After The Collectors: Defiant-Anjeru and Raiden The Ripper

The Turian chuckles quietly at her words, and bites her again, very gently scraping her skin, careful as always not to break skin.
"It depends, Shepard. I would, were you turian, go to your clan-leader, and ask him to begin negotiating... hmm. A manus contract, I think. Tal'mae can wait." he says calmly, teasing her with his words as he nips her neck again. "It is... a marriage contract. And yet, not as you think. Manus is... temporary. One year, two years, three years, and such. Negotiations take... well, quite some time. and often, manus rights would have been pursued before... well, any of what we've done, beyond simply biting and, ah, kissing, I suppose. That's not to say that no-one breaks those particular terms of the contract."
"But... it might be improper to ask that, after such a short time." he says, leaning in and nipping her again, lightly as he settles the woman down on her bed.
So Garrus was teasing her about the Turian equviliant for marriage? She blinked and made a small noise of appreciation as he teased her pale neck with his sharp teeth, nips and caresses. Shepard was a soldier, hell, Garrus was too even if he tended to be more of a renegade vigilante. Marriage wasn't something she had ever thought of, or family, not after she had watched Batarian slavers raid her home, take everything she had ever loved and destroyed it. She chuckled as he settled her onto the bed, her hands pulling him down to follow. "Woah smooth talker, we still got Reapers to deal with," she teased as she nibbled the edge of mandible before kissing his lip-plates. "How would your father handle your...cross species liason?"
Garrus snorts quietly at her words, and nips her again gently. "He'd probably be... confused. He fought during the, ah, Relay 314 incident. Still feels a bit uncomfortable with humans, but... yoou're you, after all." he admits, shrugging. He leans in again, and kisses her lightly. "I was mostly teasing, Shepard. After all, it's not as if I have a knife to give you." he says, and nips her neck once more. "Though, I may need to do more research, if things... continue." he admits, looking embarrassed.
"A knife?" She cocks her head curiously, something normally not seen in the great Commander Shepard; a soldier to her core, curiosity wasn't something she usually indulged in. An order was an order, there wasn't much beyond that; being made a Council Spectre was the first time she was allowed curiosity, answering to no one save the council - and even that wasn't strictly necessary. Even before she had turned her back on the Illusive Man, she still did things on her own terms and merely relayed back to him the reports. Whenever she did it herself, and didn't have Miranda do it, anyway. "Is that like a bridle gift? Or a wedding ring - an object to symbolize the union?" She couldn't seem to help herself; it was almost a little sad, she thought, that she hadn't bothered to learn more about the Turian race before now. Given that her boyfriend was one - though in all fairness, that had just very recently been cemented.
Garrus chuckles softly at her question, motioning for her to slow down. "Easy. As far as I can tell, yes. Your... wedding ring, is like wedding knives for Turians. You give me one, I give you one. Though it would be acceptable for, say, me to buy both, and simply have you give back the one bought for me." he says, shrugging. "The sheathes are worn on the wrist, empty until the ceremony itself. And yes, it's permissible to use the knives as weapons, in a last resort.
"Plighting is..." he hesitates, wracking his brain. "I believe the human term would be 'going steady'. It is between partners who intend to wed, but do not wish to do so yet. And, then, there's Manus-rights, and Tal'mae rights. Manus is... temporary or renewable. A set amount of time, for when partners do not know if they would wish to spend their entire lives together, or if they are truly compatible. Tal'mae is permanent, and, under law, cannot be dissolved. Hence why I suggested manus, earlier." he says, shrugging, mandibles flickering. "On to a less uncomfortable subject?"
"Heh, sorry." She chuckles as she rubs the back of her neck, slightly embarrassed for putting him on the spot like that all because she was suddenly curious - to be fair, though, he had originally broached the topic, not her. Even if he had been teasing. "Didn't mean to put you on the spot." She scritches her fingers against his fringe, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, just shy of his mandible. "I will do my best to write you. I'm you said...Liara could use her resources to help us, but Garrus...I don't know how long they'll be holding me, or...if they will actually lay charges against me. I believe what I did was right, but I could be imprisoned indefinitely for...a long time, should the charges be...followed through."
