After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

His first release hit and he spilled himself within her, bathing her hot walls in his equally hot seed. Even as he works through it, he keeps pistoning his hips, driving into her and even daring to tease her, his taloned fingers running over her back. She shuddered and then her back was bowing up toward him, head flung back as her walls clenched at his member hard, bathing and coating him in her juices. She pants and falls back toward the bed, bracing her hands beneath her. "Spirits, Garrus - you always make me feel so good," she all but purred to him, her hips wriggling back against him with a small whimper as if to emphasize her point. And even now she can feel his bite tingling, sending little shivers of pleasure skating down her spine, his mark of ownership that his instincts all but compelled him to complete, not that she minded. At all.
The Turian rumbles into her neck, and kisses her lightly, breathing out a quiet sound of affection, and bowing down once more, teeth teasing at her neck again. "Mmh... You still alright?" he asks, responding to her teasing with yet another growl.
An instant later, he pushes against her harder than normal, making them both rock into the small cot.
He grips her waist once more, and then rolls over, pulling her atop him, reaching up and carefully cupping her breasts, and then thrusting up into her. "Keep going until you can't anymore, Shepard." he teases lightly, mandibles flared slightly.
[Sorry, I got a really, really bad case of the flu, then was busy yesterday]

"I'm good," she panted in return, a grin on her face as he growled; Spirits, but she would never tire of that sound, the way it skated down her spine and made her tingle in all the right places. She cries out as he pushed against her harder, rocking the cot, her body trembling beneath his plated one.

In the next instant she was rolled on top, her knees astride his hips. She bit her lip, then drew her tongue along it as he cupped her breasts, nipples hard and sensitive. He thrust in her, making her back arch as she moaned, fingers curling against his plated chest. "Aye aye," she chuckled, before lifting her hips and lowering them, letting him almost slide free before taking him in completely again. At first teasingly and slow, then faster, and harder, her hands reaching back to grip his thighs for leverage, breasts thrust up and swaying with every bounce on him.
((Tis fine.))

The turian huffs quietly, and bites her neck lightly once more, before she begins to move upon him, his hands carefully holding her breasts as she rocks up and down. "Spirits, Shepard..." he groans, jaws snapping on empty air, a wild, almost feral look in his eyes as his hands trail down her body. Coming to rest at her waist, his digits rub against her skin, rough hide and hard claws surprisingly gentle, not even nicking her. "Heh. This is the only place I get to order you around, hmm?" he breathes, taking one of her arms with his hand, and bringing her wrist to his lips, lightly nipping her, his other hand ensuring she stays upright.
"You know you love it," she chuckled even as she bit her lip, a moan quickly following suit to her words. Her hips continued to come down on his, his length hitting her deeply each time making her head reel. Her heart fluttered nervously as he nipped her wrist, her feelings for him rising and crashing over her to make this experience all the more exquisite. She shuddered and gasped, her body arching back as her release swamped over her, again, walls tight on his shaft, a spasm of womanly flesh. "Garrus!"
The male laughs quietly to her, raising a hand quietly to cup her face, and then pulls her down, rubbing against her flesh with his palm, still... and then biting her neck over his marks once more. He snarls as she releases once more, and his teeth break flesh, hands pulling her down on him. He lets out a ragged breath, and his heat floods into her again.
He slows, tired at last, and his hands rise to stroke along her back, breathing out almost silently into her flesh, murmuring in Turian, and then leaning up again, lightly pressing his lips to hers. "Beautiful woman... adamare elii, Anvi..."
[I got sick again. My kids got the flu, then gave it back. -_-]

His bite makes the orgasm all that more intense. Sated, sweaty, and tired, she moans as he fills her and slumps against his body and kissing his lip plates in return. This hadn't been in her plan, but she was glad they'd had this moment, what with was going on outside of this room. She settled her head against his chest and shoulder, her breathing slowly returning to normal as her heart rate settled. "I'm far from beautiful, but I appreciate the thought." She chuckled softly.
((Aww. That sucks. Royally.))

