After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

The male does eat... placing forkful after forkful of food in his mouth, but his eyes seem hollow. He jerks as she touches him, and a small bit of life returns to his eyes. "I... heard from my father. My sister's been hurt... and they're still waiting for a shuttle. I... There was a reaper, and screaming... and then nothing. I couldn't... I couldn't get the signal back." he says, pain and fatigue working their way into his voice, his hand rising, and lightly taking hers, squeezing carefully. "I... I don't know what I'm supposed to tell Mom. She's on Sur'Kesh right now... and I didn't even visit her." he mutters, a hollow laugh leaving him. "We'd better win this, Shepard... we have to. Otherwise..."
She frowns at his words, her eyes offering the comfort he needed; she knew all too well how helpless he felt in this moment. She keeps a hold of his hand and leads him to the Main Battery where they could have the privacy for a moment like this. Once they were inside, she leaned back against the main terminal and wrapped her arms around Garrus' neck, careful of his cowl, and brought his brow down to rest against hers'. An intimate gesture they'd shared before, letting him know how she cared for him. "I'm sorry, Garrus. I...I may not understand completely how you must be feeling right now..." - for once she could be content in the fact that her parents and siblings had died on Mindoir, if only to be sparred the pain of the Reaper's destruction - "...but I am here for you, and I am telling you right now, that I will do everything in my power to make sure we win this war. No matter what. We'll get them back to you, Garrus, I promise."
The male blinks as she pulls him toward the battery, and then simply wraps his arms around her, bowing his head and shivering quietly. "I'm... sorry, Anvi. I shouldn't be... I should be more collected tan this." he says, and then dips his head despite his words, biting her shoulder again, carefully. A quiet keening sound leaves him, barely audible, and he pulls her closer, until he can lose himself in her scent, shuddering. "I... I know you will. I just... the thought of Solanna, turned into one of those... things... And even my mother. She has barely anything, anymore..."
He dips his head, and bites her neck lightly once more, his teeth just barely breaking skin, making sure that he nudges her shirt far enough down to let her hide the marks. "I love you, Anvi." he murmurs, half muffled into her skin, and then pulls back, tipping her face up to his. "More than I can say."
She sighs contently at each of his little bites, the feeling warming her pleasantly; how she had missed him over the months they were apart. It was good to have him back here - with her - where she felt he belonged. She felt ashamed that it had taken her so long to realize how much the Turian had come to mean to her, but she was determined not to waste any moment she had with him(even if it wasn't much, considering the galaxy was falling to pieces around them, one planet at a time). She gasps as he breaks skin, the feeling rushing all the way to her toes, mmm'ing as she continues to hold him close. His words of love have her smiling like a love stricken sod when he tips up her face, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Ah Garrus, I think you're getting soft on me," she teases, before placing a soft kiss against his plates. "But I love you too. I will do everything in my power to bring them back to you. Those damned Reapers have another thing coming if they think to touch my Turian's family while I am leading the charge against them. We'll give 'em hell."
The male rumbles appreciatievly at her words, and returns the light kiss. "There's nothing that's going to take you from me again, Anvi. That much... I can assure you. If a missile to the face can't kill me... I don't think much of anything will." he jokes, and then leans in, biting her again. "Do you think we have time?" he asks, quietly, small nips on her neck now, none of them breaking skin, but teasing her nonetheless. "Or do you need to go ride herd on Wrex?" he asks, lifting her up a bit more.
"I had my run in with our old friend already," Shepard chuckled softly and then gasped with pleasure at his teasing nips, goosebumps breaking out over her flesh. "Mm, sure thing, just two things first - " she stops to steady her breathing, before speaking again. "EDI, lock the doors to the Main Battery." Better safe than sorry, who knew if someone would come calling on Garrus(it's been known to happen). She saw the lights for the door turn red.

"Anything else Commander?" EDI's voice filtered through the comm. After coming back from retrieving Garrus and the Primarch, she'd had a brief detour to find out EDI had taken over the Dr. Eva's body - the android that had nearly killed Kaidan on Mars, one owned and run by Cerberus. Ever since she'd taken the body, she'd taken to hanging out in the cockpit with Joker acting as his co-pilot though Joker would swear to this day he never needed help flying his ship.

"Tell Joker to set a course for the Citadel."

"Affirmative. Course in. Logging you out."

