The Pull Of Time

Tom whined as the other stopped sucking, his hips jerking in the air as he panted, sulking ay his lover once he calmed down, squirming at the strange sensation of Lube filling him. “love you too.” he purred happily, kissing the other intently before moaning and arching as he felt the fingers slide into him, clamping tightly around him. “o...oooh my god...”

Harry chuckled a little as Lucius nodded. “you wore it constantly.” he admitted. “even when I was a child you always had that thing in.” he admitted. “fortunately, the day you died you took it out and put it in the safe so no one else could use it.” he admitted. “with the ability to speak parseltongue, you gain the ability to use Parselmagic.” he admitted. “you thought it was too dangerous to be used but I think your capable of not misusing the rings.” he admitted, Harry chuckled. “alright, stick out your tongue.” Harry ordered, taking the tongue piercing and muttering a spell that punched a hole in Brax's tongue before he threaded the ring through. It hurt a bit, but Harry healed it almost instantly. “need me to do your ear?” “oh look, my therapy records.” Lucius chirped smiling a little. “you insisted on making me see one after I saw Voldemort try to kill you when I was three.” he admitted. “and again when I was five... and seven... and ten... damn... he tried to kill you a lot..”
Scott smiled a little shivering a little as the other's body clamped against his fingers, nuzzling him a little ,curling his fingers to press against his prostate."Hmm there's your prostate..."He muttered grinning at the other's reaction.Having every intention of driving him insane.

Brax grinned a little as he fiddled with the bar in his tongue, catching it between his teeth, the habit he'd gotten as he was older easily taking place now. Looking amused as he thought about the parselmagic, wondering if that was part of why Voldemort had tried to kill him. If they practiced alot of the same magic, he wasn't just a rival, but a serious threat. Wincing a little at the idea of voldemort trying to kill him, reaching out and stealing the folder from Lucius so he could read about the incidents,"Glad to know he hasn't changed. He still tried to bash my head in this time."He mused.
he moaned happily as he felt the others fingers in his ass, squealing loudly as he arched shuddering violently as he felt himself cum at the touch to his prostate, blushing furiously. “o..oh I... I made a mess I'm... I'm sorry.” he muttered looking utterly horrified. “that... that felt really good... it again?” hoping that his premature ejaculation hadn't turned his lover off.

Harry grimaced a little as Lucius nodded. “now we never, ever discuss this when Tom might over hear. He's already terrified that he's turning evil, he doesn't need the knowledge that he's the cause of his best friends death.” Lucius admitted glancing at Abraxas. “he didn't do it on purpose... by the time you finally found out what was wrong with him he was so mad that, well, he didn't know who you where. After he died and was brought back to life he recovered a little, but he started sliding back into full madness pretty quickly.” he admitted smiling a little sadly. “hopefully you had time to tell us what was wrong with him.
Scott laughed quietly at the look on his face, kissing him again as he pressed his fingers into his prostate."Of course I'll do it again."He teased before pulling his fingers out shifting to press his cock against the other, kissing him hard again before sliding into him slowly.

Abraxas nodded absently as he read, not even conscious of the fact that he was clicking the tongue ring against his teeth as he thought."No, he doesn't need to know."He sighed reading,before handing the at least four inch folder that was tom's, handing half to harry and lucius."Time to read.Hopefully I was kind and wrote it down."
Tom smiled a little before moaning loudly as his prostate was teased again shuddering happily. “oh Merlin yesss.' he moaned softly licking his lips whining as the fingers pulled away, and the cock slipped in, a small grunt of pain falling from his lips before moaning, enjoying the slight stinging pain mixing with the heavy pleasure. “oooh yeessss.”

