After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

The turian has to restrain a pleased sound, and guilt, at hearing Kaidan is injured. After abandoning them, refusing to even listen, back on that human colony...
He shakes his head, and corrects himself, berating himself for the cruelty of his mind, only to follow her onward.
Brutes. Lovely little bastards that they are, they're everywhere. It nearly smashes everyone, systematically, and then it dies, finally, falling over.
"Right... at least we fell off the right gate." the Turian replies to her, grinning, and then sets off, helmet on once more as he plods ahead, switching over to a private channel with Shepard as they go.
"Are you alright? I... haven't heard much about Earth, but if this is anything to judge by..." he murmurs, taking them over a ridge and shooting a lone Husk before gesturing the others on after him.
She lets Garrus take the lead, slipping her helmet back over her head before following after. She frowns a bit at his words, her mind momentarily pulling up the image of the Reapers descending on Earth; of running beneath them, dodging the beams; watching as one of the damned thing's lasers took out out the shuttle with a child who'd refused to come with, and had died - a child she couldn't save. Shepard didn't like casualties, but with the Reapers...she knew a lot of them were going to die. It was up to her to make sure not everyone did.

"Earth faced the brunt of the's bad, Garrus." She replies with a soft sigh through their private channel, jumping the ledge in front of them before continuing down the path behind him. Vega makes disgusted comments about how these damned creatures, these husks, are all over New York; she understands all too well, after what they had seen in Vancouver. " was hard to leave, I didn't want to, but Anderson was right...we need everyone to win this."
The male shudders slightly, and shakes his head. "I... I'm sorry, Shepard." he murmurs. "But... you're asking Victus to do the same thing, to leave the fighting to others in favor of diplomacy. It's not easy on anyone." he murmurs. "We're not going to let them win, Anvi. I promise you. Once we get our legs back under us, the Turians will push them back. We'll hold our own... and we'll get you help." he says, setting a hand on her shoulder. "We're almost to where I saw Victus last. There's a camp near here, as well. He may be in there. If not, they might know where we can find him."
"I know that, Garrus," she says it almost more harshly than she intends, then sighs, muttering an apology; this whole damn thing has her on edge. They are facing galactic annihilation at work, and its not something she wished to see. Or to have laying on her shoulders. Hell, she was only one person. How all this could rely solely on her was something that was nearly confounding. To think all this had started because she had reacted to the beacon on Eden Prime instead of Kaidan; he could very easily have been in her place, she realized. "Sorry, you're right. Let's move."

They moved forward, her rifle lined up appropriately as they crested over the hill. "There, the camp. Shit, that doesn't sound good. Double time!" She snapped out the order on reflex, even though Garrus technically wasn't under her command. Vega hollered an 'aye-aye' and they moved into the camp. Before long, they were swarmed in Husks, Brutes, and Marauders; things that used to be a part of their people but were now grotesque imitations. What seemed like hours later, she was panting as she hopped up the ledge and approached the small outpost. They found Victus, and she managed to agree to get his word for help - pointing out the devastation here was double on Earth, and that they were doomed if each species continued to fight the good fight alone - but only if she got the Krogan to help take the heat off of Palaven.

Hell, she really did have her work cut out for her, didn't she? Before long, they were boarding the Normandy, discussing things in the War Room about their plans for a Summit Meeting - one she did not see going well. When all was said and done, she brought up her omni-tool and typed out a message - Garrus, heading upstairs. Need to see you, meet me in my quarters. - as she took the lift to the Captain's Cabin, sitting at her terminal to scan her messages. She had one from Kaidan; he was awake, it seemed, and that lifted the weight a bit off her shoulders.
The Turian flinches somewhat at the tone of her voice, and only nods at her apology. "It's fine." he says, and moves up.
Firing endlessly, swapping cover to cover, blowing the heads off marauders, breaking limbs and reloading and moving... spirits...
Unholy creatures, cobbled together out of flesh and tech, and then they're through. They have Victus, finally... and then they're back on the Normandy.

The Turian heads straight for the main battery, and rests, only waking up when he hears his omnitool chime.

