The Pull Of Time

"Oh!I know what fountains you're talking about!"Brax grinned happily, if a little insanely at the idea of blowing them up. Racing off to do just that. Scott raised a eyebrow looking amused at Draco's words before brax's reaction, tilting his head."He's just a little to excited about blowing them up..."He said sounding amused before looking at tom."Are we going to go help him?"He asked, knowing he was so about to get dragged into helping.
Harry laughed a little as Brax ran off, Lucius smirking a little. “his father put them in, of course he's excited to blow them up.” that made tom excited too as he grabbed Scott's hand and dragged him off after Brax, Harry chuckling a little as he started setting up the big fireworks for the show after it got really dark, wincing as the massive explosion that followed made his ears ring, Lucius smirking as a large chunk of stone landed next to him. “aaah, the mermaid statue.” it was a statue of a real mermaid, in all it's ugly ass glory. “thank god that's gone, don't forget the Minotaur statue boys! Or the Manticore! Narcissa HAS to let me get rid of them now!” he chirped happily, rubbing his hands together, Draco rolling his eyes. “or she'd going to beat you up for letting them blow it up.” “either way we're getting new fountains.” “this is true.”
Soon enough the sounds of Brax laughing happily, almost insanely as he blew up the fountains in their ugly glory were heard before he ran back around the corner of the house, grinning so widely his face sort of hurt. Looking so happy it was painful to know that it wasn't blowing something up that made him happy, it was the fact that he was blowing up something his father had liked."Oh that was fun."He grinned before laughing."Can I choose the new fountains?"Asked the teen looking at lucius because even though he'd redone most of the manor when he was older, the younger Abraxas wanted to have something to redecorate, to erase the pain that his father had inflicted every time that he had tried to redo something.
Lucius was laughing as well as he watched the the boys blowing up the disgusting fountains, very pleased that they where finally gone. “you can choose two.” he promised Brax grinning at him. “i already have two in mind, I've wanted them for YEARS.” he admitted rubbing his hands together happily. “and I have a room for you to destroy too, Narcissa won't let me destroy family history.” he complained. “your fathers old study is still in there, you never got around to it, you just closed the door and ignored it but I want to redo it into a private sitting room.” he admitted grinning a little. “i'll let you redecorate that as well.” he promised smiling at the other. “i bet your going to enjoy that.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, watching as Tom ran over, yelling that harry was going to set off the BIG fireworks, a sandwich in one hand and a melting chocolate ice cream cone in the other. He was so excited it was hard not to enjoy yourself with him. Even Draco was having a good time.
Brax grinned nodding happily at having the option and chance to destroy his father's study. He knew why he hadn't destroyed it, but still it was a good thought. "You're getting chocolate everywhere."He pointed out to his bes friend looking amused. Scott snickered grinning widely because it was so good to see tom and brax enjoying themselves, herding them into seats so they could watch the fireworks. tugging tom into his lap he kissed the other's head."You're so adorable."He teased
Tom giggled a little. “so? It's only grass.” he teased licking his melting ice cream cone. “Lady Malfoy said I had to eat real food too, so I grabbed a sandwich, but I don't want it.” Tom was clearly over the top hyper, but was still strangely in control of himself even if his pupils where dilated to the point that he looked like a druggie. He snuggled into Tom and grinned as the fireworks started going off, sulking up at Scott. “i am not! I am fierce and scary.” he complained, sulking at the thought of being cute or adorable about anything. It was just not true! “today is like... the best day of my Life.” Tom admitted beaming happily as he gently nuzzled Scott, Harry smiling as he pulled Brax into his lap, chuckling a little. “Tom is NEVER going to sleep tonight with all that sugar in his system.”
Scott laughed quietly kissing tom, running his fingers through his hair."You're fierce and scarily cute."He teased nuzzling the other before leaning back in his seat wrapping his arms around the other. Smirking a little amused because Tom was so not going to be sleeping tonight.

Brax laughed softly as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder, content and lazy. "Hmm well thats a good thing for Scott."He snickered a little nuzzling harry before smiling a little."I'm tired."He muttered just trying not to think about how they'd ruined his faher's things. having to keep reminding himself that his father was no longer alive, and that he was here and safe.
Tom snorted a little but looked pleased. “as long as I'm scary somewhere in there too.” he purred happily looking amazed at all the fireworks, beaming happily as they boomed and sparkled, clapping as some of them took shapes for Dragons and Phoenix and basilisk in the air.

