Dragon's Winter

Draco snorted a little. "you might be right about that." Draco admitted looking amused as he chuckled a little as he kissed her intently. "mmm no, women like you and Piper, and men like Harry and me should be in charge, instead of insufferable old windbags like crouch and that moron who's on the chair now, Scrimgeor.... Merlin he's an idiot." Draco stated with a wrinkle of his nose. "besides, if women where ALWAYS in charge we'd have war five to seven days a month." he teased smirking at her as he kissed her again. "i looove yooouuu." because somehow that always saved him from getting hit.
Hermione paused, thought about it as she raised her hand to smack him before smiling a little evilly, and smacking him in the shoulder anyways."I'd rather have the uncomfortableness of those days then what you go between your legs. At least mine only lasts a few days, cock and balls make a man stupid all the time."She teased kissing him."Lovveee you."She drawled out like him,amused because he thought the words would just get him out of a smack.Poor deluded blond, he was just to cute to smack sometimes.
Draco sulked as he was smacked, pouting at her as he rubbed his arm even though it hadn't hurt. "Abusive!" he complained chuckling a little as he gripped his groin. "hey, your going to be worshiping these things when i finally get you out of your gorgeous wedding dress." he teased laughing a little. "Harry told me to say that, he told me he'd give me fifteen galleons if i could actually do it, i've been waiting for a chance all day." he admitted with a chipper laugh as he kissed her eagerly. "he made it sound so much more perverted and lewdly than i managed." he admitted smiling at her. "i really do love you though you know." he promised smiling at her as they paused Harry's room where Harry was making Piper scream in pleasure. "ah, see? i told you so." he teased chuckling a little.
"if you want abuse I'll so you abuse"she teased poking him again him with a smile.Raising a eyebrow as he grabbed himself blushing slightly as she smiled."you made a bet with Harry?you're so weird. And harry can make anything sound perverted, even the simplest things."she said snickering a little."and if he says that to piper we're either going to hear her laughing or roaring in anger over him telling her perverted things."hermione snickered a little laughing when they heard piper, poking drake in the side as she cuddled down into his side starting to fall asleep."go to sleep."she smiled nuzzling him
he laughed a little and shook his head. "i'd rather not be abused." he admitted smiling a little. "and yes i always make bets with Harry, he always looses." he admitted snickering a little. "he really needs to realize i'm not as prudish as i appear." he admitted simply before chuckling. "she'd beat him to a pulp." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head as he snuggled into her once he changed into proper pajamas, kissing her cheek. "goodnight, my gorgeous lady." he purred smiling at her before settling into sleep holding her tightly and lovingly.
"...you are to."Hermione smiled wrapping her arms around him, smiling a little."And she will."She said losing her eyes with a sigh.

In the morning Hermione yawned as she stretched, turning to look at her blond boyfriend, nudging him a little."Come on sleepy head. We slept in."She said slightly amazed that they weren't being harassed awake by the two sex fiends. Not realizing that in fact harry and piper were just stirring.

"Sleepy...you're cool..."Piper muttered nuzzling her mate as she yawned, rubbing a hand over her eyes as she blinked in the morning sunlight that was oming through the open window.
Draco groaned a little. "we can't have." he groaned. "Piper's not yelling at us to get up and there's no food smells." he grumbled. "it's too early to get up." well Draco certainly had the routine down. usually when it was time to get up Harry already had food ready. and he usually slept past that until him or piper, or occasionally hermione made him get up. "besides... we don't have anywhere to be or anything to do... it's ok to sleep in..." he muttered yawning a little.

Harry groaned a little as he snuggled into her. "mmm sorry" he muttered softly as he nibbled on her neck, smirking a little. "mmmm how sore is your voice today?" he teased, loving how many times he had made her scream his name, until almost three in the morning. Harry was practically ruthless when it came to unleashing the power of pleasure upon her.
"Hmmm but the suns over the mountains already."She said frowning a little as she glanced towards the window snickering a little because it was particularly odd that piper or harry wasn't up or moving yet."Maybe they slept in."She said laughing as she got up leaning down to kiss him."Besides we have to get up and do things.Reading. Chess.Things."

