The Pull Of Time

Draco glared a little. “we will call you if Tom or Abraxas need anything.” he promised before watching them leave, sighing in relief when the man was out of the wards. “thank god he's gone.” he grumbled before smiling a little. “Harry won't physically hurt Dumbledore unfortunately. He's Harry's only hope of breaking the bond between him and that madman.” Draco explained shaking his head smirking at the blush. “ooooh someone has a cruuush!” he teased chuckling a little. “has Harry kissed you yet?” he asked smirking a little. “that's how you know he's serious, he'll kiss you.” Harry had kissed brax, a lot, on the lips and everything, any time Brax asked and sometimes just because he felt like it. “speak of the Devil and he shall appear.” Draco stated as he felt Tom and Harry and Scott appear in the wards, covered in dirt and sweating, having been building the new foundations for two more houses. Even with wands that was a messy and difficult job.
Scott raised a eyebrow as he spelled the dirt off all three of them before looking at the three malfoys, smirking al ittle."Look who was to good to get down and dirty this morning." "....building a manor does not require the lord of the manor to dirty himself. I have servants to do that kind of crap."Brax said snickering a little, blushing harder as he thought about how much harry kissed him.
Harry snickered a little as he wagged his eyebrows at Brax. “i'll gladly be your servant, if you'll be my master.” he teased, pressing a kiss to Brax's lips happily before sitting down and stealing Draco's drink, the boy scowling. “potter get your own!” “no.” “...Dumbledore was here?” Tom asked, sensing the man's presence even if he was gone, sitting down as well. “what did he want?” looking decidedly nervous, he didn't want to see the old man, not when there was something wrong with him. He'd had another black out, though he hadn't done anything strange. He'd stared for about a half a minute, then worked again and just before they came back he'd snapped to and couldn't remember when they had gotten so much done. He'd never had so many black outs before and he was starting to become afraid. “ph the usual bull shit I'm sure.” Harry stated simply. “i'm sure between Lucius Draco and Brax they chased him off pretty quick.”
Brax snickered a little as he shifted wrapping a arm around Tom's waist, snickering more at the growled protest from Scott as he sat down next to tom. "So sure in my ablity to terrify people?" "Oh yea. You're a bastard when you dont lke someone, and you definately don't like Dumbledore. So what did he want?" "To see how we were and if we'd thought of anything helpful."Brax said blushing at harry's master comment. He so didn't want to think of that right now, he wouldn't be able to get up in the near future as it was
Tom grinned as he leaned into Brax at the hug, knowing it annoyed Scott though he had assured the man at least a dozen times already that Brax was his best friend and his brother and nothing else, Harry chuckling as he yanked Brax away from Tom and snuggled the blond with a grin. “mine.” he complained Tom laughing brightly as he saw his friend go bright red. “i never thought Harry potter could be so possessive.” Lucius commented as he walked in, Harry chuckling. “only over the things I like the most.” he teased nuzzling Brax's ear. Clearly Harry had lost any fear about him getting Brax hurt and was instead focusing on making Brax blush.
Brax blushed as he pressed his hot face against Harry's shoulder whining quietly as he hugged the other. Scott snickered looking at the blond before shakin his head as he wrapped his arm around tom, sipping his own tea."It's disturbing to hear a potter claim a malfoy."He teased
Tom smiled, leaning into Scott instead as Harry smirked a little and nuzzled into Brax, looking wicked. “oh come on, it's perfectly expected, there had to be ONE Malfoy who I wouldn't hate.” he teased chuckling a little as Draco and Lucius rolled their eyes before chuckling as Harry nuzzled Brax again, smiling a little. “besides, Brax isn't exactly a Malfoy since he predates both of you, so there.” he stuck his tongue out at them. “he has all your best qualities and none of your bad ones.” Draco's eye twitched. “are you saying I'm flawed?!” “.... yes.” Harry chirped happily Draco growling before stalking off, Harry snickering. “i love pissing him off.”
Brax snickered sirking as he watched his grandson leave, smiling tiredly."does this mean I get to look forward to fights just because I look sexy when I'm angry?" "Probably."Scott teased smiling as he pressed a kiss to Tom's head looking at him slightly worried before tilting his head, "How are you feeling?"He muttered nuzzling the brunette, worried how he was handling the more frequent blackouts And not knowing what to think of the blackouts.
