Dragon's Winter

Draco smiled a little and nodded. "this is true, as i recall he nearly ran you over yes?" he asked smirking a little as he left with Hermione, nuzzling her gently. "you know i would never screw piper right?" he asked looking worried. "not even for the continued population of Dracomir right?" desperate to make sure his lover knew she was the only woman he would ever have sex with, not wanting her to be upset with him. it was a griffon thing, they mated for life and the males where constantly, constantly trying to keep their mates happy and satisfied. hell, Draco made sure to spend an hour every day to 'groom' Hermione, brushing her hair and braiding it, just touching her to make sure their physical bond remained strong and unbroken. Hermione's hair and skin had never been healthier.
"So he did."Piper said laughing softly as he watched them go. Hermione smiled, nodding as she turned to pul him into a kiss. After she had discovered what he was, she had done her research and understood why now why he did what he did. It made things more tolerable, even if she found it goofy sometimes."I do.Though I think she'd beat you with something before she considered touching you. No offense."She teased kissing him again heading for their rooms, "Come on.Its time to brush my hair."She said wanting to just lay down and be with him, tired for the excitement of the day.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "none taken, i'm pretty but that's about all. i would certainly never be a suitable mate to a Dragon." he admitted grinning as he nuzzled her. "and that's the way i like it, if i'm going to breed i want it to be for love, not procreation." he admitted scowling a little. "i wish my father would see it that way..." he admitted smiling at Hermione and kissed her cheek, slipping them into the bedroom and started brushing the woman's hair, making his happy contented sounds as he ran his fingers along her scalp, massaging in the right oils for the evening. sometimes, when she asked, he skipped the hair all together and gave her a back and foot massage instead. so long as he was touching her, he didn't mind what they did. wasn't hermione so lucky?
Hermione smiled enjoying the attention, quiet and content with him. Lookign forward to when they would be married. Because even wanting him like she did, she couldn't make herself give in and have sex before they were married.So, she enjoyed the attention.

Two days later Piper smiled as she ducked and dove through the sky, having left early in the morning to get some flying in before the others awoke, having wanted some silence and peace to herself. Roaring as a spell flashed off her wings, falling as the great expanse of her wings folded under her, and with that last thought, taht she wanted harry, darkness took her. When she woke she growled biting at the gag, shifting, whining when she found her hands bound behidn her back, shifting trying to get up. Wondering what in the world was going on. Before paling when she saw who was sitting in the chair by the bed, for she was indeed on a bed.And wondered what the hell Lucius malfoy thought he was doing, bounding and dragging a woman who could force him to bend to her will.... or would have been able to...had she been able to speak.
Lucius smirked a little as he stood up and ran his fingers down her cheek. "such a pretty little bitch." he growled smirking a little. "i'm going to enjoy every minute of this." he growled as he reached out and took hold of her shirt, tearing it apart with sharp talons, long and black, just like Draco's. so Draco wasn't the only one who was a Griffon, when they should have been a Dragon. "i will take you, all of you." he growled, massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples. "yes, i am going to break you, and when you bear me my proper son, I shall be the ruler of the Dragons!" he snarled smirking at her. "especially when i take all the Dragon Power for myself!" he growled yanking her pants down and off, leaving her almost completely naked before him. "and don't try controlling me, i've used a silencing spell on you, that pretty slut voice of yours will have no power over me."
Piper glared at him even as he undressed her, snapping out as he touched her face, fangs finding his hand, razorsharp dragon teeth slicing through skin. It wasn't much damage, but she'd be damned if she didn't try to hurt him. She growled in silence as he touched her ,trembling in the cool air as he undressed her. glaring at him as she tried to focus through her overwhelming fear, the fear making dragon scales and claws slide over her skin, but fading, flashing to quickly between both forms in her fear to do any good. without being able to talk she was truly afraid of what he would do to her. Waiting until he moved closer to her she kicked out at him, trying to make him leave. "Ahhh....such a pretty little whore."Morgana muttered as she stepped into the room, smirking at Lucius, nodding towards the talons at his fingers,"I'd use those on her if you want to break her. After all, what is a ragon without claws?"she muttered walking over and stroking her daughter's hair, ignoring the girl's struggles as she looked up at Lucius, having every intention of watching the dragon's queen fall.
he snarled as she bit him, yanking his hand back and studying the blood welling out of his hand before slapping her hard enough to make her world spin. he smirked as he watched her form sliding between Dragon and human, his head tilted. "mmm how wonderful your fear tastes." he growled before scowling as Morgan walked in, his eyes narrowed at her as he flexed his talons. "what are you doing here Morgan? you said she would be mine." he complained his eyes angry. "don't tell me your sick enough to want to watch?" he asked, taunting the Dragon leader as he dragged the tips of his nails down Pipers belly, leaving miniscule cuts that burned like paper-cuts and oozed slowly. "i will break her." his grin was as cold as frost burn and as sadistic as a devils. "i will break her slowly. i will make her suffer." he purred happily.
Piper whimpered as the world spun, amused as she looked at lucius."I did promise.And I will keep my word,dragonkin.I was just coing to tell you to what she would find fearful.She has always been afraid of a griffon's talons.And she has been living with your son.Surely she has grown to fear more."she said heading for the door.Piper whimpered shivering as the frost burned, but she burned so brightly, that the cold wasn't so bad.And as she struggled to stay clear headed enough to keep fighting, her skin glowed softly, like the sun was layingon it. But it was more then that, dragons had once been stars, and she glowed with the fire of a star, a rarity among dragons, as rare as a true dragon queen with a phoenix mate.

