Dragon's Winter

Harry smiled a little as she answered. Austria, he wasn't sure where that was but he bet it was far away. Draco looked startled, his own eyes flashing in astonishment, being a Malfoy he knew about the changelings and how they ruled snow lands. But he said nothing at all, it was her past, and she'd tell it when, and if she was ready. “oh no! Hermione you leave her alone.” Harry ordered, scowling at her. “your too nosy sometimes and your going to end up finding things you really don't want to find out, again!” Harry growled. “leave Piper alone.” he ordered, knowing he had probably startled everyone with that little statement as he stood up. “come on Piper, I'll give you a tour?” he decided beaming at her. “it's good to know how to get to where your going.” he admitted smiling at her. “where would you like to go first? We could go tot eh kitchens, or to the class rooms, or we could go look around the grounds?”
"But-I was just asking."Hermione said sulking a little at getting yelled at.Ron and piper did look startled at the man's response though Ron rolled his eyes."So protective when your falling for someone."He muttered teasing his friend. "Outside."Piper said smiling as she stood straightening her clthes because she wanted to go outside, because the evening was cool and would make her feel less hot. There were reasons the dragons had settled into a frigidly cold country, where the fire that burned them could be cooled. "Outside would be nice."She said smiling as she headed for the painting they'd come in from.
Harry stuck his tongue at all three of them before beaming as he followed after Piper, looking happy to show her around as he headed down the stairs, grinning proudly as he led her outside and out to the lake where the cold wind blew over them from the water, Harry smiling a little. “i like it outside too, especially at night.” he admitted looking up at all of the stars with an almost wistful expression. “their so pretty don't you think?” he asked smiling as he examined them before looking at Piper, smiling softly and affectionately. “almost as beautiful as you.” he murmured softly, smiling at her, gently tucking her hair out of her face. “if your in trouble Piper.. I promise, I will protect you, forever and always.” he promised softly, smiling at her. “no matter the trouble, I'll help you in any way that I can.”
The dragon queen of Austria looked sad and lost bathed in starlight as she let him tuck her hair back. Tucking her head down into the fur lined collar of her jacket, looking at him."I...no. I can't. Please don't ask me."She said softly, worried because she couldn't drag him into this. Couldn't make him a target for the dragons that she knew would be coming for her."There is nothing anyone can do."She said sadly turning to look out across the lake, no longer looking at him. So sad because she knew that this moment in tme, was just passing. That she would be forced to marry and breed, and for what? She was a dragon stuck in human form, all the dragons were stuck. What was the use of a child that was neither human or dragon?
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. “it's ok.” he whispered softly. “i won't make you do anything you don't want to do.” he promised, his eyes shining with love, and lust, and suddenly the sky was alight with lights, the Aurora Borealis spreading shining lights across the sky as Harry bent down, captivated by her, and kissed her intently, pulling her close as the lights shimmered high above them as if dancing, late enough that no one would be looking outside as he gently lowered her to the ground, running his hands along her sides as he kissed, and kissed before pulling away to examine her reaction of this before sliding his hands up her shirt, brushing the undersides of her breasts. “your so irresistible, beautiful, perfect.” he whispered softly. “your voice fills me with fires that I've never felt before... your skin makes me burn and tingle as if alight with flames.. and your scent, oh god your wonderful scent makes me positively headless.” he whispered before kissing her again, squeezing both breasts with his hands, massaging the firm mounds of flesh as he pressed his hardened cock against her flesh. “fuck... Piper... I need you.”
"ohhh..." piper moaned squirming as he touxched her.the moment his fingers touched skin the dragon changeling forgot why she was there making him work for the right to keep touching her. And by the time they were naked they had rolled their way to the very edge of the lake, in fact as Harry pulled her upriver hands and knees, her hands rested in the ice cold water of the lake as he drove into her with a single thrust.crying out as he entered her she struggled against him for a moment before the dragon driving her actions yielded to the phoenix's right to mate. Body tightening around his as he pressed his body tight aginst her back as they fucked, whimpering in pleasure in the cool September night.