Harry chuckled a little looking amused. “oh I would never piss you off... I'll just annoy the hell out of you until you start screaming at me, and then I;ll pounce on your super sexiness and we'll make super sexy love for all night.” Harry purred happily, Tom snorting. “Harry... you really need to have your head checked.” he complained before he smiled at Scott. “i'm alright.” he promised laying his head on the others shoulder. “i think it's just all the stress.” he decided. No one had told him about the incident with the knife, or his declaring death on all things muggle or related to them. He was unaware of it, and since he hadn't done it again, yet, they where waiting for something big to happen.
Scot nodded smiling a little."Maybe."He said holding the other tighter before sighing."Come on, I have to go to lesson plans and things. Dumbledore probably brought me work."He muttered annoyed because he knew the man was trying to keep him so busy that he wouldn't grow attatched to the two men who dumbledore saw as weapons. Brax blushed harder nearly falling off his stool in the effort to hide how he had reacted to that thought."Potter!Stop that!"he whined blushing.
Tom whined a little but nodded as he gently kissed Scott's chin. “i'm going to go steal all the sphinx's candy again.” he decided happily, Harry chuckling as he shook his head, smirking at Brax. “aaaw but your so cute when you blush.” he whined playfully, watching Scott leave and grimacing as he saw Tom staring at nothing. “tom? Can you hear me?” there was no response, Harry sighing. “another blackout.” he grumbled softly. “i'm starting to get.... Tom what are you doing with that knife?” Tom didn't answer, he just stared at the long steak knife that Draco had been using, his green eyes trailing down the sharp length before the blank, mad eyes turned towards Harry. “you will die.” he hissed, Harry shrieking in fear as Tom lunged and swung the blade, Harry screaming in pain as blade met flesh, Tom snarling as he screamed for Harry to die, one hand trying to grab the Boy who Lived's neck, since his other wrist was being held tightly by both of Harry's hands. “Brax! Stun him!” Tom whipped towards Brax and hissed violently, twisting the blade in Harry's shoulder until the boy was shrieking from it.
Brax stopped having not reacted quickly enough because he was startled before raising a hand, catching Tom's other hand tackling him and pinning him to the ground. Shuddering a little as he felt the knife scrape along his ribage, holding the other down. Not wanting to stun him because he didn't know what adding more magic to Tom's fragile state of mind would do. He was just glad for quidditch and sports that kept him physically stronger than Tom despite the other's good shape. Pinning him down he glancd over his shoulder yelling for his son and grandson and scott, when the teacher appeared in the doorway he ordered him to take care of harry while he saw to Tom."Tom?!"He growled shaking him a little, keeping the knife pinned under his hand.
Harry groaned as Tom was pulled off of him, gripping his wound but unwilling to yank the blade out, not sure what that would do, gritting his teeth as Tom howled and raged, kicking and screaming, but not a word of it in English as he jerked and twisted and writhed against the tight hold of Brax, who was clearly barley holding on, Draco waving his wand and summoning ropes which tied Tom head to toe as Lucius moved over to Harry, who was bleeding all over the place, yanking the knife out and carefully healing the boy, Tom snarling as he fell half still, jerking and writhing, shrieking in rages as he kicked, trying to break free of the bonds, Draco looking stunned. “this isn't like last time.” Harry groaned. “Last time he wanted to kill muggles and mudbloods... this time he wants to kill everything! What the HELL is going on with this poor kid!?”
Brax groaned a little as he got a kick in the ribs before glancing at harry, shifting to keep the boy pinned to the floor, despite being tied up he was keeping tom under him."I think you need to get me into a death eaters meeting. Surely you still have friends lucius."father looked at son before sighing."If I can understand what's going wrong with our tom, I have to understand what went wrong with Voldemort."
Tom snarled darkly, hissing in parseltongue, his eyes wild and insane as he struggled and flailed before he fell still, closing his eyes and giving in, panting hard as Harry grimaced, rotating his shoulder to see if it was still alright, glancing at Tom who blinked slowly before looking panicked. “i... wait... what!?” he demanded, terrified. “i didn't do it! I swear I didn't do it! I have no money! Please don't eat me!!!” Lucius grimaced a little and shook his head. “i don't know If I can get in anymore... but...” he glanced at Draco, biting his lip, Draco wincing a little as he closed his eyes and nodded. “i can get him in.... but... Brax you need to understand. He might just try to kill you, simply because you remind him of his past... or he might not even remember who you are... there is no...self in him anymore. He's just a raving lunatic now.” “.... why am I tied up?” Tom demanded, realizing he wasn't in any danger before he hesitated...realizing. “...w..why is there blood on the floor?”