Warm, slightly scaly arms wrap around Shepard from behind, and he leans down to nip at her neck, closing his eyes. "I missed you." he says quietly, and then forces himself back a bit, keeping himself at a bit of range.
"What... did you need to talk about, Anvi?"
She leans into the embrace with a soft sigh, before frowning slightly at his withdrawal. She turns in the chair and stand, holding herself there by sheer will alone, since he seems uneasy, if anything. "I didn't say anything about wanting to talk..." she trails off and folds her arms, almost defensively on instinct. Before Garrus, she had never let anyone inside her shell, not since Mindoir. It had been 6 months since they had seen each other and while he said he missed her, he seemed almost as if he was only here because he had been asked to be. Vaguely, she wonders if she hadn't sent that message if he would have sought her out at all. "I just wanted to see you, you know, outside the heat of battle and all these damnable pressures...I thought you did, too. It's been a long time since I've seen you..."
The male looks somewhat uncomfortable as she speaks, and then moves forward, the moment shes done, drawing her into his arms. "I'm sorry." he says quietly, and leans in carefully, kissing her very gently. "I... didn't know if you... do you still want this, Shepard?" he asks, sounding hesitant. "I... I do still care about you, Shepard. Anvi. I just... I don't want to be forcing this, if it's not what you want." he says softly. "I do care. I do... love you, Shepard. And I would, if I could, get a plighting contract with you."
She chuckles and draws his face back down, kissing him softly, before letting her brow rest against his. "Just because the scars are fading doesn't mean I am not still interested, Garrus." Her hands stroke his face gently, softly. "Hell, Garrus, the only good thing that I could think of about having to leave Earth was that you were out there somewhere. I was in solitary confinement for six months, I was going stir crazy. I can't remember the last time I was off duty for so long. Who knows what's going to happen, Garrus. Do I really want to waste time trying to figure this out, or enjoy the time we have, with extinction - or worse, being turned into one of...those things - looming over us? I care about you...I'd dare say, I love you but...that's hard for someone like me to admit. I've lost so many and it kills a little bit of me each time. I do know if I lost you, it would kill me."
The Turian looks tired as she speaks, and nuzzles her cheek gently. "I... I'm glad to hear that, Shepard." he murmurs. He leans in, very carefully, and bites her, scraping it against the long-healed bite wounds. "I'm sorry. I will stay with you."
He lifts her up into his arms, and kisses her. "You don't have to say anything, Anvi."
He holds her up, one hand on her rear, and runs the other through her hair. "You won't lose me. And I won't lose you." he promises. "Go lay down on the bed, Shepard. I already, ah, grabbed some epi-tabs."
She bites at her lip as he cups her rear in his hand, a breathless sound leaving her at the contact. Her heart thuds against her breastbone hard, making her tingle with awareness at what he was implying; it had been months since they had last...and well, the memory was enough to keep her warm at night, but the thought of doing it again was arousing to say the least. Things seemed uncertain, at best, but how could it be anymore with the galaxy literally burning - one planet at a time - around them?

She smirks and nips his mandible. "Is that so?" She hops down from his hold, turning her back to him as she descends down the stairs, unbuttoning the shirt of her fatigues as she goes. It hits the floor, leaving her in her tank top, military issues pants, and combat boots. The boots went next, followed by her pants - which she turns into a show for him, wiggling her behind out of them as they are shimmied down her thighs before she finally steps out of them, leaving her in her shorts and tank.

