The Pull Of Time

Brax growled playfully as he paused long enough to pee before pouncing on the wolf, giving the wolf a lick to the head as he pinned the other to the ground, the usual pining looking odd considering they were different species before nipping at his shoulder before taking off through the woods, going to make the other work to win at wrestling
Harry whined when he was pinned, squirming and wagging his tail furiously, enjoying the playful time as he raced after Brax, smaller but faster as he leaped onto Brax and rode on his back like he was a pony panting happily as he licked the back of his ears all overbefore falling off and bounding off, wiggling his but playfully to show he still wanted to play, bounding back over to him and nipping playfully at his chin and ears, wanting to wrestle.
Brax whined at him and if he'd been human he'd been pouting about getting licked. Shaking his head to unclog his ears he whined before giving a coughing laugh of a lion before he tackled the other, knocking him over before pouncing on him.
Harry barked happily and grunted as he was tackled and pounced on, licking Brax all over the face, his big paws wrapped around the Ligers neck so it couldn't pull away, rolling over and bounding away playfully before yelping as he fell down a hill, rolling down it and blinking stupidly as he landed on his back with all four legs stuck out in the air, looking utterly ridiculous.
The liger snickered before he shifted back, brax running down the hill and landing on the ground next to him, rubbing the wolf's stomach as he laughed."Oh potter, that was fun. You should make a fool of yourself more often. It is quite amusing."He said snickering, looking like draco for a moment, taking enjoyment in someone else's mess ups.
Harry wagged his tail and then laughed as he turned back into a human, grinning at Brax. “you look like Draco just now.” he admitted chuckling a little. “looking at you... I can see where Draco and Lucius got some of their habits.” he admitted smiling a little as he leaned forward, gently brushing the others lips with his own, blushing furiously as he looked away. “s...sorry..” he muttered softly.
Barx looked startled, not even having time to return the kiss before harry pulled away. Sighing quietly as he stared at the other when he looked away."Its okay..."He muttered hunching his shoulders as he looked at the ground, feeling the other drawing away frm him. Wondering if Tom was having any better luck then he was."That was fun..."He muttered looking amused.
Harry smiled a little as he stared at his fingers, glancing at Brax, biting his lip hard then. “it was fun.” he agreed. “i can't remember the last time I had fun.” he admitted softly. “most of my time is spent trying to kill the Dark Lord...” he admitted closing his eyes, feeling distressed. He wanted to kiss Brax again, but with a madman on his tail, he'd just get Brax killed, just like he had everyone else in his life. The thought of Brax being killed, just about sent Harry into a murderous rage.. he had to protect the blond, no matter what.
Brax snickered a little as he looked at the ground, not realizing that harry was pulling away not because he wasn't good enough, but because he wanted to protect him. After all, Brax Malfoy was one of the reasons lord voldemort existed, and as he thought about why the other had pulled away he realized that harry probably didn't want someone like him."Yes, well considering dumbledore is refusing to let us help,I think you get a well deserved rest while your here at the manor."He said, his voice soft and not realizing the words were edged with hurt.
Harry smiled a little as he gently set his hand on Brax's hand. “i don't want you to help either...” he admitted softly. “everyone I care about dies when they try to help me.” he admitted softly, his fingers squeezing the others fingers softly. “but, it's your life too. And you and Tom have every right to help if you want to, Dumbledore can't stop you, no one can stop you, and i'd rather have you here with me helping, then out on your own and getting killed even faster.” he admitted smiling playfully at Brax. “come on.” he ordered gently pulling the other to his feet. “i'll show you something, but we'll have to apparate. Can you apparate yet?” he asked wondering if Abraxas had learned that yet.
Brax kjust gave him that look that said he was foolish to think that. Ha!As if a malfoy would never be able to apparate as soon as they could say the spell. "Yes, I can. So where are we going."He asked smiling a little, feeling easier as he realized harry wasnt' pulling away because he was a malfoy but because he worried."Let's go."he said wrapping a arm around him, waiting to apparate. Curious to see where the other was going to take him
Harry chuckled at the look and shook his head. “we're going to my place.” he explained smiling a little. “the house that I'm building, that I can live in when all of this is over.” he admitted pulling Brax in tight, tighter than was at all necessary, and apparated them away to a half built cottage, wooden planks laying everywhere in a field of grass so green it seamed impossible. “i have to cut the grass again.” Harry grumbled as he smiled at Brax, indicating the half finished home. “i know... you probably think that you don't have a place in this world.” he admitted. “in this time... but if you like, when I finish this house.. you and Tom can come live here, with me. We can build you houses of your own over there.” he explained indicating flat places on the other side of a smallish pond that would be perfect for houses. “it would be perfect for all of us. What do you think?” Harry offering to build homes for them, give them a place to stay,a place in a world where they weren't supposed to be. Tom would be thrilled to know he would have a home, no matter what happened.
Brax looked startled at the offer, then shy. As if..."But...malfoy manor..."he muttered biting his lip as he stared around him. He'd long been at the manor, had it drilled into him that he was the malfoy heir more then anything else, so it felt weird to be this excited over the idea of having a place here, in this field, and in the quiet with tom and Harr."I think I would like that."He said smiling, a faint blush staining his pale face before he smiled walking to the edge of the pond and crouching down sitting on his heels as he thought about what it could look like."We should go tell tom. I know he's feeling like he doesn't have a place. He should know."He said, not about to add that he felt out of sorts to. After all, it wouldn't do for Abraxas Malfoy to be unsure about anything.
