The Pull Of Time

Scott's eyes went wide, swallowing hard. Wondering if the man would sense his own mixed blood, and wondering if he would be able to get lucius down here to help because he was worried if the other attacked him, he was going to have to hurt him to keep the other from hurting him."Purebloods are just as bad as muggleborns Tom."He said shifting to keep the other in the kitchen,refusing to be moved from his post in the door.
tom snarled and swung the blade at Scott, a madness in his eyes, the motion carrying him further than he intended, causing him to stagger again. Missing Scott by a mile.“no! Their disgusting foul creatures and they have to DIE!” he spat violently, shaking his head hard. “if your on their side then you have to die too! Mudblood lover!,...” he moved to attack the other, only to stagger and fall, Harry standing there from the other entrance, his emerald eyes narrowed as he moved over, wand still fixed on Tom. “i only put him to sleep.” he promised looking baffled. “that was definitely not the Tom we know.” he stated simply. “i'll talk to Brax, see if Tom's ever gone on mudblood rants before.” he promised. “for now, get him back to bed and restrain him. If he wakes up crazy like that we don't want him attacking anyone.” he admitted setting a hand on Scott's shoulder. “it will be alright.” he hoped anyway.
"You know better than that potter, after all you've met the current one."He said sighing softly as he shook his head gathering the boy up in his arms and heading back upstairs. Laying him down in the bed and tying him down with soft silk robes, laying down with him fretting over what would happen next. Brax frowned as he walked down the stairs, raising a eyebrow."...harry?"He muttered having gotten up when he realized he was alon.
Harry shook his head. “that was NOT Tom Scott, and you know it.” he stated simply. “Tom probably isn't going to even remember trying to attack you with a knife.” he pointed out, watching the man leave, feeling decidedly nervous about all of this. “Brax! Good Merlin almighty you scared me!” Harry wheezed pressing a hand to his heart. “i'm sorry, I came down to get you some ice cream and some fruit and I saw Tom acting strange.” he hesitated. “Brax, have you EVER seen tom talk about killing off mudbloods or muggles at ANY point? Even in his sleep?” he asked looking worried. “i know he himself would never say such things but...” he bit his lip. “if there's.. another part of him... I need to know, so we can try to help him? Has he EVER said anything?” no, Tom hadn't. this was the very first time.
Brax looked at him oddly."No.His father's one you know.And my mother. And he loves her.No...why?"Brax said looking cuely confused and sick all at once. All he'd really wanted was his 'teddy bear' back. And now that he'd found harry, he wanted to go back to bed without having to worry about tom ,though the more he was waking up, he was starting to worry
Harry sighed and shook his head, magicking the promised foods into his hands. “i'm not sure... all I know is that whatever had Tom in here brandishing a kitchen knife, talking about how all mudbloods and muggles need to die... it's the first time it's happened.” he admitted leading Brax back upstairs. “i can't decide if it's from the fever, the time travel, or a combination of both, or even whats going on.” he admitted laying Brax back down and snuggling with him, letting brax use him as a chair as he nibbled on the ice-cream. “don't worry Brax, I wont let anyone hurt Tom.” he promised. “or you. I'll take care of you, both of you.” he promised offering the other a spoonful of ice-cream. “want some?”
Brax smiled as he pulled the other's hands loser to steal a bite of food turning his head to look at him."I don't want anythiing to happen to him."He said worried about what would happen tom if dumbledore thought he was a threat to others."You wont let Dumbles hurt him?"He muttered resting his head on the other's shoulder, turning his head, his lips brushing against the other's chin as he waited for a answer.
Harry smiled a little as he nodded. “i won't let anyone hurt him, not even himself.” he promised kissing the other gently. “Dumbledore won't dare hurt him, he knows the second I do that I stop being his weapon. He NEEDS me.” he admitted with a shake of his head. “or he thinks he does anyway.” he admitted shrugging his shoulders. “i don't put much stock into this crackpot Prophecy myself.” he admitted stroking Brax's hair and gently kissed the part of his hair, smiling a little. “your hair smells good.” he muttered softly. “like.. cinnamon and apple blossoms.”
"Malfoy trait.Lucius smells to."He muttered sleepily nuzzling the other as he calmed and started drifting off to sleep."Want to hear more bout the prophecy when I get up...maybe it'll be helpful..."He muttered yawning as he settled into the other, cuddling close to sleep.
Harry chuckled and nodded. “yes but I don't want to smell Lucius.” he teased with a small smile shaking his head. “just sleep.” he ordered patiently, kissing Brax's forehead.