Harry did not let her get away, he was running on the fierce instinct to mate, to claim this woman. He pulled her onto all fours, pressing into him with a happy little moan, muttering the spell to prevent her getting pregnant as he thrust into her, long and slow, enjoying his first sex, stroking her body all over, kissing her neck and giving her tiny little nips, moaning softly as he took her, making sure she came, stroking her clit and her breasts, pulling her head back gently for a kiss as he took her tot eh ends of the earth and back, only letting her up once she had cum twice and himself once, looking astonished at what he had done and blushing hard, not sure if he should thank her, apologize to her, or profess his love to her. “i... u... uhm...”
Piper mved slowly and stiffly her body hurting. Not about to tell him it had been her first time, that her legs were starting to shake as she stood.It hurt. So much."Les go inside."She muttered not looking at him, not understanding what happened. Confused and hurt at having it happen, she just wanted to get inside where she could ly down and forget for a few moments that it had. Even if it had felt amazing, so right, she didn't want to think about how screwed she was when her familiy found ou. Tucking her chin down ino the collar of her jacket the dragon sighed, shivering despite the near steam coming off her overwarm skin, slowly starting back towards the school.
Harry gently supported her, looking guilty and ashamed and not at all certain what had happened. “i've.. never done that before.” he finally admitted softly. “i'm sorry if I hurt you I... I don't know what happened..” he admitted softly, blushing hard. “it... it won't happen again.... unless you want it to... not that I think you will... I mean... oh Merlin.” he groaned covering his eyes with his hand. “oh Merlin almighty I'm a mess...” he whispered softly to himself. “can't do anything right now I rape a girl.... the hell is wrong with me!?... now I'm talking to myself!!!” he sighed a little and glanced at her, his eyes filled with misery, and love. “i'm sorry that happened the way it happened.” he muttered softly, gently taking her hand. “i've been... strange lately... there's no excuse or forgiveness for what I've done... but I hope... we can still be friends?” he knew the answer was going to be no, he knew it. “no matter what your answer, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you, ever again... not even myself.”
Piper hid a smile in the fur of her collar, for a moment her amusement at his stampering more then her fear. "Not rape."She muttered shaking her head, not only because even if it hadn't gone how she expected, or that she'd expected it at all, it wasn't bad. It soothed the drgon inside, and that confused her even more."We'll never talk of this."He said pushing open the door and heading back into the school, walking slowly and carefully as to not hurt herself more."...we'll be strange together. Lots of people think I'm strange, Schatz."She said looking startled for a moment at the unintention nickname, and wondering what it meant. Not realizing that the dragon inside had just claimed the treasure it wanted.
he blinked at her, relaxing a little, looking astonished before smiling at her. “no... we'll never talk about it.” he promised softly, pulling her into a secluded area and kissing her gently. “yes, we can be strange together.” he agreed smiling at her before leading her back up the stairs, looking confused. “... shu what?” he asked before smiling at her, whispering at her in parseltongue. “My darling.” he whispered in her ear, uncertain if he understood what he said or not, but it felt wonderful to claim her in such a way. He chuckled as he led her into the common room, ordering two more butterbeers from a house elf, glad that the place was empty. “do you want to go to bed or stay up and talk for a while?”
"Schantz."Piper said blushing softly at his words, as she sat down on the couch, curling up under her legs as she let him sit down next to her. While she couldn't understand the parseltongue at the moment, she would probably be able to learn after some practice. Tensing for moment before leaning into him, just leaning into him. Warm, almost fire warm as she started to just relax and starting to feel numb."We'll sit and talk and fall asleep..."She muttered already drifting off. "Harry?"Hermione asked as she stepped down the last few steps, looking at him worriedly.She didn't like this girl, didn't like the attraction between the two. It was...to convient when voldemort was trying to kill him.
he chuckled a little. “your not going to tell me what that means are you?” he asked smiling a little as he shook his head and felt how very hot she was, enjoying the warmth that she gave off, smiling a little. He was normally very cold, running five or so degrees under a normal persons, so her heat was welcomed, and his chill probably cooled her down nicely as he cuddled on the couch with her his arms wrapped around her as he sighed softly, smiling at her before looking up at Hermione, sighing a little as he carefully got up, trying not to disturb Piper as he moved over to Hermione. “Herm... please, I'm tired and I just walked around the entire castle.” he grumbled, he was always grumpy when he was sleepy. “... your wearing your paranoid face again Hermione... you know that look is only good on Ron...”