Harry smiled and nodded. “i thought it would be better for you to tell him. He would think of it as pity if I told him.” he admitted chuckling a little as he sat down next to Brax. “i know what it's like though... to have nowhere and nothing.” he admitted softly. “i used to live with muggles... they hated me for being magic, but I couldn't run away because I had nowhere else to go.” he admitted looking at Brax. “i want to make sure you and Tom always have a home somewhere, no matter the pain that is caused, the troubles that are created, or the grief that is given.” he admitted biting his lip as he gently set his hand on Brax's. “i want you to stay.” he admitted smiling a little.
"Not like I have much choice."He muttered, though the words sounded angry, his voice was soft with feelings as he considered having someplace not only in this time, but completely free of the pain of memories.Smiling gently as he considered it."Yes, I think I like that."He smiled "We better head back, I want to see how tom and scott are anyways. They were napping when we left."He said snickering a little
Harry smiled a little. “you always have a choice Brax, even when it seams impossible.” he promised. “you never have to do anything you don't want to.” he promised hesitating when he mentioned going back. “well.. yeah I guess your right.” he agreed sighing a little as he examined the area around him, shaking his head. “Brax?” he asked softly. “i know I'm an idiot, and there are going to be times when I try to push you away because I'm afraid of getting you hurt... but.. I really like you.” he admitted gently kissing the other again, long this time, blushing hard, but giving Brax a chance to react this time. “i just wanted you to know.” Harry admitted, courage failing him as he stared at his fingers. “so... back tot he manor then?”
Brax smiled blushing a little as he tilted his head,looking thoughtful and amused as he stole another kiss."back to the manor."He snickered apparating back to the manor before the other had a chance to react to the kiss. Already disappearing up the stairs to search for tom when harry arrivedJust because he liked the other, didn't mean he wasnt still a sadist in some ways, and was going to enjoy torturing him."Tom?"He said knocking lightly on the door sounding happy and amused
Harry groaned as the other vanished and rolled his eyes. At least this was a game he understood, he should have known that Brax would play hard to get. He smiled to himself and vanished as well, appearing in the house almost right on top of Lucius and Draco who shrieked in terror as arry trotted off, redressed already, willing to let Brax see, but unwilling for anyone else to.

Up in the bedroom Tom whined, Brax waking him up, while common, was always unappreciated, Bax was about the only person who could wake Tom up without getting cursed for his efforts. “what!?” Tom demanded, sulking at his best friend. “i'm tired... and being depressing... go away.” he complained, but opened the door all the way to let Brax in, Scott still on the bed, whether or not the man was sleeping or not Tom didn't know.
Scott grumbled at being interrupted, climbing out of bed and leaving blushing slightly before brax could say anything. Brax snickering as he watched the teacher leave before looking at tom, raising a eyebrow."soo I was going to tell you something, but now I'm curious."He smirked a looking at his friend, raising a eyebrow."Depressing?Why are you being depressing?"He said smirking.
Tom scowled at Brax. “i'm being depressing because I was GOING to kiss him as a thank you for staying with me because YOU vanished.” he growled, clearly annoyed by the interruption to his night smacking Brax on the shoulder, not hard, it was never hard, Tom was a wimp so even if he hit as hard as he could he wouldn't even hurt a ten year old girl. “what where you gonna tell me anyway that's sooooo important.” Tom whined a lot...
Brax pouted at both being whined at and being smacked. Looking cutely adorable as he sighed walking into the room and sitting on the bed."Harry's building a house. And offered to build us a house to. So after...we'll have a place to stay now that we're here."He said his voice and face soft with emotion as he thought over the nice gesture from the brunette
Tom looked startled, and then relieved and happy. “really? He's really willing to build us houses?” he asked looking amazed as he pondered the brunette. “he's so kind.” he admitted smirking slyly at Brax. “i suppose you and he will be sharing a house hmm?” he teased smirking a little. “you have that look on your face again, the one you get before you fall in loooove.” he teased grinning at him as he clicked his tongue playfully at the other and hummed the wedding theme.
Brax blushed hard reaching out and smacking his friend's shoulder."I do not have a look!I don't fall in love all the time!"He whined wrinkling his nose, leaning back on the bed, putting his hands behind his head, looking content despite blushing."Besides, you have no room to tease me when you're going to share your house with Scott."
Tom snickered a little as he looked at his friend before counting on his fingers professor Troy, that seventh year woman from Ravenclaw, that fifth year Gryffindor, me, that fifth year Ravenclaw, that seventh year Hufflepuff, professor Artimus, shall I go on?” he teased lifting an eyebrow his head tilted. Even though Tom knew Brax had gotten nowhere with those people, since they where just crushes, it was still kind of funny. “besides Scott wouldn't like me like that.” he stated with a sigh. “i don't know if he's just Dense or if he was ignoring that I was flirting with him.”
Brax pouted a little.He'd had sex with them all,but still he hadn't made it last because the very things that had attracted him in the beginning, had in the end been the very thing to drive him away."He's that dense. He's been watching you like I watch everyone."He teased wrapping his arms around Tom pressing a kiss to his head."Don't laugh at me and my sordid love life"he said pouting
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