The Pull Of Time

Brax blinked slowly, squinting in the bright light. Though it wasn't that bright in the room, the concussion made everything hurt his overly senstive eyes. Squeezing his eyes shut again he swallowed, his throat hurt so much."...he...doesn't remember..."He muttered his voice husky and broken, but it would heal."Think...knows...whats wrong..."He said struggling to think clearly to even put the vaguely formed idea together having had a thought while he'd been in the iddle of passing out, it wasn't even a memory of a thought,more like a feeling.
Harry smiled a little as he stroked Brax's forehead. “shh love, just rest.” he ordered softly. Gently slipping his magic in under Brax's to make him sleep. When Brax woke up next Severus Snape was hovering over him, carefully healing the last if the injuries so there would be no pain at all, though his speech would still be a little husky everything else was going to be just fine. “how are you feeling young man?” Snape asked, gently peering into Brax's eyes. “did I miss anything, any pain anywhere?” Harry was watching from the sidelines, making sure Snape didn't do anything funny. “he's fine.” Snape promised before brax could respond, leaving the room quickly. Snape had always hated kids and poor Brax was no exception, no matter how much he had adored the man as an adult. “ignore him, he's always in a pissy mood. How ARE you feeling love?” Harry asked gently cupping Brax's hands.
"Like I'd had my head bashed in by my best friend."He muttered looking amused as he blinked slowly, his laughter husky and almost a bedroom laugh as he sat up slowly."We need to talk to tom."He said sitting up slowly as if to make sure he was really well. Intent on stopping his friend from becoming the monster that had tried to bash his brains in he hadn't even noticed how much harry was worried over him. amazing for a usually very observant man.
he sighed a little and gripped Brax's shoulder, pushing him back onto the bed. “Brax, tom is NOT Voldemort.” he ordered firmly .”Voldemort can't even remember his real name most of the time.” he informed him gently. “Tom is not going to follow the same course of action as Voldemort, because he will not follow the same lines as Voldemort did.” he explained. “we have a greater chance at helping him, because we have a chance to find out what happened to Voldemort... Tom didn't start loosing his mind until he was about twenty years old. He's only seventeen right now, we still have plenty of time.” he hoped. “and he's sleeping right now, he worked himself into another panic attack this morning and Scott had to put him to sleep, you need to rest and eat.”
Brax sighed letting the other bully him into laying back into bed. Content to just let the other tak ecare of him, which just said just how much he was feeling off balance. Before he looked worried summoning a elf to get him some food before biting his lip."Tom's okay isn't he?You didn't let him see what...voldemort did did you?"He asked looking anxious at the brunette.
he smiled a little at the other shaking his head. “Tom saw you.” he admitted. “but he is under the impression that a jealous Death eater did it.” he promised. “Draco informed Tom that you and his future self had a nice, if a little strange conversation involving gore and butterflies and when you left you where attacked by a woman named Bellatrix, who is very possessive over Voldemort.” he explained. “he has no idea that Voldemort had anything to do about you being attacked.” he promised as the elf arrived with food, a thick hearty stew and fresh baked bread, Harry groaning as he was handed a bowl. “soup again?” he complained the Elf scowling at him, Making harry sigh. “fine, fine...” he grumbled obediently starting to eat his own meal. “can you eat on your own love?” he asked, wondering if Brax was physically strong enough to feed himself. Part of him hoped the answer would be no, he wanted to feed Brax.
Brax growled at him, shifting to lean against the headboard, starting to eat."I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself."He growled, annoyed at the idea he couldn't.Even if his hand shook and he wasn't doing well with holding it, he was going to feed himself if he was going to kill himself. Nodding a little he relaxed as he realized tom wasn't worried about him doing this to brax."I'd like to see him after I eat."He said wanting to reassure himself that his friend was still himself.
Harry chuckled at Brax's pride and shook his head. “damn, I really wanted to feed you.” he admitted looking at the other slyly before he settled behind the other, supporting him gently, kissing his neck as he stole Brax's spoon. “mmm I get whatever I want don't you know?” he teased holding the spoon to the others lips, looking amused. “let me feed you and then I'll let you talk to Tom.” they both knew Harry would let Brax see Tom whether he got to feed Brax or not, but Harry was desperate to take care of Brax, and he would whether Brax wanted him to or not. “let me take care of you... please...”
