After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

It was strangely arousing they could keep up the banter even in the midst of their alien bodies coming together in the most primal way; even with the size of the galaxy, the many planets and their inhabitants, it was still possible for them to be like this. She whimpers almost, a keening moan, as he bites her again, making her walls clamp tightly around him as he slid in and out from inside her. This was Garrus, making love to her and it was nearly euphoric to think of it as reality. Her hands move from his cowl to his legs as her back arched to press her breast into his talons, her hips moving against his harder and faster, feeling herself reaching for that peak that hovered just out of reach. A little more, then she fell over, her body stiffening and walls clenching on him as her release flooded him hotly. "Garrus!" She cries his name in the thrall of her climax, utterly vulnerable in this intimate moment, a moment Commander Shepard didn't let many others see her in.
Garrus shudders, hearing the sounds that come from her. So alien... and yet familiar, in their way. She's on him, around him, making love to him, riding him, crying his name...
The Turian shudders, and speeds up as she does, hips slamming back against hers, blunted claws squeezing her hips, pulling her down, hard, on him as she comes, and groaning. Tight and smooth and perfect and his...
The Turian moans out loud, and comes, the heat of his seed filling the commander, and spilling out. "Shepard!" he groans, matching her cry with his own, and then, tiredly, wrapping his arms around her, holding her to him, and breathing roughly, scaled chest pressed lightly against hers, his teeth gently teasing at her neck, the turian's instincts screaming to have him mark her, make her his... but he simply nips her, lovingly and gently, hands moving carefully over her back. "Shepard... spirits..." he breathes, every muscle in his body completely limp, now, even with his manhood still buried within her.
Shepard collapses against Garrus as he wraps his arms around her, laying back on the bed to remain cuddled up with him still buried in her intimately. "That sounds about right," she chuckled breathlessly. "Couldn't have put it better myself." She allowed herself to remain against him for a little while, her head lying against his plated chest. Content, for a moment - it wouldn't last, it never did, but she wasn't about to waste the time they did have. As brief and fleeting as it may be, she was determined to hold onto it.

Finally, she raised her head and slowly withdrew from him to stand beside the bed. "I need a shower," she commented, crinkling her nose. "Humans sweat," she chuckled as she leaned down to kiss his mandible fleetingly before she padded off toward the bathroom at the other end of her loft. She didn't bother shutting the door, instead just turned the water on and slipped beneath the hot spray with a soft sigh.
Garrus holds her carefully, smiling quietly, and then blinks, seeming amused as she gets up. "Well." he says simply, and gets to his feet, rolling his shoulders before moving after her, eyes moving over her as she walks.
He steps into the bathroom as well, and closes the door behind him. He looks hesitant, but steps in with her, biting her neck very lightly. "Thank you... Anvi." he says quietly, a slight smile on his face. "Need me to let you take care of things?"
"Mmm," she leaned back into him. "Yeah, hair and all. Have to keep it clean when we can." She turned in his arms to pull his head down, giving him a deep kiss, tongue stroking and teasing his before she pulled back. She took the shampoo off the ledge, squirted some into her hands and lathered her auburn hair with it before leaning it beneath the water and letting the shampoo rinse out. A quick once over with the loofah was enough to cleanse her of pesky human perspiration, before she shut the water off and grabbed his hand, drawing him out with her, free hand scooping up a towel. She dried herself off, fished out a N7 tank and shorts, sliding into them as she tossed the towel onto the sofa. She plopped back into the bed with a sigh, patting the spot beside her. "Will you stay the night with me?"
Garrus makes a surprised sound when she turns to kiss him, eagerly returning the kiss, only to chuckle quietly when she pulls away. The Turian does rinse himself off, getting the worst of the mess off his plates, and then follows her, grabbing a towel to pat his plates dry.
"Of course, Shepard." he says, and lays down beside her carefully, putting an arm around her, nude, but his manhood tucked away once more.
"Just... don't ever die on me again, Shepard. Please." he murmurs, turning his head into her neck and biting her very gently once more.
"Mmm," she chuckles and cuddles against his larger body. "It wasn't intentional, I swear. Regardless, I'll do my best." In that thought, she could be grateful that Turians only lived slightly longer than humans; the last thing she wanted to do was put him through something like that again. Hell, everyone had been devastated in their own way - Kaidan, Tali, Wrex(though that one was debatable), especially Liara, Joker. She would have to outlive them all, she surmised. some cases. She had her work cut out for her, it seemed.

