The Pull Of Time

Tom giggled a little and smirked a little. “but it's amusing!” he complained smiling a little. “but... I honestly think Harry might be the very man you've been looking for.” he admitted softly. “he's just your type, and he's moody enough that you'll never get bored. He's powerful and handsome and funny.” he grinned at Brax. “he's perfect for you.” he pointed out. “now we just have to get him to realize that your perfect for him.” he chirped happily. “and you have to help me seduce Scott, I'm not good at this.”
Brax snickered nodding."I AM good with this, I'll help you get the teacher."He said amused before wrinkling his nose looking at his friend, snickering a little."Lovely, by that standard, I should just date you. Youre handsome, powerful and funny."
he smiled as he leaned against Brax. “aaah but you forget, I piss you off just as many days as I amuse you.' he teased chuckling a little as he simply enjoyed the contact with Brax, enjoying knowing he was the only person, so far, that Brax would allow to be 'cuddled' or rather smothered by. “besides, I'm SO not the top.” he teased smirking a little. “we're both bitch and you know it.” he teased snickering a little as he kissed Brax's cheek. “now tell me what to do.”
"I am not the bitch!"Brax protested. As much as he protested and was in charge of things around him, he really did like the idea of not having to be in charge of things. It was nice to know someone else would take care of himself in bed. "Okay. Well we're going to let you flirt with me. Cause he'll get jealous.But first, we're going to go downstairs and get something to eat. Because I'm hungry."He smiled amused because running around with harry had made him want to eat
Tom smirked a little. “please, you are SO the bitch.” he teased chuckling a little. “besides, Harry is a Dom, you can see it in the way he moves, he's a protector and a controller, have you ever noticed when someone starts going too far or starts doing something stupid he usually steps in and stops them?” he asked smiling a little. “he's totally going to own your ass.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “i'm not hungry though.” that was a lie, but Tom didn't really feel all that well, and he didn't want to yarf in front of Scott.
Brax smiled a little letting that slide."Yea, I noticed."He said thinking about it, sighing softly. Because he wasn't sure how to make harry seen he wasn't dominate, when in every other aspect of his life he was a dominteering demanding person who was dominate in everything but bed. He just hoped harry noticed."Well,you can still come down and sit with me while I eat"He said knowing tom was hungry but after so long of them both being abused, he wasn't willing to demand anything of the other.
he chuckled a little and nodded, following brax to the kitchen, where Harry was bitching at Draco about something. “oh come on Draco I can't just ask him to marry me!” he complained Draco chuckling a little. “why not? My dad did it.” “your dad is kind of a freak dray, I just want to ask him out on a date!” “so ask him.” “but I don't know HOW! Besides what if something happens, or I screw up or say something stupid...” tom was smirking as he glanced at Brax, pressing a finger to his mouth, indicating the blond to be silent. “Harry you're ALWAYS stupid.” Draco complained with a roll of his eyes. “if you like him, take him out, show him the sights, impress him, worry about all that stuff later. “ “but I can't help but worry NOW!” Harry whined, his head thudding onto the table. “this is stupid... he's never going to want to go out with me anyway. He's dominant as hell and so am I.” “... Brax isn't a dom.” Harry looked startled, blinking at Draco. “what do you mean? Of course he's top.” “nope. Brax acts tough but he wants to be taken care of.” he stated simply, taking a drink of coffee Harry gaping. “...really?” “yes really, now stop bitching at me, your an annoyance.” “and your a jackass.”
Brax blushed a little as he ducked his head resting his head against the wall as he listened. Because he wondered if it was his son who had made the obersvation later in life, or that it was the teen malfoy who'd seen after a lifetime of being denied the basic human interaction between parents and child, Brax had a deep obsessive demand to be taken care of by someone. Which is what had been missing from all his other relationships, not that he had ever noticed that was exactly what he was missing."What's to eat?"He asked swinging into the room looking amused as if he hadn't been listening outside. "Chocolate cheesecake and some meatballs."Scott said eating at the table as he listen to the two teens. Having found harry's worries amusing.
Draco chuckled a little and looked up as Brax walked in, smirking at him as he took another sip of his coffee, Harry gorging himself on cheesecake when the two men walked in, Tom sighing as he snuggled into Brax, hoping to make Scott jealous as Brax had suggested, Harry smiling as he slid a plate of food towards them both. “eat.” he ordered calmly. “your both too thin.” “not hungry.” Tom complained, his stomach feeling like it was trying to eat itself, and not because he was hungry, he hoped he wasn't getting another bout of the flue. “eat soup.” harry ordered, an Elf handing Tom a bowl of soup, the boy making a face but obediently drinking a bit of the broth, it only made his stomach feel a little better. “Brax... I don't feel well.” Tom complained, laying his head on the table, Harry frowning as he leaned forward and set a hand to tom's forehead, wincing a little. “he's got a fever Scott.” harry warned, looking a little nervous. “he's sick....”
Scott looked startled and a little hurt as Tom snuggled into Brax' side before looking up as harry announced he was sick.Getting up he pressed his hand against Tom's forehead, wincing at the hotness under his hand. "Lets go. We're going to go lay down. Draco, will you see about getting some fever reducing potions?And a pain reliever?"He asked but didn't wait for a answer as he gathered up the slight boy in his arms and headed back up to bed. Brax chuckled sleepily, starting to crash from his caffine high as he climbed to his feet, having every intention on helping Draco make the potions."And here Tom was worried about making Scott like him."he said running his fingers through his hair
Draco chuckled as he got up and headed out to make the potions Harry smiling as he grabbed Brax's shoulder. “oh no, your just going to get in Draco's way with you this tired, if you don't rest your going to get sick too.” he warned. “into bed with you.” he ordered dragging the other off into bed and tucking him in, gently kissing his forehead. “now sleep.” he ordered smiling at him. “i'll help Draco ok?”

