Dragon's Winter

Piper smiled a little as they agreed to go get the house elves. Piper leaning back with a contented sigh long after the others had stopped eating. Smiling quietly as she realized they were watching her. Even the changelings."What?Dragons eat alot of things.Fire burns up energy."She said snickering a little before smiling slightly paying before getting up heading for the door. Looking around as she looked around to see if there was any trouble."Where do you buy house elves anyways?"Ron said looking around, having never been able to afford them, he never really thought about where house elves came from.
Harry paused as he considered where they where going to get the house elves and then. "well Ron.... i have no idea..." Harry admitted, Draco scoffing as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "follow." he ordered rolling his eyes as he led the way into a tiny building that had only a man and a desk and that was about it. "ah! mister Malfoy greetings to you!" the man chirped, smiling at Draco as he hefted a large book onto the desk. "hello Mister Gomfry, i need..." "five house elves." Harry stated calmly. "the cold weather kind." "ah! yes, temperament the usual mister Malfoy?" "no, i need ones with personality and... attitude i guess. ones that won't be afraid to give their opinion but will still do their jobs." "that's an unusual request from you..." "it's for my friend here. he's moving and he's never had house elves before because he's a peon." "... i'm not sure what a peon is but i hate you for that comment." the man just laughed and nodded as he flipped open the book and started stamping on pictures of various house elves. as he stamped, the house elf appeared, they where three feet tall, covered in pure white fur. they looked like little white teddy bears with long ears. "oh their SO cute!" Harry chirped looking almost chipper as he watched the five elves giggle at him and his clear amazement at his first sight of arctic elves.
Piper's eyes went wide as she beheld the elves herself, giggling a little."They are cute!Like baby griffons." "...you just got compared to a elf malfoy."Ron teased snickering at the man, looking amused as piper fussed. "Well, at least we know they're both well suited foreach other. They're fussing more over how cute the elves are, then if we should be worried about being here."Hermione said amused finding the elves cute to, but more watching the building and things around them because she didnt want to get caught unaware. While she knew she was being seriously paranoid they had harry potter who could find trouble in a bathtub with them so she had every intention of being on guard.
Draco grimaced a little. "unfortunately... she's right, baby griffons do look quite a bit like them." he admitted. "for the first few months after hatching, baby griffins are little more than giant balls of fluff with beaks, big eyes, and nubby little talons." he admitted with a shake of his head. "so her statement is... horrifyingly... accurate..." Draco admitted with a wrinkle of his nose, the owner laughing a little. "i can have them sent anywhere you want." the man admitted, Harry shaking his head. "nope, i'll take them myself. we need them for our shopping spree." Harry lied, not willing to divulge their location to anyone, the elves beaming at their first jobs as Harry carefully surrounded them in cooling charms so they wouldn't overheat in their thick fur. "alright guys, lets get going before my Danger Magnet turns on." harry suggested with a small chuckle.
Hermione grinned slipping a arm through her boyfriend's as they left the shop, looking at draco."Aww poor draco he was so cute and cuddly." "Was?He's still cute and cuddly."Piper teased slipping a arm through harry's looking around as they walked. Ron smiled slightly pausing as they rounded the corner, stepping back, keeping the others from stepping out."Stay back."he ordered stepping back himself, staying around the corner and hoping the two would keep walking past. "What?"Piper growled softly, dragonfire making a small tendril of smoke raise from her nostril. "Its your mother and lucius."Ron growled muttering a disillusionment charm, trying to keep them invisble as the two new allies talked, trying to decide on the best way to lure their wayward children into the open not realizing that they were already there.
Draco huffed with annoyance. "i so am NOT!" he complained sulking at them. "i am sexy and frigid damn you." "sure you are." Harry teased. "frigid as a kitten maybe." "i..." he paused as ron made them stop and Harry peeked around the corner, his eyes widening before they narrowed. "that cannot be a good thing." he growled softly looking at Piper. "there where other dragons there when you transformed weren't there? would they have abandoned your mother upon the realization that she wasn't the real queen?" he asked softly, hoping to god the woman hadn't done what he thought she might have, and joined Voldemort. "what should we do, go home?" Draco asked softly, looking at Piper and Harry. as far as he was concerned when it came to stuff like this Harry was in charge.
"A very fluffy kitten."Hermion teased eyes widening slightly as she stopped. Piper paused, swallowing hard before nodding a little."Her guard was there, but he's loyal and in love enough that he might not tell the others."she muttered realizing that her mother had done the unthinkable and joined voldemort. Looking at the other three she nodded,"Go.Me and harry'll take care of these two."She muttered raising a hand to stop them protesting, slipping a hand into Harry's."If they think they're chasing us, they wont look for the others."She said willing to do the savior thing and risk everything, to protect the other three.stepping out around the corner before they could stop hershe smiled slightly,"Hello mother, Lucius."She said smiling stopping far enough away that they'd have a chance to run,but close enough that the two could hear her.The only thing betraying her nervousness, was her tight grip on harry's hand.
