After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

She does as he guides her, stroking gently at those circular glands he revealed to her, enjoying the way he twitched violently in reaction - well, well, he has a weak spot after all. She cataloged that away for further use, and indulges a moment longer before she pulls free once again. She licks her lips with a smile. "I would certainly hope so, Vakarian. I'm much more interesting than a Turian," she chuckles as she moves back up his body to kiss him, her fingers scratching at his fringe to make him purr the way she loved.
"God... yes you are..." he groans, cock throbbing eagerly, even hungrily... and then she's gone, that warm wetness gone from his cock, and he's pulling into a hungry kiss, purring and rumbling with pleasure, trying to align his slick cock with her pussy. "Do you want me inside you again, shepard?" he asks, voice rough with pleasure, dual tone vibrating through his chest, cowl, even his manhood, making it caress her soft folds even more than intended.
Shepard chuckles as she kisses him back as hungrily, deeply, thoroughly enjoying the purring and rumbles of pleasure he was bestowing upon her. She shudders as his slick shaft rubs against her still sick entrance, and she wriggles her hips against his, teasing him as he teases her. Her nipples tighten into tight peaks as her flesh prickles with awareness, every never already tingling with pleasure as he vibrated against her; hell, that dual toned voice rough with pleasure, the very sound of it, made her want him. She never liked hearing her name more than the way she heard it from him; she may have ruined him for Turians, but he was definitely ruining her for humans.

