Dragon's Winter

Ron and hermione smiled as they wrapped their cloaks tighter around them."Its okay. You did warn us it'd be cold."Hermione said looking around. Piper snickered a little looking slightly amazed and sad, because it tugged at her heart to be able to see shadow warping, without actually being able to do it."When you said house, I didn't know you meant castle!"She teased poking the blond in the shoulder before looking at the sluggish teacher. Reaching over she rubbed her fingertips together, tilting her head as sparks appeared."I've always been able to feel the heat, but that's the first time I've created sparks."She said looking surprised before Snape smiled at her, resting a hand on her shoulder."Thank you piper, that is good. Warm."He smiled gently pushing her away, not enjoying the casual touching before looking at Draco."Lets get our things into a room then we'll make a fire in the main room."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "of course it's a castle, i'm a Malfoy after all." he admitted calmly. "and a Griffon at that, you know how we are." he teased smirking as Harry snickered at Snape, shaking his head. "i think you might be borrowing my power." Harry admitted to her, smiling at her. "we've gone and bonded so my magic is flowing into yours, allowing you to use a bit of your changeling magic." Draco froze, a hand to his heart with a horrified gasp. "oh my GOD! Harry had a smart thought! the world is ending!" "shut up you over dramatic Ponce before i kick you in the nuts." Harry ordered, suddenly spreading long red wings. "i got the fires." he promised, shrieking into the air and exerting his will, and large bright blue fires appeared in the dusty grates, though there was nothing to burn. "mmm i think it's called Foxfire, it feeds off magic so i won't be able to hold it forever, but it will stay warn enough for Hermione and Ron to not get frostbite." he promised grinning. "we'll have to get wood soon though."
Piper grinned looking at the other two."Come on.'ll put our things away then I'll go get wood."She said grinning as she put her bags in her and harry's room before dragging her mate outside to help her get wood.

Hermione smiled as she put her and Draco's things in their room, leaning against his chest as he kissed him softly."You really are high living. Are you sure no one can find us here?"she asked looking slightly oncerned about his father and piper's mother. She actually feared the parents then their leader.
he chuckled a little and let her drag him around, grabbing her at one point, giggling wickedly as he made love to her in the snow, kissing her happily as he teased her happily before looking for wood again, making sure she came at least twice before letting her up, feeling smug and happy and safe out there in the middle of nowhere in the cold places that made him feel peppy and hyper.

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "Snape is the only adult who ever knew about this place. he even bought it for me so Father doesn't know about it." he admitted simply. "and Snape bought it using a fake name so they can't find this place through him either." he admitted holding her hand. "it really is safe Hermione, i promise." he smiled suddenly. "but.. there is something i've been meaning to ask you, and since it's so safe here... would you like to go on a flight with me? i promise not to let you fall off my back, and we won't go to high..."
Piper rolled her eyes as she followed after him, looking happy and content. He really was perfect for her, making sure both dragon and woman were extremely relaxed before he took his pleasure. Shifting she held the bundles in her arms looking around.Like the phoenix his home of ice was making her relaxed and hyper. After all, she burned so bright, that the ice was good."You're hyper."She teased poking him in the shoulder.

Hermione looked surprised and nervous, before smiling shyly.After she'd reacted so badly to the changeling, she'd been afraid he'd never ask if she wanted to. Having since she'd realized that he could fly, having wanted to."I would...I would be honored.I would love to!"She smiled happily and relieved pouncing on him and kissing him hard.
he chuckled a little as he beamed at her. "so are you!" he teased chuckling a little. "it feels so NICE!" he admitted flopping back into the snow, wearing only a t-shirt and jeans as he rolled in the snow, not even worried about frostbite. "i've never been somewhere so cold before!" the icy winds from which he had been born was filling him with more energy than he had ever known. "oh this is wonderful!" he groaned happily. "it's cold and wet and mmmm PERFECT." he purred snuggling into the mounds of snow, acting like a big kid.

Draco smiled at her, looking relieved. he'd been afraid, after her reaction to him, that she wouldn't want to see his changeling form again, or fly with him. flying together was a griffon's way of bonding with the one they loved and it made him overly happy to know that Hermione was willing to fly with him. "would you like to now?" he asked smiling happily.
Piper laughed laying down next to him, curling up in a ball, snuggling down into her own pile of snow. Yawning as she shifted to rest her head on his chest."Hmmm tired."She muttered the dragon and woman agreeing that the day had been to exciting and wanted to sleep.Snow would make a good bed.Of course she'd probalby be to cold when she got up, but for the moment she was falling asleep comfortably in the snow.

