Dragon's Winter

Piper stared at her friend before bounding out of her seat, the pieces falling so neatly into place that she couldn't deny the truth that she'd been acting on, even if she hadn't been aware of what it meant. "Oh bloody hell. Mutter will mich töten. Sie lebt zu dragon's Queen, kein Kinderspiel für mich. Sie wird nicht zulassen, mich zu Königin sein. Oder frei lange genug, um etwas Gutes zu tun.Und Voldemort..."Piper took a deep breath before sighing."Voldemort will come for me. He wont allow a dragon's queen to actually exist. Not a true queen, instead of pretenders to the throne."She said shaking her head. Because while there was alwys a leader, always a woman who could control the other changelings and the dragons, they were pretenders. Because the goddess' gift had become rare, touching only a few of the true daughters, who burned like stars.

(translation)mother's going to kill me. She lives to be dragon's queen, not a pushover to me. She wont allow me to be queen. Or be free long enough to do any good.And Voldemort...
Harry and Draco stared at her and Draco sighed. “again... don't speak German.” he stated simply, shaking his head as he set a hand on hers. “besides, Voldemort would have come after you anyway just because your Harry's Lover. That man will do anything to try and break Harry.” he admitted calmly. “and your mother can't do anything either, she's not a real dragon queen, her Dragon Genes will force her to bow to you, as will all the other dragons.” he assumed since he had heard Dragon queen in there, and Mutter, that she was worried about how her mother was going to react, Harry growling. “i am a phoenix too, one of the most powerful, the only thing stronger than me is my Queen, I could take out any dragon, if I train.” he admitted. “and I have Draco and you to help me, we'll destroy Voldemort, and being that your mothers trapped in human form i'd like to see her try to stop me from tearing her apart.” harry growled, annoyed that this woman was threatening Piper.
Piper winced as she realized that she'd gone off in german before sighing, slumping into the seat next to him before looking at harry. "If we destroy Voldemort, she wont be stuck. Not in human form."She said revealing what the girl was truly afraid of. Her mother had been a dragon before she'd been locked in human form, so the woman was used to fighting as a dragon, and it scared piper for she'd never had a chance to learn.Rubbing a hand over her face she shifted, resting her head on Harry's shoulder."We need to talk to Dumbledore.I want to know this prophecy. Because Voldemort locked us away because of it, and...I want to be dragon."She muttered longing showing in her eyes even as the inhuman dragon looked out of her cool blue eyes.
Draco smirked a little. “the solution is simple, we take care of your mother, then Voldemort.” he pointed out calmly as Harry stood up, nodding. “we'll deal with your mother first.” he decided kissing her gently. “but we'll talk to Dumbledore now... Draco, may I borrow..” “here, take it, it belongs to you and Piper anyway.” he promised smiling at them. “go talk to Dumbledore... I'm going to hide in here until class.” still didn't want to face Hermione, knowing deep inside that he was being stupid, but he was really very afraid of what Hermione would think of him now. Harry gave him a small look of pity before taking Piper up the stairs to the stone Gargoyle and spoke the password, which he always had now, since there where always small emergencies when it came to Harry.
Piper laughed quietly, tilting her head as she heard hermione talking. Already a low growl escaping her throat as she walked in,looking at the scene before she faced the headmaster."I know you have refused to tell him the prophecy until now. But seeing as the brat-" "Pi-" "Shut up."Piper snarled a dragon's growl in the words, annoyed with Hermione not for her own pain but for draco's. Before she looked at the headmaster again."You need to tell harry what the prophecy is, because she had to tell everyone what I was. This fight is going to come to you headmaster, sooner rather then later."
