Dragon's Winter

She growled softly, poking him in th side."Don't lie to me.No need to promise things."she muttered sighing softly, before nodding looking at the skies as thy walked outside. "Dragons were meant to rule the skies....I am a earthbound dragon, of course i love flying."She smiled tilting her head."Magic first. I'll look forward to flying more then magic."She said looking at him.Relying on him to help her be able to do magic her heart hurting at the idea that she might never be able to do this on her own.
he chuckled a little smiling at her. "it is no lie, i intend very much for it to be true." he admitted softly, kissing her gently. "alright, magic first." he agreed his heart aching for her pain at being earthbound. even when he'd thought he was a human he had yearned for the skies and went up every chance he could get on his broom. "alright, here comes my magic, try something simple first, a shield or a defensive spell." because if it went bad it was less likely to hurt her. he fed her his power, feeling that rush flow through him. loving the sensation of her taking his magic for her own.
Piper nodded at his instructions, already shifting to lean back against his chest, closing her eyes as she let the magic work."...okay..."she swallowed, needing the physical touch to be able to ground herself instead of reaching for the skies, leaning against harry as she raised a hand, drawing a shield around herself. Smiling happily as it took for a moment before shattering, making her yelp a little."Oh...that didn't go well."She said sounding put out, but happy. Because it was so much more then a dragon had done since they'd been bound.
he smiled and gently wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her as he watched her raise a shield. "for a first try that was very impressive actually, up to Hermione's standards even.' he admitted smiling a little. "you've never done magic before remember? that anything happened at all is a testament to how amazing you are." he teased kissing her gently. "try again." he ordered gently, smiling at her. "you need to focus on it being hard and strong like steal or marble." he nuzzled her neck playfully, grinning a little. "would it help if i told you i love you?" he asked playfully grinning at her. "because i will if it will help."
Piper laughed softly, closing her eyes as she rested her head back on his shoulder, not about to tell him how tired the small effort had made her. She needed the practice, and the sooner the better."I am amazing aren't I?"She muttered with all of a dragon's pride, laughing as she heard him."Oh so you just love me to do magic?"She teased turning her head to look at him, the shield sputtering to life around them even as she spoke, once again flattering after a few minutes. Making the dragon sigh in disappointment even after few minutes, even after knowing it was hr first time.
Harry smiled a little as he watched her. "yes you certainly are, so amazing." he teased kissing her gently. "and i love you for other reasons too, like how nice you are, and how pretty, and how good you smell, and how when you get frustrated you get an adorable wrinkle on your nose." he teased kissing her gently. "don't overtax yourself love." he ordered calmly, smiling at her a little kissing her gently. "you've never done this before, your going to exhaust yourself and then you won't have the energy to fly."
Piper laughed softly, grinning with a dragon's pride, heat making the snow steam under her feet as she leaned against him."I don't get wrinkles!"She said raising a hand touching the bridge of her nose,sighing when she felt the wrinkle. Pouting as she nodded."I know I know."She grumbled annoyed but knowing he was right. Stepping back."Let's fly then.Are you shifting with me?"She asked stepping back far enough to give herself room, almost effortlessly melting into the dragon, the huge blue black dragon laying her head down and snuffling at her mate, nudging him with his head.
he smiled a little as he kissed her happily. "you so totally do." he teased chuckling a little as he nibbled on her lip. "but their always adorable wrinkles so it's ok." he teased smiling a little. "and of course i'm shifting with you, there's nothing better than flying with my Mate." he purred watching her transform and smiling as he wrapped his arms around her massive nose and cuddled her before leaping into the air, spreading his own massive wings with a loud happy shriek as his beck gently nudged her face before rushing into the air to fly with his lover.
Piper roared happily, raising her head to look at the phoenix before tossing herself into the sky after him. Laughing as the animals they flew over paused in their walking to stare up at the two creatures. After a bit the wingbeats stuttered, the magic that had allowed her to change without her tailsman faultering,sending the dragon turned human plummeting towards the ground.

meanwhile hermione smiled as she looked up from the books she was reading, glancing towards the window,"At least they're having fun.I was worried they were going to go stir crazy stuck here."she said before looking at draco,smiling as he still had his nose buried in his book.
Harry shrilled eagerly as he followed her, spinning around her, just as talented in the air as he had been on a broom, screaming as she suddenly plummeted folding his wings as he dove after her, pouring as much magic into her as she could to try and transform her back into a dragon before she struck the earth, shrieking as he spread out a leg, trying to catch her with his Talon's, terrified that he would crush her if he caught her, his foot closing around her, a natural pocket in his foot protecting her from his own strength.