Hermione frowned as she walked into the kitchen,looking at harry."Piper still sleeping?"She asked because it was odd to see one side of the couple without the other tagging along at their heels.
Lucius narrowed her eyes at Morgana before smirking viciously as he ran his talons along her neck, cutting small burning cuts again with a delightful growl. "afraid of a griffons talons hmm?" he asked smirking as two long claws slid along her clit, not cutting but certainly allowing her to feel the sharpness o them, how effortless it would be for him to do her some real damage with those beastly claws. "shine all you want Dragon Whore." he growled smirking as he pulled down his pants and settled atop her. "there is nothing you can do to stop me." he snarled plunging deeply into her as his talons sliced her skin, cutting the words 'Lucius's Whore' across her belly as he raped her, moaning loudly and eagerly.

Harry stumbled down the stairs, looking disgruntled and half asleep. "no.. i thought she was down here with you." Harry admitted looking as irritable and grouchy as he could get, something burning deep inside his magic, warning him... of what? he wasn't sure. he cried out as something flared deep inside of him and he nearly collapsed as his bond between him and piper nearly severed, Harry grabbing a tight hold on it, refusing to let it break as he rushed to his feet and slammed through the door, shattering it as he spread his wings and screamed into the air as he raced through the air to find his lover.
piper went still at the feel of claws against her, going so still she hardly breathed, her own claws shredding the bed under her as she fought, screaming as he plunged into her. Silent screams escaping as small whimpers as she shivered, closing her eyes as she tried to ignore the man on top of her. Before....magic shifted. breaking her bond to her mate, reforming tentively on the man riding her. as if the mating bond didn't want to let go of harry, that harry wasn't letting her go but her magic was wrapping around the dragonkin raping her, eyes wide and pained as she panted, bleeding out as he raped her. shining brightly through the blood an tears, slently screaming still.'Not-not dragon,dragonkin."She panted, in the rush of magic his spell had snapped,but she couldn't get her thoughts together enough to remember that she could order him away. So scattered, so scared of being bound to this man, that she couldn't think.

"Draco!"Hermione yelled as she tried to stop harry from leaving but when she couldn't, she was going to trust that her griffon would get her there in time to help. "shift."She ordered, insensitive for a moment, desperate to catch up to harry as she held her saddle, looking so scared as she ran for the door to go outside.
Lucius moaned as he rode her, fucking her hard and fast as he plunged into her with hard, rough, furious movements, breaking her pussy as his claws settled against her face as he moved inside of her, panting eagerly. "yes, yes i'm going to make you mine, mine forever. he growled darkly. "i'm going to fill your womb with my Dragons seed and make you bear me a son worth calling a Malfoy." he snarled tossing his head back as he gently, carefully scratched lines into her face, enjoying the terror as he felt her magic connecting to his, forcing his will into her through that tentative bond, forcing her to lay still, forcing her to stop trying to scream, licking the marks he had left on her face as he arched, and shreiked as he came, flooding her broken cunt with his hot, stinging seed, plunging in as deep as he could get and holding there to make sure every bit of his seed stayed in her. but he was still so hard, and he pulled out, flipped her onto her belly, and plunged in again, raping her more, cutting long lines down her back as he plunged in and out of her cunt.

there was no warning when something slammed into the side of the room, toppling giant stones and bricks as a massive beak suddenly reached in, and snapped Lucius's head off like it was a Sunday dessert, shrieking in Fury harry flooded Piper with his magic, forcing her to turn Dragon,covering her with his wings and holding her tightly, the bright lights emanating from him filling her. everywhere his light touched the cuts and bruises, broken and bleeding healed over as if nothing was there... but he could do nothing about Lucius's seed in her cunt, in her womb, possibly, maybe impregnating her.