Two hours later tom whined as he woke up, staggering out of bed, crawling over Scott to do it, effectively waking the other as Tom rushed into the attached bathroom, leaned over the toilette and heaved, groaning pathetically once he was finished, laying on the much cooler marble, now too hot, panting softly as he blinked at Scott. “don't w'nna get up.. 's too hot.” he whined pathetically, laying on the marble like it was the softest bed in the world. At least whatever had been going on, it was over now.
Scott sighed, glad that the other's episode was done. Glad to see the other back to normal, even if he was still sick."No, you're to hot lovely. Come on, back in bed."He coaxed gently picking him up and settling him in bed, pressing a kiss to the other's head as he settled in under the blankets. Lookign worried for him, and wondering what he remembered
Tom whined and shook his head as he was picked up, but didn't struggle as he was laid in bed, shaking his head again. “ 's too hot.” he complained, closing his eyes, Draco walking in suddenly. “Brax is pretty sick too.” he admitted suddenly. “he's getting a pretty good fever and I thought I better check on tom.” he admitted handing the other a potion. “it will bring down the fever and help with the hallucinations.” he explained to Scott. “try feeding him dome more ice-cream or laying a cool towel on his forehead, maybe even an icepack, that might help.” he promised glancing at the clock and grimacing. “i have to go stir the potions.” he admitted dashing off, Tom giggling a little. “funny.” he mumbled, batting at invisible things in the air, things that only he could see.
Scott sighed softly worriedly, pressing a kiss to tom's head as he shifted the boy in his lap, holding the potion up to his mouth making him drink."Come on lovely, you'll feel better."He said strokng the other's hairlooking so worried. He didn't like seeing the other sick.

"'I's're to warm..."Brax whined softly shifting around, even as he snuggled down into the boy who lived, nuzzling him. Despite complaining and whining, he still wanted taken care of.
Tom whined but drank the potion obediently, settling down as the potion brought down his temperature, blinking at him. “Scott?” he asked sluggishly, relaxing as he snuggled into the other. “oh good... I thought you where an imagination.” he mumbled softly. “i love you Scott... we're going to have lots of babies, and a big house, and we gotta have ponies.”

Harry chuckled softly as he gently urged Brax to sit up. “shh love.” Harry murmured softly. “drink this, it will make you feel much less warm.” he promised, gently stroking the others hair with a grin, gently nuzzling his neck much like tom was doing to tom, so much like tom did to brax all the time. He sang a soft song to help the potion go down, and then let Brax cuddle him again.
"Ponies?"Scott said amused kissing Tom's head as he held her close before glancing at the door,"He wants ponies Draco.You going to take care of that?"He said amused, knowing that the malfoys, having the most contact with the current voldemort, found tom slightly disturbing in a amusing sort of way.

Brax muttered as he was cuddled, "Gross...dont wanna...Dont wanna go to sleep...wont wake up..."He whined blinking slowly glancing up at Brax. "Dont' wanna..."He muttered worried and slightly deillusuional with his fever.
Draco stared at Scott for a moment then shook his head, grumbling about how the world was going insane, heading off to find Lucius so they could get Tom some ponies, so used to doing what Tom told them to do, that they where even doing the whole 'obey all orders' to the younger tom, who was now sleeping peacefully once more.

Harry smiled as he stroked the others hair. “shh love, I'm here, right here.” he promised softly. “and I'll never let anything happen to you, remember?” he asked with a small smile. “now just close your eyes and rest, you don't have to fall asleep, just rest.” he promised, well aware Brax would fall asleep after a few minutes with his eyes closed. “would you like me to sing you a song?”
"Yes..."Brax muttered nuzzlign him, just letting himself fall asleep.

