The Pull Of Time

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “no, you can stay.” he grumbled. “just don't look! I don't want anyone to...” he fell silent, unsure why he didn't want anyone to see. Brax had scars just as bad and no one had freaked out, tom had some pretty good scars too for that matter, but Harry had never let anyone see before and he was frightened how someone might react to him. He shook his head a little and started getting dressed as quickly as he could, turning to look at Brax, his mouth going wet at the sight of his naked form. “y...y..” he swallowed hard and closed his eyes. “you can look now.” he decided, biting his lip a little, looking away to show he hadn't looked, but his bright blush gave the truth to THAT lie.
Brax grinned a little as he heard the other's voice, amused as he opened his eyes."Oh good. I need to get a shower to."He said getting up, amused as he headed for the bathroom, before pausing. Resting his hand on the doorframe as he turned his head to look at the other, smirking. Looking trim and fit, even with the scars as he studied the brunette watching him."You can look you know. Everyone stares."He teased, more amused that the other seemed to be embarassed about watching him rather then embarassed about being watched.
Harry grimaced a little as he was called out on it, and his eyes trailed along the others body. “i'm sorry it's just... your so gorgeous.” he admitted blushing again. “and I've never seen someone with as many scars as I do before...” he admitted his head tilted as he managed to tear his eyes away from the others cock and back up t his face before looking away again, coughing a little. “you know your room has a bathroom in it right?” he asked looking amused. “you didn't need to come to my room for a shower.” he teased smiling a little as he settled onto his bed to wait for the other to finish.
"Well, it is Malfoy manor."He said, answering the other's question ebfore disappearing into the bathroom. Returning in a few minutes towel drying his hair as he pulled his clothes back on."Gorgeous you say?Yes. I am that."He said preening a little, amused that he'd caught the other staring at him. And feeling, more comfortable now that he'd found himself on familiar ground....somewhat speaking.He'd been in this house before, but flirting he knew how to do, to suddenly find himself in the middle of the war had shaken him more than he'd say.
he chuckled a little and shook his head, looking amused. “yes, gorgeous, and beautiful.” he admitted smiling a little. “your like the perfect combination of Draco and Lucius without all the near death experiences and murder attempts to ruin it.” he teased chuckling a little. “hey... would you like to go on a walk with me tonight?” he offered. “get to know each other, give Tom the chance to realize how utterly gorgeous Scott is?” he teased smirking a little. Harry knew that Brax knew that Scott was majorly crushing on the boy, and that Tom was a bit of an idiot when it came to stuff like that.
Brax snickered a little."Oh so I'm not the only one who noticed that? I don't think Scott knows how badly he's crushing either."He said amused as he nodded,"I'll go on a walk with you.It'll be...interesting to walk around the grounds again at night."He said amused. Of all the summer and winter vacation troubles he'd ever had, he'd had more beatings happen because he was snearking around and exploring the grounds more than anything else
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “yeah, I've been meaning to explore too, I love knowing more about places than anyone else. Like the school, did you know that there are twenty two ways out of the school without triggering the Wards? And that there are three secrete entrances into each common room? And that there is a secrete underground tunnel that leads into a massive underground cave that you can access from the boys bathroom on the second floor?” he asked smirking a little his head tilted. “of course you didn't.” he bragged laughing a little. “i think everyone knows Scott is crushing on tom except for Tom and Scott.” he admitted looking amused.
"It wouldn't surprise me if that was true."He said smiling a little as he thought about it, before shruggingas he landed in the middle of the bed, having a intention of napping if he was going to be up all night."Ad I knew there was alot, but I didn't think there were that many."He said frwning a little thinking about it."Does Dumbledore know about them? You would think that with the war, that it would be dangerous to have so many unguarded entrances..."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, Dumbledore doesn't know them all, but I have them all well guarded and booby trapped. And Voldemort doesn't even know most of them and you know how much Tom likes to wander the halls.” he pointed out. “no the school is safe, I made sure of it.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “now then.” he mused his head tilted. “i think I'm going to take a nap, I don't want to be tired for our exploration date tonight.” he admitted chuckling a little. “scoot over bed hog.” he ordered crawling under the covers with a small sigh. “i have to warn you though, I'm a cuddler.” in fact harry was more of a plasterer, because he plastered himself to the person he was sleeping next to and wouldn't let go.
"Wouldn't be the first time that cuddled me. Tom is like sauce on pasta."He muttered shifting around to get comfortable before settling into the bed with a smile, oh yea he was going to enjoy the cuddling

When he woke up though he wheezed a little trying to figure out how to pry the younger off of him enough to breath properly. Poking Harry's shoulder as he frowned a little."Potter. Wake up."He grumbled, wanting him to wake up so they could get moving.
Harry snorted a little and nodded. “yeah, that sounds about right.” he admitted smiling a little. He whined when he was woken though, and simply tightened his grip, exactly as Brax had said, sauce on pasta, Harry had a death grip on Brax, and was whimpering in his sleep, nuzzling the other with his ice cold nose, mumbling that he didn't want to die, shuddering violently against the other, clearly having yet another nightmare, blinking as he was prodded, blinking stupidly again before letting brax go and yawning as he rubbed his eyes. “'s still dark.” he muttered, looking confused as to why they where up so early, too tired to remember yet.