With a small smile, she let her eyes close and let herself drift off to sleep, something that proved easy - for once.
"I apologize for disturbing you, Shepard. There is an incoming transmission from Admiral Hackett. He is insistent that it requires your immediate attention."

Shepard's eyes opened to the sound of EDI's voice filtering through the comm system in her quarters. She was pleasantly content to find herself still curled up against Garrus' side, his arm wrapped around her. "One moment, EDI. Thanks." She pressed a kiss to his mandible, before she slipped out of the bed and made her way up to the terminal to open the comm link with the Admiral.

When she closed the comm, she frowned and pinched the bridge of her nose; a solo mission into Batarian space with evidence of an imminent Reaper invasion. She didn't like Batarians much to begin with, having had her home destroyed by Batarian slavers, and fighting them off of Elysium. With the Reapers involved, she was less inclined to like what she was about to head into - and alone nonetheless.
The male smiles faintly. "Mh. Death's not going to take you again, Anvi. He'd have to deal with me first." he mutters, nipping her neck gently once more as she drifts off, a quiet, contented sound leaving him. Everyone had suffered, when she died... but those two years on Omega... it's hard to imagine anything worse than that.

He wakes in the morning to EDI's voice, and growls a bit, pushing himself up lightly as Shepard kisses him.
He listens blankly, briefly amused by the fact that her ship collection became a vid screen, and quickly turns angry. "Batarian space, alone, with no backup, on a blackop, when you're technically not in the alliance anymore." he says, sounding blantantly angry as his hand clamps down on her desk, struggling to contain the want to hurt something.
"That admiral is insane." he says simply, mandibles flickering slightly, twitching in frustration. "No right to ask you to do this alone." he says, closing his eyes. "But... you're still going, aren't you?" he asks, sounding amused and frustrated at the same time.
His dual-toned voice jolts her out of her inner contemplations, her blue eyes sliding over to gaze at him and then his talons which gripped her desk tightly. She could see it in the strain of the muscles as he gripped it. Her head tilted to look at his features, folding her arms across her chest. "It doesn't sound all that complicated, and..." she sighed softly, reaching a hand out to caress his fringe affectionately. "They can't be implicated, which is why they want to send me. I'm technically not Alliance, so if I were to be caught, it wouldn't come back on them. I kinda owe them. Though Cerberus...rebuilt me," still a little hard to think about it, really, "working for them, they could have easily imprisoned me. Hackett and Anderson believed in what we were doing. The least I can do is return the favor." She knew the platitudes were weak at best, but there wasn't any other way to really justify Hackett calling on her in such a way.

"You know I'll be careful, Garrus."
Garrus sighs quietly as she moves up to him once more, and very carefully lays his hand over hers on his fringe. "That doesn't make it any better, Shepard. Them being paranoid and afraid of reprisal doesn't exactly come back to this being a good idea." he says, settling down against the wall.
"Cerberus brought you back, yeah... but not for your sake or mine." he says, pulling her into his arms. "You're always careful, Shepard, but that doesn't mean everyone else isn't going to be alert." he says, leaning down, and very gently kissing her, cupping her face in his hands. "When will you be heading out?"
She sighs as she leans against him, relaxing in his arms, and returning the kiss gently to his lip-plates. She raises her own hands to cup his face in return, careful of his mandibles as she does so. "I'm sneaky," she teases, gently kissing him again before she pulled herself from him with a soft sigh. "You heard him - the sooner the better. And it's not like we have a suicidal mission waiting for us anymore. Best to get it done with." She moves down the stairs to her pick up her scattered pieces of armor. She strips herself of her bed clothes, fishing out her long sleeve top and black tight spandex pants; better to avoid the chaffing of her armor to have her skin covered thoroughly. Sitting on the bed, she slides on her boots and begins to strap on her shin armor guards. Then standing to follow through with thigh guards, then arms and shoulders, before finally clasping on her breastplate. She hooks on her visor, then lastly slides her hands into her gloves. "I know you don't like this, Garrus. Honestly? I don't either. Nothing is ever as it seems, and this seems easy."
The male sighs quietly, and leans against the display case, watching his mate pick up her armor and undersuit, and passes a hand over his fringe. "I'll... keep an eye on the ship while you're out, I suppose." he mutters, sitting down on the desk. "Guess I'll feed the fish for you, too." he adds, chuckling. "You're sneaky enough, clever enough... that I don't need to worry. Doesn't mean that I'm not going to." he teases gently. As she suits up, he smiles faintly, and moves over, bending down and scraping his teeth against her neck gently, before he kisses her. "I'll make sure Jack doesn't convince Joker and EDI to go pirate while you're gone."
[sorry beforehand, post is gonna be a little massive. <3]