The male shrugs slightly, and leans down, biting her gently. "Don't worry, Shepard." he murmurs, gently kissing her, and cupping her face. "Don't... worry. Even if we can't keep in touch... Anderson and Hackett will keep you safe. They won't do more than keep you under wraps, at least... and the Reapers are coming. We'll... we'll get you back, no matter what."
"But... let's get off this topic, too, shall we?" he suggests, smiling wryly at her, and pulling her into a gentle kiss once more.
"Mmhmm," she kisses him back gently, before deciding to deepen it, her arms wrapping around his neck as her tongue slipped in to stroke over his much rougher one. She laid back on the bed, pulling him with her so that he had to press his taloned hands to the bed and knees down, to keep from falling on her. After a long moment of indulging in the kiss, she parted from him and smiled, almost a coy little smirk that he usually only saw when she was planning something. "There are...better ways, to spend our night, I'm sure," she chuckled, her fingers caressing his fringe gently.
The male seems both surprised and pleased as she deepens the kiss, and returns the passion, tongue tangling with hers, savoring the sweet warmth, only to make a sound of surprise as she pulls him down.
Taloned hands on either side of her, the Turian grins when she breaks the kiss, and then leans in, biting her gently before fetching the epi-tabs, still by the bed.
Once that's cared for, he kisses her... And then pushes her further up on the bed, very slowly pulling his human mate's pants down, trailing the fabric with careful bites and pleasant kissing on her skin, then moving back, pants tossed away, to run that rough, too-hot tongue over her, flickering it over her clit as his mandibles lightly tease her thighs.
Garrus pulls her pants down off of her after downing on an epi-tab, and she thought he was going to go right for it, but instead is pleasantly surprised as he trails his mouth back up her leg with little bites and kisses. She shivers and smiles, leaning her head back on the mattress, hands wrenching in the fabric beneath her as he runs his rough tongue over her sensitive parts, flickering over her clit to make her hips jerk slightly from the jolt of pleasure. She moans with a shudder as his mandibles flicker faintly across her thighs as he indulges himself between them, the surprise much welcome.
"See, Shepard, before you went out on us... this is what I was researching." he says teasingly, lightly nipping the inside of her thigh and smiling at her. "How to make you absolutely scream for me."
He slowly, teasingly, probes between her folds with his tongue, delving inside her with a quiet sound of approval and delight. His tongue, rather by accident, flicks over her g-spot, as if trying to figure out what, exactly, it is... and the Turian outright grins at the reaction he gets, withdrawing his tongue, and nuzzling her thigh, placing another, slightly rougher, bite there. "I missed you, Shepard." he murmurs, dark eyes focused on hers, and one, still-blunted talon rubs against her teasingly, before he slowly pushes it in.
She can't help but moan as he slides his tongue between her wet folds to probe at her hot channel, which tightened reflexively at his exploration. Her body shudders, hands wrenched in the bed covers. As his tongue hits her g-spot, her back bows with a loud cry, which slides into a long whimper that turns to breathless moans as he nuzzles and nips at her thighs. Panting a bit, she lifts her head to meet his eyes as he rubs his talon against her, making her moan before he pushes the blunted talon into her warmth. "Quick study, I see," she moaned as she let her head fall back, a smirk on her lips. "I missed you too, Garrus."
"It's not exactly hard to tell what you like, Shepard." he points out teasingly, slowly beginning to move the talon in and out of her, while adjusting himself, tongue flickering over her clit once more, while his free hand very gently strokes the skin of her leg, wanting to earn as much pleasure and contentment as he can, finding that small nub of nerves once more, and very carefully rubbing it with his claw, his free hand dropping and curling around himself, slow, even strokes beginning to earn quiet, rumbling sounds of pleasure against her flesh.