She grins at him, a flash of white teeth, and - instead of giving him a verbal answer - she sinks herself on his cock with on fluid motion. Her head falls back as she settles on him, a loud moan filling the space around him. "Spirits, Garrus - " she does it again, moaning even louder as she rises and then falls, impaling herself on him to the ridged base that caresses her clit. He fills her so well, so much better than any human, and she is pleasantly stretched, his size giving him the reach - as they often teased - to reach her g-spot with each downward thrust that had her nearly keening with pleasure.
"mmh... god..." he breathes out as she looks at him, reaching up to pull her down to him again, and then he moans as loud as she, feeling her bury him deep inside her, tapered tip nudging against her cervix, ridges teasing her walls and clit... and he manages to reach up, cupping and caressing her breasts, rubbing those firmed peaks with his palms, and giving her a hungry look.
He cranes up, and bites her neck gently, tongue rubbing over the skin, teasing her, before he sets his teeth against her, slowly biting harder as their pleasure builds, not quite breaking the skin yet, but close. "Mine..." he huffs against her skin. "Anvi, you are mine, and I am yours." he growls, and bites her, breaking skin as he thrusts against her harder, giving her as much pleasure as he can with his hands and manhood.
Shepard shudders as his bites gently at her neck, his rough tongue caressing her soft flesh, teasing. And then he his growling, really biting her, a loud cry erupting from her lips; the pain was brief, immediately melting away into pleasure as he thrust into her, harder, his rough hands massaging her ample breasts, nipples hard peaks that tingled with each brush of his skin against her flesh. She wraps her arms around his neck, holding him to her as he marks her - as a mate, she knows that much - their hips moving together in unison as their coupling continued heatedly.
The male shudders, still locked onto her, holding her back against him, thrusting hard into her, pleasing as he is pleased.
"Anvi... I'm close..." he warns, already throbbing within her tight warmth, and purposefully rubs his chest against hers, stimulating those firm peaks, making them rub against his plates, and he groans, withdrawing his teeth, and licking the wounds gently, before kissing her, hard, tongue tangling eagerly with hers. "Mine..." he growls, hips jerking against hers, hands shifting to her waist, making her ride him faster and faster, knowing she can take it.
She kisses him back just as eagerly, her moans and breathless whimpers of pleasure falling into his mouth as they moved together; harder, and then faster, her hips hitting against his as she rode him as he guides her. Her head falls back, hands gripping at him as his cock continiously fills her over and over; before long she can't hold back any longer, a near-scream of pleasure coming from her as she reaches her climax; her walls tighten on him, milking him, bathing his cock in her release as she shudders in his arms. "Ah, Garrus!"
He shudders as she moans against his mouth, and teases her tongue with his own, slamming his hips against her again and again... and then she comes, clamping down on his cock...
The Turian moans, dual-toned voice wavering in his pleasure, and he buries himself within her to his base, pumping her absolutely full of his hot, thick cum, and letting the excess soak their thighs as he cries out her name.
"Spirits, Anvi!" he moans into her neck, biting her roughly there, hips still moving against hers unevenly, trying to jeep them both pleased by the motions, and finally falling back, gasping for breath as he stares at her perfect, human body.
She falls over him with a soft groan, allowing herself to lay against him for a long moment before rolling off to swing her legs off the bed and stand. She kisses him quickly. "One second," then moves up the steps to the bathroom, disappearing inside for a moment to the sound of running water. Then she comes back out, freshly wiped down, and a cool rag in one hand. She offers it to him as she comes to sit beside him on the bed; the mark on her neck is evident beneath the shoulder length auburn strands brushing against the sensitive flesh. If it bothered her, she gave no indication, save a soft smile as she nuzzles his mandible. "To clean yourself up, if you'd like."
He shudders quietly as she gets off him, and looks somewhat guilty at the injury. "I... think I'd prefer the showe, all things told. Unless that's not permitted. I promise to behave myself." he says, pulling her down into a gentle kiss, and ducking his head to nuzzle his marks on her neck. "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly. I did my best to hold back from, ah, full-force." he murmurs, flushing blue through his crest, but accepting the rag, wiping himself clean gingerly.
She chuckles. "I'm fine, Garrus." She takes his hand and draws him up from the bed, pulling him against her to indulge in another heated, passionate, yet loving kiss. "It has to last for a while," she teases as she pulls away, but retaining possession of his hand to draw him after her back up the steps and into the bathroom. "I like it hot, hope you don't mind," she chuckles as she turns the shower on, the door sliding shut behind them. She steps beneath the spray of water, sighing as it soothes her aching muscles from her ordeal with Dr. Kensen, running her fingers through her hair.
He chuckles quietly, and kisses her gently, following his mate into the bathroom, into the shower. "Believe me, Shepard, hot for you isn't going to bother me." he says, nipping her neck gently, and smiling. He lifts a washrag, and begins cleaning her carefully, holding the woman to him, and setting light kisses and bites on her skin, teasing and cleaning, a low, constant purr of affection leaving the turian.
She chuckles and leans into him as he helps wash her down, her own voice making noises of appreciation as he does so. She washes her hair of the dirt and grime from the explosion, then her skin with his help. With a soft sigh, she leans back against him, letting her eyes close as the hot water pours over her, relaxing her, coaxing her into a relaxed state. Being with him, under the relaxing beat and heat of the water, put her at ease. She felt safe, which was something Shepard didn't feel often given how determined fate was to see her taken out of the galactic populace. Finally, she stirs. "Best get into bed. I think I am going to fall asleep in here." She laughs softly at herself, turning to nibble softly at his mandible.
He smiless quietly at the sheer relaxation that his human falls into, and finally nods to her, setting aside the supplies, and returns the nip.
He wraps her in a towel, not bothering to wait for permission, and carries her to the bed, depositing her there before sitting down beside her, dripping slightly from his mandibles as he bestows a light nip upon her neck, rumbling quietly, and cupping her face. "Don't you dare leave me alone again, Shepard."
She yawns slightly as he places her on the bed, Shepard too weary and exhausted at this point to put up any sort of fight - not that she wanted to, really. She reaches up and strokes his scars softly with her soft, fleshy human hands, giving him a soft smile. "I'll come back to you, Garrus. I promise. You had better stay safe til then," she chuckles and drops her hand, snuggling it beneath her cheek as her eyes drift shut. "No more missiles to the face if you can manage it." And then she is drifting softly to sleep.

[I'll handle the long post again, if you want. I really don't mind. After he goes to sleep, I will move it forward for us. :)]
(Ah... sure.)

The male smiles faintly at her, and pulls her up close to him as she drifts off. "I promise I'll have no extra scars, Anvi." he murmurs, holding his commander to him as she slowly falls asleep, and resting his own eyes, intending to savor every moment he has her in his arms... and then he's asleep, sound and complete, even his soft, even breathing dual-toned.
They weren't given any time after that to really be together - EDI awoke her at 0600 at the behest of Admiral Hackett requesting admittance onto the Normandy SR-2. Shepard nuzzles her sleeping Turian, kisses his lips softly, before rolling out of the bed to slip into her normal casual Cerberus fatigues, though she made sure to tear free the Cerberus patches the first chance she had. She alerted EDI to allow Hackett onto her ship, striding from her quarters to meet Hackett in the CIC. They salute, and retreat to the comm room for a private discussion from prying eyes.


