Dragon's Winter

Harry snarled as Morgana grabbed her again and unleashed a shriek of rage as piper tossed them both out the window, following them down, shifting as he fell, talons reaching out to try and grab piper before she hit the earth before wheeling away when she abruptly changed, the only thing he'd manage if he tried to catch her in mid air while she was in dragon form was hurt them both. He shrieked, matching her roar as he circled above them, making sure any and all changelings who had come with Morgana saw him, making sure they knew, without a doubt, which dragon was his. He dove at anyone who tried to get involved, student or changeling alike, nearly taking off Lucius's head who was 'just dropping in' to 'check on his son'.
Students crowded the windows and doorways as they tried to look at the table, as the dragon panted. Piper whined, the dragon making a thundering noise as she slipped out of the dragon form, slipping back to human as she collaped down onto the ground, panting as she laid on her side. While she hadn't been sure she'd be ableto change, but she had been willing to take the chance. not seeing her mother and lucius leave together, concentrating to hard on making her body stop hurting. Despite changing, she hadn't been able to hold it long, because the magic she'd borrowed hadn't been her own, the only thing that had allowed her to cahnge was that Harry could, harry had forced the dragon to the surface when her life had been threatened.
Harry shrieked as he passed the windows, students shrieking and fleeing as windows shattered, freezing so fast that they actually shattered as he passed landing next to Piper and gently nuzzling her, spreading his chilly wings across her aching body, easing her pain a little, and offering her comfort as he gently crooned to her, feeling her pain and trying to help her in every way he could, snapping at anyone who came close until Pomfry and Dumbledore got their. he only backed off of Piper when Pomfry got there, offering the girl a pain potion while she checked for injuries and broken bones.
Piper winced a little as she sipped the potion, shifting a little to rest her head against Harry, "I'm fine.I thought...I thought I'd be able to change if I was truly in danger."she muttered trying to sooth harry and dumbledore's ranting as the other yelled at her for being reckless."We should go inside."Piper said standing up slowly, resting a hand on Harry's wing as she walked towards the school.She just wanted to lay down. "Harry!Piper!"Hermione rushed out the door walking over to the two,but waiting till Harry let her close before wrapping a arm around the girl's waist to help her walk.
Harry nodded. "i think you took the power from me." he admitted. "i felt it, my magic flowing into you." he smiled at her. "if felt... so very good." he admitted calmly before she started to worry about whether or not she had hurt him. he supported her as best as he could gently backing away as Hermione rushed forward, letting Hermione help Piper back into the school as he struggled to contain himself enough to change back. he changed when he was pissed off or angry, but he wasn't calmed down enough to be able to change back into human form yet so he had to wait outside until he could fit in the halls again.
By the time harry had made it back inside, Hermione had tucked Piper in his bed, and was talkking with draco was they waited. Smiling slightly when the girl stirred sleepily at the sound of her mate coming in."Morgan's missing. No one's seen her since they fell."She said softly loking at Harry, anxious because she knew it was only a matter of time before piper got hurt again if Morgan had survived.
Harry walked in, brushing feathers off his shirt grimacing at the mention of Morgana being missing. "it will be alright, there's only two places that she can go now, and death waits at both ends." he promised gently snuggling into Piper, holding her close and gently nuzzling her. "i'll keep her safe." he promised, smiling a little. "i am a phoenix after all." he admitted pulling something out of his pocket suddenly and settling it around her neck, kissing her forehead. it was a fine gold necklace with a Dragon pendant on it, the emerald eyes glittering out of the gold pendant making him smile as he kissed her gently.
Hermione rolled her eyes heading for the door."Goodnight you two."She muttered leaving. Piper whined a little at being disturbed, whining as she shifted and snuggled into her name, raising a hand to touch the necklae as she blinked sleepily."What is it?Why?"Seh muttered not used to getting presents, and looking so adorablely sleepy.