upstairs tom was snuggled into Scott, sniffing him gently smiling a little. “you smell good.” he mumbled softly snuggling into the other. Tom got very cuddly when he was sick, and now was no exception as he pressed his ice cold nose into Scott's neck. “i feel cold.” he complained softly, his cheeks red with fever and looking utterly, adorably, innocently fuckable with the way he was looking up at Scott with a strange sort of sleepy lust in his eyes. “i'm... gonna carry your babies.” he decided, uncaring that he couldn't carry babies being that he was a male. He was going to carry Scott's babies dammit.
Brax pouted a little at that as he snuggled down into the bed, looking small and childlike as he snuggled down into the bed. "No.You have to stay and tak to me...pleasE?"He muttered, sleepy enough that he wanted to snuggle with the other, and be taken care of.

Scott shuddered a little,"Damn.Your nose is cold."He whined a little as the others nose pressed against his skin before laying him down, holding him gently. Looking startled at the dark lord laughing quietly as he pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead as he held him gently as he settled hm into the bed. Looking amused at the boy's announcement, and a little curous but that moment wasn't the time to go into it."Go to sleep Tom. You need it."He ordered gently, tucking the blanket around them both
Harry smiled as he nodded. “alright.” he agreed settling into the bed, gently stroking Brax's hair. “your not getting sick too are you?” he asked softly, his head tilted, looking worried. “i'll make you and tom some soup in the morning.” he promised smiling as he held Brax, hesitant, but he couldn't rests pulling the blond into his arms.

Tom smiled as he was settled into bed, grabbing hold of the other. “don't leave me alone.”he pleaded. “it's dark... I don't like the dark.” he whispered, shuddering a little as the blankets settled around him, sighing softly. “your warm.” he mumbled, pressing himself even tighter into the other, nuzzling him. “and I'm not tired...”
Brax smiled sleepily snuggling into him happily, nuzzling the other's shoulder. sleepy enough to not worry about embarassing himself as he snuggled into him. After all he wanted taken care of dmmit."No. Just sleepy."He muttered.

Scott smied a little, holding him as he pressed a kiss to his forehead."No your warm.You're burning up."He muttered looking worried, before laughing quietly."Go to sleep tom.You're sick. You need it."
Harry chuckled and gently nuzzled the other back. “sleep then.” he ordered with a small smile. “would you feel better if a sang you a lullaby?” he offered, actually being serious. He sang a soft french song that Draco had taught him, gently stroking Brax's hair, smiling as he watched the other.

Tom whined a little and shook his head. “not sick.” he whined pathetically. “not tired.” but he was starting to fall asleep already, and before he could voice a complaint that he really wasn't sick, he was sleeping peacefully.
Brax smiled sleeping within moments, with a muttered,"Wonder if I sang that to luc..."and then he was sout.

Scott smiled holding the boy gently, snuggling against him as he fell asleep.

In the morning Brax yawned as he snuggled in tighter against the man holding him, whining quietly not wanting to get up."Tom,mmmm...I don't wanna get up..."he muttered ignorign the man shaking his shoulder as if he wanted him to get up. not realizing it was harry wanting him to get up for breakfast.

Scott gently shook tom's shoulder, smiling a draco as he took the potion from him."thanks."He muttered blushing a little at Draco's knowing look as he tried to wake up the teen.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Brax, get up.” Harry complained, shaking him more. “you need to eat, your too thin.” he complained before sighing. “oh fine, sleep then.” he stated slipping out of bed, coming back ten minutes later with a hot breakfast in his hands, enough for four people to enjoy, setting it on the bed and shaking Brax's shoulder again. “alright, now it's time to get up and eat, don't make me kiss you awake.” Harry ordered playfully.

Tom whined loudly as he was shaken away, cringing away from Scott and pulling himself into a tight ball, trying to protect himself. “no... no not today.” he whimpered, Draco gently feeling the boy's forehead and wincing. “he's really hot... we need to get that potion into him and into a cool bath.” he ordered blinking at Scott, looking a little worried. “i can't imagine why he's suddenly so sick.” Draco complained. “if it was a time thing brax would be sick too. Do you suppose it's an infection somewhere?”
Brax whined quietly shivering as he cuddled into the bed.Refusing to get up, running a small fever but not like Tom was. It seemed time after all, was affecting the two boys who never took good enough care of themselves."Don't wanna..."he whined but blinking slowly.