Harry snorted a little. “not so much, Scott turns into a beast if he hasn't had more than eight hours of sleep.” he teased laughing a little as he gently kissed Brax's cheek. “you alright?” he asked softly, his head tilted. “you look like your worrying about something and trying to hide it from me.” he admitted looking amused as a massive fireworks Pegasus went off in the air, the house elves giggling as they set off the fireworks, greatly enjoying themselves.
Scott laughed, turning his head a little. More watching tom enjoy the fireworks then the actual fireworks. Brushing fingers through Tom's hair he smiled, tugging the boy close for a kiss."I love you."He muttered nuzzling him.

Brax snickered a little."I'm a beast to. I need my beauty sleep."He smiled before sighing resting his heek on the other's shoulder as he watched the fireworks for a few long moments."....I just destroyed my father's fountains."He said closing his eyes not about to tell him about how much he was worrying about it.
Tom grinned happily as he watched the fireworks, kissing his lover back. “i love you too.” he muttered, chocolate ice cream spread across both their lips now. “i got you all messy.” he teased chuckling a little as he kissed the other again, running his tongue along his lips, cleaning him. “there, all better.”

Harry nodded a little looking amused. “i'm an insomniac.” he admitted chuckling a little before looking down at his lover smiling a little. “your father isn't here Brax.” he promised gently stroking his cheek. “and even if he was, I would never, ever let him hurt you.” he promised smiling a little. “besides those things really where hideous.”
Scott laughed kissing him again just to make sure he was all clean up."Hmm all better.Though I might have to search and make sure you're all clean up."He teased holding him tightly. Nuzzling him a little because the man was just so adorable.

Brax laughed before he nodded, going quiet for a few minutes, resting his head on Harry's shoulder before sighing softly."... my mother promised that to.And he just hurt her to get to me."He said softly, painfully. Because while everyone knew Lucien had been abusive to his own son-after all what else could make a grown man so anally obessive about somet things= but his mother had never been physically abused, but mentally. Forced to watch her only son suffer so much he'd tried to commit suicide 4 times by 18.
Tom giggled a little and smirked as he was kissed again, smiling at him as he nuzzled back, running his lips along the others neck before playfully biting the flesh, as if trying to arouse his lover. “... I want you.” Tom muttered softly. “i want you to have my virginity...”

Harry smiled a little as he kissed Brax's forehead. “there is a difference between me and your mother.” he admitted softly, smiling at him. “i have others to help me protect you. Your mother was alone against your father, and I'm sure he abused her just as much as he did you.” he mused. “but I have no problems dealing with abusers. And I have Draco, and Lucius, and Tom and Scott, Fred and George, Molly and Arthur and I'm sure even Hermione and ron to help me protect you.” he promised smiling at Brax. “i will let no one harm you, not even my own friends and family.” he promised gently kissing Brax's ear. “i will never let you go, and I will never drop you. I will protect you, no matter the cost.” he promised kissing Brax's neck. “your my world, my sun and my stars, my very heart and soul...” he smiled at Brax. “i will never, ever abandon you. I promise.”
Scott pulled back looking sartled as he sudied the boy before shivering, the other's bite doing the job as he shifted a little."Are you sure?"He muttered nuzzling him a little."Lets go inside."He smiled softly.

Brax looked sartled, swallowing hard as he nodded snickering a little as he nuzzled the oher."...have you been reading shakespeare?"She teased poking the other in the side before hopping up the mask of calm firmly in place as he grinned."Come on. I want to go blow up lucien's office."He said enjoying the idea of destroying everything in the house.
Tom smiled and nodded. “yes, very sure.” he whispered softly grinning as he stood up and dragged Scott with him, ignoring Draco's look of amusement as he watched the two before glancing at Harry and Brax before he vanished silently, certain that no one would notice him missing. Tom grinned as he pulled Scott into the bedroom, kissing him gently again. “i want this to be the one day, that I will never, ever forget.” he whispered softly, smiling at Scott before kissing him again.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “yeah I have actually.” he admitted grinning at the other. “but I meant every word of it.” he chirped happily getting to his feet and following Brax into the house laughing a little as he smirked. “we'll blow up Lucius's office, and then hit your fathers hmm?” he offered happily not realizing they where one in the same. Lucius had loved his father so much, that he hadn't used Abraxas's study after he died, he had left it exactly the way brax had left it.
Scot smiled stroking te brunette's hair, sliding his fingers through the other's hair as he pulled him close for a kiss."Hmmm it will be something you never forget."He teased easing the other's shirt off his shoulder,holding him close. The boy was just so cute and endearing.