Brax winced a little as the other tightend his grip."its dark I know.But you promised to show me around rememeber?You need to get up."The man soothed gently stroking Harry's hair wondering if he was going to have to hurt the other to get him to let go
Harry whined but carefully released Brax, rubbing his eyes. “i don't wanna.” Harry complained as he got up slowly and started to peel off his clothes, right in front of Brax, clearly not realizing what he was doing. Most people where out of the room before he started stripping, so he didn't think twice as he started changing, yawning a little as he stripped off his pants, yanking them on and smiling a little as he staggered for the door, still completely unaware that he had just stripped naked in front of Brax, going to the kitchen to ask for a cup of coffee so he could wake up.
Brax's mouth fell open a little at the strip show, having watched because it was so obvious that he couldn't seem to realize he was there. Smiling a little wincing as he saw the scars he sighed,, shaking his head as he got dressed himself and followed the other down for his own cup of coffee. Sitting down at the table and sipping his cup as he glanced at the other, blushing softly."Feeling better?"He said laughing a little as the other huddled around his cup f coffee
Harry blinked at Brax and shook his head. “no.” he whined holding his empty cup to the elves. “more!” he demanded, the little creatures giggling as they rushed off to do as he bid. They enjoyed Harry in the mornings, he was so amusing. He blinked at Brax and then smiled a little. “your pretty when you blush.” he admitted smiling a little as he accepted his second cup of coffee, sipping at it because it was hot, groaning a little as he burned his tongue anyway.
Brax rolled his eyes trying hard not to blush more as he sipped his own hot choclate, "You do realize it's evening right?you're going to be up all night if you keep drinking more."He said tilting his head a little as he ignored the compliment. Because well, he didnt know how to take it. For once, Abraxas malfoy had no idea how to take things with someone so he was awakward and weird.
Harry shrugged a little. “i'm going to be awake all night anyway.” he pointed out, looking amused. “i'll be fine.” he promised, demanding a third cup, just to be stubborn as he examined brax. “i think tom talked Scott into sleeping in his room tonight.” arry admitted. “so our plan is definitely working.” he teased smiling a little as he tied his shoe. “where did you want to start exploring?” he asked his head tilted. “out by the waterfall or should we just randomly pick a direction and see what we find?”
Brax looked thoughtful, fiddling with the cup handle on his mug, before nodding."We can start out by the waterfall."He said almost shyly, almost hesitant. Because he'd been beaten and yelled at so much for exploring and wandering about like a heathan instead of a malfoy, he was nervous about doing it even if he knew his father couldn't possibly be there to But it was almost like he thought that if he was here, then maybe they dragged his father to. Riddiculous thought, but there it was. Snickering a little as he pulled on his boots he looked amused."Ah well, tom hates sleeping alone. And since he probably couldn't find me, he latched onto scott like a puppy. Good idea that."
Harry chuckled and nodded. “you just want to see that pretty Lynx again.” he teased grinning a little as he shook his head. “calm down rax.” he ordered gently, setting his hand on the others shoulder. “i know it's frightening, and confusing but you really are safe here. No ones going to hurt you, or yell at you unless you actually do something wrong... like gut Draco.” he admitted smiling a little. “your safe here, I promise.” Harry knew that look of uncertainty. “i'll protect you personally.” he promised smiling at him. “alright?” he asked his head tilted before puffing up. “and it WAS a good idea! Aren't you glad I planned it?” that, was SUCH a lie, it had all happened by accident and they both knew it.
Brax nodded looking at the younger man, taking the jab to his pride. "I can protect myself."He grumbled sulking for a moment as he thought about that. Flinching a little, mentally reeling at the idea of gutting Draco. Sighing softly as he nodded heading for the door, feeling easier now. His pride making him realize that he was being riddiculous. "Oh, it was a accident and you know it. IF they actually realize it, then you can take credit for that."He said amused as they headed for the falls.
Harry chuckled a little and shrugged. “if you say so.” he teased smiling a little. “but when Tom has you pinned to the ground, tickling you until your about to piss your pants, we'll see who's begging for help then.” he teased smirking at Brax. “and of course I'm going to take credit, it's about the only way I can do anything smart is by taking credit for other peoples accomplishments.” he admitted with a small snicker as he walked along, humming under his breath. “Hey Brax... is it true that your an animagus?”
Brax loked startled at the sudden change of conversation, but well he guessed it was useless to deny. After all him and tom had taken great fun in being animagus because it proved they were as brilliant as they thught they were."Yes."He said simply glancing at the brunette, raising a eyebrow."Why?"He asked curious why the other wanted to know.
harry smirked a little. “oh, no reason.” he stated stripping off his shirt and hanging it over a branch before taking off his shoes, winking at Brax. “catch me if you can!” he ordered taking off into the woods, leaping into the air and coming down as a massive black wolf, jet black from tip to tail save for a singe streak of white across his forehead, emerald green eyes looking back at Brax, letting off a playful growl before he pranced off, so comfortable in wolf Form that he didn't even have to take the usual moment or so to adjust to having four paws instead of two feet. It was no wonder Harry knew so many ways around the school, he cheated!
Brax looked startled at finding himself facing a wolf before a matching grin curled his lips as he changed, lundging as he shifted. The huge liger dwarfing the wolf as the cat stretched. Roaring before Brax took off after the wolf, panting as he ran.It been awhile since he'd been in cat form, so he was finding it odd and exhilirating to be running with someone just as big as he was, seeing as Tom had followed the natural course of things as heir of slytherin and became a snake but to brax's disappointment of having someone to rough house with. Growling to himself as he ran after him.
Harry growled and bounced around the liger, nipping at it Playfully and pausing to lift his leg and pee all over a tree before trotting off into the woods, sniffing at the air and turning back to look at Brax, wagging his tail before bouncing onto him, eager to play and wrestle before exploring the woods. He'd never had an animal big enough to play with before.
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