Draco nodded and crouched low, spreading massive wings as she placed the saddle on and settled into place, Draco leaping after Harry who was well out of sight, having traveled by light to get to where he needed to go, so draco turned west instead. "hold on Tight Hermione!" Draco ordered, beating his wings hard. "we're going to go and get the DRAGONS!" he admitted, well aware there was going to be a fierce battle. Voldemort's men, verses the Dragons, whoever killed the leader won. he hoped Harry could hold his own until Draco could tell the Dragons.
Evene as harry force her to change she panted, laying quietly on the floor as she tried to recover.Laying her head on the floor she tried to recover enough to get up.leaning into the phoenix holding her,trying to recover enough to get up and fight against the people she could hear yelling as they came to find out what had happened."Harry..."She muttered the dragons rumble making it not a uiet thing as she pushed up to her feet, unsteady but standing. Stumbling to the opening harry had made she flung herself into the air, fluttering for a moment before her wings caught her, sending them all into the air.

"Get them!Don't let them get away!"Voldemort ordered looking up at the two as he walked outside, already firing spells himself. Though no killing curses, because he wanted the two alive, at least, he wanted piper alive. he was going to make her give him the seret to a dragons change, and a dragon's form.then he would be all powerful, he would rule like he was supposed to.

hermione clung to draco's pack looking so scared as she pressed her face against his neck, praying that piper and harry would be able to hold this fight together until they brought help. when they got to austria they landed, glad that the dragons were vain enough to have their own private estates, that the changelings knew where to find them, in case of emergencies like that."Help!"She helped as they landed running for the door. not even bothering to knock as she ra nin."Help!" "Yes?"The dragon prince stepped out of the sitting room where he had been talking to dumbledore. "Hermione?Draco?"Dumbledore said walking out, eyes wide as he surveyed the two.
he growled and clicked, growling as he gently nudged her to her feet with his massive beak, hissing darkly as he watched the bastards rush into the room, spilling his bright lights everywhere, blinding them as he rushed into the air, shrieking loudly as spells filled the air, flaring his wings wide to keep the severing and stunning spells from hitting Piper who was above him. screaming in pain as a well placed severing spell sliced through his wing, nearly cutting it off as he plummeted back tot he castle, making sure to Angle himself just right to crush as many bodies under him as he could. "RUN PIPER!"

Draco shrieked as he landed, not bothering to change back into human form, spreading his wings as he shrieked moving over to the Dragon prince. "your Queen is being attacked! Morgan has her and is trying to break her bond between her and her Phoenix Mate!" he admitted panting hard. "there is to be War and without help Harry and Piper are going to be dead and Voldemort will have Dragon Power forever!" he stated panting hard. "we have to go, NOW!" he admitted rearing up on his hind legs, slashing at the air. so distraught over the muted feelings he was getting from Harry.
the dragon's eyes went wide nodding as he tossed his head back, a roar thundering through the grounds. Like piper, the more voldeomrt lost control, the more piper stole back, the more her dragons got back. And in that thundering moment, the answering roars sounded as loud as trumpets. And Voldemort's spell snapped in the face of their fury. the prince snarled as he walked forward, all grace and caged violence as he rested a hand on draco's neck, nodding to hermione."Sorry about this lady griffon,but there is need for great haste."He said feelig his queen, because she was truly theirs, they could feel their muted panic. And he used it as a anchor, to open a doorway between here and there for the dragons tht were pouring into the courtyard, and stepped through to a battle.