Draco blinked a little and looked out the window, actually managing to look up from the book he was so obsessed with. the more time he spent with Hermione the less dependent the was becoming on the books that came out every month. it was happening slowly, but it was happening. "Harry's used to being trapped." Draco admitted turning his eyes back to the page. "and so is Piper, they find ways to amuse themselves..." he looked at Hermione a little. "it's you i'm worried about. books can only entertain you for so long after all..."
Piper cried out as he powered magic into her, her body convulsing as it tried to force its way back to dragon,but voldemort's curse on her blood only allowed her enough space to fight, and she'd pushed it to far. Whimpering as Harry caught her, she pressed her face against his talon,sighing softly as he landed, curling up in the snow as he set her down gently. Panting and cringing as she tried to calm."Okay...I'm okay..."She panted crying softly as her body and mind rebelled against the magic.

Hermione sighed softly, smiling a little when he actually looked up from the book. Amused because it was nice to see him able to not rely on it so much. Moving over to sit down next to him, she leaned over to kiss him lightly, "Hmmm there's other things to do."She teased him a little before wrapping her arms around him,smiling slightly."besides, I'm worried about you to. You're not good with being locked up."
he shrieked as he caught her, landing hard but making sure she didn't get hit with the impact, heaving for air as he gently, carefully set her down and started pulling his magic back out of her, he wasn't sure how he was doing it but he was doing it. he panted hard, laying in the dirt, his pretty feathers soaked with mud as he simply laid there, trying to get his wind back.

Draco smiled a little as he kissed her back smiling as he gently nuzzled her. "i... don't like being trapped..." he admitted softly. "Griffon's don't do well with small spaces... and..." and his father had often locked Draco up in his room for weeks on end, just making Draco train and study, offering him little food and little water and little rest until he had the boy beaten into complete submission. He hated to be trapped, it made him restless, ansty, wild. he even had trouble at school, being confined to the castle grounds, unable to leave as he wanted, but he had people to go to there, things to do, here he was just trapped.
Piper panted quietly, calming as he took his magic back. Swallowing hard as she relaxed, closing her eyes before reaching out, resting a hand on his neck, gentle fingers stroking his feathers."Come on, pretty bird...you need cleaned up."She said pushing up slowly, painfully. Carefully standing up she looked him over,"Harry?Are you hurt?"She asked worried about him.

Hermione nodded looking worried about him as she wrapped him in a hug."Come on.we'll go for a ride.Get out of the house.The dragon's out there.She'd probabl enjoy flying with you."She said gently pulling the book away because she was worried about what would happen if he didn't leave. Wasn't able to get out of the house like he should be. He needed to be free to be able to do what he wanted, and it hurt her heart to not be able to free him to do so. Hating his father, hating everyone at the moment because it was like they all conspired to keep her love miserable.
Harry wheezed a little and nodded. "just... lost... my wind..." he admitted moving to get up and shrieking in pain. "...ok... nope... hurt...." he groaned panting hard. "feels... like... broken... ribs..." he admitted closing his eyes. "punctured... lung...." he groaned opening one bleary eye at her. "gonna... try... change..." he groaned a little and slowly changed back into human form gasping for air. "go... get... Snape..."