Hermione sighed, laughing quietly as she sighed shaking her head a little."OKay harry."She smiled willing to drop it for awhile. "Come on lets get her upstairs.She'll sleep better in bed when on the couch."She said waiting until harry got her up and following her upstairs. "Goodnight harry."She smiled as the man settled her in bed, kissing her friend's cheek and hugging him."Sleep well."

The next morning at lunch Hermione smiled as she talked to Draco. while she wasn't certain that she liked the girl, it was nice to have someone else taking all the same classes. "she's smart draco. Like scary smart."She muttered sounding amused because even if she was quiet and withdrawn, when she had answered, the austrian dragon had given a interesting view on things. Meanwhile sitting next to harry piper smiled a little, withdrawn and quiet,but not scared or upset about what had happened the night before. Still confused on what had happened, but she wasn't upset with herself, or the man. Not remembering what talks she'd had with the other dragons about their first times with their mate, not realizing that until she officially recognized him as her mate, the dragon that lived inside was going to go into a mild form of heat, more then one that appealled to all men, the dragon would only be in heat for Harry, appealling to the other changeling until he accepted or refused her. Tilting her head a little as she listened to the other's talk she interrupted, looking amused."You celebrate Halloween?With a ball?"She asked looking confused. Most austrians didn't celebrate halloween in the tradition way, for them it was just a day to remember the dead. So the idea of having a ball, and dancing and dates and the need to get dresses and all the things that went with it seemed like a strange english custom."Strange, Schantz."She said not even realizing what she'd said. "Schantz?"Ron said amused raising a eyebrow as he looked between his best friend and the girl
Draco chuckled as he listened to Hermione. “i have family in Austria.” he explained suddenly. “i don't know if she's family or not, I have my doubts, but Austria is very strict in their schooling. She'd have to be on par with your scary intelligence to be able to pass in their wizarding schools.” he admitted, only a little lie. Changeling where naturally more intelligent than wizards. “what I don't like is how shy she is... did you notice how panicked she looks when someone addresses her directly?... I swear Herm... I look at her and I see a ten year old me.” he admitted glancing t her with worry in his eyes. “she might never have been beat... but I do believe she's been abused...”

Harry was smiling at her, feeling urges welling up within him, he was struggling to stamp them down, but her scent was so sweet and hot and... and... god! “yes we celebrate Halloween.” he admitted with a small smile. “it's from ancient lore, we carve faces in pumpkins to fool the hobgoblins and dress up as creatures to emulate the creatures we once feared.” he admitted smiling a little. “it's all to do with our own personal history I guess.” he chuckled as he was called Shantz again, glancing at Ron. “yeah, she keeps calling me that but won't tell me what it means. I think she's calling me a weirdo.” he admitted playfully winking at her. “you celebrate Christmas don't you Piper?”
"Yes, I did.There's more then one kind of abuse, and not all of it physical."Hermione's face softened a little, laughing quietly as she watched the girl talking to Harry and Ron.She looked more relaxed then she had during class."I'm not scarily intelligent!"She said smiling as she poked her boyfriend in the shoulder, accepting his explanation.

"Of course. It's a catholic country. Only england is angelican."She pointed out looking amused before laughing, "English are very weird. Halloween is a holy day."She said avoiding the converstation of what the word meant. Ron raised a eyebrow at her answer, noticing she hadn't answered what it meant before smiling at her."Mostly, its just a excuse to party Piper. We actually have a halloween ball and everything.I am sure you will enjoy that." "Ball?As in dancing?Yes, I do dance well."She nodded looking amused.