Harry growled at Hermione, his eyes flashing with ice-cold rage. “still spreading lies!?” he demanded. “why can't you learn your lesson and keep your nose out of this Hermione!?” he demanded. “you've already broken one heart, don't go trying to rip out pipers too! She's not dangerous, the one who's dangerous here is you.” eh growled before turning to Dumbledore. “i'm not a child anymore headmaster, hell I'm apparently not even human.” he smiled as Fawks landed on his shoulder and he gently nuzzled the bird. “i need to know, headmaster... the truth about why Voldemort is doing the things that he's doing. I'm of age now, and I want to going this war, so I can protect Piper, and free the dragons.” he admitted, his face stern and serious. “i need to protect the changelings, it's part of my job, part of who I am just like it is a part of Piper.” he smiled at Dumbledore. “besides, it's my prophecy isn't it? I have the right to know.”
Hermione winced a little as she cringed back into the seat, shaing her head. Dumbledore smiled slightly, wary about finding these two children,despite everything he'd just heard, they were still children."No. She was asking for advice to undo the great wrong she had done." "There is no undoing it because there will be great harm that results from it."Piper sneered a little shaking her head, "Just tell us what the prophecy is." The headmaster sighed, realizing they weren't being distrated from what he'd just begun to suspect meant more, but he hadn't wanted to tell them until he was sure. Sighing quietly he recited from memory,"The child with the power,to vanquish the dark lord approaches,born to those who defied him,born as the seventh month dies
as the dragonstar fell to earth, and was forever earthbound. The dark lord will mark them as his equal, but he will have a power the dark lord
cannot control or know, and either must die at the hands of the other
for neither can live while the survives, on wings like night, a star's fiery heart"
Harry sighed a little as he realized Hermione was trying to atone for what she had done and he gently squeezed her shoulder. “Draco's in the kitchen, and heartbroken Hermione...” he explained gently. “go comfort him... let him know he's not the monster he's sure you think he is...” he ordered calmly, forgiving her a little. But Piper was right, there was no undoing the pain she had caused, and she had to suffer the results of it. He listened with astonishment as he recited the Prophecy, his eyes widening. “my god... it wasn't ME the prophecy spoke of!” he looked at Piper. “it was US. He stole the Dragon power, and killed my parents to stop THIS prophecy... he realized I was 'on wings like night' and that Dragons where the Dragonstar... THAT'S why he tried to kill me and stole the Dragonpower!” Harry fell into a chair, looking astonished. “i feel a little sick...”
Piper lked startled not even realizing when hermione snuck out of the room, staring at her mate in wonder as she helped him back into his seat."Not just Dragons, but me. He wanted to destroy the dragons before a dragon queen could be born."She stared looking a little sick herself, she'd cost her people so much."He marked us as his equals, because he scarred you and stole magic from me, marks of different forms."She stared, before starting to laugh hysterically, seeming to overwhelmed to be reasonable
Harry was wide eyed as he stared at Piper, swallowing thickly as he pulled her into his arms, holding her close as she started to laugh hysterically, whimpering in distress as he gently ran his nose over the top of her head as if he was trying to groom her, rubbing her back gently before looking up at Dumbledore. “what are we going to do sir? Pipers mother won't allow a True Dragon Queen, she'll try to come and hurt Piper or make her bend or... or something!” she would probably try to kill Piper, but would the other Dragon's help her? He didn't know, he doubted it. Pipers mother, the current 'queen' would probably be the only one stupid enough to try and dethrone a real Queen. The others would bend, would bow to Piper... he had to hope that.

