Dragon's Winter

"OH.Well."Piper blushed a ittle as they walked, ron looking bemused at the sight of the girl. She was fierce and scary, but somehow shy all at once. There was no way to get a clear readng on her."Well, you rambled in german, you should just teach us."he teased. "I could."Piper mused laughing softly, "I told him he didn't want to start this particular fight, it would be embarassing to lose to a girl."She said, summing up what she'd meant, even if she wasn't about to tell how she'd known he was a eath eater, or how she could beat the man easily. Ron gaped at her, "what?!" "I'm not as frail as I look."Piper said amused avoiding looking at harry, because he'd seen just how helpless she could be, and she was determined to not remember that, even as her blood heated at the memory.

"Hmm so that makes you a mobster's son....for some reason, that's kinda hot."Hermione teased slipping her hand into his as they walked, squeezing, reassuring him that Lucius didn't control him anymore."She'll be fine here."she said, seemingly taking their advice on forgetting on finding out who she was exactly.
Harry grinned a little and nodded. “i hate to admit it but I think Piper might even be stronger than me.” Harry admitted with a happy little laugh as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Because he didn't see his mounting her as making her helpless or week, he just saw it as him being horny and an ass. “besides Ron, just because someone is small, doesn't mean they can't beat you up.” he teased smirking at Ron. “Ginny kicks your ass all the time, with or without magic.” he teased.

Draco laughed a little as he leaned into Hermione, smiling a little. “you know.. your the only reason I had the courage to leave my father.” he admitted kissing her gently. “i love you.” he promised smiling at her with love shining in his eyes. “i hope your right.” he admitted watching Piper curiously. “i hope so.”
Poper nodded looking amused as ron sputtered."I let her kick my ass!" "...little sister?" "Yes. How'd you know?" "Only a older brother would lose to his sister on purpose."Piper said smiling as they walked into class. Hermione blushed kissing him back, hugging him."I love you to."She said yelping a little as she nearly sat on piper who'd stolen her seat as she was sitting down next to Draco. Piper flicked her fingers a little."Go away. I have to talk to him."She said, her austrian accent showing through as she looked at the girl, knowing Hermione didn't like her, so to her, she didn't like hermione. Waiting till Hermione glared at her but sat down next to harry before she looked at Draco."Don't.Say. Anything.I can't leave here.I wont."He growled softly, that deep rumbling sound that only a dragon could make.
Harry snickered at Ron's complaints and shook his head. “he doesn't loose on purpose he just doesn't want you to know he's a wuss.” Harry teased, blinking and scowling with jealousy as Piper sat next to Draco, growling but trying to ignore it for now and watching as Draco paled a little before shaking his head, whispering so only Piper could hear. “i won't say anything Piper, your not the only one who's running away from the family... my father has disowned me, Sev is all of the family I have and all the family I care to have... and just so you know... Harry doesn't know, about himself.” he explained softly. “he doesn't know anything, his parents died when he was a baby, he has no idea what's happening to him.... even not knowing... he will protect you from them, and so will I... I won't let you be taken back without a fight, not when you have claimed a mate.” because Draco understood why she and he where so close so instantly... but he didn't much like it.
At that, piper jumped, actually falling out of her seat as she realized what had happened. Sputtering as she ignored everyone staring at her she looked at Draco, before she set about looking through her potions book."I didn't...I...don't look so damned unhappy about it...I hadn't...I didn't know that's what I'd done."She muttered blushing. Because she hadn't been expecting to find a mate, or even looking for one it hadn't occurred to her that was what was going on."Thank you."She muttered looking relieved a little as he said he wouldn't say anything, even if she was still a little anxious about her mate.
Draco snorted a little as she fell out of her chair. “sit much?” he teased, Snape as always, ignoring her as he taught, hissing in rage as he spotted Harry, narrowing his eyes at the boy, Harry growling back, but letting Hermione do the work so he might actually get a passing grade for once. Draco smiled at her and shook his head. “don't thank me yet.” he ordered calmly. “because when 'they' find out, you went against orders and bonded to someone who knows nothing about his kind, there's going to be a battle, and a big one.” he admitted calmly. “no one knows what Harry is... James kept his changling blood a secrete, he fled the Northern lands when Voldemort stole our powers.” Draco admitted slicing a root perfectly. “if he is of an inferior species, a griffon, a Naga, a unicorn, Pegasus... then the Clan will kill him, and marry you off to someone who is more suited.... and we won't be able to stop them.” he warned softly. “he deserves the happiness you can give him... but you don't deserve to see him slaughtered just so they can make you do what they want.” he looked at her and swallowed hard. “we will all protect you, as best as we can... but you will have to be ready.”