Harry smiled a little. "no reason... i just.. wanted to give it to you." he admitted. "draco says it's my natural instinct to want to give you pretty things to show my affection and love for you." he admitted chuckling a little as he nuzzled her gently. "i saw it while you and draco where looking over those swords." h admitted smiling a little. "so i got it..." he admitted looking worried. "do you not like it?"
Piper smiled sleepily settling back down next to him,cuddling close."NO. I love it.Its just I'm not used to presents. only one who got me presents was the bastard mother wanted me to marry.."He muttered nuzzling his lover before sighing softly."Love you...so need to sleep. Sleep Harry."She ordered poking him in the shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him and started drifting off.The forced magic having taken alot out of the woman
he relaxed smiling at her, kissing her gently. "i'm sorry." he muttered softly beaming at her. "i'll just have to get you lots of presents to make up for it!" he decided nuzzling her gently before drifting off to sleep, sighing softly as he slept. when she woke up in the morning Harry was walking in with a tray of food in his hands. "Dumbledore gave us the day off." he admitted smiling at her. "but we can't leave the castle for a while, he's scared we're going to be attacked.... again."
Piper smiled a little sitting up to start eating looking over at him before she answered."What about attacks in the school?Not everyone is going to be happy to have changelings here, and alot of people saw both of us shift."she said looking concerned as she ate, and worried about draco. He'd already been hurt so much, she didn't want to put him in danger for being her friend.
he hesitated a little and then. "we're not staying here." he admitted biting his lip. "we're going to Draco's winter cabin. even Lucius did not know where Draco's home was, in fact Lucius didn't even know Draco HAD a house! "it's in Alaska... i think." Harry admitted shaking his head. "i'm telling Dumbledore tonight." he admitted calmly. "i'm seventeen now, so he can't really say no." he admitted looking amused. "Draco and Hermione is coming with us, and we might bring Ron too." he admitted shaking his head. "it depends on if Ron can handle leaving his family."
Piper bit her lip looking worried before nodding,finishing her food."Good. It will be remote,and the snow will keep away any visitors."she said before leaning over to kiss Harry,standing up."Come on. Let's go see if ron can handle leaving...though,we might benefit if he stayed.Having eyes and ears at the castle,he could find out things we can't."She said still looking worried because she knew voldemort wouldn't give up that easily
he chuckled a little and kissed her, nodding. "that was my thought." he admitted. "and it's gorgeous too, Draco showed me a picture." he admitted smiling a little. "besides we have the twins to keep an eye on things." he admitted. "as well as Ginny, even if she's annoyed that i'm not in love with her." he admitted with a small shake of his head, kissing her again. "we won't let anything happen to you." he promised standing up with her and heading out the door after her, humming softly, happy as he held her hand looking for Dumbledore in the Great Hall to see if he was in there having breakfast or in his office like he usually was.
Dumbledore was indeed eating in his office as he mulled over what to do with the dragon and phoenix. He needed them protected, needed them hidden until there was no other options. involved in the prophecy as they were, he wanted to give them a childhood, if he could. Meanwhile Piper laughed quietly, nuzzling her boy before eating."Disappointed?" "Who are we talking about?"Hermione asked as she sat down next to them.
Harry chuckled as he kissed her gently glancing at Hermione. "oh, Ginny, and her crush on me." he admitted chuckling a little, Draco lifting an eyebrow. ".... it's more like an obsession harry and half the school is in the same state. you where the most wanted elegible man around until Piper 'stole' you." he teased winking at Piper Harry snorting. "did you two get everything packed?" "yup, all packed." Draco promised. "good idea by the way, ditching school, i think we should take Sev though." "... oooh come on i can't STAND that man! WHY?!" "because Voldemort and my father is going to be pissed when they realize Snape is the reason why i know not only what i am but also taught me how to change." "... fine he can come with..."
Piper laughed quietly as she pressed her face against harry's shoulder, nuzzling him a little amused."Hmm I'll make sure your to busy to worry about him."she teased. Hermione rolled her eyes,"I don't think there was any stealing involved. Harry ran piper over after all. He's the one who stole her."she mused snickering a little as she ate."We'll go as soon as we can get snape. And tell dumbledore."