Draco was sitting in the kitchen, his eyes red rimmed from crying again as he stared morosely into his ice cold butterbeer,so cold it was almost more of a slush than anything else. He sighed a little and closed his eyes, setting a hand to his chest as if some great pain was hurting him there.

(sorry about the sudden ditch, i was entertaining my brother. Zombie game on the X-Box, it was actually pretty cool.)
Piper whmpered quietly as she shifted nuzzling her phoenix as she sighed,"I..I need time to think."He said looking as shocked as the teens. Having not realized what the prophecy had met. Because the dragons were so close knit and private, he hadn't considered voldemort would considered them a danger."Get her downstairs to Pomfrey. She'll be able to give her something to calm down...or get her back to bed. Your dismissed from first class.But I expect you to show up for seccond.Both of you."The headmaster said waving them towards the door. Needing time to think, and it looked like Piper needed time to calm down.

"...you know butterbeer isn''t enjoyable when its ice."Hermione said, tears in her voice as she sat down next to Draco, looking over at the man, her heart hurting for causing him such distress when she'd just been over the top nosy and needed to find out who piper was.

In Austria, Morgan Dragomir tilted her head at the man standing in front of her. Despite depising the man's master, she was curious seeing as he'd come with news of her daughter."Where is she?"She said, looking lucius over."You saw her?"
Harry stroked her hair gently and looked up at Dumbledore, worry in his eyes. “don't think too long sir.” he warned softly. “i don't know if we have the time to spare.” he admitted softly before pulling her tight into a hug and carried her downstairs, gently laying her in his bed and cuddling her. “do you want to go to madam Pomfry for a calming drought?” he asked her softly, stroking her hair gently as always, gently nibbling on her ear. “we have first period off...” but he still had to go to second. He knew Dumbledore would forgive piper if she didn't show up, as she was so distraught, but he would be expected to show up.

Draco winced as he heard her and simply took another drink. “i'm not good with high temperatures.” he admitted calmly. “Griffins are cold weather creatures.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “Harry told you where I was.” he complained, silently accusing Harry of betraying him. “... do you want to break up with me?... I understand if you do...” that was so Draco, he was such a fatalist, he automatically assumed the worst was going to happen in almost every situation, something that drove Harry absolutely nuts even if he understood why Draco was that way.

Lucius nodded to Morgan, biting his lip hard, Pipers dragon power clinging to him, making it impossible to say that he had seen her, or harry. “i am sorry My Queen, but her power lingers on me, I cannot speak of it.” he finally managed to gasp out, panting softly. “my genes make it impossible to deny her orders, my sources tell me there is a phoenix at the school.” he admitted, licking his lips nervously. “that's where they are, at Hogwarts.” because she had told him he couldn't say that he had seen her, she had said nothing about telling someone where they where.
"Ah no. I'm fine."She muttered.Piper sighed softly turning a little to snuggling into the other, shivering a little as the other nibbled on her."Hmm so we do."She teased turning her head to kiss him slowly, wrapping her arms around him."Whatever should we do with the time?"

Hermione smiled a little,"No. Piper did."She said bending the truth just a little because she knew he wouldn't get at piper for telling her."No...I don't want to break up with you...I was...it was just so much to find out. I hadn't thought...I don't know."She said looking sad, wrapping a arm around him,waiting for him to pull away.

morgn growled, before sreaming, wordless because she was so pissed. Before nodding, pointing at the other man."You will go. And pretend nothing has changed."She ordered not wanting to give piper tie to prepare when she showed up.
Harry smirked as he kissed her happily, growling playfully. “i can think of something.” he teased, kissing a line down her chest, gently stripping her clothes off and taking his time teasing her, wanting her to always experience as much pleasure as he could give her.

Draco nodded a little. “well... I guess I can't scream at Piper.” he grumbled drinking the last of his butterbeer before leaning into her as she wrapped an arm around him. “it hurts....” he admitted softly. “all my life I was told normal people would see me as a monster... I am a monster in a way... and broken..” he admitted softly. “your the only thing in my life that still makes sense...”

Lucius nodded and bowed to her. “yes my queen.”he stated calmly, vanishing. Pleased beyond reason as he went to Voldemort. Nothing had changed, he had waited for this moment for almost his entire existence. He couldn't wait to tell his 'lord' about the new events that had transpired.
piper moaned shivering as he touched her, hot skin cooling under his fingers as she whined quietly, tugging him up for a kiss."Hmm just something?"He muttered holding him tightly, letting him sooth her. Calming the longer he was touching her.

Hermione siged softly relaxing when he leaned into her, pressing a kiss to his head as he held her."No, you''re not a monster."He promised holding him tightly."I told you you an't beieve what your father todl you."
he chuckled a little as he nuzzled her happily. “mmm well we could do many things.” he teased smirking a little. “but i'd prefer just doing this one thing.” he admitted kissing her intently before carefully, slowly beginning to peel her clothes away. “mmm if Dumbledore knew we where doing this, he'd be so pissed.” he whispered, chuckling a little as he kissed her again, gently massaging her breasts.

Draco sighed, relaxing as he was told he wasn't a monster, gently nuzzling her. “i'm sorry.. I know I over react to everything.” he muttered softly. “...you really don't think I'm a beast?” he asked softly blinking up at her. “i love you Hermione... I really do.” he admitted softly. “and Griffins... we mate for life... I won't ever love anyone as much as I love you.” he promised nuzzling her again.
"Hmmm he should know better then to keep a phoenix and her mate away..."she moaned, shivering as the other touched her, pushing the other's clothes off his shoulders. She wnted so much more, needing the cool fire burning within him.

