After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

Garrus chuckles quietly as he slips into the lift alongside the other two, and then immediately heads to the weapon locker, gathering up his equipment and securing it. "This may be a stupid question- but you sure I'm the kind of guy you need on this? If it is rachni, I don't know how useful that I'll be in terms of blowing their heads off. I'm not as good with my assault rifle as my sniper." he says, shrugging quietly. "It's up to you, obviously."
He's uneasy at the thought of letting her go down there without him, but he trusts Vega, relatively speaking, and trusts Liara completely. They're capable, and more close-range oriented than he.
"If that's what you think is best," Shepard replies with a slight shrug. He does have a point. The turian is more suited for long range shots, as opposed to close range. Inwardly she frowns, knowing that perhaps not wanting to leave him behind had affected her judgement on who should accompany her. "Go let Liara know I need her, if you don't mind? Her biotics will probably come in handy, now that I think about it. Thanks."
The male shrugs. "You're used to having me around, and I'm good with my assault rifle. Plus, we haven't had Liara around for almost three years. It's more than understandable." he murmurs. He stretches a bit, and then leans in, carefully, nipping her neck. "Be safe. I'm already regretting pointing that out."
And, with that, he strides off, moving as quick as he can to fetch Liara, and having far from an easy time in tugging her away from her many monitors. "Shadow broker...." he mutters, as the woman departs, and shakes his head, quietly reading through a file left running on one of the monitors.
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