Harry chuckled as he started reading through the records. “well we can be assured that the black outs are normal. It's a rare, but non fatal disorder that arose from a premature multiple personality disorder.” he admitted. “only with the lack of another personality Tom just continues to act like himself... it says here that he never developed another personality until the traumatic slaughter of hi family by his own hands.” he admitted grimacing a little. “yeah, I can see why that would be traumatic.” Lucius shook his head. “but it says in these that later the discovery of the multiple personalities was... not multiple personality syndrome, that he was being... oh my MERLIN Tom's being possessed!” Lucius hissed in astonishment, eyes wide. “that why sometimes he blacks out and everything is fine, and other time's he blacks out and he goes all crazy!”
Scott smiled a little kissing him softly, "Hmm yes.You okay?"He muttered nuzzling him, hands running over the other's body as he thought about what he was going to do to the boy, taking his time thrusting into him slowly.

Abraxas looked startled, mouth falling open a little at that."Oh!That's why he's still normal now. Because the other posession hasn't really taken hold yet. It's only sometimes that it actually holds."He said trying to figure out exactly what was going on."Now if we could figure out who would want a scapegoat, we'd be okay."He said because that was the only reason he could see to possess someone like that. Was to let him take the blame for someone else's actions
he moaned and arched into the other. “yesss... fine, oooh it feels so good.” he moaned his eyes fluttering a little, smiling at the other before kissing him hard. “i love you... Merlin I love you.” he whispered, moaning as the other thrust, slowly, gently, pressing all the right spots.

Harry's lips thinned suddenly. “... it's two people.” he realized suddenly. “one wants to kill everything mudblood and non magic and the other just wants to kill everything... and I can think of only two people who died right around the time that Tom started having his episodes.” “... the Gaunts?... really? Tom's... Toms uncle and grandfather?” he asked, astonished. “right... we have no way of knowing exactly what happened... everyone always told me that Tom killed his muggle father and grandparents, but what if he didn't?” he asked softly, looking around at them all. “what if he blacked out, and his gaunt relatives took the opportunity? Or rather Morfo took the opportunity, as Marvolos was already in prison at that time.”
Scott smiled a little as he kissed the other slowly, thrusting into him, taking his time making love to his boy, sighing softly. "Love you to."He muttered shivering as he came,holding the boy close.

Brax started at that, swallowing hard."We had planned, after our trip around the world, to visit his family."He said looking pale before rubbing a hand over his face."They're dead now. I can't go back and stop them gaunts from changing him.And it's still affecting him,even in the present."He said lookng sick because he had no idea what to do."We had to have stopped at little wingtington. "Tom wanted to know his muggle family, wanted to know that they would want to know him, or at least treat him better than the orphanage."
Tom moaned eagerly as he was slowly fucked, kissing Scott happily. “i love you so much.” he whispered softly before jumping as he felt the seed slip deep into him, moaning softly as he came again, spilling across Scott's belly before giggling a little as he snuggled into the other. “mmm so tired.” he mumbled softly.

He nodded a little. “according to records we have, he visited his family at the age of twenty, or twenty one, just before the blackouts started to get serious. You spent three or four years traveling and learning, after you returned you both built a shop. Tom tried to go and get a teaching job and was very angry when Dumbledore told him he was too young to teach.” Harry admitted. “it's no secrete however that Tom Riddle Sr. wanted absolutely nothing to do with Merope and her family once he was freed from the love potion.” that was news to Brax, and Tom too no doubt. “it could be that he found them all dead, or was attacked somehow, or even suffered a blackout and Morfo really did do the killing. There's no way to tell what happened unless someone knows a way to look at the past?”
Scott smiled a little as he pulled out of te other, nuzzling him."Hmm love you.Sleep."He muttered slumping down beside him and falling asleep.

