The Pull Of Time

"Evening."Brax grinned poking his friend until the man smacked him getting him up and moving."Come on, lets go.WE need to talk."He said glad that Scott wasn't around. Knowing that tom would be reckless if he could convince him to go, and deal with harry and scott later."I have a plan.And Draco's going to help us."He reassured the man, looking worried and looking his friend over. Afraid that this was it, that he wouldn't survive, so he was trying to make sure he remembered what his friend looked like before he died.
Tom groaned a little but got to his feet, rubbing his eyes. "where are we going?" he asked. "i should tell Scott or he'll be worried.." he complained, looking around for the man, wondering where he was. probobly getting food or using the bathroom. "a plan? for what?" he asked puzzled before his eyes brightened. "oh! is this like the time we threw that surprise party for Professor Dumbledore?" he asked grinning a little. "that was fun." he admitted rubbing his eyes... too sleepy to notice Brax's fear, and recalling the only other time that Brax had planned something, usually it was Tom making all the plans and doing the getting into trouble.
Brax smiled a little."Something like that. Dont worry, I left a letter for scott and harry, telling them we needed some time to plan."He said tugging the other man outside with him,glad that he'd been able to sic scott on lucius and that his son would let him use him to distract the man.Now all he had to do was get them out of here. Smiling slightly when draco just looked at them,shaking his head. smiling a little when he let Draco apparate them he looked at Tom,pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead."Stay here with Draco Tom."He said before stepping into the room."I know how to help you."He said looking at Voldemort."I know how to get rid of the voices, I just need you to trust me.Again."
Tom relaxed at the promise that they had left a letter for Harry and Scott he frowned a little when he saw Draco, tired and confused but he didn't say anything as Draco apparated them. he scowled as he was told to stay, and felt shock running through him as he realized. "... we're not planning a surprise, are we?" he asked, knowing his friend had lied to him, but not minding. Brax only lied when it was very serious, and he always told him the truth once the danger was over. "... i..." he looked shocked, he hadn't realized that Brax had known he was hearing things, strange voices of people he didn't know, telling him to do things... terrible things. "i trust you Brax." Tom promised, looking very nervous as he pressed himself close to Draco, who gently stroked Tom's hair. "check his study, that's the most likely place." Draco explained smiling nervously at Brax. "please... be careful."
Brax flashed a small smile,"I'm always careful."He said looking worried,"Stay here with draco.Draco, no matter what, keep them apart until I finish.I don't trust voldemort to not kill him before I can help them both."He said staring at them both before hugging them tightly before disappearing down the hallway to find voldemort.Smiling slightly when he found him in the study stepping inside."Voldemort.I need you to trust me again.I found away to help you."
Draco nodded a little. "don't worry, we'll stay right here." he promised watching the other leave before turning to comfort Tom, who looked pale as the boy finally realized where he was. Voldemort looked up at Brax, his eyes going ice cold when the other mentioned trust. "you, want me to... TRUST you!?" he demanded, standing up. "TRUST YOU!? after you abandoned me!?" he demanded fury in his eyes. "after you LET that man rape me!? after you left me to face my family alone!?" he demanded, advancing on Brax slowly. "after you sold me out, stabbed me in the back, fucked me over and practically KILLED ME!?" he demanded, eyes blazing with madness, baring his teeth. "i LIKE the voices in my head." he snarled viciously, showing that he knew exactly why Brax was there, probobly an echo from tom, or just instinct, but the ghosts clinging to Tom's soul, weren't just going to let go so easily.
Brax sighed sadly, tilting his head as he studied the other man, pain crossing his features, because he didn't know what voldemort was talking about, letting him?LETTING him.He would never...pain fille hhis eyes as he sighed."I'm sorry."He said lowering his eyes, his wand slipping into his hand as he cast. "være frie."He muttered gasping as he felt the ghosts fighting him,but his will to free his friend was even stronger then their desire to keep on living. He'd expected to be hit with both the ghosts of tom and voldemort's minds. What he hadn't expected was the fierce fight from voldemort, the ghosts mind battering him like a ram, the effort to rip the two free of their tormentors drving him to his knees as he refused to buckle, to free himself. Or that the ripping from voldemort's soul would tell the one other person connected to voldemort what was going on.Harry.