She shivers softly as he scrapes her neck with his teeth, leaning into him before returning his kiss. "I would appreciate that," she chuckles. "Though I think to poor old Timmy, we have gone pirate." She kisses him, lingers a moment, a hand trailing over the side of his face in a gentle caress. "I'll be back before you know it."

Oh how she regretted those words. That bitch Kensen had turned out to be indoctrinated; she showed her the proof of the imminent Reaper invasion all right, but had rendered her weak in the process, taking advantage to have her soldier swarm over her. Despite the sap of power, Shepard managed to fight them off for awhile before finally one of them took her down. A concussive round that sent her into the wall, knocking her unconscious. When she came to, fought her way through the station, she found out she had been out for two days. Two days. When she found that stupid woman, she would make her pay.

She rushed throughout the station, and found that the Reaper invasion was literally upon its crest - they would be here, within the hour. She started the project, to send the asteroid into the relay, and tried to warn the colonies on Aratoht, only to find the communications down thanks to Kensen who was now trying to meltdown the reactor. When she found her, she didn't give her a chance to talk. Shepard shot her, point blank, only to be caught in a resulting explosion.

When she came to, all she could hear was "collision imminent" over and over in the station's VI's voice. "Shit, shit, shit. Garrus is going to kill me," she muttered. She tried to radio the Normandy, but the communications were still blocked. "Get me a way out of here!" She snapped at the computer, who promptly told her escape shuttles were still accessible. When Shepard got to the roof of the compound, the last shuttle was leaving - which pissed off the remaining soldiers, as well as herself.

When the pad was clear, she ran to the communication tower's panel, panting, sweat trickling down her brow. "Normandy, this is Commander Shepard! I need a pick up! Now!"

"Shepard! Coming for you now, ma'am!" Joker replied, much to Shepard's relief.

Which turned out to be short-lived when the holographic projection of Harbinger appeared before her. He was doing his damnedest to make her think they would lose, that the Reapers were coming and everything she was doing was in vain - in vain, or not, she was sacrificing 300,000 lives to keep the Reapers from invading. Not something Shepard did lightly, Batarian or otherwise. Harbinger faded and she ran for the Normandy as it slide close in, the airlock door opening to allow her to make a long jump into it. She ran into her vessel, shouting to Joker as she went, "Get us out of here!"

They were through the relay nigh instantly, Shepard standing over the CIC, looking at the Galaxy map as the relay coordinates disappeared. She hung her head with a sigh - she really hated statistics. The lives of a few for the lives of the many, she thought bitterly.
Hackett came for the debrief in person, meeting her in the med bay after she had passed out on the deck of the CIC. Chakwas assured her she was well, but she felt like she'd gone through hell and back - but as the debriefing progressed, she realized this was only the beginning. Tomorrow, the SR-2 would be escorted back to the Alliance on Earth and surrendered over. Not that she had a problem with that; the being under arrest, awaiting charges, separated from Garrus, is what bothered her. Hackett knew she had done the right thing, but she would be taking the hit, regardless.