Draco smirked at her. “you are scary intelligent.” he teased kissing her cheek. “but that's not a bad thing love.” he promised chuckling at her as he watched Piper, amused. “i am a little worried though...” he admitted calmly. “it seams... a little too sudden...”

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. “us English are ALWAYS looking for a reason to Party.” he agreed grinning at her. “they had the weird Sisters here last year, it was amazing.” Harry admitted looking amused. “Ron had to ask Luna to go with him.” he taunted. “she talked about snufflegorps the entire time, whatever those are.” he laughed a little as Ron gave him a sour look and he smiled at Piper. “how are you enjoying classes so far? It's not too difficult?”
"It is."Hermione said sighing softly."I told you we should find out who she is. Her showing up seems weird and out of place. If she's smart enough to keep up in austria, why isnt she there?"

Piper smiled a little."Nothing's to difficult. I am very smart."She said nodding, not at the least arrogant, just saying the truth. Yelping a little as theodore nott sat down next to her, slinging a arm around her shoulders as he pulled the smaller girl closer to him. Unlike Draco and Blaise, the man hadn't switched sides, and enjoyed being a bully and a almost death eater."She's quite brilliant. Aren't you girly?" "..." "Ah all shy. I see how it is. I'll just have to make you talk to me more."Theo said tugging her closer, missing the white hot rage shining through blue eyes before she locked it away. When she'd been younger she'd lost her temper, badly and nearly killed the bully who'd pissed her off. Since then, she'd been deathly afraid of showing any sort of temper, so scared that it had been easy for her family to abuse her, because she wouldn't stand up for herself.
Draco nodded and growled as Theo walked up to them, but did nothing. He wasn't physically strong enough to take down Theo. Harry snarled violently as he got to his feet and faltered as his entire body flashed, no one else could see it, but he felt powerful muscles flexing, wide wings spreading, talons gripping the floor, and then he was human again in a split second, his fist striking Theodore's face, feeling bones shift under his knuckles as he drove Theo to the floor with a single swipe of his fist. “you stay away from her.” he snarled, his eyes glowing blue, the other colors of the rainbow swirling through his eyes as he stared down at Theo, nearly thunderous in his rage until Draco set his hand on Harry's arm. “Harry... I think you broke his jaw....” “well that's what he gets for being a fucking jackass.” Harry snarled sitting down with a huff, his eyes, emerald green once more, making sure the bastard didn't try anything again.
Theo got to his feet, gingerly touching his jaw but taking a step towards harry, ignoring the slight piper as she stepped between them until the smaller woman rested a hand on his chest, and for a moment, just a moment the changeling felt the touch of magic, harry's own magic summoning her own, even if it had been stolen, it was something born in bone and it couldn't totally be kept apart. Pressing a hand to Theodore's chest she pushed, barely flexing but still the man went sprawling back."
Bleiben Sie Weg, Todesser. Sie sind nicht der stärkste oder der tödlichsten hier."Piper cursed so upset that the flash of temper and fire burning under her skin she hadn't even realized she'd slipped into german to tell the death eater to go away, or that he did not want to start this fight, because she would be the one to end it. "Piper!"Hermione scolded pulling her away from the other man, looking worriedly. "A problem, children?"Professor mcgonngal asked as she walked down from the staff table, looking at the fighting teens. As much as she approved of their dealing with Theo, she couldn't be made to appear to approve of fighting."Twenty points from gryffindor for fighting, and Ms. Dragomir, and Mr. Potter, you will be having detention with Professor snape after class today."She said giving them the hardest detention, not only because she thought the potions master would get piper to talk, but because it might deter them from fighting.
Harry snarled as the man stepped forward and leaped to his feet but smirked as Piper flung him back, Draco sighing a little as he shook his head, Harry scowling at McGonagall. “what!? Why are WE the ones getting punished!? He's the one that came over here and started molesting Piper!” Harry complained. “we where only defending ourselves professor!!!” while Snape had been nicer... sort of, to Harry the two still utterly hated each other. It was just in their nature. He sulked and slumped in his chair. “stupid greasy git...” he grumbled, hating Snape with all that he was able to, Draco snorting. “hey! Be nice to my godfather, I have to live with him remember?” Draco was staying in Snape's rooms, because the Gryffindor's refused to have him in their common room, and because if he slept anywhere else the Slytherin's kicked his ass. He was only safe with Hermione and the others and in Snape's room. Because a disease had hit him when he was sixteen and he had lost his magic, much like poor Piper had.