The male carefully caresses her body, and shakes his head. "No, Anvi. You are beautiful. It'd be... foolish, for any man to think otherwise."
He carefully pulls out from her, stroking her hair, and then smiles. "I suppose we should make ourselves decent again, hmm?"
[It happens when you have kids. :p]

"Fine Vakarian, I'll let you win - this time." She laughed softly and wriggled off of him once he'd pulled out of her. With a sigh she plopped by his side. "Do we have to?" In reality, it was a rhetorical question; there were things that had to be done, but she wasn't ready for this time with Garrus to end. Not when every mission could take one of them, or hell, when they came face to face with the Reapers, both of them. She ghosted her fingers across the surface of his left mandible, kissing his plates softly. "I don't want to."
"Mmh." he murmurs, closing his eyes. "Wish we didn't." he admits, his hand lightly resting upon her side, head tilted into her hand. "But... we do. Victus' affairs on Tuchanka, Wrex's squad in Rachni space... what should we take care of first, do you think?" he asks, reluctantly slipping into work mode, though the affection does not leave his eyes.
She sighed, almost dramatically, then kissed his mandible before she rolled off of his bed to start dressing herself despite the urge not to. It was moments like this she wished she could forget the universe outside and the fact that machines were out there, tearing apart their homes, and killing many, on top of millions, of galatic civilians, and militants. "I'd like to handle everything on Tuchanka at the same time if I can manage it," she decided with a nod, "so I believe I will look into what Wrex asked me to. Not that I relish going into Rachni space. I don't even know why they would be an issue. The Rachni queen I let free on Noveria, she promised we would have nothing to worry about when it came to her race. Maybe I was being naive."
The male grimaces quietly, getting up and stretching as he shrugs into his clothes once more, lightly resting a taloned hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault if she broke the bargain, Shepard. It would've been the wrong choice to kill her back then, when she could've been anything to the galaxy. Hell, it might just be a reaper trick, trying to panic the asari." he points out, shrugging. "And the batarians, and the salarians, and, well, everyone else to a lesser degree."
[I posted it in the modsplace too, but I started getting better, only to relapse and get a whole lot worse. I had to go to the ER this week; I'm on antibiotics now and starting to feel better though, so yay~]

Shepard found herself leaning into his touch without really even thinking about it. In fact, she even pressed her cheek to his taloned hand. Then sighed as she rubbed a hand across her face. "Pretty sad when we don't know who we can trust while the galaxy is being invaded by sentient beings bent on our destruction or enslavement. Well, warped enslavement. I don't really think we're 'us' anymore after a certain point." She reluctantly pulled away from him. "So - the rachni first it is. You want to be ground side on this one?"
(Hoooly shit. That's incredibly bad.)

The Turian carefully brushes his thumb across her cheek, and sighs. "Yes. The rachni." he mutters, shaking his head. "I don't really know if I should go... but I will." he says, smiling softly. "May as well stay by you as long as I can, after all." he mutters.
"We should see about enlisting others, don't you think? Kasumi, Thane, if he's well enough, Grunt, hell, even Miranda would be... useful, so long as she didn't go insane along with TIM. Might wanna look into Massani, too, see if he's willing to work with us..."
[Yeah. I hate the fall and winter. T__T]

"Good bet. Couldn't hurt." She rolled her shoulders. "Thane actually sent me a message and told me he was at Huerta Memorial. I'll be sure to speak with him when we return to check on Kaidan." She smiled and nodded. "Come on, let's grab something to eat while I tell Joker to set a course for the Wrex's units last known coordinates."
The turian chuckles quietly. "Right." he mutters, shaking his head. He moves on, after a moment, keeping pace with the Commander rather easily, and putting an arm around her as they exit the room. "Y'know, at least I'm not unconscious or sick."
He taps the button for the crew level with one taloned finger, and then carefully leans down, nipping her neck before pulling back. "Sorry. Was a bit tempted."
(I am back after a very long absence. I didn't have any internet for awhile there and was also participating in NaNoWriMo. Blegh; good news is I am back for the foreseeable future.)