With a happy sigh, she pressed another kiss to his plates. "Now where were we?"
The male laughs quietly, biting her again, his hands resting on her rear, holding her up and against him.
As she orders EDI to lock the doors, he laughs, and bites her neck again, purposefully trying to get her to react, and then pulls her up for another kiss as soon as she's ordered their movement.
"Mmh. I think... somewhere around here." he says, and lightly pulls her shirt down, teeth teasing at her neck again before he bites down a bit harder, fringe flaring somewhat as he works at her skin, piercing once again, his hips lightly grinding against hers. "Sound about right?" he teases against her neck, lightly squeezing her.
She was quite proud herself when she managed to keep her voice steady when Garrus bit her neck during her comm call with EDI, before she simply melts against him as he teases her neck again. His bite makes her moan and grind almost instinctually against him in turn, her head falling back with pleasure. Spirits, but he does know how to make her feel good. "Mmm, yeah, yeah that's about right," she mumbled in response, her legs against his sides as he held her up against him(she'd never really liked hands on her ass, but she seemed to love Garrus' talons on it as she had never voiced complaints as she had in the past with others(hell, she loved everything Garrus did, he almost knew her better than she did sometimes)).
The Turian smirks at her, and bites her again, carrying her to his cot and setting her down, his teeth scraping against her neck once more. "Better?" he asks, smiling quietly, and then biting her harder, teeth only remarking her, over where he did to begin with, quietly teasing her, his hand dropping, and caressing her thigh. "What do you want me to do, Shepard?" he teases, tongue lightly moving over his marks. His hands move up, and cup her breasts through her shirt, slowly caressing them, knowing that, at the very lesat, it gives her a small amount of pleasure.
"Mmm, yes, better," she sighs before a soft moan follows, her body shivering ever so slightly at the pleasure those bites caused in her. She widened her legs as his hand caressed her thigh, letting him settle there in the cradle of her hips a little more easily. Her back arches, pressing her breasts up against his taloned hands as he caressed them through the material of her shirt. Her nipples pebbled beneath the cloth, a soft gasp leaving her as the feel of the material, and his hands, rasping against the sensitive tips. "Ah, Garrus, I don't care; everything you do feels so good and we have months to make up for," she chuckled, bringing his face to hers so she could kiss him softly, then more insistently, her tongue eager to slide inside and caress his own; she'd thought kissing a Turian would have been awkward, but she loved it, just as she loved everything she did with him.
The male rumbles quietly as her legs widen around him, and his hands run downward once more, talons lightly tugging on the fabric... and then he slowly pulls her shirt up, claws lightly scraping her skin. His tongue moves carefully back against hers, and then he tugs her shirt the rest of the way off her, head descending again to bite her lightly once more. "We certainly do." he agrees, and then kisses her again, his tongue caressing hers, mandibles carefully parted, a low rumble of happiness leaving him once more.
She gasps at the feeling of his claws scraping softly across her skin, a soft shudder following suit. She lifts her arms to help him divest her of her shirt, leaving her bare from the waist up to his steel blue eyes. Her nipples pebbled beneath his gaze and the coolness of the room. She mmm's softly as he bites her, Shepard loving the feeling. Then they were kissing again and she stroked her tongue across his as it carefully explored her mouth; she had to hand it to him, for kissing being such a foreign concept, he'd become a master at it in the little time they'd had to actually kiss like this. Her fingertips find his cowl and caress at the edges as she moves to gently nibble on his mandible, her thighs pressing against his hips.
The male growls at her, and thrusts his hips lightly against hers, his clawed hands cupping her face with surprising gentleness, before he lightly presses her back into the bed, clothed bodies slowly grinding against one another as he kisses her. "Bite me, Anvi." he teases, doing just hwat he asked, his teeth pricking her neck before he rumbles, hands slipping low and carefully beginning to tug her pants off of her.
Shepard helped him as he tugged on her pants, lifting and shifting her hips enough so that he could get them off her behind and then down her long, strong legs. She gaps as he bites her neck, goosebumps prickling across her arms even as her nipples tightened even more, her breath becoming small pants and soft moans. Her lips trail down to his neck where she proceeds to nip her teeth against his alien flesh. "I like when you bite me," she teased back as her pants came off, leaving her in her black, N7 booty shorts.
The male blinks as she speaks, and then laughs quietly, slipping the pants off entirely, and tossing them away. His hands wander upward, and his thumbs stroke across her hips, a low rumble leaving him. "And I... rather love biting you... and being bitten." he teases, hands lightly coming to cup her rear, squeezing teasingly. "I suppose I need to return the favor of undressing, don't I?"
He moves back, just slightly, and unfastens the front of his shirt, slowly peeling it off, baring the rough, armored surface of his skin, still marred from the accident when they finally met once more, almost a year ago, now. He unfastens his pants, and lightly pushes them down as well, his manhood already emerged and enthusiastically present, blue flesh pulsing heatedly.