Hermione smiled hugging him tightly, kissing his head."I think the changelings are like anyone else, there's the good and the bad. Like your father,and her mother. They're the beasts, not you. Never you."He muttered kissing him.
he moaned back, smirking a little as he kissed her eagerly as his fingers settled into her crotch, stroking and teasing before slipping two fingers deep inside, his thumb constantly brushing her clit. “mmm wanna see how many times I can make you cum in an hour?” he teased smiling at her with love, affection, and as always, lust.

He sighed, relaxing a little as he snuggled into her. “thanks Hermione.” he mumbled softly, smiling at her. “i don't suppose I could talk you into skipping first period with me?” he asked hopefully. “i don't feel like facing the world right now.” he admitted gently nuzzling her.
Piper sighed softly, whining."Oh yes."She said sounding so content and happy with him.

"Hmmm just this once."She said smiling at him, grinning wider. Because she could understand why he didn't want to face the world yet.

The world, and their peace lasted for another two days before rumors started about the strange woman that had been seen in the school, and was currently with the headmaster."I think mother is here."Piper muttered as she sat down at the gryffindor table,trying to look unconcerned as she looked around.Trying to spot the woman everyone was talking about.
Harry growled a little and wrapped his arm around Pipers shoulders. “don't forget, I've been practicing my shifting.” with Draco's help, and Hermione, who had been forgiven again, had been helping him with some more deadly spells. “your mother doesn't stand a chance against me.' he promised nuzzling Piper gently. “and don't forget, your the Dragon Queen, her blood will demand that she bow to you, it's the Dragon way.” Draco commented calmly. “she will either yield or die.” he said it so simply, and Harry had to scowl at Draco for his insensitivity, but then, Draco knew what that horrible woman was capable of, Draco doubted Piper had any feelings for her mother, who no doubt hadn't even raised her herself. Nannies where far too common a thing in the Changeling realms.
Piper giggled a little as she rested his head on Harry's shoulder."Oh thanks Draco."She teased it was so simple to him.Despite not being raised by the woman, or that lved, she still longed to have her love her."Well.We better go talk to dumbledore."She sighed getting up when she realized that Dumbledore nor her mother were in the great hall. Looking at draco with a smile."You'll stay here?We'll be safe, but I wont be able to protect you."She said ruffling the blond's hair
Draco smiled a little and simply took a drink of his coffee before looking hesitant as she stood up, moving to stand up as well. “well... ok..” he muttered nervously. “i doubt your mother would hurt me, I'm just a week changeling in her eyes, can't even do magic you know.” he admitted looking amused as he sat back down, relieved to not have to go with, he was terrified of Pipers mother. “Hermione stay with Draco alright?” harry asked the woman. “the others will gang up on him if we leave him alone.” he pointed out to keep her from going with as well before he took Pipers hand and walked with her to the stone gargoyle and up the stairs.
Hermione growled quietly at the idea of someone hurting Draco, but settled into her seat despite wanting to go with the other two to protect them. Sitting down as she sat to wait.

"Piper."Morgan smiled absently as she looked at her daughter, sneering a little. "Mother."Piper tilted her head, tilting her head towards Harry."I believe you know of Harry Potter, yes?" "I do read the paper occasionally child."Morgan sneered before sighing standing up."You are leaving now. Time to go."She said wrapping her fingers around the girl's arm, moving to push her out the door.
Harry snarled as Morgan grabbed her daughters wrist, slashing at her face with two inch long talons growing out of his fingers, making sure to miss. Just warning the woman as he gently shoved Piper behind him. “i will not let you take her anywhere.” he snarled eyes flaring blue with hints of green and purple swirling through them as if they themselves where the Aurora Borealis themselves. “you have no rights to Piper anymore, she is mine.” Phoenix where well known for being very possessive when other people tried to claim their mates. Family or not. “you should leave now, you are not welcome here.”
"Goodbye mother."Piper said shifting a little so that she could see the other woman yelping as morgan grabbed her wrist, jerking him hard."Let's finish this together."Piper snarled,lunging for the window counting on something that she hadn't proven yet. The two female dragons falling through the window even as the men grabbed for them, free falling stories, Piper crashing into the ground as she shifted, the great winged beast making the ground tremble as she crash landed, a roar filling the air.
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