The ghosts, realizing that they couldn't posses him, and he wouldn't let them reposes either tom or voldemort settled for trying to kill him as the blond gripped short spikey hair in pale fingers, white knuckled as brax tried to fight back, to stay awake. Barely aware of things going on around him.
Voldemort snarled as he advanced on the other before screaming as the spell struck him, the ghosts clinging desperately to his soul, Tom screaming in the same way as he and Voldemort both collapsed, landing hard on the ground. the problem was that Voldemort was clutching for the Ghosts as well, clinging to them just as they clung to him. "no! NO I NEED THEM! DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!!!" he ordered, before collapsing completely, the ghosts filling Brax, Marvolo and Marfo swarming in Brax's mind, trying to find his soul, trying to posses them, before trying to kill him, ripping at his mind, Voldemort groaning as he reached for Brax. "no... their mine... i need them." he pleaded before collapsing completely, Harry snarling as he suddenly appeared in front of Brax. "you are in BIG trouble buddy!" he growled before grabbing Brax's head and pressing their foreheads together, using Legilemency to slink into his lovers mind, and help fight off the ghosts.
Brax blinked stupidly as he looked at his lover from iches away,staring into his eyes as he fought.Even as they managed to destroy the ghosts, it had been to much strain, and his body was starting to shut down.Not dying, just...hiding, a magical coma in the efforts to make sure that he would heal."Love you....wait for me..."He muttered collapsing into harry's chest as he shuddered.
Harry gasped as he caught Brax, his eyes wide as he held the other tight, howling his agony into the wind. when Brax finally woke, weeks, or months later the world was a very different place. Voldemort was sitting next to Brax's bed when the blond woke, reading a book and looking... normal, healthy. his snake like features where gone, revealing the handsome face he really was, though he didn't look anything like the tom they knew, he was older, rugged, and was growing a bit of a five o clock shadow, which Draco thought was sexier than all hell. Voldemort looked up at Brax and smiled as he realized the other was awake. "good morning little Princeling." an old, old joke, from when Tom and Brax where in school. when tom was feeling particularly annoyed with Brax he'd call him a princling, which was basically calling him a spoiled brat. but no annoyance colored Voldemort's voice, only relief. "thank you, for what you did Brax... you saved me in more ways that you could ever imagine." he admitted smiling at Brax, honestly grateful. "and before you ask, yes Potter is still pissed with you."
Brax blinked stupidly, trying to figure out what he was doing, or why Voldemort looked so relieved to see him when he'd just gone to sleep. "Oh."He said stupidly as he remembered, sittign up slowly, carefully to make sure that he wasn't hurt. "Princeling?Me?You're datign the new malfoy prince."Brax said smiling relieved to not only be alive but to see voldemort looking so good, and knowing that tom was fine,even if he was feeling tired still.5 months in a coma would do that to a person."Do I have to look forward to him yelling at me?"He said sitting up carefully, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, trying to decide how much his body was going to hate him for getting up and moving right away, but he wanted to see tom. And harry.Oh harry...he smiled a little standing carefully, resting a hand on voldemort's shoulder to do so, needing the balance since his muscle density had severely suffered with him bed bound."Your welcome.Now help me go fid the other's."
Voldemort smiled. "more like him sobbing all over you, and besides, Draco is anything but a prince." he stated simply. "he's no where near as dignified as you." he teased chuckling a little as he wrapped his arm around the others ribs to help support him, gently guiding him out of the room and into the kitchen where everyone was enjoying breakfast. Harry had clearly gone overboard with the cooking, there where cookies, doughnuts, cakes, pastries and everything all over the place. many he was carefully stacking in boxes to be shipped to various hospitals and and orphanages to brighten peoples days. it gave Harry something to do while he anxiously awaited Brax's recovery. "Abraxas!" Lucius gasped in astonishment as Voldemort and Brax walked in, Tom whipping around and slamming into Brax, hugging him tightly. "your Alright!" "Easy Tom." Voldemort ordered gently. "he's week yet, let him sit down."
