, red stained at the tips just like in their swan forms spread, making him look like some Demented Angel. then he was still, laying there, completely unconscious, reeking of blood, and power, the wings had ripped down all his shields, and his power, god his power was like a raging ocean slamming into the twins, nearly knocking them over before it settled, like a calm lake, smooth, but deep, so deep and never ending. Fred screamed, and screamed and screamed as he fought the wings back, struggling against them as his skin split and healed, split and healed, and finally the wings spread from his back, spreading wide, stretching as Fred shuddered, sobbed, and collapsed, both twins helpless, but with their power washing around the area, they certainly didn't smell like Prey anymore.

Harry chuckled a little as he closed and locked the door, setting up silencing spells just in time to miss the screaming, not wanting their relaxing to be bothered as he kissed her gently. "calm sweetling." he murmured smiling at her. "we won't do anything, i just want to hold you, and maybe give you a massage." he promised chuckling a little as he slid into the bubble infested eater, holding his hand out to her, his head tilted. "you don't need to worry my love." he promised softly, amusement and playfulness rushing through his eyes. "i would not Ravage thee." he teased chuckling a little.
Cristo and sampson both looked panicked, looking scared before they did the only thing they could and searched for their king, and draco.Hoping that the men would be able to help.and using that other special ablitiy their bloodline had given them, and pulling the two to them through space, like apparation except they didn't have to be with them to force them to their side. "Help us!"Sampson yelled looking at draco panicked, having no idea what to do with the two twins who looked so very hurt despite healing.

Belladonna blushed a little kissing him back, ebfore smiling at him."I massage would be good."She said blushing a little looking amused as she looked amused at his words."I wasn't worried about that."She pouted climbing into the tub with him, sighing softly as she leaned back against his chest, closing her eyes as she relaxed."
Fenrir, as mad as he was, was gripped from Malfoy Manor, where he had been sleeping, and was pulled from space to land in a heap in front of the Wolf twins, their power pulling both Elf, AND Wolf king. Draco blinked as he studied the twins before shaking his head. "this is strange..." he muttered carefully stroking the wings. "they shouldn't have grown wings, not this early... it's a painful procedure but... it shouldn't have been this painful or this violent..." he muttered scowling a little as he carefully, so very carefully started picking up Fred. "help me, don't let their wings drag on the ground, they need a bed to lay on and some healing Salve... Amant, go and get the healing Salve would you? it's in my Lab, it's the jar with the light pink cream in it." he ordered calmly as he glared at Fenrir and the Wolf twins until they helped him move Fred and George into the house, Xaneth staying well out of range of the twins so he didn't make the problem worse.

Harry chuckled a little and smiled at her. "you where too." he teased smiling at her as he kissed the back of her neck. "mmm but you look so cute when your fretting so i don't mind." he promised chuckling a little as he nuzzled her gently. "mmm love you." he murmured starting to massage her shoulders as he relaxed as well, enjoying their relaxing and just enjoying being together.
Amara ran downstairs to get the salve, heading back up to the bedroom with a sigh, looking worried as he handed the salve over to draco looking at the two wolf twins hovering like birds anxious to help."Tell them to go sit down or something, fenrir."He muttered knowing better then to try and order them to sit. They'd try eating him if he did.

"Was not!"She muttered blushing a little laughing softly as he nuzzled her, moaning softly in pleasure as tight musscles started to relax under his infgers.It felt so good, to be touched and loved like that, without sex. It reaffirmed that harry didn't just want her for sex, that he loved his poor mixed breed girl.
Draco started Salving up the Wing Wounds and he shook his head. "they shouldn't have grown wings for another ten years yet..." Draco complained softly, glancing at Amara. "i think this is why they where so wary of Xaneth... they knew instinctively that he was going to set off their curse..." he muttered sighing a little. "that poor man must feel Terrible about this..." it wasn't Xaneth's fault of course, he hadn't known, how could he have, but Draco was right, Xaneth felt bad for causing the Twins such pain. "nnng... Dray?" George asked sluggishly. "hurts..." "i know George, i know." Draco muttered. "go back to sleep ok? your safe."

he chuckled a little as he shook his head. "i was teasing you." he admitted smiling as he gently kissed her neck. "i love you." he admitted smiling a little as he massaged her, simply enjoying the calm, nonsexual touch. he was so used to people wanting him just because he was handsome, or because he was Harry potter that he wasn't sure what to do with Bell sometimes, but this he knew, and he was so glad that she could sit naked with him and not expect sex.
amara smiled a little before shaking his head, heading for the door."take care of them, ill go reassure xaneth that he didnt do anything."the elf king said heading downstairs, tilting his head as he looked at xaneth sitting by the fire."theyre going to be fine. You didnt do anything xanrth, you hadnt known you could do that."

Belladonna smiled resting her head on his shoulde rpouting a little."its jot nice teasing me when we just had a sex talk with my father."she said sulking a little, relaxed but also nervous because she had no idea to ask someone to have sex. It wqs...odd for her not to know what to do, but having survived a million years she was awkward and clumsy when it came to dealing with people
Draco nodded and smiled as he watched Amara leave to comfort Xaneth, who was sitting outside in the dirt, as far away from the twins as he could physically get. "i don't even know what did Elf King." he admitted sourly. "what will i do to the next person i touch? i have been gone for too long... the creatures that live now, they are affected by me in ways i do not understand..." he admitted taking a deep breath. "i have been locked away for so long, what other things will i hurt?" he asked Amara his head tilted a little.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i think he actually had the sex talk with me..." he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed her neck. "but there's no need to worry about that right now, i'll explain things later if you like, ok?" he asked smiling at her. "i just want to hold you." he admitted wrapping his arms around her. "i've never had someone to just hold before..."
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