The Pull Of Time

Tom beamed happily and jumped up and down happily, clapping his hands as Harry chuckled a little and smirked. "there's a wild herd back at my place." he admitted grinning. "Meet you there!" he vanished with a pop, heading to the three houses that where slowly being built. they had improved drastically, which meant Harry had been working on them in his spare time, they had walls now, though no roofs yet. he chuckled as Tom brought Scott, Brax no doubt appearing on his own, Harry chuckling a little as he headed towards meadow that was behind the houses. the wild grasslands. "they run through here sometimes." he explained indicating the massive grassy field. "we just have to wait for them, or go looking for them."
Brax grinned, wrapping a arm around harry's, heading for the owoods."We'll go look. You two stay here.Whoever finds them first, shoot sparks."He said grinning as he took off in a jog to go find he pegasus. He so wanted to ride.

Scott smiled as he settled down on the ground in the wild grass, smiling as he prepared to wait for the horses to appear."Brax's is getting more... wild. Or is it he just is finally settling down here?"He said looking concerned for them as he tugged the boy down into his lap, kissing him."How about you?How are you feeling"
Harry laughed as he followed Brax, feeling excited as he raced to find the Pegasi he knew was there, wondering if he could tame one or two of them so that they could ride them when they where finally living there. "this is going to be amazing." harry stated beaming at Brax.

Tom chuckled a little and nodded. "Brax is settling into who HE really is, instead of who Lucien wants him to be." Tom admitted smiling a little. "he's happy and safe here, this is who he really is, he gets like this at school too." he admitted leaning into Brax, biting his lip. "i'm... feeling on edge." he admitted softly. "i want to relax but when i try i think about the people inside me... possessing me and i get scared and then i can't relax." he admitted shaking his head. "the only time i feel safe is when i'm in your arms, like this." he admitted smiling at Scott and kissing him gently before nudging him, watching the wild herd of Pegasi walk out into the meadow to graze. "their so beautiful!" he breathed lifting his wand and shooting sparks into the sky, grinning happily before freezing as he spotted something else. something that he knew. Voldemort, the man was following the horses, the beasts not even bothered by him as they grazed. he walked right up to th largest male and patted it on the neck, showing just how often he was there... Harry was building his houses where Voldemort often came... not... good. "don't move." he whispered. "he might not notice us...." his voice was laced with terror.
Scott nodded staying where he was, even if it wasn't likely considering they'd just shot sparks to tell the others to come back. But harry and brax were coming from that direction, and hopefully the man would see them first. He trusted them to help him keep voldemort away from tom. Looking slightly amused if worried about the fact that harry potter, had built a house where voldemort often came. Brax meanwhile looked startled as he stepped to the edge of the woods, reaching behind him and shoving harry back into the woods at the same time he stepped out, looking amazed as he studied the dark lord."A midnight walk, oh mighty one?"He teased lightly, relaxing. He could do well, he could play himself relaxed, even if he was worried.He couldn't see them,but he knew tom and scott were sitting in the tall grass somewhere. They just had to keep voldemort distracted so he wouldn't notice them.
Harry grunted as he was shoved back into the woods just as Tom turned to face Abraxas. "Brax?" Voldemort sounded hesitant, unsure, hovering between sanity and insanity. "yes. just a walk... i come here to remember." he admitted his voice wavering, Draco wincing. if Brax wasn't Careful he was going to end up having his head smashed in again. "you know.. you broke your leg on this fellow." Voldy admitted, stroking the largest one's neck. "he was just as big back then... Brianna screamed at you for hours." his expression darkened. ".. you where never the same after Brianna... had no time for me anymore..." Harry was still in the bushes, too terrified to move, knowing if he did he was probobly going to get Brax hurt. Tom was shaking in Scott's arms at coming face to face with the man he was supposed to become, realizing in an instant just how insane Voldemort was.
Brax winced at that, spreading his hands wide as he looked at the stallion, moving closer, stepping up to voldemort's side, letting the stallion snuffle at his shirt, smiling slightly. It was a weird twist, to see the old and new, like two sides of a macbre coin standing there together. "He's a pretty boy, aren't you?"He muttered stroking the horses head before looking at voldemort, swllowing hard."What can I say of the man I became?I loved my wife, and my son. You of all people should understand how deeply I needed the normal things."He said before sighing,"I am sorry, for whatever pain my actions had caused though."
Voldemort relaxed as Brax called the horse pretty. "you used to call him Fireheart." he admitted. "because some days he was nice and some days he'd kick you just because he wanted to." he admitted. "you also called him 'bastard glue farm'..." he admitted with a low chuckle before sighing a little. "i was jealous." he admitted his eyes sad. "... i had no one after you left." he admitted. "but i didn't want to hurt you either." he admitted. "you had a loving family, and i didn't... i still don't... it just, seams so unfair." he admitted. "you deserved it... and i didn't." he admitted pausing as he heard a noise, turning to it. Tom had sneezed, and struggled to hide the noise, but failed and now red eyes where fixed on green, recognition flashing through those red eyes before they where filled with complete insanity, Tom leaping to his feat as Voldemort roared, leaping towards Tom, Tom, desperate to save Scott, slammed into Voldemort, twin stets of hands wrapping around necks, trying to choke each other, snarling and raging in fury, doing what should not have been possible and touching each other without one of them vanishing.
even as Scott snarled moving to pull the two apart and Harry ran from the woods to help, the two men struggling to stop the two fighting. Only brax froze where he was, brilliant man that he was stopped long enough to consider what he was seeing. Shaking himself hard he shoved the fact to the back of his mind as he ran to join the fight, wrapping his arms around voldemort and tugging hard even as the man still tried to get to Tom."Voldemort!stop this! Now!"he snarled struggling to hold the older man as he looked at the two fighting."please!for all that you love me, he is family!And so are you. allow me to keep him!"brax growled as Scott managed to free Tom for a moment before voldemort grabbed him again.
Voldemort and Tom both struggled against the people who held them back, Tom terrified that Voldemort was going to hurt someone, Voldemort simply because he wanted all of his past destroyed. Harry and Brax both holding him bac was barley enough to keep him held back, but he paused, eyes alight with madness as he turned to look at Brax, hesitating because he didn't want to give in. but he did love Brax... and Draco, in the only way he could... so he released Tom, hissing furiously, Tom sobbing wildly as he clung to Tom, his neck red and claw marks down his arms but unharmed other than a terror, Voldemort snarling darkly, Harry panting hard as he hesitantly released Voldemort, rubbing the scar on his forehead. "potterrr..." Voldemort snarled, his eyes flashing with rage as he advanced on Harry, looking confused when Harry didn't attack him. "for Draco's sake Voldemort, let us not fight." Harry ordered calmly, Voldemort hesitating, looking confused and wild, like the stallions who where snorting and pawing at the ground a few feet away, wanting to fight, wanting to flee, but unable to do either and locked in place with his indecision.
Scott swallowed hard as he kissed toms head holding him tightly as he apparated back to the manor. Needing to get his boy away from the dark lord."shh you're fine,shh you refine love."she muttered tucking them both in bed, rocking the boy gently as he muttered healing charms to fix the cuts.