She shivers as he nips her neck. How can she not? He has to be the sexiest turian alive. Not that she found turians sexy; just Garrus. And that voice! She chuckles and turns toward him, pushing him slowly back against the wall of the lift. Good thing the upgrades didn't seem to make an impact on the speed of the lift. It felt as slow as ever.

"Mmm, Garrus, I'm always tempted." She grins before she gently nips his mandible.
The turian looks startled as she turns and pushes him back, then laughs. "Not really the place..." he murmurs, but relents and leans in, giving her a light nip on the neck again. As for him... it's not the humanity. Not her beauty, though she has plenty, not her military skill, though she certainly has plenty. It's just... her, as a whole. "It might be bad if someone caught us here, Anvi..." he points out, chuckling.

(Tis fine, I understand. ^^)
"Pshaw," she waves her hand dismissively. "I'm the sole soul trying to unite the galaxy, the figure head of the human race, and the great Commander Shepard; I'm sure I could talk my way out of it." She laughs softly and winks before relenting and stepping away. The lift chose that precise moment to reach the floor and the doors slid open. She walked with him into the mess and, after staring at cabinets of the kitchen for a few minutes, she simply made herself a cup of coffee.
The turian chuckles quietly, and leans in, nipping her once more before the door opens. He smirks faintly, and grabs an MRE for himself before moving on, and settling down at one of the tables to wait patiently for her. "No real food?" he asks, taking a bite of the package. "Relatively speaking, of course..." he admits, shrugging , his mandibles flexing a bit in amusement.
"Real food?" She eyes his MRE pointedly. "I think that is a bit of an edged question from you, considering that isn't food. To me, at least." She chuckles and nudges his shoulder, then takes a seat beside him as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Too on edge, I think. The calm before the storm. I got a bad feeling about this mission. The Reapers are bad enough, we don't need other things making our units disappear. I guess that saying is in good form lately; once it starts, it really piles on."
Garrus laughs quietly, and pats the MRE's package. "Hence why I said relatively. Besides, there's not really any other option, to be honest." he mutters, shrugging. He rubs his neck with one hand, and then smiles weakly at her. "Well... let's just make sure nothing happens in regards to... y'know, setting anyone on fire, and such."
He chuckles and passes a hand over his fringe, before looking at her again. "We'll be fine, Shepard. No need to worry.
"Set someone on fire?" She laughed softly and shook her head. "Hell Garrus, and here I was sure you would say 'so long as no one tries to catch a missile in their teeth'?" She picked up her mug and took a long gulp of the steaming hot brown liquid within. Joker took that moment to tell her that they were arriving at the relay. "Alright, guess that means we'll be suiting up. Vega!" She hollered at the brawn marine sitting at the end of the table. "You're with Garrus and I, let's get to it."
Garrus laughs quietly. "Well, in all fairness, I'm usually a good catch, y'know?" he asks, mandibles flexing in amusement. He looks up, glances to Vega, and then nods quietly. "Sounds good to me. Let's make sure there's no missiles, fire, or other similar disasters forthcoming, though. Hate to have a krogan's pretty face get hurt for a few seconds." he says, laughing quietly.
She chuckled as she pushed herself up from the table and headed toward the lift. Vega was right behind her and with the marine with them in the lift, she couldn't get a moment with Garrus such as the one they'd shared just before they'd arrived at the mess. Heck, she wanted any kind of private moment with Garrus that could be afforded, but with the war, she was sure that would be few and far in between. "Keep your eyes peeled," she said as they stepped off into the shuttle bay. A part of her wanted to leave Garrus on the ship, just so she would know he would be safe, but he was a soldier like her and she knew he would be unhappy if she left him behind.
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