"Severus is tolerable."Piper mused ignorign the professor because it didn't matter to her if she got punished for defending herself. it was the usual mode of things. And saying it before she'd really thought it through. After all, Lucius had been to Austria at a young age, not only because Abraxas had wanted his son away from the dark lord to come into his powers, but because Dragon was lord, and the best teachers for changelings were dragons. Despite being magic bound, they still taught well. and a young lucius, had brought a young severus with him. And met the then 5 year old Piper, abraxas having waited till after Lucius had draco to send his own son to austria. Having wanted to secure the bloodline before he sent his son to a notoriously close knit protective group. Hermione looked startled at the words, lookign at Draco raising a eyebrow. As if to ask what the hell? Piper sighed sitting down again next to Harry, she nudged him a little."You can help me with potions. I have not caught up to what your teacher is teaching yet."She said, though after a day she'd proved amazing effecient at potions.
Harry grumbled a little. “Severus is a git.” he grumbled annoyed as he poked at his food huffing a little before pausing, blinking at Piper. “you've only known him a day! He's a git, trust me.” he ordered smirking a little as he stuffed his food into his mouth, shaking his head before he used his fork to scratch his back, which explained why he was so grouchy all of a sudden, he was itchy again. “i hope he's not coming down with the pox or something.” Draco muttered leaning away from Harry. “besides Father and Sev went to Austria to train with the family.” he explained. “if Piper Is family she would have met Father and sev then. If not she seams like a good judge of character.” he explained under his breath to Hermione. “if she is family... I have no doubt she's running away to get away from them... their a lot like father... very controlling, to the point where they even pick who your going to marry.” he admitted before returning to his meal, never realizing how close to the truth he might have stumbled. Harry whined loudly at the thought of doing more potions. “but Piper! I HATE potions!” he complained, sulking a little at her. “i really don't think I'll be any help at all...”
"Oh well, then I'll help you."Piper sad before she looked at Draco, frowning slightly. Thanks to overly sensitive ears she'd heard what he said and she glared at him as if warning him to stop. Not wanting him to stumble any closer, because she was sure if he thought to as Lucius-not realizing father and son weren't talking to each other-that she'd have a one way ticktet back to her family."Nien.Don't scratch."He scolded gently raising a hand to scratch her fingers through the changeling phoenix's hair, "Ah well, I do."Piper said blushing a little."Trust you I mean."She muttered before nudging him."Come on. We better head to class. We have potions, then dentetion." Hermione looked startled at the glare before looking at Draco,"You make it sound like the mafia."she teased as she finished eating, though she looked concerned and determined to find out,even if she was hiding it from draco, who she was sure wouldn't approve of her snooping.
Harry beamed happily and Draco winced at the glare, hunching slightly in his seat, his own changling blood reacting to the Dragon's whims and he shut up quickly. Harry whined as he was told not to scratch, sulking a little. “but it ITCHES!” he growled, squirming violently, Draco handing Harry a warm butterbeer, Harry swallowing it gratefully, wondering why the drink soothed the itch deep inside but deciding he didn't care so long as it worked. “.. hate potions...” he grumbled, less grumpy now that the itch had been eased as he stood up, smiling at Piper. “what did you say anyway? It sounded like you where cussing him out.” he admitted with a small laugh Draco smiling at Hermione with pain in his eyes. “like the mafia?” he asked softly. “the Mafia IS my family.” he stated calmly. “muggles got that particular idea from us.” he admitted softly as he got to his feet. “Lucius isn't the only one who controls every aspect of their children's lives by any means possible.” he admitted softly. “and I don't fault her at all for trying to leave,”
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