Brax whipped around so fast to look at harry that he nearly fell out of his seat."He what?What?Love potion?What the hell are you talking about?"He asked looking surprised and unsure he'd heard the other right. Surely the things the orphanage had told him about his parents unable to take care of him, and had given him up out of love, were true right? No. But the nuns had been to heartbroken at the sight of a young tom asking to tell him the truth of his father's abandonment.
Harry hesitated a little and then. “... the things the nuns told Tom where untrue.” he explained softly. “they... his mother was in labor, she had nowhere else to go and she ended up there...” he explained. “Tom was born... but Tom Sr... well... Merope held him under a love potion... we don't know why she stopped giving it to him but we assume she thought he would stay with her when he saw her pregnant with his child.” Harry admitted. “Tom Sr. abandoned her and her child and.. never thought twice about it... we all assumed that Tom Sr. refusal to accept tom as his son is what drove tom into madness.” he admitted. “... but I have a feeling that we're very wrong about this...”
Brax clicked the tongue ring against the back of his teeth looking thoughtful and upset that the other had told him the truth, and disliking the idea of telling tom."we'll...bloody hell."he said stopping, closing his eyes for minute that he couldn't even think about what it meant to tom that his mother had lied, even if she was already dead.The boy was going to be devastated.
Harry chuckled a little as he watched Brax play with the tongue ring. “i can see why Tom tried to rip your tongue out when you where both thirty.” he teased playfully, kissing his lover gently before sighing as he looked at the files. “... do we tell Tom what's going on, or try to stop the possessions without him finding out?” he asked suddenly, Lucius hesitating. “... we have to tell him... it's his mind.. his life, we can't keep this from him. If he finds out we lied to him he'll be pissed off.” Tom rarely got pissed off, but being lied to was one of those things that would lead to him not talking to you for weeks and leaving poisonous snakes in your bed and spiders in your dinner.
"Not only that, scott'll try to gut us if we don't tell them."He said before looking startled at being yelled at for playing with the tongue ring, looking amused."Oh.I hadn't even realized..."he trailed off blushing ever so slightly before looking at lucius and harry."YEa, he'll totally lose it if we don't tell him."he said sighing as he stood, running his fingers through his hair.
Harry had to laugh at his lovers comment on playing with the tongue ring and he gently bit the others lip. “i was thinking of getting a dick ring.” he admitted smirking at Brax as Lucius coughed, blushing hard. “that is entirely off topic mister potter.” he grumbled sternly Harry snickering a little before looking amused. “i love how your more scared of Scott than you are Tom.” he teased Brax looking amused before shaking his head. “not that I can blame you.” he admitted with a small chuckle before sobering as he realized something. “... so who's going to tell him and Scott what's going on?”
Brax sighed, rubbing a hand over his face."Of course I'm scared of scott. Tom's still tom, he'd be more worried about hurting me then beating my head in."He smirked a little laughing before he stood."I'll tell him,but come with me."He said still a little nervous though about the idea of going. He trusted his friend not to hurt him,but after having a brush in with voldemort, not that he'd ever tell tom, but being with tom made him nervous
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “this is true, not that Scott is really all that violent, but he wouldn't hesitate to scream your ears off.” he admitted following his lover to the bedroom, Tom sitting upright the instant someone knocked on the door, looking panicked before he realized he was home, safe in Scott's arms, sighing a little as he shook Scott's shoulder. “someone's at the door.” he whined. “make them go away.” Tom was so whiny when he was tired, it was kind of cute. “we have information on Tom's blackouts.” Tom paused and then sighed. “fine, come in.”
Scott sighed rolling away, pulling the blanket over his head. Refusing to wake up as he snuggled down into the bed. Brax snickered a little t the sight before walking in,sitting on the bed looking at Tom."We figured out what was causing them.And...I think I need to go see voldemort again."He said because he might be the only person that voldemort would tell what happened that summer, if he even remembered anymore.
Tom giggled at Tom's reluctance to get up and started nibbling on his neck before blinking at Brax and Harry. “you know why I'm having black outs?” “well, partially.” Harry admitted. “it's a neurological condition created from the stress of your childhood and life... it's a borderline personality disorder, but with the lack of other personalities you just blank out and continue like nothing has happened...” he hesitated then. “unfortunately... we have.. reason to believe you might also be being possessed...” he admitted softly, Tom's eyes widening in horror. “p..possessed!?” he asked, frightened. “i..i don't understand..”
Scott whined at being woken up, wrapping his arms around the other, looking concerned."What?What's going on?"He grumbled annoyed. Brax winced a little kissing Tom's head wrapping a arm around Tom to."Remember how we planned on going to your family's home?We think your grandfather possessed you."he said looking at Lucius again."But the only person who'll know for sure if Voldemort. I need to get back there. He might talk to me."
Tom looked frightened as he snuggled into Brax, seeking the comfort that Scott was too sleepy to offer, distressed noises falling from his lips as Lucius sighed. “we'll have to wait for Draco to come back...” Lucius promised Brax, no one tried to stop him this time, they knew better, not when it was tom's sanity on the line. “i would be killed the second I stepped foot in the halls of Riddle Manor.” he admitted, Tom simply closing his eyes, shuddering violent before opening them again, the stress knocking him straight into a blackout, no possession this time thankfully. “i am afraid.” Tom whispered softly. “it will be alright Tom.” Harry promised softly. “other people have been possessed. My adoptive little sister was possessed.” by a false Tom, the one that had unleashed the serpent of Hogwarts, and the one that had killed Myrtle to make a diary, a Horcrux. “it's not dangerous, just... unpleasant.” for the most part anyway.
Scott rolled his eyes waking up more, but not correcting, or at least not telling tom what his alter ego had done. Swallowing as he shifted her wrapped his arms around tom, growling absently at Brax for holding him."Come here love."Scott muttered looking so worried. Brax sighed softly letting the man go before looking at Lucius, tilting his head. draco in love with voldemort?that was almost disturbing. Smiling a little as he ran his fingers through tom's hair, kissing his forehead."Lovely, I'm sure that you'll be fine. I promise I'll do everything I can"
Tom abandoned Brax and snuggled into Scott, Harry chuckling as he wrapped his arms around Brax gently, kissing his neck. “i'm scared.” Tom whispered softly. “i don't want to do bad things and kill people.” he whispered, frightened out of his poor little head, Lucius handing Scott a calming potion for poor Tom, who was working himself into a severe anxiety attack. Lucius tilted his head a little and nodded. “Draco's back.” he stated calmly. “Brax? Please come with me?” he asked softly. Draco was going to need a bit of patching up, he always did after he came back from being with Voldemort. Because Brax had stumbled upon Draco's shame... he was in love with Voldemort.