Draco smiled a little as he snuggled into her, sulking as his book was taken away. "but i've only read half of it yet." he whined. Hermione was the only one who could safely take those books away from him, Harry had tried once and he'd ended up in the hospital wing. that had only been a few months ago. he got up though and stretched moving over to the window and paused, frowning. "... somethings wrong..." he muttered, seeing Harry laying on the ground in bird form... "shit.. i think Harry's hurt." he admitted spinning on his heal and running out of the room to go and check on Harry.
Piper looked afraid before running inside looking panicked. Searching for the potions master without thinking, to panicked to search in the normal places. Hermione smiled a little, "Well, you can take a break."She teased kissing him softly before pausing lookking at the bird before running outside with draco, pausing for a moment when Snape and piper joined them. "Harry?I'm going to touch you."Snape said and the idea didn't appeal to him,but he had to find the broken ribs. Gently touching the birds side he swallowed hard, using a sensing spell, wincing at the punctured lung. "Piper. Come here."He ordered looking at the panicked dragon who seemed not able to hold onto a form well, sliding between human and half dragon before human again. Sitting her down at harry's head, he had her trying to work on calming them both as he worked to heal the ribs."Draco, get a pain potion."He ordered not looking at the griffon knowing draco would know what else they needed.
Harry was still panting hard when everyone settled around him, making him shudder. he had been unable to transform back into human form, in too much pain to focus hard enough to manage it. he snapped his beak at the sight of Snape but did nothing to stop the man, shrieking loudly as his hand settled onto the painful area, whimpering and trembling a little as he snapped his beak again, the sound like a giant breaking tree as he panted hard, opening an eye to watch Snape and Piper. he nuzzled her gently when she settled next to him. "it's fine... piper... this... not first... time... broken..." Harry promised. he'd had many broken ribs, Vernon had a thing about stomping on him. it was the first time he'd ever had a punctured lung though, that wasn't so fun. Draco was gone barley a minute when he came back with a strong pain potion and handed it to piper, letting her gently feed it to Harry, who was still gasping for air.
Piper muttered soft comforting words as she help harry drink the potion, so panicked that the comforting words were coming out in austrian, instead of english, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his. Hermione winced a little as snape worked, moving over to sit next to piper, wrapping her arms around the dragon, working to kee pthem both calm as Draco helped snape with the healing. After a hour snape sat back with a sigh, looking tired but pleased.Gently resting a hand on the phoenix's wing he sighed softly."Harry, you can try and shift back now. The ribs and lung are healed,but you will be sore."He warned leaning against Draco tiredly, the healing having taken alot out of the former professor.
Harry swallowed the potion obediently and slipped into a doze so he wouldn't jerk or twitch during the procedure, Draco carefully helping position the rib, Harry so lost in lala land that he didn't even recognize the pain as pain. he blinked rather stupidly at both the girls as they comforted each other and him and made strange clicking noises, as if he was trying to figure out how to use his birdlike vocal cords, Draco wiping his forehead and smiling as Harry carefully shifted back, breathing evenly now as he slowly rolled onto his belly, being overly careful of his ribs, swallowing thickly. "i smell like..." he sniffed at his hand and grimaced. "oh gross i just put my hand in deer shit..." Draco had to laugh at that and he shook his head. "Harry's going to be kind of stoned for a few hours." "hey... shh, listen." Harry muttered his ear to the ground. "i can hear the worms! their siiinging." Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "Herm, Piper you better get him inside and let him sleep that off, it was a hell of a potion that i gave him." Draco warned chuckling a little as he carefully helped the man he thought of as a father to his feet. "come on Uncle, let's get you into bed." Draco ordered affectionately.
Piper giggled a little looking amused and relieved at that. Even if she had to deal with a stoned harry."Come on love. The worms don't want you to interrupt their singing."she said as her and hermione helped Harry inside, tucking him into bed. Snape smiled a little letting draco help him inside, looking worried."You'll check on harry?Just in case he manages to re-break himself?The boy manages to find trouble in a bathtub."Snape muttered smiling a little as he allowed Draco to put him into bed, snugglign down into the bed with a sigh. Not even waiting for a answer. Piper looked up when draco came in, gently stroking harry's hair as he laid in bed."Look harry, draco came to visit."She said laughing quietly. It was amusing to listen to harry ramble on stoned.