Piper whined nuzzling him a little as she sighed, snickering a little as he asked the question."Hmm no more worse then me roaring.Actually I think that roar at lucius took more out of me."She teased nuzzling him stealing a kiss as she sat up, laughing quietly as she looked at him.
he smirked a little as he shook his head a little. "i don't wanna." he complained playfully, but was already slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes a little. "mmmm i'm all stiff." he admitted stretching as he yawned. "i was thinking of working on that thesis paper on the additional uses for Troll Fat and nightshade." he admitted. Draco, determined to be the worlds greatest potions master, had three thesis papers written, and published on various proper uses for certain special potions ingredients, and he had over ten completely original potions created and mass marketed for public use. not that he was actually making any money from it, but soon he would, once he gained the Masters title he could make potions and get all the money from the earnings instead of handing his recipe over to other masters to let them make and sell. "want to help me?" he asked smirking at her. she could never resist a chance to argue with him and prove that she was smarter.

he chuckled a little and kissed her happily. "mmm good, you know i'm rather surprised Draco isn't in here demanding food yet, it's really late." he admitted indicating the sun coming in through the window. "it has to be at least eleven or noon at least." he admitted chuckling a little as he gently nibbled on her lip. "shall we try for one more round, or get up and get something to eat?" he asked leaving the decision up to her."
Hermione grinned at him, leaning down to kiss him,"Of course I want to help. You always need my help."She teased nudging him a little before heading for the door."Come on, we'll get breakfast and head to the library. We have a thesis to work on. You need all the help you can get."She teased as she flounced out of the room, grinning because she knew she'd been suckered into helping him, but she really couldn't help but want to help him. Not because she wanted to prove that she was smarter, but because she wanted him to get everything he wanted, and if her help could get him to be the master potioneer he wanted to be, then she felt that it was her duty to help.

Piper laughed quietly."Maybe he finally had sex and is all tuckered out."She said snickering at the idea yawning."It is really late."She said as her stomach growled."Breakfast in bed?Then to go see what the other two are doing?Hopefully they like didn't die or something."She said quite amused that draco wasn't in there demanding food really.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "your so cruel to me." he complained grinning at her as he got dressed and cleaned with magic following her out with a smirk. honestly glad to have her help, she didn't know it, but her name was on the last two Thesis papers he'd had published because she had helped him. he wasn't sure if she knew it or not. he knew Snape knew, the man had been very displeased about it at first, much to Draco's amusement.

Harry whined but got up and rubbed his eyes a little. "nah, Draco's been talking about a paper or some shit their probobly doing that." he admitted shaking his head a little. "what do you want for breakfast? i'm feeling complicated today, maybe some Crepes? filled with a strawberry mousse?"
Hermione smiled as she walked downstairs. Not realizing that he had put her on the papers, after he'd published it she hadn't read them because she already knew what they said. "I am not."She teased rolling her eyes before heading for the kitchen to get food. Smiling as she saw the other couple coming down the stairs."Look who's climbed out of bed finally."She muttered looking amused.