Scott sighed softly as tom cringed nodding as he gently tried to wake tom again."IT might be. Or brax might be sick to."He said vaguely not abut to let Draco know his grandfather's childhood had been so fucked that the teen had been punished for getting sick, because malfoys just didn't get sick."Tom, time to get up. And eat."He said stroking the others hair, trying to get him up.
Harry gently set a hand to Brax's forehead and grimaced a little. “oh damn, your sick.” he muttered softly. “alright, I'll go get you soup instead.” he decided laying a gentle warming spell on the blankets to keep Brax warm, gently kissing the others forehead. “you just lay and rest and I'll bring you some soup.” he promised “you sleep for as long as you want to.” he ordered smiling at Brax. “i'll take care of you, alright?”

Tom whined again but slowly opened his eyes, blinking at Scott, shaking his head. “i don't feel good.” he complained. “i'm not hungry.” he complained but drank the potion he set to his lips. “i'm cold.” he complained Draco sighing softly as he used his wand to take tom's temperature. “it's too high Scott, we need to cool him down a little, see if he won't drink some ice water or eat some ice-cream...” there was a pause then. “...chocolate ice cream?” tom asked hopefully. “with strawberry sauce?” “i'll go get it.” Draco promised smirking at Scott. “you'll have to feed it to him.” he teased, snickering as he skipped off.
Brax grumbled a little,"Not sick."He muttered blinking slowly even as he blinked at the other. Snuggling down into the bed anyways, settling down to sleep until Harry came back."I'm okay...really...."He muttered.

Scott rolled his eyes as draco's words before smiling."He'll get you some. You'll be okay."He muttered stroking tom's hair and taking the ie cream bowl when draco brought it in. Shifting the lighter man into sitting between his legs leaning back against his chest. Pressing a kiss to his head as he held the boy holding up a spoonful of ice cream."Come on sweetheart, time to eat. It'll be good for you I promise."He muttered feeling worried about how hot he was
Harry smiled a little. “alright, your fine, but your still going to stay in bed, eat some soup, and sleep, because I said so.” he stated gently settling the bowl into Brax's hands. “now eat.” he ordered gently, settling Brax into his lap, holding him close. “the longer it takes you to start eating, the more I'm going to get an urge to go take a shower all alone.” he teased smirking a little as he watched the other.

Tom whined a little but obediently ate half the bowl of ice-cream before refusing to eat anymore before going back to sleep. But it had worked at least, his fever had dropped a little. If tom was well he would have been loving all the attention, but as it was he was a little disoriented and he was hallucinating a little, he wouldn't even remember eating the ice cream later.
Brax pouted a little as he leaned int the other, eating a little bit. Ignoring how his stomach rolled at the idea of eating. But eating to please the other."But what if you fall in the shower?You need to have someone there to make sure that you wont fall."He said swallowing a little eating.
Harry chuckled a little and gently nuzzled Brax. “just eat half the bowl.” he ordered gently. “and then you can go back to sleep, you need to eat to keep your strength up, even if you aren't really sick.” he teased, making sure Brax ate enough before letting him fall back to sleep. An hour and a half later, Tom sat up, blinked once, twice, and then slid out of bed, heading down the stairs towards the kitchen with a strangely blank look in his eyes. It almost looked as if he was sleepwalking with his eyes open, but when he started rifling through the knife drawers it became very clear that it wasn't just a normal bout of sleepwalking, which Tom had never done before. No, this was something much worse, especially when he pulled out a long, thick butchers knife and smirked, looking so much like Voldemort just then that it was almost terrifying.
Scott paused in the doorway running his fingers through sleep mussed hair, having gotten up to go to the bathroom to only come back and discover the boy gone. Looking confused before frowning at the sight of the other holding a knife.">....tom?"He said slowly holding his hands out in front of him to show that he wasn't armed. Hoping that the other would understand that he wasn't a threat, though he could be if he absolutely had to hurt the other to keep him from hurting someone else. Hopign tom would forgive him whenever he woke up from whatever he was in.
Tom smirked as he turned and examined Scott before pressing a finger to his lips, indicating for him to be quiet. “shh.” he ordered softly. “we're hunting mudbloods.” he whispered with a dark and sadistic snicker, Tom would have never said that filthy word, or ever snickered like that, and he was still heavy wit fever, staggering suddenly and steadying himself by catching the corner of a cupboard. “yesss, we'll wipe the filth off the earth, muggles and muggleborn alike will all die! Only purebloods... only purebloods!” he snarled walking to the door, clearly intending on finding Harry, the only halfblood in the house, tom didn't know if Scott was a pure blood or not, but he would find that out in a moment.
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