Harry smirked as he stepped out with her, his head tilted a little as he examined the two in front of him, listening to the group behind him curse and cuss before apparating away with the elves, heading back home to warn Snape what had happened. they couldn't think of anything else to do with a couple of suicidal teens. "my my aren't you two cozy, i guess being that your both traitors you must get along so well with each other." he taunted, smirking at them shaking his head. "it's a shame that Dumbledore sent a letter to the Dragons, letting them know that you Lady, are a fraud." a bluff, but one he was sure Dumbledore would back up if it was tested. Harry didn't doubt Dumbledore already had in an effort to protect Harry and Piper. he gently nuzzled Piper's ear and smirked at the two. "well, i guess we'll see you later hmm? i expect a decent sized battle out of this, so i can thoroughly kick your asses."
"They do look awfully cozy don't they?"Piper said tutting a little asshe looked at her mate. "Ah dear Piper, you are needed at home then, if they really know you are the queen."Morgana said already moving to grab the two, yelping as piper's hand flashed out, claws ripping through skin."I think not. Not a battle now. WE need to go."Piper said skipping back a step, looking at harry, while she could do magic, it was going to leave her vulnerable and crippled to do it."Let's go."She said before tilting her head back, the beautiul black dragon taking form in the street, both lucius and morgana moved back away even as they tossed curses at the dragon. Piper lowered her head, nudging harry into her claw before spreading her wings and flinging herself into the air. A rumbling roar filling the air as she strained to hold form long enough to get them away.
Harry snarled as he watched the bitch reach for his mate striking at Lucius when he saw the other take a step forward settling into Piper's paws, feeding her his energy, smirking darkly at Morgana. "this is the true power of the Dragon Queen Morgana, you should learn to beware." he snarled before leaping into the air and spreading his own wings, spreading the colorful lights everywhere as he rose above them all, shrieking as he spread the colors wide, enveloping both himself and Piper in the bright colors, traveling through the light stream itself, much like apparating one second they where in Diagon the next they where flying high above the castle watching Draco Ron and hermione walking inside with the house elves. "i always wanted to try that." Harry admitted grinning at her as he glided along the clouds before headed down, not wanting to have Piper int he air too long in case the magic gave out or something and she changed back.
Piper smiled, a dragons laugh filling the air as she dove, nudging Draco with her nose as he walked inside,shifting back with a laugh as he stumbled."See, we're not sucidial. We're fine."She grinned pouncing on harry, wrapping him in a hug as he shifted back, resting her head on his shoulder wtih a happy sigh."That was so cool.Voldemort is so going to be pissed when he realizes he lost us again."She said clinging to him, because the idea eof falling into voldemort's hands frightened her. And even if she had done it for their friends, it still frightened her.
Draco snorted a little. "i'm not talking too you Piper! you either Potty!" he growled, clearly pissed off by her and Harry's recklessness Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. "i would never let Voldemort catch us, i'd kill them all before he where to ever get his hands on me." Harry admitted shaking his head as he kissed her gently. "i think we may have pissed Draco off though." he admitted looking amused as he shook his head. "oh well, he really should be used to it by now... we should give the Elves a list though and send them off to pick off everything that we couldn't. isn't it a good thing we got the elves first?"
"but draco!I want to talk to you!"Piper whned pouting a little much to hermione's amusement as she followed her boyfriend out of the room. "You know you should stay and talk to her."Hermione muttered slipping a arm through his. Piper smiled a little as ron left to go tell snape about their recklessness, wrapping her arms around harry,"Hmm my hero.Saving me from murderous dragon queens and annoyed dark lords."She teased kissing him again before looking at the elves.Sighing softly."We should tell them what we need I guess."He said smiling a little as she cooed over how pretty they were, starting to tell them exactly what they needed.
Draco huffed a little. "no, i'm angry at her. i'll talk to her when i'm not about to curse her or harry for being idiots." he grumbled before smiling at Hermione. "i'll forgive them in a few hours." he decided with a small chuckle. "i think Ron is tattling on them anyway, Snape is going to have them scrubbing cauldrons for a week." Snape of course, didn't actually give a shit about what Piper or Harry did outside of school. harry occasionally added to the list, and the little elves, eager to help, giggled eagerly, split the lists, and vanished to buy what was needed from various parts of the world. "well, i suppose i should try to scrounge together some lunch?" Harry offered smiling a little as he shook his head a little. "i'm starving again."
Piper smiled a little as she nodded,tugging him into the kitchen."Cook for me,great phoenix cook."She ordered smiling a little as she nudged her lover, settling in the chair at the table as her stomach rumbled. Looking slightly concerned as she rested her chin on her hand,"Do you think we made things worse by talking to them?"She asked worried about how bad things would go if and when lucius and her mother managed to track them down.