They emerge an hour later and Shepard calls the entire crew to the CIC, save Joker who remains informed through an established comm link with EDI. Shepard levels her gaze with Garrus for a brief moment, an almost apologetic expression bearing before it slips away to as she stiffens her posture, folding her arms behind her back to address her crew members(all of which had actually showed, even Jack, and Thane, Grunt - that surprised her - as well as every Cerberus crew member, which was also a touch surprising, but uplifting).

"It has been an honor to serve with every one of you. I have agreed to surrender the SR-2 Normandy over to the Alliance from this moment forth. All previous Alliance crew will be returning to Earth with Hackett and I - the rest of the crew will be granted immunity and shall disembark on the Citadel, or return to Earth by choice of surrendering yourselves over to the Alliance, same as I."

The room was quiet for a long moment, then Gabby and Ken share a look before stepping forward to salute Shepard and Hackett. "We will go back to Earth and the Alliance with you, Commander," Ken declared. Chakwas, Kelly, Joker, and a number of the Cerberus crew all agreed as well. It surprised the hell out of Shepard to see Jack agree as well, even Jacob. Miranda was, unsurprisingly, silent. None of the others seemed to have nothing to say, all watching her with a different range of expressions.

"Very well." Hackett nodded. "Joker - set a course for the Citadel."

"Aye aye - sir. ETA 10 minutes."

Shepard turned and shook hands with the Admiral. "I won't toss you in the brig, Commander, but you will - for appearances sake - have to be confined to your Quarters. Say farewell to the crew while you can...and I am sorry about this."

"Don't be, sir. I understand."


They docked at the Citadel and after a number of goodbye's, Shepard was left standing in the CIC with Garrus after the rest of the crew had disembarked, save for the ones returning to Earth with her. A human man, Vega, had come aboard the Normandy and was standing in the cockpit with Joker, cracking jokes as far as she could hear.

"Well...this is it, I guess..." Shepard shrugs and then says ah, fuck it, before she wraps her arms around Garrus, laying her head against him. "I will do everything I can to keep in touch and never doubt that I'll come back, Garrus. I...I won't let anything stop me, and I am sorry I have to leave for a while."
The Turian stirs as his human does, seeming exhausted, still, but drags himself up, heading to his station with the single cerberus mark on his suit ripped off, the same as Shepard.

Then comes a choice. Earth, and be with Shepard, if only in spirit... or the citadel, and get home, prepare...
It's hard. Spirits, it's a hard choice, but it has to be made...

When they dock at the citadel, Garrus looks rather startled by her embrace, but returns it, holding her close. "I... it's fine, Shepard. I understand. Don't... lose contact. I'm going to Palaven. Going to see what sort of resources I can dredge up to prepare us for the Reapers. You just... focus on dealing with the humans, and I'll deal with my own." he says, sounding exhausted once more. "Don't leave me to face them alone, Shepard. Anvi. Because we both know you're the one we need." he says, smiling at her, and leaning down to her. "And you wouldn't want to never have the mystery of the wedding knives revealed, now would you?"
"Yes, yes, nothing can ever seem to be done without me," she chuckles with a roll of her eyes. Her eyebrow cocks up as a grin crosses her face. "That's true. I'm going to have to track you down for that alone," she teases, pushing him playfully. "Hey...stay safe, okay? We don't know when the Reapers will be here so...just..." She looks awkward for a moment, not used to being so connected to her emotions at least on the deck of her ship. "Stay safe, okay?" She takes his hand, bringing it to her cheek and leans into it for a moment, letting her eyes fall shut. "I wish we could do this together, but our people do need us."
He nods quietly to her words. "Well... you know, Shepard, I never get in real trouble without you around. And you'll always be there in time to help me get out of whatever trouble that I do get into." he says, and caresses her cheek with a thumb. "I''m not going to leave you alone, either, Shepard. I wouldn't put you into that box." he says quietly. "I promise." he murmurs, and pulls her into a brief kiss, before moving back. "I'm going, little one. I'll get things going, make sure that we keep everyone we can alive..."
She chuckles, leaning into the brief kiss. She leans back same as he, and nods. "Take care, Garrus." She is almost reluctant to let him go, but she steels herself as a Commander, a Soldier, should. Vega comes down the catwalk into the CIC and salutes them both; the man is a tank, all muscles, buzzed mo-hawk, and tattoos - he seriously looked like he might as well have been a walking battering ram.