Brax snickered a little as they headed inside,"Where'd Draco go?"He asked looking amused as he headed inside before stopping in front of his father's door. Looking a little wide eyed as he looked in."Lucius.. lucius has been using this office.It was my fathter's..."He said sounding confused, not realizing that he'd made his son love him so much, that the man had just left his room the same and never touched it.
Tom smiled as he felt the others hands sliding through his hair, kissing the other eagerly. “i hope not.” he purred softly, smiling at the other. “i love you Scott.” he mumbled softly, pulling him down for a happy little kiss before breaking it so he could get his shirt off, his skin pale and smooth, unmarred and unbroken.

Harry smirked a little. “i have a feeling he's with Scott.” he admitted before looking surprised as he looked around the dark and gloomy office, dark paintings had been turned so their backs where showing, and it was clear he had tried to brighten it up by hanging curtains up. “... well.. where's the office you where going to use?” he asked. “maybe something happened to it and Lucius couldn't use it? Or maybe Draco's using or... or Narcissa...”
Scott smiled softly as he looked the other, running his fingers over unmarred skin, looking slightl amazed because he knew what the older tom looked like. Shifting he undressed himself before pulling him closer."Come here."He said settling the boy into his lap as he sat down on the bed.

"With scott?"Brax looked startled as he looked at his lover, looking amazed as he looked over the house before nodding."Lets go look."He said before heading for the room that he'd taken after his father died, having asked lucius what room he'd used. Pushing open the door he looked around the brightly lit, nicely painted room, that even though it was nicely done, there was a fine small layer of dust over everything."I don't think anyone's been using it..."He said sounding thoughtful. Because he hated his father, he couldn't understand that Lucius had loved his own enough to leave a room exactly the same as the last time abraxas had used it.
Tom grinned as he watched his loved underss and bounced over to him, settling happily into his lap. His back had a few scars, caning marks, but only three, possibly four. He kissed the other again gently running his hands down his lovers chest, looking amazed at the smooth flesh.

Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “where else would he be?” he asked Brax, looking amused before he looked shocked at the state of the office, heading over to the desk and looking at the paperwork, his eyes widening. “Brax... I think all of this is yours.” he admitted examining a piece of paperwork his head tilted. “wow.. you where a busy guy.” he admitted, jumping as someone cleared his throat behind them, Lucius. “please don't upset the desk.” he ordered, looking at the room with sad eyes. “this was my fathers... your, office.” he admitted to Brax. “when you died I.. couldn't bring myself to ruin anything, or move it at all...” he smiled a little. “i know it's silly but.. this is the last thing I really have of him... you...”
Scott sighed softly in pleasure, his chest was just so sensitive. Shuddering as he growled lightly as he felt the raised scars under his fingers, leaning forward to press a kiss to the other's lips."You absolutely sure?"He teased looking up at the boy sitting in his lap, tugging him down for a kiss, laying him back on the bed.

Brax looked startled then sad as he realized that he'd invaded his son's silent memorial of the man he'd become."Sorry...I was just wondering who was using this room, since you were using Lucien's office."He said sounding thoughtful, stepping back out of the room, careful not to cross more into the room despite harry standing inside. Despite knowing Lucius wasn't lucien and that he was probably as strong as his son at the moment, it rubbed him the wrong way to invade the space, because he knew what lucien would have done if he'd done so."Sorry...I was just going to blow up lucien's office."He said stepping back heading back down the hall. Not willing to stay in such a private place, even if he could see the touches of his own personality in the room, it was lucius' room now.
Tom smiled as he heard the sigh, and winced as he heard the growl, grinning as he kissed the other back before nodding. “i'm very sure.” he promised softly. “so very sure...” he mumbled softly, holding him tight. “just go slow ok?” he asked hopefully, smiling at the other, more seeking to reassure himself that it wasn't going to hurt, than he was concerned that Scott was going to be rough.