Hermione laughed as she kissed him, rolling her eyes."you know they only did it because they're both reckless heros right?"She teased kissing him again,"Come on, griffon mine, you need a shower.or a bath to relax."She said pulling him into the bathroom, starting to run a bath for him.
Harry chuckled a little as he obediently started cooking, some nice thick steaks and fried potatoes for everyone, and a nice bright green salad too so that Hermione didn't bitch about vitamins and proper health. "i don't know." he admitted. "but there's no way they could have tracked us." he admitted smirking a little. "i looked it up, there is no way to track a phoenix traveling through light." he admitted grinning at the other his head tilted at her. "here you go, steak potatoes and salad." he chirped grinning a little as he sat down. "besides, did you see the looks on their faces? i'd do it again even if it meant the end of the world." he admitted with a chuckle.

Draco snorted a little. "i don't care why they did it, they still did it." he complained simply before smiling as Hermione drew a bath, nuzzling her gently. "i love you... you know that right?" he asked with a smile as he gently nibbled on her ear before he calmly started to strip, groaning a little as he stretched. "mmm it's been a while since we could just lay in a tub and relax without having to worry about being caught by someone." he admitted with a small chuckle as he let her slide in first before sliding in after her, sighing as he settled behind her, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder. "mmm how i love you."
Piper laughed amused as she started eating, looking amused."Hmm their faces were amusing."She said eating as she looked at him slightly worried before grinning slightly."That's good to know. At least if we need to travel again, traveling that way would keep anyone from following us here."She said before sighing quietly, pained because she wished she knew magic as much as harry did. She so longed to be able to be able to do magic like she had been born to do.

"Hmm I love you to."She muttered blushing a little swallowing hard as the other nibbled on her ear, shivering as she started to strip herself climbing into the tub with a smile."Hmm one of good things about having to leave school. We get to relax in this whole tub and not worry about any prefects coming in and catching us."She smiled leaning back against his chest, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest."I love you. So much."She muttered nuzzling him as she closed her eyes.
Harry nodded a little an smiled at her. "yes, but i doubt we'll have to go anywhere. we can just huddle down here for years if we have to now. no one even knows where we are." he admitted grinning at her. "we can train here all we want." he admitted stretching a little with a groan. "i think if we practice enough, i might even be able to share my magic with you, i've been reading up on it." he admitted smiling at her. "it's usually for squibs who have the potential for magic, but in this case i think it will work too, it's going to need tweaking but i think i have enough magic to let you have some too." he admitted smiling at her.

he smiled a little and nodded. "we only have to worry about Snape, and he doesn't give a shit." he admitted with a small chuckle. "he was never good with kids, i have no idea why Dumbledore makes him teach." he admitted shaking his head a little as he wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her forehead, smiling a little. "you look beautiful you know." he admitted softly smiling a little as he watched her. "i was going to do this at graduation." he admitted softly. "but it looks like we're not graduating so..." he slipped something onto her finger. "will you marry me?"
Piper snickered a little looking at him."Oh, you think Dumbeldore would let you stay here for years?He needs our help to defeat them after all."She said smiling a little before sighing."Oh...oh harry!"She said eyes wide, smiling as she leaned over,wrapping he arms around him."That would be perect.Oh, I love you."She said leaning in, wrapping his arms around the other tightly, kissing him hard. She so wanted to be able to do magic like the others.