"Lieutenant James Vega, Commander." He drops the salute and nods to Garrus. "I will take care of her, Vakarian. Joker and Admiral Hackett are ready for departure, ma'am."
The Turian simply examines Vega as he emerges, sizing the male up... and then nods. "Alright then." he says, sounding somewhat more comfortable. "I'll be holding you accountable then, Vega." he mutters, and strides down the ramp, looking over his shoulder at Shepard as he goes. "Remember, Shepard. I'm not leaving you to this." he says, simply, and then leaves.

And... for months, that's the last he sees of her. Letters, yes, in those months, but nothing can be intimate. Updates on his efforts to get a reaper taskforce, on the disappearance of certain batarian systems, and then the hegemony's leaders themselves... and then everything goes to hell.
Her eyes never left him as he disembarked from the Normandy, their home, the place where they'd finally come together as she felt they should have long before now. She waves half heartedly with a hand and nods, then turns to Vega once he is out of sight and motions for him to escort her to her Quarters, her house arrest beginning now. The Normandy pulls away from the Citadel and is gone, in moments.

That was the last she saw of Garrus, for months. Letters were informal at best, and had to be sent stealthily. Laira had a contact stationed at Alliance HQ in Vancouver who would take the letters during inspections, and pass them onto Liara, who would pass them onto another agent who would take them to Garrus on Palaven; nothing much on her end, save how stir crazy she was going in confinement, how she heard Kaidan was at HQ but never bothered to come by, how lonely she was(though that was admitted a bit ashamedly).

The day she was to be sentenced, everything went to hell as the Reapers arrived in full force to take Earth; Anderson reinstated her, told her to get her ass out of there to unite the Galaxy, and just like that she was forced to turn her back on her home and flee, though every part of her burned to stay and fight. Hell.


Seeing Palaven burning on the monitor in the shuttle had Shepard's heart thumping uncomfortably; she wanted to echo Liara's worry, but steeled herself, knowing what they would find when they landed on Menae, Palaven's moon, to rescue the Primarch from Reaper forces. It was hell from the moment they landed, Vega and Liara with her as they shot their way through husks to the commander center, then to secure the Communications tower, only to find out their Primarch was dead and their replacement couldn't be raised.

Just when she was so frustrated, she could have stormed off, he came striding into her vision. Garrus...thank the spirits, he was alive! "Garrus!"
Again, he's fighting for his life, firing endlessly, shooting into wave after wave of flesh. Only a few months since Omega... and he's close to death once more. New armor, new rifle, new title and responsibility... but that doesn't mean anything to him. No. Just staying alive until she can get to him, or he can get to her... that's what matters to him. The only thing that matters.
Palaven is ablaze, and it makes the Turian's heart ache with despair. Even the Krogan never got that far. To Menae, yes, but never to Palaven itself...
On the bright side, it's taking the majority of the Reaper forces to do this, it would seem.
And then... Shepard is there.
She's alive.
"Oh, thank the spirits..." he breathes, and strides to her and the general, dropping any sort of propriety to cup her face in his hands, dropping his forehead oh-so-gently against hers, a low, happy sound leaving him. "You're alive..." he breathes, studying her, and grinning, mandibles flaring. "Good." he says, and, like that, after a moment of pure, unrestrained glee... he's back into his own commander mode. "Don't worry, Shepard. We'll find Victus. I can even lead the way for you." he says, smiling again.
He has her back. And neither of them is hurt or dying this time.
"Well, Vega... you kept her alive. Guess you're off the hook."
She indulges for the brief moment they have, a brief press of their brows touching - a Turian gesture that spoke volumes - before they both have to steel themselves to be professional...well, as professional as they can be, with their homes burning. Shepard may not have grown up on Earth, having been raised on Mindoir, but Earth was every human's home and she wasn't about to forget where it was that she came from.

"Garrus, 'bout time I see your sorry face," she teases, grinning all the while. "Vega did good; actually saved our asses once, though Kaidan is in critical care on the Citadel. Just like old times, eh?" She slaps a replacement thermal clip into her rifle. "Let's go get Victus, shall we?"

They are on the move then, though a comm call from the Normandy has Liara returning to the ship. Then it's just her, Garrus, and Vega as they clear out the airfield, then take care of the barricade, a Brute almost hammering her into the ground as it knock her off the mounted gun. When its clear, and its obvious they can't raise Victus, she turns to Garrus with a nod, rolling her shoulders to work out the stiffness from the fall.

"Alright Garrus, it's obvious we can't get him on the comm - take me to where you saw Victus last."
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