Dragon's Winter

Harry smiled as he offered to buy her a gorgeous white dress that he said she'd look utterly gorgeous in. typical Phoenix behavior, they offered their Dragon mates beautiful things, because Dragon's loved treasure and a Phoenix's greatest joy in life was to please their mate. He laughed as he offered to buy Draco one too so he could finally get that cute boys attention and Ron went beat red, but didn't deny that he was crushing on a man. He froze however when he spotted... “Death Eaters!” he hissed, his eyes flashing an icy blue as he unleashed a torrent of Parseltongue as he hid Piper behind him and looked for a way to escape. “we have to get back to the castle... lets try to get to the candy shop!” he ordered, licking his lips nervously. “Piper stay close to me.” he ordered softly, holding her hand tightly. “don't let go of my hand.”
Piper held the dress close to her, the dragon in her unwilling to let go of the beautiful treasure even as she gripped Harry's hand tightly."lets go."She said following him out, pressing against his back, the dragon for once cowed enough to let her phoenix protect her. "Bloody hell."Hermione cursed quietly as she followed the two out, looking slightly disgusted at having Piper Dragomir reacting like she was. Having found out almost everything about the girl she'd been waiting for the perfect time to tell harry, but it hadn''t come. And now this. A frightened child, hanging onto harry's shirt. Pathetic.Judgemental as always. Hermione sighed looking at Draco, swallowing hard as she pulled him closer to her, "Stay between me and Piper. You'll blend in."she said anxious to make sure that the death eaters couldn't see him as harry and piper walked in front of them, and ron walked beside them, blocking Draco as they headed for the candy store.
Harry growled a little as he quickly moved, certain they where after either Draco or Piper, hissing as Draco whimpered, hating how pathetic he was, wishing he could risk transforming, Harry hissing again as he almost ran into someone. “well, look who I found.” Harry snarled as a firm hand closed around his wrist as he turned to flee, Lucius Malfoy smirking Darkly. “a pathetic little Dead Boy.” he stated before his eyes widened as he noticed Piper. “My Lady Dragomir!” he stated, stunned. “your supposed to be in...” he released Harry and bowed to her, his inner instincts forcing him to bow to her, submit to her. Sure he was only a dragon in bloodline, and could not transform into one, he was a griffon, like Draco was, but he carried the genes and those genes where enough to make him recognize a Queen Dragon when he saw one. “please... pardon me my Lady...”
Piper winced a little as she gently shoved Hary past the man before address him, wincing because while she hadn't expected it, or she hadn't still told Harry what she was, she was to scared to admit to being a dragon when he was still so upset about draco and disbelieving. But... seh would protect them,"But I am not there am I, lord Malfoy?Now move."She ordered quietly, her voice going that soft growling way any would recognize as the beginnings of a dragon's roar, turning her head slightly, having recognized him not only because she'd met him before, but father looked like son. "Draco. Go."She ordered putting enough demand into it to make sure it was obeyed as she stood her ground between griffon and the rest as they headed for the candy shop."You did not see us. Not to your master, or mine."She said growling because she just knew finding Lucius here was going to result in her family finding out. She just knew it.
Lucius growled as Harry hissed at him, moving past, but not abandoning Piper, low warning growls spilling out of Harry's mouth as Draco Ron and Hermione headed for the Candy Shop, Lucius grimaced at the order, making a slightly distressed noise in the back of his throat. “of course Lady Dragon.” he muttered bowing to her, backing up before fleeing before she ordered him to do something else. Harry sighing in relief as he grabbed Pipers wrist and continued on to the Candy shop, pulling her tight into his arms and giving her a from kiss once they where hidden from prying eyes, Draco Ron and Hermione already running down the tunnel at Draco's insistence. “Mine.” Harry growled, holding her tight, claiming her as he nibbled on her neck. “Mine, Mine, MINE!” he growled kissing her intently again, letting her know, without a doubt, that harry was keeping her before he led her down the stairs and into the secrete tunnel. “so... your a Changeling too?” he asked smiling a little, not looking surprised. “a Dragon even? That's really kind of cool.” he admitted. “i'm sorry I've been so stupid the last few days.”
Piper nodded looking relieved as she followed him through the tunnel, amused as she heard Hemione and the other two hurrying down the other end of the tunnel. Tugging Harry to a stop as the other pulled the entrance way shut wrapping her arms around him."Its okay. I've been stupid to."She muttered nuzzling him before stepping back looking up at him.Going quiet as they walked down the tunnel just content to be together.Sighing softly as she looked at harry."I'm tired now..."She said laughing a little as they walked into the gryffindor common room, wincing a little as hermione pounced on harry pulling him away."Get away from her Harry!She's a changeling a dragon!That's why she left home. She's dangerous Harry,she needs to go.The dragons were cursed for working with voldemort, what if she's helping him?You saw lucius, he left when she said to do so!"Hermioen growled pulling harry away from her ignoring the hurt and lost look on piper's face as she looked around the common room, feeling so betrayed for being so publicly outted the other gryffindor's having just arrived back from hogsmeade to, were staring.
Draco gasped in horror at Hermione's words, looking hurt himself, and Harry stared at Hermione for a long moment. “i know she's a changeling.” he hissed looking more and more furious. “i told you, not to pry, into Pipers life!” he snarled, Draco squeaking in horror. “Ron! Restrain him!” Draco demanded, running forward, grabbing Harry's arm and yelping as he was slammed into the wall as he was tossed away like a Fly. “you would DARE ACCUSE MY MATE!?” Harry demanded, screaming at Harry before he let off a shriek of rage, his body twisting, forming into a massive form, blue feathers that faded into the colors of the Northern lights from which his kind where created, a sharp beak shrieked at Hermione before he rushed out the window, shattering the glass, Draco cursing as he staggered to his feet, looking at Hermione with tear filled eyes.