"probably so he can keep a eye on snape."Hermione said smiling a little as she looked at him looking amused as he watched her before her eyes went wide."We'll graduate. We just have to keep the sucidial ones from klling themselves."She said stuttering a little as she nodded smiling as she leaned up to kiss him,"I will, draco."She said hugging him tightly, tears filling her eyes.Happy happy tears.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "he doesn't have a choice." he pointed out. "he doesn't know where we are, recall?" he teased smiling a little as he hugged her back, giving her a long happy kiss. "i do however need to send him a letter about informing the Dragon's, don't let me forget." he ordered with a small smile his head tilted at her before kissing her again. "mmm you taste wonderful, we should go have sex." he teased snickering a little.

Draco nodded. "i know it's so he can keep an eye on snape, no one trusts the man because he made mistakes and joined the wrong person. Snape did what he did to protect the woman he loved, he was a kid and didn't know any better. mostly it's his attitude though that makes people not want to trust him." he admitted smiling a little as he kissed her. "aaw Hermione i thought you where happy? why are you crying love?" he asked. he still hadn't figured out happy tears, goofy little idiot.
"hmm true."He muttered smiling."Yes,it would be good to send that letter before mother gets a chance to talk to the dragons."She said kissing him back, amused."Oh we should should we?"She teased running her fingers through his hair. Looking amused as she shoved him towards the doorway,"Come on then.I'll give in to my mate's demands."She teased looking happy and content as she followed him out of the room.

"Hmm he's not so bad when you realize that not everything he says is what he means"She smiled laughing as he fussed about her tears, hitting him in the shoulder lightly."They're happy tears you idiot."She teased kissing him hard,shifting as she picked up her wand, lighting candles and adding bubble bath to their tub."We should hve a romantic bath, since you did propose and all."She teased nuzzling him a little.
Harry chuckled a little as he kissed the other eagerly running his fingers along her skull with a playful little growl as he followed her to the bedroom, stripping her bare in an instant and leaning her carefully onto the bed before teasing her ruthlessly until she was practically limp with need and pleasure before he finally let her have what she wanted and screwed her, chuckling as he kissed her neck, well aware she was going to bitch at him later for making her legs hurt from cumming so many times.

Draco smiled a little. "well... since their happy tears." he purred kissing her happily, smiling as he tucked his nose against her neck and inhaled. "mmm you always smell so good in the bathtub." he admitted chuckling a little. Draco really was a remarkable sort of man. when they had started dating Hermione had told him she didn't want to have sex until they where married, and not once had Draco ever pressured her, even now, in the tub, both of them naked his hands where on her belly and nowhere else. "Merlin you look gorgeous in candlelight, like a beautiful Angel." he murmured smiling a little. "i love you." he purred kissing her eagerly.
Hermione blushed at his praise, smiling as she nuzzled him a little, amused that even now, engaged and naked, the other wasn't pressuring her to have sex. He really was a perfect man. Perfect for her in every way.. Gently stroking his hair as she smiled,"Love you to."She smiled resting her head on his shoulder be sighing, "hmmm we should go to bed. knowing harry and piper, they'll be up early demanding attention."she muttered kissing him slowly, before shifting away, starting to get out of the tub. Drying off with a smile as he dressed,"Come on pretty boy. You need your beautiy sleep."She teased leaning over to kiss him again.
he chuckled a little as he gently kissed her ear. "please their having sex and we both know it." he teased chuckling a little. "their going to do that until dawn and then sleep in till noon and bitch at us for letting them sleep in... let's cuddle a little longer?" he asked smiling a little as she got out anyway. "tease." he pouted at her playfully as he got out as well. "fine but i'm sleeping naked." he teased chuckling a little. they both knew that was a lie, Draco was anal retentive about such things and ALWAYS wore clothes in the bed in case there was an emergency of some kind and he didn't have time to rest. he kissed her slowly, sensually and sighed, smiling at her. "i love you Hermione." he whispered, grinning at her. "id you know, that in griffon cultures, it is the females who are in charge?" he teased grinning at her. "just like Dragons."
hermione snickered rolling her eyes as she looked at her boyfriend."No you wont. You're worried about having to run down the halls naked."She pointed out knowing it was true because her boyfriend would be so embarassed if there was a emergency and he had to leave without time to dress. Where harry and piper would probably sleep naked and not care if they ran out of the room naked."oh, well that makes since, since you let me boss you around."She teased nuzzling him as she pulled on her pj's, climbing into bed with a smile. "Your cultures are smart, woman should be in charge all the time."She teased kissing him again.
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