Piper looked at him, and the look in her eyes was just for him as the pure blue eyes faded to white, and something deadly and inhuman looked out her eyes. The dragon wouldn't let anything happen, even bound as the girl was, the dragon wasn't about to let her suffer because of it."He's not.He's..."She paused shaking her head."I've been around pegasus', and others before...he felts different."She said blushing slightly, returning to the teenager girl,"I wont let you die because of me."She muttered gently resting a hand on his arm before starting to work on the potion, tilting his head at harry, smiling a little as they worked, the dragon nearly purring in delight at the idea of having her mate.
he smiled at her, shaking his head a little. “i know, he feels... strange to me... he leaks power, and he's irritable all the time.” he admitted. “he's schluffing at an interesting rate and it's stronger than anything I've ever seen... and he doesn't understand at all... I want to tell him but... I don't know how.” he admitted softly before smiling at her. “death would be a welcome relief.” he admitted suddenly. “... I'm locked away from my magic... a disease... the only thing I can do now is change...” he admitted with a sigh. “and I can't do that here because of all the wizards.” he admitted smiling at her. “i give you my loyalty because Harry is my best friend... and he loves you... but... I have to warn you... Hermione won't be able to help herself... she doesn't know any of this... doesn't know what I am... I am afraid of what will happen when she starts digging into your past... she barley missed what I was when she dug into mine.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “one of us is going to have to find a way to tell Harry, without him telling Ron or Hermione...”
Piper rubbed a hand over his face, looking older than she was as she thought about it. Because she didn't know what was going on with her mate, forgetting the stories of the dragon's mate. It was rare these days, for a phoenix to be born for a dragon.She glanced at him, smiling softly."It's better then what I can do.I'm completely locked away from magic, even changing."She said teasing him a little before swallowing hard."I'll need time. Give me time and I'll tell him..."She bit her lip thinking."We have dentention tonight...I'll try to talk to him..."
he nodded and smiled at her. “it must hurt.” he muttered softly, scowling as he finished his potion, smirking a little as he watched Harry glaring at Snape, who sneered at him. “just so you know, Professor Snape is a changeling as well. He'll protect you too, I know it, he already likes you, that's why he's letting us talk.” he admitted chuckling a little. “Harry won't know what to do at first, he'll probably think your trying to tease him and he'll get angry... tell him I'm a changeling too, and i'l show him out in the forest.” he promised as the bells rang, signaling the end of class, Draco standing and heading over to Hermione, knowing she was going to have a million and one questions. Because Draco knew for sure now... Piper was being mated, and that's why she ran away. “so, another detention Potter!?” Snape demanded, Harry scowling at him. “yes, I punched Theodore Nott.” he admitted, looking smug when Snape lifted an eyebrow. Theo was one of the people who picked on Draco the most, so Snape was hard pressed to be as angry as he normally was with Harry.
"And I threw him.It was quite amusing to see."Piper said with a soft austrian accent as she moved up to sit next to Harry as hermione followed Draco out, ron with them, the girl already starting to ask questions.Piper sighed softly as she looked at the teacher, biting her lip as she looked up at him."So.What are we going to do for dention?"She asked slightly worried.She really hated cleaning things, or doing work. So anything that she'd get punished for usually got her cleaning out potiions caludrons, or cutting up things.So...yea, this is going to be interesting. And seh was curious about sape to, the longing to be around changelings again, was strong for the dragon.
Snape had to chuckle at Piper and nodded. “well, potter is going to clean cauldrons and your going to sit there and be bored.” he stated simply, Harry groaning at the injustice of it all but headed into the back to start cleaning, Snape growling a little. “god he drives me insane...” he grumbled before smiling at Piper. “so, you ran away hmm?” he asked watching her, his head tilted. “you do realize their going to realize that your here eventually right?” he asked his head tilted. “and their going to be very angry that you've mated to Harry.” so Snape had been listening to her and Draco's conversation, Naga had very sharp ears. “no matter what creature Harry is, even a dragon, your mother is going to be very pissed off you went against her... she is the Clan leader...” he warned looking worried. “Draco is right... we could have a battle on our hands and Hermione is very nosy, and very not ready to know about us... Draco needs her, she's the only thing he has to live for after what his father did to him.”