Draco had apparated directly to his room and was bare ass naked when Brax and Lucius got there, laying on his belly, his back a mess of scratch marks. The only actual damage he ever had was the scratches that bled sluggishly and stung like a bitch. “... Draco.” Lucius complained with a sigh, Draco shrugging a slender shoulder, his eyes closed, unaware that Brax was with them.
Scott smiled softly nuzzling the other as he helped tom sip his potion before pressing a kiss to the other's head."Hm tom, no reason to be frightened.I'm going to protect you. I wont let you become Voldemort. You are not him."He muttered running his fingers through the other's hair, strugling to stay calm because he needed tom to be calm.

Brax was quiet before sighing."...I don't know what's more disturbing, that you love him, or that you love someone my age."Brax said teasing his grandson after a shocked moment, clicking the tongue ring against the back of his teeth as he thought, like before not even realizing he'd once again picked up the habit that he'd done a lifetime ago."It isn't actually the worst sex things I've seen. Though it's disturbing its on my grandson..."
Tom sniffled a little and snuggled into the other, sighing softly as he looked up at the other. "i.. i'm sorry.." he muttered softly, tucking his head against the others chest. "i... i think... i have done bad things Scott." he admitted softly. "i... i think i've killed people..." he admitted swallowing hard. "i... i never remember, after... but i... i think i have done very bad things..."

Draco flinched as he heard Brax and offered him a small smile. "he's very loving when he wants to be." Draco admitted softly. "i can't help it... he... he loves me, he just doesn't show it well..." he muttered softly. "don't tell Scott? i don't want him or Tom to think i like Tom." he admitted. "i mean, i like him... but more as a little brother... like we always say, Tom isn't Voldemort." Draco muttered softly, closing his eyes. "he's gentle with me." he admitted. "he just looses control at the end and starts clawing." he admitted calmly. "i..." he sighed a little. "why are you here anyway? just to mock me? because the Lestrange brothers do that enough.."
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