After shaking hands with the Admiral, she sighed and sat on the medical bed, her head in her hands. Oh how she regretted those words she'd teased Garrus with now - knowing her luck, she'd probably jinxed herself. She shouldn't have done this mission, damn it. Now everything was all sorts of screwed up, but at least she had stopped the Reapers, for now. She could take some joy in that, at least.
The turian smiles quietly at her, kissing her back and cherishing that touch... and then she's gone.
He manages to occupy himself at first with just working on the main guns, aligning the Thanix cannon, squeezing every last bit of functionality out of it that he can.
Her biometrics track her, letting the Normandy know where she is, even without her calling the ship. Several hours after they set her down, and from somewhere completely separate, her biometrics go haywire, and then plummet.
Not dead, but unconscious, for two entire days.
Two days of hell, for Garrus.
Sparring with Jacob, work on getting his mind off it. Ru'udal with Tali, a Batarian game, like chess, but reflecting the batarian spin for bargaining and backstabbing. More sparring, with Grunt now, getting flattened, but managing to lose himself in that.
Everyone's frustrated, by the end of the first day, only slightly less than the Turian.
Talk with EDI and Legion, get drawn into talking about organic mindsets, have the rather uncomfortable realization that both AIs know that he and Shepard... reached consensus together, then go and spar again. Sleep. Get jarred awake as Joker announces Shepard's awake...
And then two hours of hell, knowing something's going on, knowing Shepard's wounded and panicked, running on adrenaline and fear.
Then the Normandy's moving, and-
"Oh. God." the Turian breathes, from his place in the CIC.
No-one else can see, as far as he can tell... but the Reapers are there. Only at the edge of the system, creeping in, en masse... but they're so close.
And then Shepard's in, and they're moving, only a few moments before the asteroid, and minutes before the Reapers.
He's by her side, a hand over hers on the rail of the CIC as they flee, and then she passes out.
Pure, unadulterated panic for a few moments, and then Chakwas has her, enlisting a few crewmembers to help her get Shepard to the med bay, and taking care of her.

Three hundred thousand lives. In a galactic population of trillions, that's barely a blip. .00001 percent of the population, if that, and the Reapers would have ended them all, otherwise...
That doesn't seem to make it easier on Shepard.