Lucius smiled a little as he gently set his hand on the others shoulder. “it's alright Brax...” he promised smiling at the boy. “please, touch and move anything you like. It's your stuff after all, it might help you. I never looked through it.” he admitted calmly realizing suddenly that there might be clues as to what was happening to tom in that Tiny dusty room. “and let me get a few things out of my office before you destroy it eh?” he asked smiling at Brax, looking the office over before heading up the stairs, Harry smiling. “Brax... I think Lucius is right... some of this stuff looks promising.”
Scott smiled down at the other, nuzzling his neck."Hm I will.Promise."He muttered shifting the boy around, rolling him on his stomach. Starting to give him a massage. Having every intention of making him completely relaxed and limp with pleasure."Now you're going to completely relax, and worship me because I'm amazing."The teacher teased pressing a kiss to tom's shoulder.

Bra looked startled, having not really considered it."after you do that, come back here."He called after his son before going into the dusty room, waiving his wand to clean up the dust before he sat down at his desk, absently looking through the papers."So, where should we start?"He asked looking around the room.
Tom smiled at the nuzzling, giggling a little as he settled onto his belly, looking a little confused before he moaned, relaxing into the massage with small moans and groans. “you are amazing.”he mumbled, quickly relaxing eagerly into the talented hands. “so amazing.” he was half drowsy from how good it felt, and he smiled a little. “if you keep that up I'm going to be too tired to enjoy the sex.”

Lucius lifted an eyebrow at Brax and then grinned at him. “it's good to have you bossing me around again, I missed it.” he admitted with a chuckle as Harry smiled a little. “well... we should start with the wall safe of course.” he admitted turning his attention to the painting of a roaring dragon and sliding it off the wall revealing the wall safe. “so... do you know the combination Brax?” he asked smiling at the other.
Scott laughed shifting the brunette to his back, kissing him lightly."Oh, you'll never be to tired to enjoy sex."He teased kissing his way down the man's chest, sliding his mouth over his cock, taking his time giving him a blow job.

Brax looked amused,"And how should I know?"He asked before starintg to think about it. Doing the ones he knew. His birthday. Lucius'.then he had one of those aha moments, because the teen malfoy knew what the older would have, and would have known no one would have thought of. Tom's birthday.Grinning as he clicked open. Looking at his lover,"Ah, since I opened it, you can look inside first."He said laughing
Tom chuckled a little and smiled as he flipped onto his back and squealed as his cock was enveloped in hot wet sucking pressure, arching into the mouth, tossing his head back and tangling his hands in the others hair, shuddering violently. “oooh fuuuck....” well that was a shocker, Tom didn't normally swear.

Harry chuckled a little and watched him grinning as the safe popped open. “i knew you could do it.” he chirped heading over and pulling out a massive folder, looking astonished. “... medical files?” he asked looking at Brax before flipping them open. “Lucius's... yours.... Tom's...” he muttered looking astonished. “Snape's...” he wondered why Snape's would be in there before deciding it didn't matter as Lucius walked in, looking astonished. “you got the safe open!” he stated, astonished. “you never told anyone the code, so we where never able to get in.” he admitted looking in but not touching anything, it was Brax's things now. He needed them more than Lucius did. “what did you find?” “Medical records... half created spell designs, potion idea's and theories, a protection charm necklace... an earring made out of a small Basilisk fang...” “oh! Father told me about that.” Lucius admitted. “it translates Parseltongue, and the tongue ring in there allows you to speak it.” he admitted smirking a little. “oh, yeah you pierced your tongue when you where twenty.” he teased Abraxas, Harry laughing. “sweet! That's sexy as hell lover.” he teased winking at Brax.
Scott laughed around the other's cock as he sucked him slowly, driving him to the brink of orgasm before he raised his head, crawling up to kiss him slowly as he slid a hand under him, muttering a lubing charm as he slowly pressed a finger into him."Love you."He muttered nuzzling tom as he prepared him.

Brax grinne at the idea of getting a piercing, raising a eyebrow as he looked at Lucius as he pounced on the earring and tongue ring."I'm so putting these in now."He grinned, knowing he was going to need it, because he had every intention of convincing the others to let him go see voldemort again. But or now, he was willing to look through things."Did I keep it in?"He grinned because he knew beyond getting parseltongue out of it, he'd done the riddiculous thing as a rebellion against a father who hated it. Holding up the medical things and the rest he handed some to Lucius before settling in his desk chair."Sit. We'll all look through them, and I'll see if I can convince harry to pierce my tongue."
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