"Ah, so he has. They would be that anal to be working on a paper before they ate."She said smiling a little before grinning "I want crepes. They do sound good."She said following him out of the room, grinning at draco and hermione."You talking to us yet?"Piper teased the blond because he'd been mad at them last time they talked.
Draco snorted a little at Hermione, grinning at her. "like we're ones to talk hermione." he pointed out looking amused. "we only just got out of bed ourselves you know." he teased before looking at Piper and harry,. slowly pondering before. "no, i am not, i have far too much work to do to be entertaining you with idle chatter." he teased looking amused, letting Piper know they weren't in trouble anymore in his own scathing way Harry snorting a little. "well fine then, you don't get any Crepes." he stated, well aware that crepes where one of Draco's most favorite foods, the blond pausing then. "well, maybe a little bit of idle chatter wouldn't hurt..."
"Only a little idle chatter?"Hermione teased grinning a little. "You'd probably give him a kiss if you thought it'd get you a crepe." "Oh, that would be interesting to see. If only I wouldn't get jealous."Piper said looking amused at the whole conversation before smiling a little."oh well idle chatter is good for us sometimes. Gets our minds off works and such."
Draco snorted a little. "i wouldn't kiss potter if it would save my life." "thank god, i was actually afraid he was going to kiss me there for a minute the fay little ferret." ".... i hate you sometimes. i am neither gay, nor a ferret." he growled Harry snickering a little as he shook his head and started cooking happily as he hummed and mixed the strawberry filling, glancing over at everyone. "does anyone want something other than strawberry?" "raspberry." Snape ordered as he moved into the room, reading a book. "Draco, Eloise Ricolo just published another book, you should read it." "she did!?" Draco demanded his eyes wide in astonishment. Eloise Ricolo was Draco's ultimate hero, she was the ultimate potions master and the only person Draco would be nice to besides Hermione if he ever met her. "gimme!" Draco demanded snatching the book away from snape who glared at Draco. "... you little brat." Snape complained rolling his eyes.
Hermione laughed softly."You should have been prepared to have him take it. You know how he is. sometimes i think he'd rather marry her intead of me."She teased. Piper snickered shaking her head with amusement as she watched her friend bury his nose in the book."He wouldn't be able to have sex.He'd be to in awe to ever try if they were together."She said looking amused at the idea
Draco ignored them all, his nose buried in the book as he read Harry snorting. "please, he'd be too busy asking her questions to even realize she was a woman." he pointed out, chuckling a little as he smiled a little at Hermione. he knew she understood Draco's obsessions but he was always a little worried about her feelings when he went on one of his Eloise binges. Draco would ignore everything, even his own Thesis paper to read that book cover to cover, then he would do what he always did and dote on hermione as an apology for ignoring her for so long. though Draco would no doubt have the book read in a matter of hours he always felt bad afterwords for ignoring Hermione in favor of the writings of another woman. "he's not even going to eat his Crepes now." Harry complained sliding the raspberry and strawberry filled pancake like breakfasts onto the table for everyone to help themselves.
Hermione smiled a little, though it sometimes bothered her that draco was so obsessed with another woman but she knew that harry was right, that draco would never be able to stop asking questions long enough to notice she was a woman. Smiling as she looked at drao before starting to eat. Ron snickered as he walked in the room, settling into his seat to eat."Thats okay. We'll eat his share.Cant say we didn't try to feed him."He said amused at the idea. Piper smirked holding out a crepe towards Draco, holding it just at the edge of the book so he could see it."Draco. Eat.And read. You wont feel good later if you skip breakfast now."She said looking at him slightly worried because of how he'd reacted to the book. It was odd.
Draco didn't even bother to look at the Crepe he just grabbed it in his teeth and started eating without taking his eyes, or his hands off the book, Harry snickering a little. "you know, i think i might know why he's so obsessed." Harry admitted glancing at Hermione. "if you'd like to have your fears laid to rest. i'll tell you later." he promised stuffing another Crepe into Draco's mouth, the man choking and actually dropping the book to glare furiously at Harry, Snape stealing his book back. "go read your own you little brat." he ordered stalking off with the book, Draco huffing but helping himself to the food now that his source of obsession was missing.
Hermione looked curious raising a eyebrow as she looked at harry."Oh?And what is this?"She asked looking curious before laughing Piper snickered before poking draco, amused that he was so obsessed."You should eat slowly.Then go read."She said patting his hand looking amused at the idea because the idea that draco obsessing over something that much besides his mate, it was just almost unheard of among the changelings to be that focused on something that much, much less a woman that wasn't their mate.
Harry smiled a little. "when he was under Lucius's control, Eloise was his only hope for a better life." Harry explained calmly as Draco stuffed himself kissed hermione intently and then left. "Eloise became his only hope." he admitted. "she was the only time that he had full control of himself, when he was reading her books, and the only chance he had to feel smart when his father was constantly abusing him, emotionally and mentally... he's so attached to her books, because for so many years they where all he had." Harry explained smiling a little at Hermione. "he loves you with all of his heart, it's just that he owes his sanity to her books. he doesn't really care about her, he only cares about her books." he promised smiling a little. "he owes his life to you hermione, and his sanity to a book... can you handle a short period of time every few months where he goes apeshit over a book?"
Hermione snickered a littl elooking amused at the idea of drao going apeshit over the books before nodding."I can.Its not so bad. Its sort of amusing to see it actually."she said thoughtfully smiling because it was nice to see draco clinging to something that had for so long been his only retreat from his parents abuse. Sighing a little as she finished her food, she stood. "I better go check on him.He was going to work on his own thesis today."She said amused leaving to go find her boyfriend. piper smiled a little as she leaned over to kiss her mate,"I think you made her feel better.She'd smelled worried about him."She said, not even realizing how weird that sounded.
Harry smiled a little and nodded as he watched Hermione leave. "Draco's a bit ashamed of it so he made me promise not to tell." Harry admitted looking amused. "but i promised without actually promising so i broke no promise." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i know Hermione worries, that's why i told her." he admitted kissing Piper before smiling a little at her. "so what are we doing today? anything exciting?"
Piper raised a eyebrow before smiling."Promising without promising?And would you make any such promises to me, oh mate of mine?"She teased kissing him lightly before shrugging."I was thinking we'd work on changing, and seeing if I could use magic."She said tucking his hair behind his ears looking amused.
he chuckled a little. "only if i think you need it." he teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled her. "i think that's a good idea." he agreed smiling a little. "you like flying don't you love?" he asked grinning a little. "just think, someday soon we'll be able to fly together without pain." he admitted smiling as he gently took her hand, leading her outside. "do you want to fly first, or try magic first?"
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