“...i'm sorry Hermione...” he whispered “your wrong about the Dragons. they where cursed because they wouldn't join Voldemort, so he stole their powers, and took them for his own.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “as you can see, Harry is a changeling too, a Phoenix, the eternal mate to the Dragon queen... and... more than that.” he spread massive white and black wings and dove out after Harry, turning into a massive Griffon, shrieking in pain, heartbroken that Hermione could be so cruel, leaving Ron to protect Piper.

Harry's Phoenix Form
Draco's Griffon form
"Dammit Hermione, we told you not to look."Ron scowled annoyed as he watched the two leave before gathering the distraught loking dragon, Grabbing piper as she lundged for hermione, twisting he away ignoring as the world seemed to burn around him.When the other two got back to the common rooom he sighed tiredly, rubbing his face."She's sleeping.Hermione to."He said rubbing his hands, the skin red and raw from where he'd he;d piper the girl's skin despite not being able to change, burning hot enough that it had blistered his hands as he kept her from injuring hermione.
Draco looked like he'd been crying when he got in, his eyes red rimmed as he smiled at Ron and nodded before he curled up on the couch to sleep himself Harry sighing a little as he shook his head. “you didn't put Piper and Hermione in the same room did... what happened to your arms!?” he demanded, grabbing his wand and gently healing Ron's skin. “Draco explained a lot of stuff to me.” he admitted softly. “pipers not dangerous Ron... you know that don't you?.. I NEED her Ron... we where born to be together, created for each other.” he explained swallowing thickly. “she's my Soul mate, literally.” he admitted. “why couldn't Hermione just keep her goddamn nose out of this!? Now it's going to be all over the goddamn school and her mother is going to find out, and I'll be slaughtered for mating with her just so she can be made into a sex toy for some lecherous son of a bitch who's even older than your dad is!” Harry was just venting, he knew Ron knew it, but he was also right. Because of Hermione, a battle that needed to never happen, was now a sure thing.
Ron nodded a little smiling slightly as he looked up at the man."I know Harry, she's okay. Hermione had no right to do what she did."Shaking his head a little he looked worried as he stood, hugging his friend quickly before letting him go."Oh no. Piper's in your room.Its the only way she calmed down."he said laughing a little."Piper happened. When I picked her up to stop her from tearing hermione apart, she burned.She felt like she was running a fever, high enough to hurt."
Harry nodded a little. “hopefully this time Hermione learns her lesson.” he muttered softly looking at Draco. “it's Draco I feel the most sorry for... she hurt Piper, and me... but she shattered Draco's heart...” he admitted softly. “she thinks he's a monster...” he sighed a little before smiling at Ron. “i'm sorry Piper hurt you... it's, a dragon thing I guess. They where made from the stars, their fire burns hot, even though all of their powers have been locked away they still burn hot. That's why Phoenix was created, to be the mate for the dragons, who burned too hot to let any others close. Their cold flames helped sooth the roaring heat of a dragons heart.” he admitted sighing a little. “go to bed Ron, I'll see you in the morning.” he promised before heading up to Piper, gently settling into bed with her. “i'm sorry Piper... Hermione had no right...” he muttered softly. “i'll protect you, no matter what...”
Piper sighed softly as she shifted to snuggle against him,letting his cool skin sooth just how hot she was."Just sleep."She ordered,for the moment unwilling to think about how fucked her life was, or how messed up she'd made draco's.Yes, she blamed Hermione,but she blamed herself more for costing draco everything.