Garrus catches Hackett on his way out of the Med bay, and harely holds himself from beating the human to a pulp for putting Shepard in this position... but he simply pushes past him, going to Shepard, and setting his hand on her shoulder, the other gently stroking her hair.
"I told you death couldn't take you." he says, flanged voice wavering tiredly, though, in all fairness... he looks nowhere near as terrible as Shepard does.
Shepard realizes that Garrus had been there with her the relay had gone dark on the Galaxy Map, but the adrenaline and fear had her in tunnel vision. Her expression is morose at best, when she lifts her head to peer at him. A slightly sarcastic smirk tilts her lips. "True, but he took more than enough in my place." She sighs and scrubs her hands over her face. Then she reaches out her arms and wraps them around his neck to pull him down into a tight embrace, a hug, her cheek pressed to his non-scarred mandible. "All I could think about was getting back to you. And how pissed you were going to be at me," she chuckled.
The turian sighs quietly, and hugs her back, closing his eyes. "I'm not angry, Shepard. Just relieved. And yes... a lot of batarians died... but that wasn't a tenth the number who would have, even on Palaven, or Earth. That's one colony, out of thousands we would have lost. It's hard. But you're safe. And now we have the chance to wipe those bastards off the face of the galaxy." he hisses, leaning down, and gently biting her neck, a low, keening sound leaving him.
"I thought I was going to lose you again. Your biometric chip kept transmitting to EDI... all we could tell was that you got knocked out for two days."
"Just keeping you guys on your toes," she teased, pulling back to stroke his mandible with her fingers before settling back on the bed on her hands. "Kensen was indoctrinated," she sighed and shook her head, her hair matted a bit from sweat and residue from the explosion. At least she had been stripped out of her armor, she could appreciate that much, her body a bit stiff from being blown across the room. She rolled her shoulders. "They had a Reaper artifact just sitting there - out in the open - she called it Object Rho. It was kinda like the beacons but this one made me weak. She swarmed the entire stations forces down on me. I don't think she knew about the cybernetics because her drugs wore off far quicker than anticipated." She paused to rub her hands across her face again, then stared down at her hands. "I spoke to Harbinger...they're still coming. All those lives was just a stop-gap. All I did was buy us time." She sighed. "Which apparently they want to waste on avoiding war with the Batarians by placing me under house arrest until I'm charged. Which means...they'll be taking me back to Earth. I was responsible for this, so I have to go."
The turian looks pained as she speaks, and shifts himself onto the bed beside her, very carefully running his taloned fingers through her hair. "Idiots." he says bluntly, sounding exhausted. "This is just... ridiculous." he mutters, sighing quietly and leaning, gently, against her, his arm going around her.
"Well, you bought us plenty of time. At FTL... hell, I don't know. Months, maybe years, before they can reach the next system. Aratoht was damned remote." he says. "By the time the reapers get here... we'll be prepared. We'll beat them. Hackett, Anderson, they know about the reapers, don't they? They'll believe us. Tali's talking about something with the admiralty board, we've got Wrex on Tuchanka, we've got Liara, the Shadow Broker, for spirits' sake... we will not let the reapers take us."
"I hope you're right," Shepard sighed, almost in resignation, as she leaned into his arm. "Hackett wants us to leave immediately. We'll have tonight, and a bit tomorrow, before we dock at the Citadel. Though we've worked with Cerberus, he's allowing all the crew to disembark before the Normandy is surrendered to the Alliance. I'll be going with them. I..." she took his other hand in hers, curling her fingers around his talons. "I wish that you could go with me, Garrus. Palaven needs you, as much as I do."
Garrus closes his eyes as she speaks, and holds his mate's hands, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against hers. "Don't... damnit." he says, sighing quietly. "I only just got you back, Shepard." he says quietly, laughing softly. "You have my comm code... and worst comes to worst, I can contact Liara, see if she'll send messages to you for me."
He nuzzles her cheek, briefly, and then pulls back, smiling softly. "Come on... let's get you upstairs. This cot can't be very comfortable. And... I'll either stay with you, or I can let you have some privacy."
"I'm not letting you on of my sight until I am dragged away in chains," she teased with a chuckle. She climbed off the bed and kept a hold of his hand as they left the med bay and headed to the lift. She hit the button for the Captain's Cabin, and pulled him back with her as she leaned back against the wall. She cupped his face with her hands, kissing his lip-plates softly. "Damn it all, the galaxy seems determined to keep us apart, but I will find you again, Garrus Vakarian. I promise," she stroked his face softly, her words a firm promise. Her own blue eyes locked with his, stern, so that he would believe her because she meant it, whole-heartedly, and Shepard wasn't someone who made promises often, or lightly for that matter.
He smiles sadly at her words, and follows this human mate to the elevator. When she pulls him against the wall, the turian blinks, and returns her kiss just as softly, tenderness in the dark-eyed gaze. "I know, Shepard. And if you cna't, then I'll damn well find you." he promises, and leans in again, kissing her once more, tongue somewhat hesitantly moving against hers, as if afraid the last few days might have changed her mind. "I won't let you get rid of me, Shepard. Even if that does mean dragging my father to Earth and making him negotiate a contract." he growls, kissing her again, gently once more, and closing his eyes. "Sorry. That was rather... presumptuous." he admits, flushing blue, and then nipping her again.
She blinked at his words, wondering exactly what he meant by that; much of Turian customs and culture were still unknown to her. Hell, Garrus was the first Turian she had even felt remotely attracted to. She grinned, deciding to take another route for the moment. "I remember a conversation on the SR-1. 'He wouldn't like you. Ah, no offense, Commander.' I believe that's how it went, when we discussed your father." She chuckled and nipped his mandible as the lift rode the shaft all the way up to the loft. She took his hand when the doors opened and walked with him into her quarters, absently hitting the button the feed her assortment of fish.
The turian laughs softly at her words. "Well, then... I don't know. I'll have Sol's husband negotiate, then. Though, I'm not exactly sure who'd be negotiating for you." he mutters, scratching his mandible lightly. "He'd well, I don't know. He'd either swallow his distaste for spectres, or be locked out." he mutters, shaking his head. He leans down to her as she leads him in, and very carefully picks her up, cradling his human mate in his arms. "He's a stickler for the Law. Doesn't believe that Spectres can be trusted outside it." he explains, and nips her neck very carefully, as if afraid the gesture would hurt her.
"But... given your track record, he might be a bit more accepting. I don't know."
She almost squeaks - almost - as he lifts her up into his arms, cradling her to him, almost as if she were some fragile and easy to shatter. Though, next to him, she supposed she was. She was what aliens liked to call soft - like Asari, and Salarians. She loops her arm around his neck and shivers as he nips her neck, something she could very clearly see was a sign of affection now. Come to think of it, she'd heard Turians would mark their mates with a bite. But she didn't know much beyond that, like what he seemed to be speaking of right now. "I may or may not regret asking this - as I hate being proven ignorant, soldier or not - but what exactly is it that we're negotiating for?"
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