The battle raged as piper refused to leave, but also refusing to get close enough to get hurt. And just as the prince and draco came through, turning the hard pressed fight into a true battle, she raised on the air, sunlight glittering off her skin as she hung there in the sky, then dropped. Burning bright and fiery as she fell like a falling star, dragon fire racing ahed of her,burning all but the changelings who could control it themselves, and voldemort who's death in the horcruxes rendered him invulnerable to the magic. Piper panted as she landed, wings folding over her mate, protecting him as she raised her head as voldemort approached, "You have no right!" "I have every right. They are mine to protect."Piper snarled as her head snapped out, clearly cutting the man in half, even going as far as to burn both body and soul to make sure he was completely gone. Before sinking to the ground as the use of power finally caught up to her, making her tired.
Harry screamed and screeched as he used massive wing and deadly talons to keep the wizards back, out of the room as much as he could, making the wizards shoot from windows and the ground. he screamed as he felt the Dragon Magic opening and Dragons spilled into the air, snapping at Voldemort to keep him back, keep him away, fury in the lights that surrounded him, protecting him from spells and Dragonfire alike as Piper landed on top of him, protecting him as he shrieked and slashed at a wizard who tried to attack Piper from behind, the man cut in half with a scream, Harry shrieking loudly before falling limp as Voldemort died, the ever present soul in his body fading away, sending his own body into shock as he slumped, the death eaters all screaming as they fled, Draco shrieking with Fury as he flew towards Morgana, the only Dragon who was trying to flee, his long talons catching her across the face, cutting her without mercy as his strong beak gripped one of her wings and snapped it, breaking the wing effortlessly as they both began to plummet to the earth.
piper raised her head, fear filling those big dragon eyes as she reached out with a claw, catching draco as he fell,gently cradling him as she heard morgana hit the ground in a bone crunching heap. Whimpering as she let draco done, shifting to hide her slim body behind harry, as if a dragon could be hidden behind a phoenix. Hermione stepped out from where draco had hidden her in the castle, walking over wrapping her arms around draco, looking hm over, trying to make sure that he was okay before glancing at the dragon and phoenix."Piper?"She muttered not liking how afraid teh dragon looked, already nudging draco to get up."come on. We better get home. They need taken care of. So do you."she said looking so scared for them all.
Draco squealed as he was caught, , startled before he shifted back to human form, panting hard, blood running down his arm and back from long scratches from Morgana's claws, panting hard as Harry slowly, carefully shifted back, clutching his nearly severed arm. there was no real danger, he had stopped bleeding and magic could put his arm back on as good as new, but he looked terrible, panting hard, eyes wide and glossy from shock as Draco tried to stagger to his feet only to collapse after a bare step. several dragons landed carefully on the sides of the wall, long tails swinging as they bowed their head to Piper, offering their respect to their queen and the Phoenix who was with her. "if it pleases you M'Lady, we can take you all back to the Dragon Castle, we have the finest healers there." the Dragon admitted, offering her a toothy grin. "we don't even have to fly, we can open a portal that will take you to the Healers wing directly." Draco nodded. "it would be fastest, and Harry needs serious attention, he's going into shock..." both dragons nodded and a large portal opened, which would take them all right back to Holland where the other Dragons where waiting with bated breath to great their true queen.
Piper nodded stumbling after them, smiling slightly. Grinning, because this was the beginning of something better. Of a world that was both changeling and wizard.

9 months later hermione frowned a little looking at harry as he paced, resting her head on draco's shoulder, annoyed that they all had been ordered out of the birthing room, but piper had been steadfast. probably something to do with still being afraid of griffons, even if she ould be around draco most of the time, when she was stressed she was afraid. And the fact that she was having a baby, that she wasn't sure was her mates, was stressing her out. Even if it had been unsaid, the fear had been there that it was lucius's child.

Pomprey smiled slightly as she stepped out of the room, the babe cuddled into her arms looking at harry."Your lady wants to see you."She muttered stopping him before he could rush in, laying the baby boy in his arms, before raising the tiny fist, griffon talons were soft on the end of his fingers, but when the babe blinked up at his father it was with one eye that was piper's icy blue and harry's emerald green. As if her body had melded a child of all three, instead of the two parents. They would probably never know which one had gotten her pregnant, but the breaking and reforming of their mating bond had created a child like no other, a child that was phoenix, dragon, and griffon.
Harry was pacing back and forth, wearing his sleeveless shirt, claiming it was lucky, letting all of them see the long scar that wound around his arm where it had been re attached. he had full use of the limb, no damage there at all anymore. Harry was so frantic, he had promised that no matter who's baby it was he would love it, but Draco had admitted that Malfoy men where always very sickly babies, very sickly, most never even made it out of the womb, dead at birth, so Harry was terrified. he looked up and nearly passed out when Pomfry promised him he could run in to see his lady, gasping as he saw the little baby in his arms, his eyes wide as a wide grin broke out onto his face. "oh Merlin she's beautiful." he whispered smiling as he stroked her soft blond hair and took her tiny fist n his, grinning as she bared tiny angry Dragon teeth at him, making him chuckle. "such a fierce little one." he muttered nuzzling her happily as he moved into the room and crawling into bed with Piper, holding the little babe as he kissed Pipers forehead. "you are so amazing Piper." he whispered grinning a little. "look love, look what you made, she's so gorgeous!" he whispered, awe and love in his voice as she showed Piper the little creature she had made.
Piper smiled sleepily as harry climbed into the bed with her, resting her head on his shoulder as he showed her the baby."I know. She's so pretty."Piper said sounding so relieved about the baby being healthy, and that even with griffon's claws she was their child, strong and healthy, with a fierce dragon's pride. Smiling as she cuddle with harry, closing her eyes."I am pretty amazing.And you are to."She said yawning as she watched draco and his mate come in, smiling at the new mr. and mrs. malfoy, the two having gotten married while they recovered from the battle. Grinning as she sat up slowly to share this day with her family. Because even though she no longer had a family by blood, she had these people, her family by love, and the dragons who loved her for her. And didn't try to change her. She was happy. And the world was good.

The end?
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