Dragon's Winter

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "i'm not a Dragon though." he pointed out. "i'm a griffon, and they are born without the ability to fly... sometimes." he admitted with a shake of his head. "still, it was the storm that caught me off guard, and the lack of magic that kept me pinned there." he admitted shaking his head. "i would like help making a saddle though, Hermione apparently likes to fly when we're not tumbling for our lives."
Hermione grinned blushing a little."I do.A saddle would have been helpful last night to." Piper grinned nodding,"Probably.And my mother said dragons once had saddles for their human mates...I'm sure we can make something similar..."She said trailing off as she thought about how to design a saddle that would fit both griffon and girl.
Draco nodded and Harry grinned. "i think Draco probobly already has Saddle designs piper, he wouldn't have brought it up if he didn't have a basic knowledge of how to make one." "Harry's right, there is a Saddle design in here somewhere, but i don't know hos to measure wings or body length at all, not to mention even if i did know how i couldn't measure myself." he pointed out with a small laugh, Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i don't know how to do anything like that either, i'm a cooker, not a dress maker."
"Oh, I'm sure Hermione wouldn't mind measuring."Piper smirked pervertedly, laughing as both ron and hermione blushed. The red head blushing because there was just some things he didn't want to think about his best friends doing."Piper!Please.I don't want to think of that." Hermione laughed shaking her head, looking at piper."Of all of us, you're probably the one who'd be best able to help." "oh, I am a expert on measuring."Piper smiled preening a little under hermione's praise. It was so rare that someone thought she was good at something, she was still getting used ot it.
Draco blushed brightly at that as well and chuckled a little as he glanced at Ron. "your just jealous that you don't have a lover." he teased, Snape scoffing as he slowly warmed his core temperature up enough to start paying attention, drinking almost boiling hot cups of coffee. "Piper, didn't you study Fashion?" he asked blinking ay the other, his head tilted at her Harry looking interested. "really?" he asked looking amused. "you know if you like, i could go out and get you some sewing things, so you don't get so bored just sitting around all day?" he offered smiling at her. he knew how hard it was to not have anything to do, he himself was practically buzzing out of his skin from not having anything to do but sit, have sex and sleep.
Piper blushed at that, surprised that he had remembered. Though she guessed she shouldn't be.He'd always struck her as bright,at least smarter then lucius led people to believe."I did.And I would like that...I'll go with you.We shouldn't go out alone."She said looking at her mate, her heart hurting at the idea of him going out alone. Ron blushed a little at the teasing before smiling a little, "You should pick up some things for yourself harry to.You're going to get bored...then again,maybe we should all go. We packed clothes and things,but not anything to do. We''re all going to go stir crazy."he mused.
Snape smiled a little and shook his head a little. "while your out, i need my usual supplies Draco." Snape ordered. Draco nodded, perfectly aware of what Snape would need and took a sip of his potion. "i'll get your money out of the vault too so father can't take it." "that would be appreciated." Snape agreed sipping at his tea. "you might consider doing the same for your own account." "oh, i removed all of my gold when i left." Draco admitted. "along with half of the family accounts." he admitted with a smirk. Harry just chuckled a little and nodded. "i'll pick things up for myself as well." he promised shaking his head a little. "we all should go, safety in numbers and all that."
Hermione looked worried before nodding, realizing that the man was right.The more of them that went, the less chance that something terrible would happen."We'll go early in the morning tomorrow, or late in the evening tonight.Less people." Piper nodded looking thoughtful."Late tonight. Whoever knows we're missing and is looking for us, wouldn't expect us to leave the safety of our hiding spot so soon."
Harry nodded, grinning a little as he pondered leaving that night to get things. "might consider getting a lot of firewood while we're out, and house elves." he admitted. "the arctic kind so they don't freeze to death." "mmm yes, a good idea." Arctic House elves, harry felt, where utterly adorable. they where completely covered in white fur, and looked like itty bitty teddy bears. "we'll get six so taking care of things isn't so hard for them, and Draco you WILL treat them kindly!" "beating house elves was my fathers deal, i find it deplorable and in bad taste." the blond stated simply. "also, Hermione would punish me if i tried." that had Harry laughing.
"I would."Hermione sniffed looking amused as Piper snickered."Oh, and you'd never do anything in bad taste draco?" "Of course he wouldn't.He's a malfoy, he wouldn't dare be untasteful."Ron said laughing. "Oh, I'm sure hermione thinks he tastes good.I think I want a taste."The dragon teased her mate, leaning over to kiss draco's cheek, nuzzling her cousin."You're warm."She muttered resting her cheek on his shoulder looking amused.
Draco smirked a little. "yes, Ron is correct." he stated simply. "though it's less because i'm a Malfoy and more because i'm perfect in every way." he stated simply, Harry snorting a little before scowling as Piper kissed Draco, grabbing her. "no! mine!" he snarled at Draco who looked about ready to crawl out of his skin as he stood up and sat on the other side of hermione, which was as much hiding as he would allow himself, rubbing his cheek against Hermione's shoulder as if to scrub pipers germs off of it. Snape chuckled a little as he shook his head. "Piper, Phoenix are very possessive, and Griffons are germaphobes, that was not nice on two levels... i'm impressed." he teased her, going back to reading his newspaper.