Brax swallowed hard as he shifted to stand partway in front of Harry,studying his once friend who he hoped to still save,"Voldemort, I love him.Like people tell me I loved Bri. I won't forgive you if you harm him."he said hoping the man would love him enough to not harm him."Can we just declare peace and go back to petting the animals? Harry will leave, and I want to try to ride fire heart. You should be here for that.I might break a leg or something, and need help." he said grinning a little, reckless and brave hoping to distract the man.
Tom sobbed as he clung to Scott, feeling safe now that he was hidden away in the Manor with only Scott around. he slowly started to calm down, snuggling into Scott with small hiccups. "i.." hic. "thought i.." hic. "was going to..." hic. "die!" Tom admitted nuzzling the others chest, taking deep breaths of Scott's cologne and natural smells to calm himself down.

Voldemort snarled as he found Brax in the way of his enemy, his eyes blazing with Fury as he advanced on the two before he paused, looking over at Fireheart who snorted a little, as if challenging Brax. despite Voldemort's madness he did still love Brax very much, so he sighed a little and turned away from them, vanishing with a loud POP, harry shuddering violently as he grabbed Brax and simply held him. "fuck... fuck i thought he was going to attack you oh god..." Harry whispered panting hard from his fright, holding Brax tightly. "thank god Voldemort hasn't forgotten everything..."
"I wouldn't let you die,riddle."Scott teased holding the other tightly, stroking his hair."Never. Brax would never let him kill you."