in the morning piper sighed rubbing a hand over her face,sitting on the edge of the bed as she pulled her shoes on.Looking back at her sleeping mate with a small sad smile, getting up and going in search of draco. Looking at the man sleeping on Snape's couch she sighed softly sitting down next to him,gently shaking him awake."Draco."
Draco groaned a little as he was shaken awake, blinking sluggishly before smiling at her, looking sad and tired. “morning.” he muttered softly, laying his head on the couch again. “what time is it?” he was skipping breakfast, he didn't want to see Hermione, and if he sat anywhere but next to her or Harry the other Gryffindor's tormented him. And since Hermione was probably going to sit with Ron, who always sat with Harry, Draco was going to be stuck without protection. “... do you think I'm a monster piper?” Draco asked suddenly. “i think Hermione does...”
"Es ist besser, ein Monster zu sein, dann ruhig verschlungen."she muttered tilting her head.It was true:'It is better to be a monster, than to be quietly devoured.'. "It's early. Sunrise."She muttered looking down at him, because fear had driven her out of bed, and she had no idea what had sent her to the griffin changeling but maybe she could heal some of his heart wounds, along with her own."She didn't mean it raco. Not about you at least. She thought I was dangerous, because I'd shown up suddenly. You...she knows.And loves."
Draco smiled a little. “i don't speak German Piper.” he stated calmly, looking amused. “Father never bothered to teach it to me, he never even planned on sending me to Austria.” he admitted calmly as he sighed a little, sulking. “why would you wake me up at Dawn?” he complained. “god it's early.” but he was sitting up anyway, rubbing his eyes. “she hates me Piper, I know she does... I kept secretes from her and she hates that.” he admitted shaking his head. “she has to know everything... I love her.. I do... but some days she just pisses me the hell off.” he admitted smiling at her. “want to join me in the kitchens for breakfast?” he asked his head tilted. “Harry will probobly be down there soon looking for us. Assuming he's awake enough to realize that there's no way you could have been kidnapped.”
Piper looked amused at the idea of his father never sending him to austria."Probably because the minute you would have crossed through, we would have had a hostage to force him to betray."she mused, while she wouldn't have done it that way, she would have seen her mother doing it could see her mother using draco as the weapon to force Lucius into betraying his master."It means, 'It's better to be a monster, then quietly devoured.' I'd chose being a monster, over being anyone's toy."She smiled tugging him to his feet."let's go get food. You'll feel better."She said fussing. Unlike her mother who only saw the changelings as a way to provide her with power, piper was a dragon's true queen, and as such fussed and mothered as the goddess had meant the dragons to rule. "Ah, well.By the time he got down all those damnable stairs, he'd be awake."she teased before nudging him a little."I can understand the need to know everything. She thought you were a threat to harry when you first changed sides, so she found everything. And me, I was a threat. So...she's being over needy to know things."
Draco smirked and nodded. “that's exactly it.” he admitted. “the only reason why Lucius is working for Voldemort is so he can try and steal the Dragon Power for his own.” he admitted. “he has the genetics, but he can't change into a Dragon.” he admitted shaking his head. “if he had the Dragonpower he could change his Genes and make himself into a Dragon to rule over all of the changelings, Matriarchal or not.” he admitted shaking his head. “he's an idiot if he thinks your mother will allow it.” he paused as she translated and smirked a little. “yes, this is true.” he agreed before sighing a little. “Hermione found things about me that I never wanted anyone to know...” he admitted softly. “she promised never to tell but I worry sometimes.” he admitted softly. “i spent four years under an Impirio you know... from six until ten, so I would be a good puppet for my father... he's a bastard, and my mothers not much better...” “what are you guys talking about?” Harry asked sleepily as he walked over to them, rubbing his eyes as he snuggled into Piper. “i thought you'd been kidnapped.” he whined. “you should leave a note... I just about had a heart attack...”
