The Pull Of Time

Harry growled as he realized just how controlling Brax's father had been, kissing the boy's forehead. “well you can have as much money as you want to now.” he teased smiling a little. “i'll even share my bank account with you so you don't have to borrow from your son.” he teased giggling a little as Tom laughed and beamed happily before paused. “Harry? Did I ever have any children?” “... no I'm sorry tom you... you didn't...” he admitted calmly, Tom sighing a little before smiling. “that's ok! I'll just make babies in this time instead.” he decided happily, nodding a little. “come on! I want to buy some new shoes!” Harry chuckled and nodded. “Scott you help Tom, I need Brax's help for my own outfits.” he admitted making a face. “i don't even know how to find something in my own size...”
Scott looked startled at that baby comment, but letting it slide for the moment because he was more interested on the slightly confused look on Brax's face. Wondering what caused it before shrugging a little deciding to help without asking."There's tags inside the shirts. Itll say small medium or large. I'd try medium's for both of you."he said before tugging tom into the store to help him get his own clothes. Brax smiled looking slightly relieved at the information efore smiling slightly "Come on then. Let's get our clothes."He said sounding a little excited about being able to buy his own things.
Harry nodded. “thanks Scott.” he chirped dragging Brax off, grinning as they helped each other pick out clothes, Harry and Brax both walking out of the store with no less than four bags each, stuffed full, shrunk and placed in their pockets, Harry wearing a brand new black shirt that fit, and dragon leather pants that clung to his hips and his ass. “mmm it feels so WONDERFUL to wear clothes that fit!” he groaned happily, stretching as he grinned at Brax. “did you have fun? I know I did.” Tom also walked out with a large amount of clothes, he got even more than harry did, five bags settled easily into his pockets, the bird sitting on his shoulder, now named Taifa, which meant prince apparently. “where to now!?” “we;;, we go get some butter bear, and then we hit the candy shops... oh! I wanted to visit Fred and George too while I had the chance.”
"Fred and George?"Brax asked, sounding mildly jealous even if he was looking mightily spiffy himself in those dark leather pants and a sweater that clung to him like a second skin."I had fun."He muttered nudging his lover snickering a little at the sight of Scott holding even more stuff that he'd gotten for himself, along with tom's things."Lets go to the joke shop first. The guys will probably be disappointed if we don't ask them out for butter beers."He pointed out to harry smiling a little. Amused because Abraxas was jealous of men who were not only gay, but more interested in each other than anyone else.
Harry grinned a little and nodded. “yeah, Fred and George, I grew up with them... well kind of, I met them and their family when I was eleven and they took care of me.” he explained. “their sort of my big brothers.” not wanting Brax to be worried about competition. “they love to mock Draco too so we always have something to talk about.” he admitted with a laugh as he led the way to the joke shop. “Harry!” Fred chirped gleefully, scooping Harry up. “we need your help testing something!” “oh no!” Harry protested. “no no no!” “...but... why not?” “the LAST time I tested your shit I ended up with purple skin for a WEEK! I am NOT testing ANYTHING!” “but...” “yeah but!!!” George added bounding over. “you'll like it!” “we promise!” “yeah we promise!” Harry glared at them and then sighed. “oh fine, but put me down before my boyfriend decks me.. OW!” they didn't put him down, they dropped him in shock. “BOYFRIEND!?” they demanded, shocked as they gaped at him, looking from Scott to tom to Brax, looking baffled. “ok, Scott we know... but who are they?”George asked confused “their cute.” Fred chirped grinning as he looked from Brax to tom. “this one looks like Harry.” “yeah, it'd be like masturbation.” “must be the Malfoy then.” “yeah it's gotta be Malfoy, with as much as he hates them there had to be one he had the opposite feelings for.” “plus he's the only one glaring at us.” “yup, definitely the Malfoy.” “would you two STOP!?” Harry demanded through his chuckles as he brushed himself off. “yes, that is my boyfriend and if you don't knock it off I'll LET him curse you.” Harry promised. “Guys, this is Abraxas Malfoy, and Tom Riddle.” both twins froze, their grins completely vanishing. “oh my god that fucking bastard actually...” “we knew he had plans but to...” “he went to far...” now they where talking about Dumbledore, clearly VERY unhappy about the two being there.
Brax grabbed his chest looking more amused then annoyed now."Oh!I see how it is!No love for the malfoy from the past."He pretend sniffled looking amused."Am I no longer fit?No longer sexy?"he asked twisting around to look at himself much to Scott's amusement. Scott shook his head smacking the blond on the back of the head."Stop Brax."He said looking playful yelping as Brax dove for the floor,scrmbling to hide behind the shelf of joke things that he had been standing beside. Having not expected the reaction Scott stared looking at his hand before moving around to look at the man sitting on the floor curled up with his back pressed against the shelf."Abraxas?Abraxas..."He said slowly shifting so that Harry could get to him. Looking so worired and sorry for having caused the reaction without meaning to. He should have known better then to startle a abuse victim. Espcially in someplace new and weird tht he wasn't used to.
the twins laughed a little as they watched Brax be over dramatic and twitched when the boy panicked at the smack, looking shocked. “god... he's more skittish than harry was his first month at Hogwarts...” Fred muttered, drawing Tom's attention as Harry gently took Brax's face in his hand, and forced the boy to meet his eyes, those large emerald orbs staring into his as he stroked Brax's hair. “shh, love shh.” he whispered softly. “your safe here, no one will hurt you.” he promised pulling the boy into a gentle hug, giving him a small kiss. “it's alright.” he promised softly kissing her neck and gently rocking him, Fred gently touching Harry's shoulder. “go ahead and use the house upstairs.” he muttered softly, Harry nodding as he picked Brax up and carried him up the stairs, Tom blinking at Fred and George. “Harry was skittish?” he asked, George nodded.