With that same smirk still tilting her pliable lips, she turns to face him, arms folded across her chest and brow raised in question. She reaches up to untie the knot of her twisted behind her head, allowing her substantially longer auburn locks free to spill over her shoulders and rest at the top of her breasts. "Had something in mind, did you, Garrus?" She chuckles.
The male simply smiles at her, watching her work her way out of her clothes, and pulling off his own shirt as he goes, eyes devouring her body as he drops it over hers, then unfastens his pants, and then he's standing in front of her again, lifting her up and kissing her, hips grinding against hers, letting her feel him through her undergarments, already emerged from that slit at his groin, and eagerly pulsing for her. "Yes, Anvi... yes I did." he says, and sets her down.
He takes an epi-tab, and then smiles at her, nudging his face between her thighs, and teasing her through her shorts, tongue caressing her thigh, then her core through the fabric. "I missed you..." he breathes, and his fingers curl in the band of her shorts. "May I?"
She gasps as he rolls his hips against hers, a slight blush crossing her freckled cheeks at the feeling of him already emerged, and hard, for her; Spirits, it had been so long. She shudders as he nudges his face between her thighs, laying back on the bed, and then biting back a whimper as he laves his tongue first over her thigh, then her core, already dampening the fabric of her shorts in her need of him. They may have been rushing back into this, but honestly, right now, she didn't care. "Spirits, Garrus..." She moaned softly and gave a soft nod. "I missed you too..."
"Good." the Turian says quietly, and carefully tugs her shorts off her, baring her to the air.
His tongue flicks over her soft folds, and he purrs at the taste of her, mandible rubbing lightly against the inside of her thigh. "You are safe... that is what matters." he breathes out, closing his eyes as he bites her lightly on the thigh, and then, without warning, delves within her with his tongue, exploring and tasting, and absolutely relishing her. He nearly moans at just the taste of her, and his tongue caresses her g-spot as his plated lips rub lightly against her clit. "Wonderful little human..." he groans, and his hand reaches up, taking hers as he pulls back, licking his lip-plates.
"I hope I don't seem too eager." he murmurs, and crawls up her, nipping her throat very carefully, and then kissing her. "What do you want from me, Commander?" he teases, his tip hovering just shy of her womanhood, his body quivering with need.
Shepard finds it hard to think coherently as Garrus' tongue delves, without warning, into her; she shudders, her whole body winding tightly, and arching into him as he goes about torturing her orally. She cries out his name, her head lolling back and forth on the bed breathless whimpers and moans falling from her parted lips. A long whimper follows his retreat and she grasps his hand in turn, panting, breathless, as she kisses him back. "I see no problem with eager," she chuckles softly; Spirits, it had been so long and every part of her ached for him. "I want you, Garrus - inside me, now. And that's an order," she teases back, arching her hips up into him so that her wet center rubbed teasingly over his tip as it hovered just shy of her.
The Turian simply grins at her as she moans for him, leaning down and kissing her, adoring the flush in her face and neck, the way she turns so pink with pleasure, embarrassment, only the faintest of lines showing where her surgical scars used to be. His mouth drops to her neck, and he bites her lightly, shuddering in pleasure. "Is it now, Shepard? Well, my darling spectre... I aim to please." he whispers into her ear, and then he pushes forward. His tip slowly presses inside her, her body stretching to accomodate him, until his plated hips are against hers, ridged base teasing her clit and folds, and talons splayed on the sheets, unblunted, much to his dismay. "You're still marked..." he breathes, teeth scraping lightly, teasingly, over the small scars he gave her, months ago. "Still mine..." he teases. "And I'm still yours, Shepard, if you want me." he breathes, slowly drawing back, before pushing into her again.
Shepard shudders as he pushes himself inside of her, her walls clenching tight around him as he does so; she hadn't slept with anyone since her last night with Garrus, so it takes a moment for her body to adjust accordingly to his size. As he draws back, and thrust forward again, its easier, and she's arching up into him with a breathless whimper, her own hands tangling themselves in the sheets beside her hips. "Yes - yes," she gasps, her head falling back as he thrust again, "glad they didn't fade, I didn't want them to. I'll always be yours, Garrus."
The Turian shudders, feeling her body clamp down and grip him, and he groans, laying his hands over hers. He leans down once more, and his mandible rubs against her neck, teeth scraping on her shoulder. "Good." he murmurs, and thusts forward again, feeling her arch up into him, soft flesh against warm plate, and a low groan leaves him. "Heard about earth... thought..." he breathes out, biting her again, hard, and moving a hand to hold her waist. "Thought I'd lost you again." he confesses, closing his eyes and holding her waist as he pushes forward, manhood filling her, claiming her. "Love you, Shepard." he breathes into her neck, and bites again, shivering.