Piper smiled a little wrapping a arm around his waist as they walked."You would have heard me roaring if that happened.I might not be able to change, but I do have a dragon's voice."She muttered amused but sighing quietly as she thought over what Draco had just told her. Shaking her head. "Your father is a fool, if he thinks he could do that. Dragons have always been martriachal, it wouldn't matter if he could change or not, dragon queens are dragons."She laughed quietly amused at the man's stupidity as she thought about the rest, laughing harder."Oh, the fool!If voldemort is not in control of dragon magic, it would return to us. The bloodlines that rightfully hold it.He'd find himself facing not human bound dragons, but dragons.He might be dragonborn, but he is not dragon."She giggled a lttle because lucius was a fool."she wont tell, she loves you Draco."She muttered as she calmed down.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “my father was never considered smart in any sense of the word.” he admitted calmly shaking his head grinning at Harry. “and Pipers right, no one can sneak up on a dragon, and you'd feel it if she was in danger, your bonded to her.” he teased Harry nodding a little as he yawned again. “.... why are we up so ungodly early?” he asked grumpily, Draco snickering a little. “so Harry, I noticed your not scratching yourself raw this morning. “no... I guess flying around as a massive bird created from the norther lights fixed that problem.” he admitted looking amused Draco chuckling a little. “i explained everything I knew to him.” Draco explained to Piper. “but I left the Dragon Tales to you.” he admitted sighing a little. “i hope she does...” he admitted softly. “because my soul recognizes her, human or not...” he admitted softly. “she's my Life mate...” Griffon's mated for life, so the fact that he had chosen Hermione, and she had effectively denied him... it was ripping him apart.
Piper rolled her eyes at the words."Oh bloody hell.You do know you two are going to drive me to distraction?"she grumbled because unlike her mother, she really did care about people and instinct drove her to fix things, to take care of them as best as she was able."And we're up because I could't sleep."She said sitting down at the table as she got food from the house elves starting to eat,"And that's not cool. You're making me tell all the dragons' stories?"She pouted looking amused. "We'll get hermione straightened out draco."She said sounding amazingly awake for a woman who'd just crawled out of bed.
they both chuckled as she grumbled at them and they both kissed her cheek, chuckling a little as Harry nodded. “well I guess that's as good a reason as any to be up.” he admitted watching Piper. “Dragon stories?” he asked curiously, wondering. “i was wondering... your not a squib, are you Piper?” he asked suddenly Draco smiling a little. “very observant Harry.” Draco stated calmly. “no... Voldemort has stolen all Dragon powers, including their magic and their ability to change.” “... oh god, Piper I'm sorry...” he muttered setting his hand on hers. “well... I'll kill him and you'll have your powers back right? I'm supposed to be killing him anyway according to a prophecy... god I hate those things.” “especially when Trelwany tells them, she's like... keyed into Voldemort and only Voldemort, it's really creepy.”
Piper smiled at his sympathy, giggling a little."Maybe she's in love with him."She giggled more before calming down, looking at the two tilting her head."I know a prophecy drove him to austria to try and stop it from happening, but no one knows what the prophecy contained.Do you know it?"she asked looking curious.
Draco and Harry both grimaced and Harry actually muttered. “well he can have her.” he grumbled. “she's the one that actually came up with the prophecy in the first place, but asking her would be pointless she never remembers having them.” he admitted calmly. “Dumbledore has a copy of the prophecy but I doubt he'll let us see it, he doesn't want me so involved, he's scared I'm going to drive myself to suicide or death, considering how much trouble I'm always in.” he admitted looking amused. “if I wheedled enough I suppose he'd let me listen, but I don't know if he'd let you.”
Piper grumbled a little, a dragon's annoyance at being denied anything."I'll have to ask him."She said before smiling sipping her orange juice."Would you like to hear the story of how the dragons came into being?"She asked and at their nods started."When the goddess made the world she filled it with four different kinds of beings. Monsters, beasts, hangelings, and men. And during the time when the world was new, she told each to gather among themselves and name a lord, or king. Otherwise, there would be wars the goddess warned them. So the monsters went to the east, and the beasts to the south, the men to the west, and changelings to icy north, each gathering among themselves to choose a lord.