"Well, just being here isnt being helpful. And...I need to do something."He said wincing a little as he realized it was going to be a problem for lucius. Despite causing problems for his son he didn't take back the idea, because he was going insane not being able to figure out what was wrong with his friend, and he'd risk life and limb to find out. Glancing down at the boy under him he looked a lost for words as Scott crouched down next to him, gently stroking tom's hair out of the other's face, shifting his body just enough to hide the blood from tom."nothing to worry about just yet.How do you feel??"The teacher said looking worried.
Draco sighed a little and closed his eyes before nodding. “i can take you tomorrow...” he decided softly. “but be prepared for dramatics... most of them very bad ones.” he ordered stiffly, unhappy with Brax's decision but not about to tell his own grandfather no. Tom sniffled as he pressed his face into the others legs as Draco calmly undid the bindings on Tom, the boy clinging to Scott. “i'm scared.” Tom whimpered. “i'm scared!” he stated, as if just admitting him would make him feel better., “and I hurt all over...” he whimpered, Harry wincing a little, he couldn't remember but he was pretty sure he'd gotten in a few good punches on tom before he could stop himself. “i'm tired Scott.” tom whimpered softly. “i'm so tired...” passing out in his arms just like last time, breathing softly as Harry grimaced. “Scott why don't you take him to bed?” Lucius offered softly, his head tilted. “he'll feel better when he wakes up.” he hoped.
"I hope."Scott siled a little as he picked up the smaller boy, leaning the room with quiet mutterings, as if even with tom passed out he was trying to sooth him from his fears. Meanwhile Brax frowned at Draco, before shrugging."Don't look at me like that. You-Well lucius-probably knew it was a matter of time before I asked."He said shaking his spikey blond head. Knowing that his son had probably guessed that he'd eventually set his heels down about helping in some way, and dmanding to see voldemort in person.
Draco sighed a little and nodded. “yes, I knew you where going to ask.” he grumbled softly, shaking his head as he left to inform 'his lord' that someone wished to meet with him. The next morning, Brax was covered in death eaters robes, hiding his identity as Draco led him towards Voldemort, who was examining a piece of Rock candy for flaws before discarding it and reaching for another, glancing over at Draco and the stranger with narrowed eyes. “yes Draco, I remember.” he snarled, Draco grimacing. “my lord, I would like to introduce you to.... to Abraxas Malfoy.” Voldemort snarled, his eyes flashing with madness and rage. “Toy with me NOT!” he hissed reaching forward and ripping the cloak off of Abraxas none too gently, shock written across his face as he stared at Abraxas. “...Brax?” he demanded, suddenly almost looking sane before he snarled, striking Abraxas hard across the cheek with the back of his hand, sending him to the floor. “ABRAXAS MALFOY IS DEAD!” Voldemort roared, his wand fixed on Brax. “You are nothing but an IMPOSTER! You will DIE for this!” but he stilled when Draco calmly wrapped his arms around his lord. “shh, shh” he whispered, gently easing Voldemort into a chair, letting the man grab him, pull him into his lap and paw at him. Draco was long used to being used for his masters pleasures, and it kept the man calm in situations like this. “it is not an imposter my lord.” and he quickly explained that Dumbledore had brought Brax forward in time, leaving out Tom completely except to admit that Dumbledore had been trying to bring him in, instead of Brax.
Brax sneered a little as he pushed off the floor where he'd fallen at getting hit. Having not expected it he'd stumbled to his knees hard. "Let my grandson go."He said raising a hand and using a wandless floating charm to pull the boy away, looking as vain and as arrogant as he always had. After all, Tom Riddle would have known Abraxas Malfoy would never put up with having his grandson or son treated like a well paid whore."Now. Seeing as I'm being used in a game not of my own making, I want to know what the hell's going on here. And why the fuck Dumbledore thought I'd side with him over you."He said, the teenaged Brax sounding just and sulky and annoyed s he ever did.
Tom snarled as his toy was taken away, his eyes flashing with Fury as he examined Brax, deciding it wasn't worth it, Draco chuckling at Brax's protectiveness. “it's fine Brax, I don't mind.” he rather enjoyed it actually, Voldemort, surprisingly, was always very gentle when he fucked Draco, while Tom was fondling Draco he was the sanest he'd ever be. “you really do sound just like him.” Voldemort stated, sounding wistful his eyes narrowed at Brax before sighing a little. “he thinks you'll choose him over me, because I am a completely insane madman.” he explained calmly. “i torture people because it's fun, rape people because it's even more fun, and am trying to kill everything that is muggle related.” he stated calmly. “you won't know this yet, but my Father was a muggle.” he explained staring at his fingers. “shortly after I discovered this, I killed him, and blamed the murders on my grandfather Marvolo, and my uncle Morfin, both died shortly after being sent to Azakaban.” he was studying his fingernails. “after all that pain from the orphanage, and the realization that my mother was abandoned because of my fathers pitiful ways I declared war on them all. You helped me with this goal, as did the great wizard Grindelwald.” he studied Brax. “but that's not really why your here is it?” he asked looking sadistically amused. “you never would have come here just for one reason, tell me what it is that you want.”