Brax let out a relieved sigh, nodding as he slouched a little, laughing quietly as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder."So he hasn't.But lets go home. That was enough excitement for one evening without climbing on this pretty boy."Brax smiled a little as fireheart bumped his shoulder with his nose. Not so much not wanting to have more excitement, but more because he had every intention of hiding in the library to find something.
Tom sniffled and then giggled a little as he snuggled into the other. "i know he wouldn't have... i know you wouldn't let him kill me... i was... scared anyway, that he would hurt you too." he admitted snuggling into him. "i love you Scott..."

Harry nodded a little looking rather tired as he smiled at the horse, gently setting his hand on the horses nose. "yes, let's go home." he agreed apparating them both right back into the castle, shaking his head. "i need a shower, i think i soiled myself when Voldemort appeared." he admitted, clearly joking, but serious about the shower as he headed off to get cleaned up after being shoved into the dirt.
"Love you to."Scott muttered nuzzling the other and wrapped him in a tight hug. Refusing to let him go as he stroked the other's hair, letting him relax enough to fall asleep."Shh we're both fine.I promise."He mtutered reassuring the man as he started to sleep.

Brax grinned, that was perfect. Heading to his study to work. Which, was where his son found him the next morning. Lucius being the one person who probably was used to Brax's OCD moments of studying, the only time the young lucius hadn't been able to have his father all to himself was when Brax was working on another project, and seeing tom and voldemort in the same space, was the newest one.
Tom sighed softly as he relaxed into the hair stroking and the hug, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, mumbling softly as he went to sleep. waking in the morning and rolling onto Scott. "want bre'fast." he ordered sleepily, his stomach growling loudly. "scoooot...want breakfast." he whined again, hoping if he whined enough, the other would get up and go get it so Tom didn't have to get up himself.

Lucius chuckled a little as he watched Brax working, shaking his head. "Harry said you hadn't gone to bed." he admitted setting a large cup of coffee next to Brax, setting a tray of breakfast in front of Brax. "he was going to come and help you, but he knew better." he admitted with a small chuckle. "brings me back, seeing you at your desk." he admitted grinning. "i used to bring you breakfast when you got obsessive, you used to laugh and pull me into your lap, and tell me you where sorry you where ignoring me." he admitted with a small chuckle as he handed Brax Brianna's journal. "here.. it has parts of your past." he admitted calmly. "be warned... some of the things in here are very dark." he admitted. "but... you gave her back her life, so i think you should read it."
Scott whined quietly as he rolled on his stomach, whining annoyed at being disturbed."Okay...okay I'm getting up..."He growled stretching raising his head enough to look at the other, stealing a kiss as he scampered out of bed to get him food before coming back with a tray full."You are so lazy."He teased sitting down with him again.

Brax looked confused at the journal for a moment, so tangled up in his current project that he'd forgotten his own curiousity about the past. "Oh.Thanks."He said sipping the coffee before smirking a little,"If you want me to, I could still pull you in my lap, and apologize."He teased before leaning back, waving a hand to close the door and putting up a silencing charm.Beause he wanted a opinion but he knew harry would be able to know he was lying about something if he asked him. If he told Lucius he knew his sn would leave whatever he didn't say alone."Did harry tell you what happened last night?"He asked waiting for the man to nod."What no one else thought about, what you probably haven't yet....they were together. For awhile.Which should have not be possible. Voldemort's dissociated himself to the point that time itself doesn't even recognize the two as the same person."
Tom smirked as the other left to get food and lounged on the bed until he got back, yawning as he finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "be glad your not Brax." he teased smirking a little. "i usually send him back out for something sweet too." he admitted snuggling into Scott happily. "i love you."

Lucius snickered a little and shook his head. "thank you but no." he teased back. "Harry said Voldemort was there and that he and tom tried to kill each other." he admitted calmly before pausing to listen to Abraxas. "... is that even possible?" he asked, his eyes wide before he pondered. "well.. technically Voldemort did die." he admitted calmly. "and then came back with Harry's blood, among other things, that would probobly be enough to make him, well, not tom, right?" he asked calmly wondering about it. something he had gotten from his father, Lucius was Analytical, calm no matter what. even when Draco had come back with both arms broken and gushing blood out of a belly wound he hadn't panicked. "so, this means we might be able to save them both?" he finally asked. Lucius was smart yes, but Brax was always smarter.
Scott laughed softly as he kissed the other, starting to eat."We could always send Brax out for something.He's holed up in his library and pissing off his boyfriend."He said amused having seen harry and discovered brax locked in his study.