"Haha, very funny," she gasps the words out, finding the banter a bit harder to uphold when he is between her thighs and doing such delicious things to her. She writhes on the bed covers, head back as she tries to keep herself from rearing up into his maw as he pleasures her with his tongue and talons. He is indeed a quick study, having found what she likes and applying it to her quite skillfully; maybe that was why he had done so well in C-Sec, before he had gotten fed up with bureaucratic bs red-tape.

His own rumbles of pleasure helped arouse her; knowing someone you cared for was receiving pleasure from pleasuring you, engaging in it, was euphoric. He worked her well, true to his that he knew what she liked, her body shuddering and writhing against his ministrations; her head lolled and she bit her lip to keep herself from screaming as he built her toward release. It came, all too soon, her back bowing as her toes curled, a loud cry erupting from her lips as she shuddered.
The turian smirks at her, and continues to please the both of them, stroking himself more quickly now, wanting to please himself, knowing he'll be ready again in just a few minutes.
The male nips her thigh again, and he pushes that talon deeper inside her as she cries out, feeling her soak over his finger and hand, and groaning as he comes, losing himself upon the sheets, body wracked by shudders of pleasure as he slowly licks first his lover clean, and then his talon, keeping eye contact with her as he licks her fluids from himself, one hand still curled around his manhood.
She falls back limp against the bed covers, her body wracked with secondary tremors as she came down from her euphoric high. With a chuckle, she props herself breathlessly up on her elbows to meet his smoky eyes, her own still heated and hazy from pleasure, their pupils dilated. “Well…you are definitely keeping me on my toes,” she commented with another soft chuckle. “We shall see if I can, ah, stack up to the competition.”

She wriggles herself from him, a soft smirk playing across her soft, pliable lips. She sits up and athletically strips herself of her shirt and bra in one swift motion, tossing them onto the floor with her discarded pants. She pulls open the drawer of her bedside nightstand, reaches inside to grasp something, before shutting it with the backs of her fingers which were curled around an antihistamine shot that Mordin had given to her when he had – out of concern – warned her of allergies and to avoid ingestion, but should she decide to try, to take the shot.

Sitting back on the bed, she is happy to see that he is growing hard again – something she was very thankful, and appreciative, of in the Turian anatomy(human man could maybe go once before they needed at least twenty minutes to an hour to recover). She pulls the cap off the shot with her teeth, sticking the needle into her thigh and pushing the plunger down to send the anti biotics into her blood system. Putting the cap back on, she sets the empty shot aside and crooks a finger for him to come closer, moving aside to indicate he should lie on the bed.
The male smiles faintly at her, and nips her thigh gently as she looks at him, looking hungrily at her body, not at her breasts, but at her as a whole. Perfect and soft and Shepard. And his. "Ah... you might have to wait a few minutes. I can only go a few times an hour. I'm not exactly, ah, what's the expression, superhuman. Four or five's my limit." he mutters, seeming embarrassed at that fact, knowing that, for example, turian porn stars? Six or seven times. Adaptation to only having one chance a year to have children.
He blinks at the shot she produces, and moves up to her, still dripping a bit of himself, and lies on his back, as directed, knees up a bit, so his spurs won't catch in the sheets. "I do my best to please, Shepard... but what are you planning?" he asks, seeming genuinely confused.
"A few minutes?" She chuckles. "Garrus, that makes you super human, at least to me." She presses herself against him, laying slightly against him as she cups his face and kisses his lip-plates. "Fun fact - human men can't usually go more than once an hour, and that's the, ah, ones with excessive stamina. So, you, Garrus..." She kisses him deeply, stroking her tongue along his, before pulling back a bit to grin at him. "Have no reason to feel...inadequate, especially with me. If anything, I have more than I had bargained for." She nibbles at his mandible with a chuckle, before breathing hotly against it, "I just want to, as we humans say, 'return the favor'."
The male blinks, looking surprised. "Well." he mutters, sounding surprised. "That... can't be very much time." he mutters, frowning before she kisses him, and returning the kiss, wrapping his arms around her. "And, again, shepard... what?" he asks, still seeming confused, only to widen his eyes, a bit in fear, only to look at her teeth and instantly relax. "Oh. That. Turian women don't... well, can't really do anything but lick, and your tongue isn't very long." he says, flushing blue before kissing her again, cupping her face in his talons. "Be careful? I... don't want you getting sick..."