"She is nosy."Piper mused before slouching a little. Realizing that hse had to leave before this turned into a very bad fight."I wont let this happen...even if I have to go home. I'll go."She said looking so upset about leaving her mate, even just the thought, that she looked close to tears. Rubbing a hand over her face she swallwed hard before looking up at him."You know who I am don't you?"she said scowling a little because she should have known better then to come to a class with a man who'd met her before.
he smiled a little and shook his head. “you won't go home, Harry would never let you go home, not without him.” he admitted calmly gently setting a hand on her shoulder, gently wiping her tears clean. “yes, I know who you are... I saw you for the first time when you where five, already under the pressure of your family.” he admitted sighing a little. “i am not with the Family, they will not learn of you being here from me. Dumbledore is already aware that you have fled your family because of being forced to be married to someone you don't love. So he wont tell on you either.” he promised. “i suppose they want you to marry that Egotistical big headed hot shot Dunclin don't they?” he asked, knowing he was the youngest dragonborn male, and he had the attitude of Lucius on a power rush. “i don't blame you for running away.” he admitted. “just be aware, that if they come for you, Harry will fight to defend and keep you.” he admitted. “he won't let the woman he loves go unless death takes his soul.”
Piper winced at that,keening softly and sadly at the idea of her mate dying before swallowing."Thank you."She muttered before smirking, shking her head."Actually no. Dunclin died of dragonpox last year....his father however did not."she sneered a little extremely creeped out at the idea of sleeping with someone her father's age. Smiling a little as she let the other make her feel better, resting her chin on her hand as she watched her mate clean."How do I tell him?"She said tilting her head towards Harry. Knowing she'd have to do it soon, but she didn't want anyone present for it, in case he totally lost his cool.
he winced a little. “... they want you to... with HIM... REALLY!?” he demanded, horrified. “well good Merlin, THAT is disgusting.” he admitted shaking his head a little before sneering in Harry's direction. “however you tell him you leave ME out of it. I hated James and he's twice as bad so they can both stuff it up their asses.” he growled, annoyed with Harry's constant bullheadedness. “anyway, I think I might go to my office for a while.” he chirped calmly heading out of the room, giving her the privacy she needed to tell Harry what he was. Harry was half hidden in a cauldron, grumbling and muttering as he scrubbed, pausing to look over at her, smiling a little. “... what kind of perfume are you wearing?” he asked suddenly. “it smells amazing.”
Piper looked startled as she sat down next to him, shaking her head."Its not perfume."'She said biting her lip a little. Because while she wanted to tell him about himself, she wasnt quite ready to tell him herself. She'd lived to long with a secret to tell anyone, even her mate. IT hurt to try to tell him, and she had no idea how to explain how complicated she'd made his life."Harry, I need to tell you something."She said smiling as she picked up a brush to help him start cleaning
he blinked, looking confused. “is it shampoo or something?” he asked his head tilted before groaning. “i ITCH again...” he complained. “will you do that thing?” he asked hopefully. “you make the itch go away even better than butterbeer does.” he admitted smiling at her as he blinked, looking at her, looking worried. “piper?... what is it? What's wrong?” he asked gently picking up her hands. “it's ok... you can tell me anything...” with how she was looking, he was a little worried his contraceptive spell had gone wrong, and she was pregnant.
Piper laughed quietly at his look, pulling her hands away and wrapping her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest. Snuggling her mate because she needed the comfort, and because he was upset, rubbing her hands down his back in a effort to sooth the itch."Harry, you're father...do you know what a changeling is?It's like a werewolf, but not. They're completely in control, and an change at will. It's what's been causing the itch, and the food choices. You're body's accepting the changes in becoming a changeling."She swallowed hard whining, keening a little because she just knew he was going to be upset."They're common among austrians,-"only because the dragons were there-"and I recognized the signs of you starting to change."