“he spent the first week doing all the house elf chores, making the beds, sweeping, he freaked out when we tried to stop him.” “turns out his fam..” they both paused suddenly, their eyes narrowing. “but we shouldn't be telling you that.” “if you don't know, then harry hasn't told you.” “which mean's it's none of your business.” Tom just shrugged and smiled innocently, the twins rolling their eyes. “come on, we'll show you great ways to prank Draco instead.” “deal!” Tom agreed, shooting a worried look towards the stairs, where Harry was calmly comforting Brax in the safety and comfort of a dim bedroom.
Brax sighed quietly as he snuggled into the other, resting his head on the other's chest closing his eyes."I'm sorry..."he muttere after a few minutes shuddering a few minutes."sorry.."He muttered because he felt guilty for freaking out. Knowing that he had probably made scott feel bad to. "Didn't mean to freak out.."he muttered closing his eyes.Slowly relaxing as he snuggled into Harry.

Scott sighed, laughing quiety as he remembered just how bad harry had been. "Draco's going to kill you two when he comes home with pranks. Espicially since Brax'll help him do this crap."He teased looking amused though he to was looking towards the stairs worriedly, but trying to distract tom from worrying.
Harry smiled a little. “it's fine love, don't worry about it.” h whispered softly. “i've had my fair share of freak outs too, no one is upset with you.” he promised kissing his forehead. “just rest for a moment and calm down ok?” he asked smiling at the other his head tilted. “i love you.” he promised grinning a little as he examined poor Brax. “do you want to talk about it?”

The twins laughed and nodded. “oh he can try.” “he always does.” “but he'll fail.” “like always.” the twins chirped, tom laughing a little. “oh I'm going to totally get Brax!” he decided clapping his hands together as he examined all of the pranks, picking our some canary creams and some ton tongue toffees as well as various others that the twins let him have for free. They where officially Tom's favorite people ever.
Brax was quiet as he rested his head on the other's chest, looking bemused. Having never had someone to talk to before, having avoided telling Tom all he could so that the other didn't have any more nightmares."...My father was a bastard.He used to smack me outside the head if he didn't think I was paying enough attention."

Scott smiled, glad that Tom had found more friends, looking amused because the twins were friends of everyone. Pouting a lttle when tom admitted they had to be his favorite people ever for this."But tom!I thought I was your favorite person."He teased leaning over to steal a kiss.
Harry smiled as he gently stroked the others hair, nodding. “my Uncle used to do the same thing to me.” he admitted. “he's smack me on the ear, and it would ring for hours after... and if I flinched or ducked he'd hit me twice as hard.” he admitted smiling at Brax. “the fear goes away, in time.” he promised, kissing the others forehead. “we're going to have to be careful though... no doubt the twins are loading Tom up with Pranks.”