Brax twitched a little bit, he so did not want to think about his once friend bedding his grandson. There was just some things that were beyond his ken to think about and stay say."I am him, you jackass. Of course I sound like myself."He mused absently not even realizing that the rest of the death eaters were staring at him for daring to speak to him like that. But he had always had. "I met harry potter by the way."He mused before flicking a hand smirking as he sent his...something cousin out of her seat, depositing his ass in Bellatrix's chair before he looked at Tom again. Studying his nails with the carelessness that belied just how much attention he really was paying attention to Tom."I have found that I do enjoy his company. Despite his to good ways, and hero complex, I do enjoy listening to him babble.I found that I wanted to know what it was about this boy that bothers you so. Draco and Harry both tried to explain, but I still didn't understand it."
Voldemort looked amused and nodded. “this could be...” he froze, a violent snarl erupting from his mouth at the sound of Harry's name, leaping to his feat, insane once more. “HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT WHORES NAME IN FRONT OF ME!” but he calmed once again as Draco gently eased him into the chair again, giving the Dark lords neck tiny little nibbles, whispering soft comforting things but Voldemort was too pissed off to let Draco calm him this time, snapping and snarling, the room quickly emptied, well aware that it wasn't Brax that Voldemort was going to torture. “that filthy little bastard.” tom hissed viciously. “is entirely the reason why I died!” he hissed furiously. “he is the only one who can kill me, the only one who is my equal! I have to kill him before I can gain control of the wizarding world! He must die! I must kill him!” he surged to his feet, dumping Draco on the ground and stepping over him to pace, ignoring Draco's dark mutterings about being used as a floor mat. “i have to destroy him, have to, he's in my head. I can feel him, he has my soul, a part of my soul, I want it back, need it back, it's MINE! He STOLE it from me!” Tom snarled, Draco sighing a little. “that was a really stupid thing to do Brax. Your lucky he misses you so much or you'd be a screaming smudge on the floor right now.”
Brax shrugged,"I know. I betted that he missed me more then he'd be pissed."He mused before looking at Tom, growling quietly, the sound filled with anger, bristling under the insult to his almost lover."You will be calm Voldemort, when speaking of the boy. Or I might just wipe the floor with you again like I used to."He mused though the anger was still there. After all, Voldemort was better at magic, but Abraxas had always been the more phyiscal of teh two."you tried to kill him for a prophecy, a prophecy is only valid if you made it so. You marked him tom, YOU set him up to be your equal. Do not blame a child, for a adult's mistakes."Brax grumbled, annoyed that his friend had turned out so much worse then any of their abusers."I thought I childhood like ours would have taught you that."he said swallowing hard because as he thought about it the old fear was starting to hit him. A fear of people in power, reacting to Voldemort like he had his father. Feeling sick and scared even if it didn't show.
Voldemort snarled back at brax, not liking that the puny brat would DARE growl at him, DARE to threaten him!!! he hissed in parseltongue as he listened to the other. “i remember not my childhood.” he snarled, leaping into Brax, his fingers, shockingly strong in his madness, closing over the blonds throat. “I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!!! DIE LIKE MY LIFE!” He roared, Draco struggling to try and get the madman's hands off of Brax. “Tom! Stop your killing him! My lord!” Brax was stronger than tom, but he had underestimated the strength Voldemort possessed, both magical and physical. He jerked Brax off the floor, clutching the boy's neck even tighter, and slammed his head into the floor repeatedly. Brax had no chance, Voldemort ignored all pain, all curses, and even if someone where to Crucio him nothing would happen so deep was Voldemort's need to kill Abraxas. Thankfully, Brax woke alive, with Harry sitting next to him, holding Brax's hand with one hand, and reading a book with the other, glancing over when Brax stirred. “don't move.” he ordered calmly, worried. “you have a pretty damn good sized concussion, he just about caved in your skull. Draco managed to pull him off of you after a few dozen sleeping spells.” he explained, “he brought you home and Lucius and Severus healed you, but they can't heal a concussion or the tenderness of your throat. They fixed the bones, and the bruising but it's still going to be sore.”
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