"It's good to see you."Scott said looking relieved to see him.smiled slightly as he was glimpse, stumbling a little into voldemort before he caught himself."hey Tom"he said smiling as he let Scott and Voldemort get him into his seat, smiling a little as he sat down."overdoing it a bit?"he teased looking at Harry anxiously, wondering why the man hadn't jumped on him yet,"Harry?"he asked looking scared even as he moved to get up having every intention of pouncing on the man if that's what it took to get a reaction.
Voldemort and Tom both helped Brax into a chair, harry focused on his task. he looked over at the other when he said his name and finally let out a sob, flinging himself into the others arms. "i... d...dead!" Harry complained, clinging to Brax. "your where s..stupid and r..r..reckless and i t..thought you where n..never going to wake up!" Harry complained, clutching Brax. "i thought... you where going... to die.. and ... leave me.. all alone!" Draco, Voldemort and Lucius all looked very shocked to see Harry so suddenly, and openly crying, none of them had ever seen him cry before and it left them very hesitant and uncertain, unsure of they where supposed to help comfort him or ignore him.
Brax yelped a little as he wrapped his arms around him,looking startled to suddenly find himself with a armful of harry. Nuzzling him a little,"Shh love, I would never do that. I was reckless,but I knew I'd come back."he muttered holding him,trying to calm him as he stroked the toher's back. Though he hadnt known for sure, he wanted to make the boy feel better."Come on love, lets take some food and go to the living room.Lay down,and talk to everyone."he said wanting to still be with everyone but wanting something more comfortable then the chair he was sitting in.
Harry sniffled a little as he nuzzled the other. "your SO getting punished." he whispered softly, kissing Brax eagerly before smiling, Voldemort chuckling as he shook his head. "knowing you Potter, that's going to involve..." "Stop! just STOP!" Tom interrupted Voldemort scowling at him. "god! i grew up to be a PERVERT!" he complained Voldemort laughing, Lucius snickering a little as Draco smirked. "yeah, but that's part of why i like him so much." he stated simply. "that and he lets me do whatever i want." "Draco you do whatever you want anyway." tom pointed out, draco smirking. "this is true." he admitted hovering all of the breakfast plates into the sitting room, Harry carrying brax and gently setting him on the most comfortable couch.
Brax snickered a little as Scott handed him a plate,"Hmmm but I like perverts."He pointed out to his best friend, both of them. Scott rolled his eyes looking amused as he sat down on a chair and pulled Tom into his lap, starting to eat."You get your way with everyone draco.Maybe now that brax's back, you'll hear no every once in awhile."He teased snickering. Brax grinned starting to eat, not at all disturbed at the idea of punishment, so used to his father's/
Harry chuckled a little as he snuggled Brax, just so glad to have the other back, safe and sound. "yes, punished quite severely." he purred smirking wickedly. "i'm going to tie you up, coat you in whipped cream and chocolate and lick every square inch of you clean until your BEGGING for more. and then, i'm going to give my naughty boy a firm spanking before i finally give him the big fat dick he deserves." Harry teased, his voice low enough that only Brax could hear him, but both Draco and Tom scowled at Harry, seeing Brax's blush. "potter! don't be a perv!" "but... it's been three months since i got to touch him, let alone screw with his libido, i NEED this." "yes but wait until he's recovered first, screwing him now will not be as pleasurable for him, just even more extinguishing." Harry sighed a little and nodded. "well, i do want Brax to enjoy it..."
Brax blushed harder, burying his face against Harry's shoulder. "Yes, I do want to enjoy it.So let me eat instead of teasing me."He yawned eating. Scott grinned, knowing that the man was fine, just tired. "Well, things have gone back to normal."He teased hugging his boy, looking so happy that the world was once again right.

The end?
Voldemort chuckled a little. "not so normal." he admitted. "after all, it's not every day that Professor Dumbledore himself invites a madman to teach at Hogwarts." something that Voldemort was utterly tickled about, to teach at Hogwarts had been his lifes dream until he'd gone insane, now he could.

"yeah, and i'm fixing to become the youngest ever Auror in history." Draco stated with a smug little grin, Harry chuckling. "and i'm going to be the youngest professional quidditch Seeker." harry admitted looking amused." "we have two Toms..." "...don't call me that." Voldemort ordered, still touchy about his real name for reasons he didn't divulge. "Dumbledore just gave the title of headmaster to Snape." "i'm about to replace scrimgeor." Lucius commented calmly, Harry snickering as he smiled at brax. "so... definitely not back to normal." he teased before kissing Brax intently. "love you."

the end^^
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