"I know, Garrus," She moaned with her head lolling back against the mattress, giving him more of her neck as he bites it again causing her to shudder. "I know you're tough, but when I saw Palaven I know..." she trailed off with another moan as he filled her with another thrust, her toes curling in pleasure at the sensation; her body was acting like it had the first time, it had been so long since she'd been with him. Hell, the last time she'd been with him was the last time she'd done anything sexual, period. Being under house arrest made it hard to mingle, but it wasn't even that. All she could think about was Garrus and how he was doing. "Love you too, Garrus..." she is almost embarrassed to admit it, knowing with the war happening it was best to not get attached, but if they were all going to die, she'd rather do it fighting at his side to her very last breath rather than alone.
"Good." he growls into her neck, biting her again, fangs breaking skin and marking her yet again. "But I'm never going to leave you, Shepard. Not till the very end." he breathes out.
He rumbles as she returns his words, and pulls her hard against him, giving her a particularly rough thrust, and making a predatory, pleased sound into her skin. "Whose are you, Shepard?" he breathes into her neck, before his lips shift to hers, and he grips her ankles, thrusting forward against her with a groan. "Who, Anvi?" he asks, his manhood throbbing within her, the turian on the brink of climax.
Shepard gasps as he bites her again, his sharp teeth piercing her skin and making her keen with pleasure; re-opening the mark he'd given her months ago, which had gotten her a couple strange looks, but had only made her beam with pride. Her body shudders and arches up against his as he gives her that particularly hard thrust, her walls clenching down on him harder in response, pulsing around him. It was arousing to see the more dominate side of her Turian, and exciting; she cries out with each thrust forward, each pushing her closer and closer to the edge. "I'm yours, all yours," she whimpered on a moan before the coil within her snapped, sending her shuddering body into a spiraling orgasm. Her walls clenched tight, hot, a silken vice, and she bathed his cock in her juices.
The Turian rumbles into her neck, still thrusting against her, taking her as his talons dig into the sheets, trying to hold himself back. Her words, intertwined with a moan of pleasure, take him to the brink, and then she comes, and he groans, manhood twitching inside her as he finally loses himself, burying himself inside her as he climaxes. His seed fills her, as eagerly as the turian himself does, and then he pushes himself forward one more time, making sure they're locked together, before half collapsing atop her, breathing roughly and licking her wounds, a soft, loving sound leaving him, somewhere between purring and a moan. "I love you, Anvi."
She was content to have him half laying on her, even despite the differences in their bodies. Even more than that, she was comfortable with his body pinning hers; that wasn't something that Shepard was very fond of in general. A good soldier never got herself pinned. Pinned usually meant dead. So it was saying a lot that she wasn't commanding with him, that she let him dominate her, or even lay atop her like this. Garrus knew that. She shivered as he licked her various wounds, her hands scratching his fringe in that way that he loved. "And I love you, Garrus."
The Turian rumbles something soft into her skin, and nips her softly again. He doesn't even reply, only shifts himself so his weight is off her. With a quiet sound, he pulls back, feeling his manhood return to its hidden cleft, and then tugs her closer to him, hard-plated chest rubbing against her back, and taloned hands laid over her stomach, lightly stroking the skin.
"Perfect woman." he breathes out quietly, smiling and nuzzling her neck, just shy of his marks on her.
Shepard murmurs something incomprehensible herself, letting a soft sigh follow suit as her eyes slowly fell shut; she hadn't realized how tired she was, but she should have. The invasion of Earth, the nightmares, the Reapers, Palaven, Garrus, Kaidan; all of it should have been overwhelming, and would have brought lesser women, lesser soldiers, to the brink. She was asleep before she realized it, completely relaxing within Garrus' embrace, her last thought of him and hoping the dream didn't make a return visit this night, her first night back with him.
The Turian slips into slumber not long after her, and manages to, mostly, avoid his mind's terrors... But the memories do slip back in. Shepard's body flung into the void, him pinned above that damned bridge, the panicked second of fear upon seeing the gunship...
And then her. Coming to her quarters after the base, terrified that he might find her to be gone again... And then the demons flee, and he rests, nuzzling into her shoulder in his sleep.

Finally, after seven or so hours, the Turian stirs, and nuzzles his face into her neck, very lightly nipping her soft skin, but otherwise letting her rest as he slowly, carefully disentangles himself, leaving her sleeping on the bed to dress and step into the elevator.

Twenty or so minutes later, the Turian returns with a large tray of something the boxes called 'pancakes', presumably left from Gardner's stay in the SR-2. He avoided, thankfully, burning them, and sets the tray down on her bedside table, along with an odd, bluish slice of bread, and an MRE box , already heated for the Turian. He'll have to buy his own rations again. Or steal some of Victus'. That would work too.
He smiles as he settles down next to her, and runs a taloned hand through her hair, humming. "Rise and shine, Anvi. Managed to avoid killing myself with your breakfast."
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