And the monsters snarled and snapped at one another, refusnig to give any one lordship over the others, and they fell fighting among themselves. And that is why there are so few monsters in the world, bcause they killed each other at the very beginning, when the world was new.

And the beasts talked and talked, and chose elephant but elephant refused. So the beasts gathered again, and talked and talked then chose lion. So lion is the king of beasts, but will always yield to Elephant, because Elephant was chosen first.

And the men talked and talked, some of them choosing one, and others another. And even more choosing a third. They all drew apart and began making weapons, killing each other over who was lord. and the goddess was sad, and angry at them for their choices.

But the changelings could not choose. For there were very few of them and each of them felt that they had the qualities and ablilites to be king and none would yield. At last they came to the goddess and said,"Mother we cannot choose. "And the goddess was angry at their pride.

Yet the goddess took pity on them, for she saw how few of them there were, and feared in their pride they would kill each other like the monsters and men, and she did not desire that, for she loved them. So she spread her hands and made a wind into the void, and the void was empty except for stars. So great was that wind that a star tore loose from the night, and it tumbled towards the ground.

As it tumbled the goddess caught it. It burned bright and fiery as she cupped it in her hands, blowing on it to cool it. After it cooled she shaped it, gave it wings and a tail, and a great proud head. Talons mighter than any sword, and wings like the night it had been shaped from. She named it dragon, and she said."Go north my daughter, and find your people."

So Dragon flew north and found the changelings and flew to them. And the changelings were filled with wonder and it seemed to each of them that here was one more noble and mighty then any, and worthy of honor. And each changeling bowed to Dragon in turn.

And the goddess was well pleased. She gave Dragon a home in the north, and she said, "You shall live here, in the frozen north where your heart might be free to love and live. And there will always be only a few of you for many of you would be dangerous. You are changelings now, but at times you may forget this form, and remember only that you were once a star."
Draco was smiling as he listened to the story, he loved hearing it, and Harry looked amazed. “that's such an amazing story.” he whispered, stunned. “i never considered how we people where created.” he admitted liking his lips. “what about the phoenix?” he asked curiously and Draco smirked. “wait here.” he ordered, because he knew that Piper wouldn't know how the phoenix was created. He raced to Snape's room, opened his safe, and rushed back with a book that looked as old as the stars themselves. “Father stole this.” he explained. “no one even knew it was there...” he admitted opening it. “this is the story of the dragons.” he explained pointing to a flowery script on the pages, apparently Lucius had made Draco learn a language that was never even used anymore. “and this, is the story of the Phoenix.” he cleared his throat and began to read.

“And the Dragon accepted her role, and gave many offspring, their hearts burning as brightly as the star that they had come from. The cold icy wind of the north soothed their fires, but not their lonely hearts, for Dragons could only mate with dragons, and there where so very few. They cried their lonely hearts to the stars from which they came, and the Goddess saw the agony of their hearts and decided to bestow upon the Queen a gift. She reached into the sky's of the northern lights, and gathered all the colors into her arms and brought the burning touch of the icy wind, and shaped the colors and the wind into large wings and sharp talons. The cold burning wind helped to sooth the Dragons burning fires. From that day forward, the Phoenix would always be born when the new Dragon queen would be born, and bond to her, giving her the strength, and the cool winds she needs to rule her people.” Draco read, smirking at Piper. “and what does that mean?” “...”
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