Brax sighed softly as he let his hand fall to his side, letting the other feed to him. For once not protesting for his pride. Feeling shakey enough to just let the other take care of him...and for once, it was nice to have someone fussing over him. It was."Hmm I guess I could let you."He teased turning his head to kiss him when he was done.
he smiled as Brax let him take care of him and he nuzzled the other happily. “mmm hey Brax?” he asked calmly, smiling a little. “i love you.” he admitted kissing the other happily before scooping Brax up and gently setting him on his feet. “come on, Tom is sulking in the kitchen because I wouldn't let him come in and see you.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “he wouldn't stop trying to wake you up.” he admitted smiling as he helped the other walk to the kitchen. He would have carried the other but he knew that would NOT go down well. “Brax!!!” Tom practically shrieked as he rushed over to the other wrapping him in a tight hug. “i was so worried!” he whispered before checking him all over, Harry smiling a little. “see? He's fine.” who Harry was talking to only Harry knew, but it was probably for both of the boys. “Draco promised that he'd punish whoever hurt you.” Tom admitted sniffling a little. “are you sure your alright?”
"I'm fine if everyone would stop groping me."Brax said sulking a little as he squirmed out of the hug stepping away from the two. After all, he'd been hurt before, badly. He didn't like being touched by anyone for days after for fear of being hurt again. Sighing softly he ruffled the brunette's hair, looking his friend over. Relieved to see that Tom was still himself and not what Voldemort was. So glad to have him there with him."I'm fine. Promise."He said not even touching the subject of hurting him
Harry snickered a little. “oh please, that is SO not molesting.” Harry teased, but he and Tom both let Brax pull away, Tom suddenly grabbing something off the table and holding it out to Brax. “here! I made this for you!” it was a pie... maybe... whatever it was it looked like red juice with strawberries floating in it with whipped cream smeared very badly over it. “... made that yourself did you?” Harry asked, looking amused, Tom scowling at him. “at least I tried!” “i'll give him a blow job later, he'll like that more.” Tom actually blushed at that and scowled at Harry. “you are a sick, crude individual.” “yes, yes I am, thank you for noticing.”
Brax snickered a little."IF you want your own blowjob, I am sure Scott would oblige."He said as he sat down to eat his pie. Though he ended up using a spoon to scoop it up instead of a work."This is very good."He said more to humor his friend then anything else. Scott snickered a little as he walked into the room,"You're just being nice. I ate the last one. It was more liquid then solid."He teased looking at tom.
Tom sulked at Brax and then pouted at Scott. “it was not! The crust wasn't liquid!” he complained Harry chuckling a little. “it's alright Tom, how about I give you some cooking lessons?” he offered smiling a little at the other, his head tilted a little as Tom pondered then nodded. “alright!... Brax you really don't have to drink that.” Tom promised looking amused. “i know it's terrible.” he admitted giving Scott a small playful pinch to tease him before giving him a small kiss. “we should do something fun today.” he ordered hoping the happy time would make Brax feel better.
Scott nodded looking thoughtul before smirking a little. Dumbledore was going to lose his mind,but he had a feeling that the outing would appeal to the two men who'd always hated being locked up."let's go to diagon alley." Brax perked up at that smiling a little as Scott kissed Tom back."I think we should."He said not only because he wanted to get out of the house and move, but because diagon alley always knew the best gossip, and there were a few black arts shops he could look in for answers as to what happened to tom.
Tom looked confused a little his head titled a little. “go where?” Diagon Alley hadn't been created yet when Tom and Brax where seventeen, it hadn't been created until they where twenty. “it's a magical shopping center basically.” he promised smiling a little. “it's kind of like Hogsmead.” Harry explained Lucius smiling a little. “you can buy anything, if you know which shop to go into.” Lucius admitted. “Brax, your actually one of the people who helped create it.” he admitted. “you and Tom set up a potions shop there, others flocked to the site.” and then Tom decided he wanted to teach instead and left to go to Dumbledore, who said tom was too young to teach, that was when the boy actually started showing true signs of aggression. “i want to go!” Tom chirped. “anything that I helped create HAS to be amazing!”
Brax snickered as he got up, looking amused at the idea."That thing with the potion you created to help us see the snitch wasn't so cool. I couldn't see for a week."Brax sulked."What...?" "Oh.Well. Tom had the brillant idea that a vision potion that enhances sight in blind people would b amazing for catching the snitch in a qudditch game....we took it and it sort of overdid our eyes, and everything was to sharp in focus and hurt to watch."He said snickering a little. Scott shook his head looking amused as he got up, "Lets go then.We better get draco to. He'll be pissed if we don't ask him."