"I think that's what it was.Tom as tom died, he came back as Voldemort only."He said rubbing a hand over his fae,"We can save them both. The spirits possessing them both, are just ghosts that haven't been told to get the fuck out.I just have to exocist them."He said not about to add the rest. That to exocise the spirits would mean taking them to himself as they sought a new vessel when they discovered their chosen one was no longer inhabitable. He was smart enough to know better than to tell Lucius.Even if he knew lucius would let him make his own decision than to try and stop him."I'm going tonight, under the full moon. Magic is always stronger at the full moon."
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head. "oh Brax get's obsessive like that." he admitted shaking his head. "Harry will have to get used to it, you can't break Brax of that habit." he admitted nibbling on his food. "Harry doesn't seem the sort to get pissed off just from a little bit of being ignored though."

Lucius nodded a little looking curious as he studied Brax. "your keeping secretes from me." he stated simply. "but i'll let you keep them." he decided shaking his head a little. "you should take Harry with you, or Draco, as a moderator so that Voldemort doesn't try to kill you." he admitted. "or worse, the ghosts that are possessing him." he admitted. "they're going to be pretty pissed off at you when you force them out of Voldemort and Tom's body..." he pondered then. "your going to need them both, side by side if your going to exorcise the ghosts."
Scott snickered a little."Okay maybe not pissed off, more amused than anything that he was getting ignored for books.And not getting told what Brax was doing."He said looking curious because he had no idea what had grabbed the malfoy's attention.

"I know.I'll take Tom with me, and Draco because draco will be able to make sure Voldemort doesn't hurt us before I get a chance to explain."He said not willing to go into what he suspected would happen when he finished the spell.He knew if anyone else had a idea what he was going to be, he'd be stopped.But lucius would let him risk everything to finish this.
Tom giggled a little and nodded. "Brax probobly just thought of something while me and Voldemort where fighting." he admitted. "he does that sometimes, he probobly found a way to deal with me getting possessed all the time... Harry says that my blackouts won't stop, but they won't get any worse than they already are so long as we find a way to deal with the people possessing me." he admitted munching on his breakfast.

Lucius nodded, looking suspicious. "i'm surprised your not taking Harry with you, as dangerous as all of this is." he admitted studying the other. "your going to have a hard time keeping Scott and Harry from following you, you'll have to think of some excuse." he admitted winking at Brax. not only letting Brax risk it, but helping him. because Lucius understood what it was like to know you could do something, and thn not do it, he had been doing it for years with Draco, knowing he could tell Draco to stop going to Voldemort, but unable to because of how much his son loved Voldemort.
Scott looked startled before realizing something that hadn't occurred to him before. That the two had indeed really been fighting."We'll figure something out.You know Brax is seriously OCD about those things, he'll find something if its there to be found."

Brax smirked a little before nodding."I'll tell them me and tom need a break and are going for a walk or something."He said frwning a little as he tried to think, knowing he was going to have a heck of a time to convince their lovers not to tail after them as soon as he draco and tom left.
he smiled a little and nodded a little. "Brax always does." he admitted with a small yawn as he snuggled into the other and started to drift back to sleep, still sleepy, laying his head on Scott's chest as he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Lucius nodded. "tell them you need to have a private discussion with Tom." he stated simply. "that your upset about something, they won't question that." he admitted hesitating a little as he looked over at the other. "... and please... be careful..."
Scott smiled snuggling into him and going back to sleep.

Brax nodded, smiling a little."I always am.You know that."he said laughing a little.

Hours later Brax smiled as he emerged from the study,going in search of Draco first, needing the blond to be ready to go before he went in search of Tom.Slipping a arm through his grandson's he yanked him into the library and shut the door."I need you to meet me at the garden outside."He said not about to tell the blond what he wanted, not in here where someone could hear what he wanted and try to stop him.He'd tell tom before they left,but draco he knew would try and stop him.
Draco blinked as he was suddenly dragged off before nodding. "Father told me." he promised smiling at Brax. "anything i can do to help i will." he promised before heading for the Garden. Tom was still napping in the bedroom, but he woke when Brax walked in, yawning as he rubbed his eyes before smiling at Brax. "morning.." actually it was evening, but tom was well known for having a crazy sleeping scheduled so it was no surprise that Tom was confused about what time of day it was.
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