"That's what the shot was for, love." She finds his confusion endearing and can see why Turian women didn't do oral; their maws were filled with very sharp teeth, truth be told if had made her slightly wary as well to have his mouth on her private areas. "Mordin assured me the antihistamine should counter act any allergic reactions, which are...overplayed." She strokes her tongue against his again in a kiss. "I did some research too, tough guy. And I am...talented, with my tongue." Her fingers scritch at his fringe as she presses herself against him. "Haven't you ever heard 'it's not the size that matters, but how you use it?'"
The male shudders as she speaks, and kisses her back, tongue curling around hers, and then slipping away to rub against her neck. "Shepard... may I mark you?" he asks, quietly, not quite meeting her eyes, and looking guilty. "Not... now. But later, when it will not hurt so much." he murmurs, nipping her softly, the same spot as each and every time before.
"But... you should prove that talent to me, Anvi..." he teases, rolling his hips against hers, and making the length of his manhood, firmed to full arousal once more, rub against her, ridges at the base teasing at her clit at the end of each stroke.
"Tonight," she promises, putting a finger over his lips when he moves to protest. "Tonight," she says again, biting back a moan as he rubs his firm arousal against her slick folds. "Superhuman indeed," she chuckles as she kisses him again, deeply and passionately, tongue sliding and caressing his own. She slips her mouth from his, kissing along his mandible toward his neck, down, over the plates of his chest; her body slides against his as she moves down, kisses being pressed to plates and softer area, like around his hips. She then dips her head to press a gentle kiss to the top of his cock, tongue slipping out to stroke it lingeringly. She lets the taste simmer a moment, waiting for any adverse reactions; after a moment, satisfied she seemed to be having to allergic reactions thus far, she slithers out her tongue again, this time starting from the ridged base to lick, expertly, toward his tip. Then around it, before her lips part to take him into her mouth. Her blunt teeth do no harm, her cheeks sucking in to tighten the suction on his cock as she slides her mouth over him, deep, before back up, tongue swirling along him as she does so.
Garrus groans as she kisses him, cock only throbbing harder, hungry for her lips and touch... and rewarded with her teasing. Neck, chest, stomach, hips, groin... then that perfect, cool human mouth is teasing him there tongue running over his hardened length and making his mind absolutely turn over with pleasure, a hiss the only herald of his pleasure, aside from the sound of claws sinking into her bed, gripping the mattress hard. "Annvii..." he croons, eyes wild upon her, blue maleness twitching as her tongue flicks over him again, base to tip. "Ahh... god.... inside... the cavity... fingers..." he gasps out, trying to guide her...
And then she's sucking on him, something damn near impossible for a turian, and something that makes him rumble in sheer pleasure, deep throb of his voice coupled with a lighter, almost cute whine of pleasure, eyes lost in the pleasure as they lock upon her. "Feels... spirits..."
"You like that?" She lifts her mouth free of his blue shaft, making a show of licking her lips. Her hands strokes over him before she dips her head back down to kiss the tip, tongue sneaking out to explore. "I figured you might - I don't have a mouth full of sharp teeth to get in the way of this," and then her lips were sliding over him again, tongue dragging along the underside as she did so. The insides of her cheeks rubbed silkily against him as she bobbed her head on him, slow, teasingly, tongue wrapping around and stroking, her fingers dancing along the ridges at his base, caressing.
"God... yes, shepard..." he groans, and, very carefully, takes her hand, guiding it to his base, and then showing her, putting a finger into the slit that usually conceals his cock, and letting her feel the three, circular nodules within, the hollow slick with her saliva and his own, natural lubricant, and twitching almost violently the moment her fingers brush those glands, making him leak sweet, hot pre into her mouth, as much hotter as his cock is compared to a human's. "Ruined me... for turians." he gasps out, grinding his hips against her. "C-careful..." he gasps out, hand resting on her forehead, stroking the soft skin... "Don't want me to cum too soon..."
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