A few days later Brax yawned as he hunched over a glass of hot chocolate, sulking because he'd seen who was in the house, and despite harry and tom being off somewhere, he wasn't comfortable with this. Grumbling as he started when his grandson sat next to him, giving him a look."Its not nice to surprise people."He muttered
Draco grimaced as he sat next to Brax. “sorry.” he grumbled, just as annoyed as Brax was. “i'm glad Harry took Tom off to see the houses.” he admitted his eyes narrowed. “Dumbledore being here would only throw him into another panic attack.” tom had two panic attacks while sick, after nightmares where he tried to kill himself, or rather where another him tried to murder him. “we don't need this shit right now, Harry's finally relaxing, sleeping even and then the fat old bastard shows up to ruin both him and Tom all over again.” he growled glancing at Brax. “i can't even imagine how your feeling about all of this.”
Brax sighed softly as he sipped hsi hot cocoa, glancing at him."I'm feeling annoyed enough that dumbledore should be glad that I'm not the man I discovered in the history books. Not yet anyways."He said ahving gotten curious and read the self updating history of the malfoys and wizarding history, so he was well aware of what he'd become in the service of Voldemort. "We are all glad you are not like that Abraxas." "Only because I may still be of use to you."Brax said glancing towards the door where the headmaster and his son."What's he doing here?" "I'm just checking up and seeing how you are my dear boy." "I am not yours, I never was."
Draco snorted a little and shook his head as he turned to face Dumbledore, Lucius following behind Dumbledore looking just as annoyed as his son and grandfather at Dumbledore being there. “he just about died actually.” Draco snarled glaring at Dumbledore, stretching the truth just a little. “thanks to you an an improper time spell we almost lost BOTH of them! Tom's been having panic attacks because of what YOU told him and poor Brax won't trust ANYONE because your an insensitive pric!” Draco complained glaring at Dumbledore. “stop pretending you care, ask what you want to ask and then go away!”
Brax sighed rolling his eyes a little,"I don't trust anyone, because of family not the prick."he muttered before glancing at dumbledore, huddlign over his glass as he watched the headmaster looking at him curiously."Abraxas, can you tell me about tom please?About anything that happened recently to him before you came here?" "No." "Abraxas..." "I have nothing to say to you. I'm only getting involved in this fight on my own terms, and none of those terms include you."
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “look Dumbledore, face facts... you fucked up.” Draco stated calmly staring at the man. “your not going to get any information from Brax or Tom, because you hurt Tom.” he explained. “because you don't care about them, or Harry, or anyone,. You don't care about anything anymore. You just use us, manipulate us, and don't try to deny it we all know it's true. Your lucky Harry hasn't left you by now! The only reason he stays with you is because he knows your the best chance on finding a way to kill Voldemort. But then, you already know how don't you, that's the REAL reason you brought Tom riddle into the future isn't it? Because Two people can't be in the same place and time without killing the other. Your sick, did you know that?” just like a Malfoy, never afraid to speak his mind.
Brax snickered a little at his grandson's outburst and dumbledore's silent staring before he looked at dumbledore."It probably wont work. The tom riddle I know, and voldemort aren't teh same person anymore. From what I've read, he had to come back using dark magic yes?"He asked looking at Draco for confirmation,"Their bodies are no longer connected, the wont destroy each other."He said shrugging as if it was no big deal, though he knew it was. And he was pretty sure Dumbledore's plan to use one to kill the other would work, despite what he said. He just didn't want to hand dumbledore the weapons he needed.
Draco nodded. “yes, he used the Dna of different people to come back from what I've learned from Harry. He used his fathers bones, the flesh of a willing servant, Wormtail, and he used Harry's blood to form the body he now uses... I'm not even sure Voldemort even IS tom on any level anymore.” Lucius sighed a little and shook his head. “Headmaster, these children have been through enough as it is, their already traumatized, just let them adjust before you try to manipulate them.” he ordered calmly shaking his head. “now please leave my home before Tom comes back and becomes upset again.” he ordered. “we had a hell of a time calming him down last night we don't need another episode.”
Dumbledore studied them before realizing that they'd outmanuvered him before nodding."You will let me know if you need anything Abraxas."He said resting a hand on Abraxas's shoulder before apparating out. Brax sighed hunching over his hot cocoa, rolling his eyes a little."He's lucky Scott wasn't here. Ive never seen a man more eager to pull Dumbles' spleen out through his nose. Well, except maybe potter."he said with a slight flush at the mention of the boy who lived
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