Harry frowned, looking worried as he wrapped her into a tight hug, nuzzling her as he held her carefully, sighing as she soothed the itch deep inside, gently offering her kiss a tiny kiss before he pulled away, shocked. “did you know my father?”... of course not, but having her mention his father was a shock. He frowned at her explanation, confused. “... I'm a werewolf?” he asked, baffled. “how could I be a changeling, both my parents where wizards... and I can use Magic too, I can't be a changeling...” he got to his feet. “...” he looked confused, and torn, before he simply turned and walked out of the room, completely ignoring Snape who had stepped out of his office, worried by the lack of yelling, watching Harry walk out before glancing at Piper. “... he'll be alright Piper.. he just needs to decide if your being serious or not.” he promised. “he might talk to Draco.” he admitted. “possibly Ron.” he shrugged. “either way, just give him an hour or two to think about things.” he suggested calmly watching her.
Piper nodded looking saddened, as if Harry had rejected her. The dragon moaning the loss of its mate. Sighing softly as she Harry go, smiling a little."I'll wait."She said.

And yet, two days later, Harry and her had only had the awkward talks about class and friends, not getting any closer to the subject that she needed to talk about. Letting harry bundle her up in a jacket and gloves, the september hair had grown cold in the last two days. but despite that everyone was looking forward to going into hogsmeade."Thanks Harry."Piper said smiling softly as she looked at him as they walked downstairs to meet up with the others.
The truth was, Harry didn't know what to think, he had 'flashed' twice more, feeling himself turning into a massive bird, spreading long wings and flexing powerful Talons. It was really driving him insane, completely insane, but he couldn't believe that he was going to become one, it was jut too much for his mind to wrap around. Yes people turned into animals all the time, Animagi, but only mundane kinds, not Dragons and griffons and whatever the hell Snape claimed to be, he'd never even heard of a Naga.

But he knew he couldn't let go of Piper, he had never loved someone so much before, and he had taken her later that night, the night of her confession, riding her and accepting her as his mate, even if he didn't know what it meant or what he was, he was bound to her, and she to him, and he would let nothing keep them apart. He smiled at her and offered her a small kiss since they where in private, and then let her take him downstairs. He had not donned a jacket, the cool wind felt goon on his feverish skin. Ron was afraid he was sick, but it was just a common thing during a changelings process, and Draco assured Ron that everything was going to be fine. “so we're going to stop at the three broomsticks first right?” he asked smiling at Ron Draco and Hermione, the blond snorting but nodding. “yes Harry you butterbeer addict, we'll stop at the three broomsticks.”
"Ah leave him alone Draco. Just because he's getting cuddled more then you, is no reason to tease him."Ron said snickering a little as Piper blushed snuggling into her mate's side. While Piper was quiet and withdrawn, Ron had tried to cheer her up, having a feeling that she was bracing for something despite Harry's sexing her up still. "I need to get some clothes to. I didn't bring that much with me."Piper said a arm around Harry's waist. Despite everything, she still hadn't told him about being a dragon, after having him react so badly to her confession and to Draco's, she was araid of telling him she was a changeling to. Hermione smiled as she slid her hand into Draco's, looking amused."We'll get clothes after we get butterbeer. After all, Harry'll sulkif we make hm shop without it."Hermione teased lookingat her friend, looking at ease. Because she had found out things, thngs thta she knew she ha to tell him, but she figured that after a nice day out with piper and everyone, would make Harry more willing to believe that the girl was bad news.
Harry chuckled a little and snuggled piper, pressing a kiss to her ear with a smile, one thing that did not change with Harry's growing anxiety, was his need to touch and be affectionate, in fact with his stress it had only gone up. He preferred Piper, but when she was unavailable he was usually snuggled into Draco, who found it so very annoying. “i will sulk.” Harry chirped happily as he led the way, running in and treating everyone. He and Draco took turns treating, since Hermione and Ron rarely had spending money, thankfully Ron had gotten used to the fact that Harry and Draco where more rich than him and just put up with it. And sometimes even enjoyed it. Harry came back out with four hot butterbeer and one ice cold, Draco always having his as cold as it could get, which everyone found so very strange. Harry drank his as they headed for the clothing stores, wondering how he was going to talk to piper. He had finally decided she might have been right about the changeling thing, though he didn't particularly like it he was going to have to accept it.
Piper smiled as they shopped, queit amd wotjdrawm. s if even as excited seh was to shop, she didn't know what to think. After all she was scared harry was just being kind untill he figured out how to dump her.Outside though voldemort waved a hand towards the town, having apparated outside of the town, and walking closer."No deaths.Find the boy. Bring him to me."Voldemort said to the small group of the elite death eaters as he started towards that town that was overrun with children and teens/
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