She mmm's with appreciation as his talons cup her rear, squeezing the globes of flesh. Her eyes watch eagerly as he begins to undress for her, first his shirt, showing her those armored plates of his skin. Her fingers trailed over his scars, briefly, as he divests himself of his pants to leave him nude over her. She licks her lips at the sight of him already so aroused for her and she is glad the feeling is mutual, given how wet the flesh between her legs already was. "I love looking at you," she murmurs, pushing herself up so that she could press kisses to the plates of his chest, her fingers dancing down to caress his emerged length, the blue flesh hot and hard in her her hand; she knows that even if they were to defeat the Reapers and they could have a life together, she would never tire of him, of being with him.
The Turian shudders as she touches him, dull sensation compared to a human, and then the softness of her hand upon him, curled around him, her body pleasantly cool. He kisses her, lips finding hers, and then laughs softly at her comment. "And I at you, Anvi. Granted, I enjoy being looked at, as well." he teases, pulling her carefully up, and then sitting down, himself, settling her in his lap. "I do wonder what my paint would look like on your face." he muses absently, thumb swiping over her cheek, and then he leans in to bite her neck once more, a low, keening sound of pleasure escaping him.
Shepard sighs contently as he pulls her into his lap, his talon sweeping across her cheek just before he leans down to bite her neck. A shiver lanced down her body and her hands gripped at his shoulders, her head lolling back with a moan. "I'll gladly wear it once this is all over," she promised, though part of her was wary at such words; as a soldier, a commander, and after Sovereign, the Collectors, she knew very well that she may not be walking away from this battle. "Mmm, Garrus."
The male rumbles quietly, and he bites her again. "I'll hold you to that." he murmurs, and carefully pulls her against him, his underside, and her hands, rubbing against her womanhood. "Yes, Anvi? Do you have a request of your mate?" he teases, biting her once more, marking her again, on the opposite side of her neck once more, breathing hard with fragile self-control. "Or do you wish me to take over from here?"
She bites her lip to suppress a moan as he rubs his erection against her already damp core, her breath hitching softly. A gasp and moan to manage to slip free as he bites her again, marking the opposite side of her neck usually concealed beneath the strands of her hair as she wore it loose. Her own breathing is ragged now, her body pushing up against his, sensitized nipples teased as they rubbed against his plated chest. Sometimes, being the sole leader of this retaliation against the Reapers, Shepard relished in her ability to let go with Garrus, to let him wrestle control from her. "Do it," she breathed. "Take control, Garrus."
Garrus growls as she rubs against him, and wraps his arms further around her, holding her tight... and then pushing against her, point of him sliding effortlessly inside, a low, heated growl escaping him. "As my mate wishes." he growls, and his hands slip low to grip her hips before he starts thrusting against her, teeth once more finding her neck and marking her eagerly. His body, all rough plating, grinds against hers, and he shudders for breath, feeling how her body clenches around him.
A soft cry escapes her lips as he slides within her, stretching her and filling her in the most exquisite way. Her head lolls back with a heated whimper, her hands grasping at his shoulders as he begins to thrust himself inside of her, walls tight and slick each time. When he bites her, she shudders and finds her body leaning into it, loving every mark he left on her pale skin. She has to lean back a bit after a couple times rubbing against his hard plates, but doesn't slow his thrusts, her thighs tight on his hips, back bowing with pleasure.
The male shudders as she moves against him in return, and bites her again, latching his jaws onto her as he takes her, not minding submitting to her in this small way. He growls, fringe flaring with pleasure, and he eventually turns them, a whirlwind of movement as he pushes her, now face-down, into the bed, beginning to take her, hard, from behind, hands placed on either side of her shoulders, plated chest rubbing against her back every now and then.
Shepard whimpered a long moan as he latches to her neck, pumping into her even as he holds onto her this way; it makes her head reel, body shuddering in pleasure. And then he is turning her, pushing her down into the bed, Shepard's hand clutching at the cot as he pounds into her this way, hard, and if possible, even deeper than he had before. Whimpers turn into desperate pants, breath hard and fast, her hips pressing back against his each time he slipped his length in her. She couldn't even think, just responded in a primal way to the pleasure he gave her, instinct taking over even as she allowed herself to submit, to allow him to dominate her in this animalistic way; Garrus was the only one who ever brought this need to submit out in her and the only one who she allowed to take control.
The male growls into her neck, and he slams himself into her again, a low growl leaving his throat once more. "Anvi..." he breathes, gripping her hips, claws digging into her slightly.
And then his first release hits, and he snarls outright, burying himself in her, his release flooding her, his breath rough. "Ah... spirits..." he breathes into her ear, still moving, releasing his jaws from her, and sitting up, giving her room to move, adjust herself on him. "Your turn, Anvi." he teases lightly, taloned fingers running carefully across her back.
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