Harry chuckled a little and shrugged his shoulders. "either way, half the female population, and a third of the male are upset about Harry finally finding someone to love." Draco admitted with a small snicker as he took a long drink of his pumpkin juice, shaking his head. "i'll go talk to Snape, Harry you go deal with Dumbledore, i can't, he makes me want to punch him in the face." he complained, Harry snorting. "snape makes me want to punch him in the face, yet he's coming with us." Harry pointed out looking amused as he stood up. "come on Pi." he stated grinning at her. "we'll go tell Dumbledore since Draco's too much of a girl to do it himself."
Piper snickered following Harry."But he makes such a pretty girl."She mused laughing amused as hermione sputtered behind them. Following Harry upstairs and knocking on the office door."yes?Oh, harry,piper. What can I do for you?" Dumbledore said looking startled to see them. Puper smiled a little snuggling into Harry, nudging him a little. Not wanting to tell him, and relying on Harry to do it.
Harry snickered as he glanced back and saw Draco GLARING at them, only making him laugh harder as he shook his head heading after Piper, smiling as he walked into Dumbledore's Office. "me, Piper, Hermione, Draco, Snape, and possibly Ron are leaving tonight. it's not safe here." he admitted calmly. "we have a secrete house where we can go until someone can figure out what to do." he admitted. "no one will be able to contact us, but i'll stop in every week or so to check in and let you all know we're still alive."
Dumbledore looked at the two, looking startled because the two had found the perfect solution to his problem."And I will have news waiting for you when you do come, whatever I discover that you need to know." "Everything, even if we don't need to knw."piper said. "As you say."Dumbledore smiled looking worried but noddding, because it was the best solution he'd so far heard or thought of."Take care, you two."
Harry looked a little startled and looked Dumbledore over to make sure it was really him. "that's it? just a go ahead? no begging, no telling me it's not safe, no telling me i should stay here for safety?" Harry loved Dumbledore like a grandfather, but the man frustrated him sometimes. "we're taking Snape with us... your not upset about that? Draco, hermione, even Ron?" he smirked. "well, if you insist.' he chirped skipping out, practically dragging piper with him before Dumbledore changed his mind. "well that went astonishingly well, usually he's all 'you need to stay here, it's not safe' and crap." he admitted before pausing. "... maybe it's because this time im not running headlong into danger?" he mused before shrugging. "oh well, let's go gather the Snake and get Draco and Hermione. they'll have talked to Ron by now."
Piper laughed quietly following after him,"Maybe because you're taking so many of us, he thinks for once you wont get into trouble."She teased poking him lightly in the side, smiling a little as she nudged him walking into the reception area, exactly where Draco and the others were waiting for them."So, we really are leaving?And you didn't get yelled at for deciding this?"Ron said raising a eyebrow as he studied the two. "We are. we all are, and we need to leave before dumbledore decides to change his mind about letting us go."Piper said looking at draco."So how are we getting there?"
Harry smirked a little. "he really should know better than that." Harry admitted with a small laugh. "i could be all alone on a deserted island protected by god, Merlin, AND the devil and i'd STILL find a way to get in trouble." "and completely by accident too." Draco complained, "Harry has this fierce need to save and protect anything and everything. fish, birds, you." Draco teased his cousin, winking at her as Harry glared at Draco. "anyway, we're getting there through Shadow warping, but Harry is going to have to do it, i can't anymore and i'm sure piper can't either." "... what do i have to do?" Harry asked calmly, Draco smiling a little as he gave Harry a crash course. fortunately shadow warping was one of the simplest forms of Changeling magic, and sometimes babes in the crib could easily manage it. so it wasn't hard for Harry to open a shadow portal and step through into the icy cold halls of Draco's castle... yes, castle, not mansion, Castle! "it's going to be cold until we can get fire's going, sorry Ron, Hermione." he stated calmly. Harry, Draco, Snape, and Piper wouldn't have any problem with the cold, though Snape would be sluggish, being a Naga and slightly cold blooded, at least he wouldn't have the energy to fight with Harry so much.
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