Harry whined a little. "but their sooo pretty!" he protested, but allowed her to carry him off snuggling into the blankets with a smile. "mmm it's soooo soft." he mumbled as he snuggled into the pillow, cuddling and nuzzling it like he did when he was going overly needy on Piper. Draco smiled as he came in and watched Harry, his head tilted. "we should be recording this..." he admitted looking amused as harry made clicking noises deep in his throat like he had as a bird, the stoned man bursting into giggles. "maybe i gave him too much." Draco supposed chuckling a little. "Draaay-coooo..." Harry sang Draco lifting an eyebrow. "yes Harry?" "you... you have a.. FUNNY, name." he admitted grinning. "you... Your name is Draco.. 'n that means Dragon! but your NOT a Dragon... your a Griffon!" he stated his words slurring and Draco lifted the other eyebrow. "and that's... that's FUNNY!" Harry informed Draco before resuming his over zealous snuggling of his pillow. "... can i put him to sleep? please?" Draco asked, clearly not amused at having been told his name was 'funny'.
"That would be mean. He's going to be so embarassed when he sobers up."Piper sai stroking harry's hair. "But it's so amusing. Video camera definately."Hermione said laughing as she sat on the bed, glad to see piper calming down.Piper smiled as she muttered the sleeping charm,putting harry to sleep as she studied draco, smirking a little."You have to admit, its kinda funny.Your father had a high opinion of himself for a man who only carried dragon's blood without the dragon."She pointed out. "Be nice Piper."Hermione said brushing a kiss to Draco's cheek as she got up, letting piper snugge down into her mate, getting redy to go to sleep.
Draco chuckled a little. "i have my doubts about him actually being embarrassed." Draco admitted shaking his head a little as Harry slipped into sleep. "he's probobly going to find all of this just as amusing as we do, he's never been high before as far as i know." Draco admitted. even when the wizarding children had found out about weed Harry had never once joined in on the getting high, he knew better. it was a struggle to get him to take most of the stuff Pomfry tried to give him because it made him drowsy, this was even worse. Draco had to chuckle though as Hermione kissed his cheek. "it's fine Hermione." he promised grinning a little. "Dragon blood runs through my veins, i just never turned Dragon. father was MOST displeased."
"True. He's probably going to be disappointed that we didn't record it."She said looking amused at the idea of her mate enjoying that so much. at least her mate was intelligent. She purred, pleased at the idea of harry never giving into pressure to do what the others did. Smiling a little she smirked."Lucius was most displeased that there were no mateable dragons available when he was in austria."She mused, not about to voice her real fear pressing her cheek against Harry's shoulder as she realized something. Becaues lucius had a dragon's bloodline, and her mother had sided with that side of the war, if they could force her to yield to things, they could mate her to lucius. Even bonded with Harry, it was not her body that responded so strongly to harry. It was a dragon's heart that responded to the man, even if the phoenix gave her a dragonform. If they could isolate her long enough from her mate, the dragonheart would think her mate was dead...and turn to any dragon that was available...or any dragonkind.Closing her eyes as she stayed calm and quiet, not about to tell draco she was afraid his father would rape her to break her bond to the phoenix. As young as there were there were few things that could break a mate bonding, but infedility, even forced cheating, would shatter them both. Leaving a malliable queen,broken, and yielding to her mother.
Draco smiled a little before glancing at Piper, the same emotions she was feeling running through his eyes. you could tell that they where thinking the exact same thing, Lucius would be just the kind of man to rape a woman just to break her and bear a 'real' son instead of his pathetic Griffon magicless waste of space. "yes he was." Draco admitted. "he was even more displeased when my bloodline, dragon wise anyway, turned out stronger than his..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "you know if i hadn't run away you and i would be breeding right now... i think." Draco admitted wincing when Harry growled in his sleep, recognizing a threat to his mate even asleep. "my mother has dragon blood too, though it's as week as Fathers is, so that's probobly why my Dragon Blood runs stronger than theirs." he admitted shaking his head. "it's why i can't use magic you know." he admitted letting them know the truth, Lucius wasn't there to punish him for it, he was safe there.... still, he glanced behind his back to make sure the man wasn't there. "we should let you two sleep." Draco decided getting to his feet smiling at Piper. "everything will be just fine." he promised. "Dumbledore's talking to the Dragons as we speak." he admitted grinning a little. "soon your mother, and my father, will have no more power than i or hermione do... no offense my love." he purred at Hermione. but it was true, if herm or Draco tried to go to dragon land, they'd probobly be turned away at the entrance just for being 'unfit'.
piper snorted looking at him, shaking her head."We might have had sex,but even if I hadn't run away, or you, he would have found me. Phoenix's are born for dragons, they usually find each other."she said wincing, as she ran a hand down Harry's back, soothing her mate as he growled. Looking startled at the admittance, before nodding."Because Voldemort stole dragonmagic, and you are dragon, even if your form is griffon."She said studying him for real this time, for the first time really studying him. Seeing the slight slope of his cheek the chiseled perfection that didn't belong to malfoy, but dragomir. Starting as she realized she was looking at a cousin. "I know."Hermione smiled at them, leaving with draco, hoping that the two would be able to sleep.
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