"Me?I would never be mean on purpose."Piper said giggling a little as she snuggled into her phoenix, reassuring her mate that she was his. Hermione smiled wrapping her arms around Draco,nuzzlign him."Hmm you don't mind my germs do you?"She teased the blond before looking at Piper."You're as twisted as any malfoy....maybe they get it from dragons. You enjoy teasing them."she said snickering amused as she watched the two boys.
Harry just growled and gently nuzzled the others neck, smiling a little as she snuggled back, Draco leaning into Hermione and gently nibbling at her ear with a small grin. "nah, the Dragon's get it from us, Malfoy's are pure, we never mimic or copy anyone, they copy and mimic us." Draco teased, Harry snorting a little. "and as always his head is the size of this Castle and his ego is still pressing against every inch."
Hermione smiled sweetly as she nuzzled her boyfriend, laughing as piper bristled."Me?Copy someone?I would never dare."Piper said pouting at the idea that she'd copy any malfoy in her desire to tease someoe. Smiling as she bounded out of her chair, poking harry."come on. Lets go outside. I want to work on shifting if we're going to be going into town."
harry chuckled a little and kissed Piper before gently nuzzling her nose. "perhaps you both simply had the same ideas?" he asked grinning a little. "after all, great minds think alike no?" he teased smiling a little before shaking his head a little. "are you sure you want to? i thought it hurt?" he asked looking worried. yes he loved the feeling when she pulled his power into her, but he was afraid it was doing her damage.
"It does."She sighed softly."Why?"Ron said looking slightly curious."Because its something voldemort locked away. Harry's connection to voldemort allows me to work around the curse, but the power the dark lord put into the curse still hurts when I force it to yield."she said nibbling on her lip before shaking her head."But yes, I want to work on it. If I have to change I want to be able to do it without hurting myself badly."
Harry blinked a little, looking astonished. "that's why you can change and none of the other Dragons can, i'm getting a massive power surge from Voldemort, and then giving it to you, unlocking your ability to change." "God Harry that almost sounded smart." Draco teased Snape looking amused. " "yes, very frightening." Snape agreed accepting another cup of boiling coffee from Harry. "we'll go practice Piper." Harry promised. "your right, it's better to be prepared, just in case."
"So it is. And you guys make lists of things we want to do and what we need for tomorrow. Because I don't want to stay longer then we have to."she said following Harry outside. Hermione smirked a little looking amused because despite piper teasing hermione, the girl could sound like her sometimes.
Draco smirked a little looked amused at the order to make a list and he shook his head as he kissed Hermione. "shall we go make a list love?" he asked smirking a little as Snape made his list with quick little strokes of his quill, not intending on going with them to go shopping. "Draco, make sure you get these items." Snape ordered handing Draco the list, the blond nodding as he walked off with Hermione to think about his own list.
The next morning Piper yawned, running a hand over her face as she stretched, annoyed at being awake so early in the morning, but understanding why they had to."Ready?"She yawned looking around the room as the others came in.Hermione nodded, looking awake despite the early hour."Good morning."She said, wrapping a arm around Draco's waist, making sure her sleepy griffon didn't walk into anything."Its to early to be good."Ron yawned looking amused.
Harry smiled as he bounced in, hyper in the mornings, actually he was always hyper no matter how little sleep he had gotten he was always wide awake and chipper, unless he was sick. Draco on the other hand, was so tired he was walking into walls, or would have been if Hermione hadn't been steering him. "oh come on grumpy grunts." Harry stated with a smirk. "just think, we'll stop at the leaky cauldron for breakfast and butter beer and then head out for things to do." he stated simply. "we could have lunch at that new place that just opened up, the Bubbling Cauldron, buy all the chocolate in the candy shop and then come home, it will be fun." he chirped playfully. "and we'll be in public so no one will dare attack us." he knew that was a lie, but it was a comforting thought despite being untrue.
"True."Piper said smiling a little, willing to go along with the lie even as she wrapped her arms around Harry, apparating. The small group arriving in diagon alley together, looking around the crowded ways."So, food first?Or shopping?"Hermione said looking worried as she tried to look through the crowd to se if there was any danger among the seemingly harmless patrons.
he chuckled a little as he kissed her gently. "let's eat first, i'm starving." Harry ordered calmly as he headed for the Leaky Cauldron, wanting to get some food before they possibly fought their way out of the place. "i agree." Draco stated, still sluggish. "i need Coffee... lots, and lots of coffee." it was about the only way he could wake up anymore was coffee.
Hermione smiled as they got to the leaky, ordering them all drinks and handing draco his coffee."You need to cut back.Surely it cant be good for you to drink that much." "Actually, changelings have a higher metabolism then others, so what you would have be bad for you, we use as energy, we burn it up faster."She said looking thoughtful,but it explained why the dragon was so thin even as she devoured so much food. Ron smiled a little nodding, "I think we should get the potion things first after this. Of everything we're looking for, the potions and food things are the most important, because we can't easily get those somewhere else."
Draco sulked as he was told he needed to cut back on his coffee but said nothing as he drank his drink, groaning happily as he smiled. "mmm the Leaky makes the BEST coffee." "yuck, i can't stand their coffee, it's WAY too strong." Harry admitted with a shake of his head. "actually, we should get the House elves first." Harry pointed out. "then if something does happen, we can send the elves out later to get whatever we need." Harry admitted with a small grin as he ordered a massive amount of food, Draco doing the same thing, eating more than anyone could have imagined.
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