Hermione smiled nodding."I would.They shouldnt be the only ones enjoying the weather."She said pulling on her winter clothes nodding towards the window where she could see piper and harry cuddling in the snow.bundling up to the point the only thing he could see was the tip of her nose.Smiling she grinned at him."Ready?"
he chuckled a little as he snuggled into her. "mmm we're going to get really cold if we sleep here." he muttered nibbling at her lips. "come on love, lets head inside, i left a room unheated for us." he promised bending down and scooping her into his arms, carrying her inside with a smug little grin.

Draco glanced outside and snorted a little. "they just got done screwing." he complained playfully as he laughed at his silly lover, grinning at her. "you know, you can do the exact same thing with a strong healing spell." he pointed out, smiling at her as he led the way downstairs, shifting into his massive griffon form, spreading his white wings and settling low to the ground. "settle in just behind my wings, there's strong feathers there so go ahead and hang on tightly. i'll look into making a saddle for you if you like this flight." he promised offering her a beaky grin. "ready?"
Piper smiled a little as she shifted to snuggle into him a little, content to just be with him, even if he was taking her inside."We could sleep outside. We're made for the weather."She smiled laughing a little as she nuzzled him a little, not making any other protests about being taken inside, just speaking more to just give him a hard time then anything else.

Hremione looked nervous for a moment before climbing up on his back, doing as he had directed before swallowing hard."O-okay. I'm ready."She said looking down at the ground, that already looked far away, but she wanted to fly. She was sure once they were up she'd be fine, but it was the getting ready to fly jitters that was getting to her.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "we're made for the cold, but a snowstorm is coming in and i think even we would be cold if we got buried in the snow." he pointed out shaking his head as he laid her in bed, crawled in next to her, and tugged the chilled blankets over them. the room almost as cold as it was outside, leaving them in perfect comfort.

he smiled and leaped into the air, a huge gust of wind catching him and shooting them effortlessly into the air, rising high above the castle in graceful sweeps of the wings and gentle circles, Draco letting out a small shriek of joy as he flew with Hermione, circling higher and higher until the castle below looked like a painting. a beautiful painting.
"goodnight prince charming."9she muttered teasing him as she snuggled into her Phoenix starting to fall asleep.