Tom smirked a little then. “aaah but that wasn't our potion!” he pointed out smirking. “that was just a bad idea, anything I CREATE is amazing.” he explained grinning a little as Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “watch the Ego there Tom, your head might get too big to fit through the door.” he pointed out with a small chuckle as he stood up. “i'll go ask Lucius and Draco if they want to come with.” he came back five minutes later. “ok, waking Draco up is never a good idea.” he stated calmly. “and Lucius is busy, so we're going alone.”
"Really?What did he do?"Scott asked as he wrapped his arms around tom, looking amused as they apparated to diagon alley. Brax snickered a little resting his head on Harry's shoulder for a moment, looking concerned because he knew just how violent a sleepy man could be."You okay?"He asked gently hugging the other before stepping back, looking around him in amazement
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “he just cursed me.” he admitted. “just a stinging hex.” he promised kissing Brax. “and whatever you do don't ask me what Lucius was doing you DON'T want to know!” he ordered, grimacing a little as he grinned as Tom ran right over to the pet store, his yes wide before he turned to Scott with wide wet eyes. “Scott? Can I get an animal? Please? Pretty please? I've never had a pet before I wasn't allowed to have animals at the orphanage...” he admitted, Harry smiling a little because he knew Scott wouldn't be able to refuse.
Brax smirked because he knew the teacher wasn't going to be ale to resist."Come on then.Lets get you a pet."Scott grinned a little wrapping a arm around the crying boy, kissing him softly."Don't cry.I'll get you something."He said hussling him inside, anxious to get him to stop crying. Brax shuddered at the mention of lucius, wrapping a arm around Harry s they followed the others inside, stealing a kiss."D oyou want something to?"He asked looking around.Amused at Scott's fussing and trying to get tom to stop crying.
Tom brightened eagerly and hugged Scott hard at the promise of a pet and rushed inside to look them over, giggling eagerly as Harry chuckled. “don't worry love, I can afford anything I want.” he promised smiling at Brax. “i'm more rich than the Malfoy's are, but don't let them know.” he ordered calmly. “they'll wonder why I wear such crappy clothes all the time.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “actually, now that I'm away from the Dursley's I might as well get better clothes.” he decided grinning at Brax Scott and Tom. “who want's to go clothes shopping after this? I think Tom and Brax need more clothes anyway, they didn't get to bring any of their things with them.” “i want this!” Tom declared suddenly, holding up a birdcage to Scott which held a large red tailed Hawk, the intelligence in it's eyes saying that it was just as loyal and intelligent as any mail owl. “please!?” Tom pleaded with Scott hopefully.
Brax twitched a little looking at the other's clothes at the mention of it."You do know I'm a malfoy right?"He teased nudging his almost lover before snickering as tom held up the hawk. SCott grinned a little, taking the birdcage before nodding towards the toys and food."You better get some of that to. I'm sure he'll be staying in your room instead of the owlry. Better have something for him."He smiled amused at the man's eagerness to have a pet. Brax smirked nodding,looking at his own clothes."I would like some new clothes. these are getting quite worn out."He mused.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. “yes, I know but your dating me so that mean's your not a terrible Malfoy.” he teased winking at him. “no I just don't want them to find out about my home life, that's all.” he admitted worrying his lip. “or the fact that I don't know shit about fashion.” he admitted with a grin as he watched Tom picking out food and toys for his bird, along with a few mice so that the bird wouldn't have to eat pellets all the time. “am I getting new clothes too?” Tom asked hopefully, grinning a little as Harry laughed and nodded. “you sure are Tom, the finest Silk, just like you deserve.” he promised chuckling a little.
Scott snickered a little as he shrunk all the bird things after paying before carrying the bird cage for the boy, heading outside with the others."I'm actually surprised Brax didn't already buy things for him." Brax winced a little, resting his cheek no harry's shoulder not looking at them."Couldn't. Father only gave me enough spending money to make sure I could eat when I went to hogsmeade. Nothing extra."He sighed shrugging not about to admit outloud that even his clothes had been chosen by his overdomineering arrogant father instead of getting to choose things for himself. SO this was going to be a new experience for both him and tom.
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