Hermione shrieked in delight as he took her around in around laughing happily before shivering, leaning forward. Resting her cheek on the soft feathers at his neck."Drake, look! There's a snowstorm coming!"she yelled at him looking about them worriedly as she realized that the temperature had dropping to be really chilly
Draco shrieked as he realized there was a storm coming, and screamed as the wind caught his wings, jerking him hard to the left against his will. "Hold on! it's got my winds! i can't get free!" he wailed, terror lacing his voice as the wind bucked him, jerking him hard into the air and right back down like a roller coaster, Draco Shrieking loudly, yelling for help as he clawed at air. if he still had his powers, he could have put a bubble of calm air around himself, but he didn't, and Hermione's wizard magic had nothing against Nature, all he could do was hang on tight, and screech for help as he was buffeted by the winds, held captive by his own wings.
Pipers dragon sensitive ears forced her awake as she heard the scream even through the storm and walls shaking Harry awake."Draco needs help."She yelled to scared to just speak as she reached for her mate, reached for the part of her that voldemort had locked away, and for harry's connection to the dark lord. Tossing the window open she yelled that they were coming as she threw herself out the window,putting herself in danger to force herself to change.Shifting at the last moment the dragon took wing as she shot like a arrow loosed from a bow as she followed hermiones terrified screams."Draco!fly under me."She ordered flying carefully above him but not to close enough to mess up the griffons flight.
Draco shrieked again in terror as he was forced into several backwards tumbles from the winds, grunting as he smacked into piper, sho steadied his wings. "Hermione are you ok!?" Draco demanded, terrified as he managed to straighten himself, worried about his lover and her abilities to hang on, Harry sweeping the air below him just in case Hermione did fall off he would be there to catch her. Draco was crying from his fear, large fat tears rolling down his feathers as he began to tremble violently as all four of them slowly headed for the ground, landing and simply collapsing, Draco was too exhausted to stand on his own from his furious battle with the winds. "Hermine? Hermione are you ok?" draco asked again a little more sluggishly as he shifted back into his human for, Harry carefully shifting back into human form as well, offering his magic freely to Piper, hoping she wouldn't be in as much pain this time around as he carefully helped Draco stand, the blond terror struck, and in shock.
"F-fine."Hermione said as she stumbled into the dragon's side as piper landed next to them the huge dragon helping her stay steady before piper nudged Hermione slightly so that she could shift back. The female changeling shuddering little a fly stung horse, not so much in pain but in shock as her body tried to adjust to a magic that wasn't all hers."We're okay Draco.Lets get inside."Draco said swinging the brunette shocky woman up in her dragon strong arms, already heading for the home. Wanting to get Draco and Hermione into a warm bed and sleep as soon as they could.
Harry carefully picked up Draco as well, heading inside, ignoring Snape who was demanding to know what had happened as Draco was carried past and gently tucked into bed next to Hermione, Draco holding Hermione tight just as the massive snowstorm started, Harry sighing a little as he watched the snow lash against the windows, building the fire up in the room for Hermione. he knew Draco would be able to handle the heat perfectly fine, Griffon's where the few Changeling who could settle anywhere they wanted. Harry tugged Piper out of the room as Draco gently nuzzled Hermione all over, trying to comfort her and himself.
Hermione whined quietly as she snuggled back into draco, closing her eyes as she hugged him tightly."I'm fine. Fine."She muttered eager to reassure him and herself that it was true, and that he was fine also.Snuggling him before sighing, relaxing enough to start falling asleep now that she was warm and in his arms.
in the morning the fires had all gone to a normal red, being fed with massive logs that Harry had found god only knew where. the house smelled of wonderfully sweet things, indicating that Harry was in the kitchen, and Draco nuzzled Hermione. "time to get up Love, Harry's going to be in here soon demanding we wake up for breakfast." he warned smiling a little, well aware that Piper was probobly already with Harry and 'helping' him cook. "how are you feeling? alright?" Draco asked, worried Hermione had been hurt somehow. the snow storm was still raging outside, but it was toasty warm in the room, and in the halls. most of the rooms where unheated, Harry unable to get wood for the entire house, but Snape and Draco and Ron's rooms where well heated, and so where the hallways that they would be traversing.
Hermione smiled sitting up slowly, making sure that she was indeed okay. "I'm sore,but I'm fine."she said stealing a kiss, nuzzling him a little before getting up, pulling thick socks on her feet,"Come on Draco.I don't want to be here when harry pounces on us."She said heading downstairs with the other, amused because she knew Harry would indeed come looking for them as soon as he finished cooking, if he wasnt busy 'helping' piper help him cook.
he smiled, relaxing as he finally realized she really was perfectly alright, getting up after her and stretching, going barefoot and wearing only shorts and a T-shirt as he headed out into the hall with her, pausing just outside of the kitchen to watch Harry sweeping Piper around the room in a dance, a slow romantic one, Harry having found out no one had ever danced with Piper he sought to remedy that face, kissing her slowly before dipping her dramatically, smirking at her. "and how was that for a first dance?" he asked, carefully letting her back up as he casually opened the oven to check on his breakfast pastries.
"That was good."Piper said stuttering a little as she straightened, blushnig hard when she realized they had a audience, moving to sit at the table as she watched Harry check his breakfast."Things done?"He said his stomach rumbling. Hermione laughed quietly looking amused because it was really good to the two so happy together.
Harry smirked a little as he noticed Hermione and Draco, Draco chuckling as he clapped. "Piper, i expected you to be an amazing Dancer, but Harry! well now THERE is a shock!" "piss off Malfoy." Harry ordered with a grin, mostly to annoy Hermione more than anything else, because Draco just laughed and sat down as Harry pulled out strawberry and apple turnovers., "yup, all done, they just need to cool." Harry admitted waving a hand over them, the pastries instantly cooling, letting harry dust them with a fine layer of powdered sugar before offering them the tray of thirty some odd pastries. "help yourselves, i have two more trays waiting to be put in the oven." he admitted moving back over to the waiting pastries and sliding them in as well. as always, Harry was a master chef.
Piper giggled a little as she started eating, "Thanks harry."She said smiling happily at the food. Hermione rolling her eyes a little as she started to eat looking amused and refusing to get angry at the two boys. Growing used to their arguing."You always make so much harry.WE dont need all this."She teased.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes we will, you forget that Snape and Ron are here too." he admitted. "plus these will stay good for weeks, they make great snacks too." he admitted biting into one with a happy little groan, Draco chuckling a little. "and what we don't eat, Harry will send to Dumbledore because he's a suck up." Draco teased, Harry smirking. "damn strait!" he admitted smirking a bit more before shaking his head. "in any case, how are you two feeling?" "... like a pathetic idiot who can't even fly straight." draco grumbled, sulking at his lack of changeling magic.
Piper smiled as she looked at her cousin."Sweetie, you're part dragon, there's no such thing as a dragon who can't fly." "Except for malfoy. The boy could get lost in a straight wind."Ron teased sitting down next to the others, snape rolling his eyes as he followed the red head in, sitting down to eat. Piper smiled a little,"There was a snow storm.Its not his fault!"She protested defending the only family member that she'd come to care for at all.Missing for the first time, the presence of her own kind, who's presence had always been there.
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