Tom giggled a little at Scott. “no, your my boyfriend, so your not eligible for the competition because you already outrank everyone.” he teased, deciding right then and there that Scott was his lover, the twins lifting their eyebrows and shooting Scott a FAR too amused look. “dating a little young hmm?” Fred asked Scott, looking amused before shaking his head. “you'll be good for him, from what we know both he and Brax where abused pretty good.” Fred admitted watching George entertain Tom with colorful balls that exploded and painted everyone various colors. “how is Harry doing?” Fred finally asked. “he looks better but... has he been having nightmares or anything?”
Brax laughed quietly, "Yes probably, but he knows better than to prank me."He mused slowly pulling away grinning because he knew he was going to get pranked. Which meant he'd just have to prnak his friend back."Come on. We better go before tom starts worrying more."

Scott looked startled at the sudden change in his status,blushing a little as he was teased."Not that much younger!Just 10 years."He protested blushing harder before smiling shaking his head."No.. not that I've heard or seen. Brax's been good for him I think. Obsessing over malfoy has kept him fom reaking out to much. That and watching Brax bitch at the headmaster is entertaining enough to forget anything."He said just remembering the look on Dumbledore's face was enough to make him snicker
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “of course not.” he teased looking amused because he knew better. “come on, we'll load you up with pranks too.” he promised winking at him. “and I'll even help, the Twins taught me everything I know.” he purred happily chuckling a little as he kissed Brax gently. “are you feeling better?”

the twins snickered a little as Scott blushed. “good.” Fred chirped, pleased that Harry was recovering. Just last year Harry had such bad nightmares that he had kept almost all of the Gryffindor dorms awake with his screaming. After the third week Harry had slept in the Room of Requirement. “oh and, everything Tom is getting Brax is going to get too so i'd be careful where you step from now on.” he teased chuckling a little.
Brax smiled shrugging a little."I'm fine."He muttered though he knew he'd probably wake up screaming between voldemort nearly killing him and this, he was sure of it. But for now, he would be okay."Come on. Lets go get pranks."He said not willing to stick around and let the other fuss over him heading downstairs.

Scott smiled a little looking amused because he knew he was going to be so screwed."Lucius is going to kill me."He said nearly whimpering because he knew the blond was going to blame him and not say, brax or tom for him getting pranked. Looking relieved to see the other two coming downstairs."Get down here you two, save me from getting killed. Lucius is sooo going to kill me for letting you get all these pranks."He whined but didn't actualy try to stop them from getting anything.
Harry smiled and kissed him gently before heading downstairs with the other smirking at Scott. “you? Hell he's going to blame all of this on ME.” he stated with a shrug of his shoulders. “ah well I'm more worried about Draco than I am Lucius, Draco is anal, he'll string me up in a heartbeat if we ruin his perfect hair or something. Lucius was very much more laid back than Draco was. “here you go Brax, the exact same thing that we gave Tom, on the house.” “you want anything else you have to buy it.” George teased Harry laughing a little as he headed for the back to pick up some massive fireworks, hoping to throw a party once they got home, to help everyone relax. Lucius was already in on it, food was EVERYWHERE out in their massive garden, and Draco was bitching that there weren't enough decorations.
Brax smiled sweetly, tilting his head."Thank you."He said blushing a little before they left. Amused that they were getting things that him and tom weren't allowed seeing yet. When they got home Scott sent the youngsters upstairs to change clothes whie he headed outback to see if the party was ready yet."Being anal Draco?"He teased the blond as he tilted his head looking around because even inside he could hear Draco yelling about things."Shh they'll be done any minute. And you did want to surprise Brax and Tom."He teased
Tom laughed happily as he skipped up the stairs Harry laughing because he knew both the teens where going to be so shocked to have a party thrown for them. Late birthday party's harry was going to claim, because technically they had just turned eighty something. “yes! I am being Anal! Father won't listen to me, tell him to listen to me!” Draco demanded, Lucius chuckling a little as he ignored his son and put together the last of the desserts while Harry set up the fireworks just right, humming happily as Tom skipped back downstairs dressed in his new clothes and talking to Brax about how fun the shopping had been before freezing, looking confused at all the food and party decorations with wide eyes, looking amazed and overjoyed. “whats this?” he asked looking around, Harry smiling a little. “Happy late birthdays you guys!”
Brax stared around him, looking a little wide eyed as he looked around him. Biting his lip as he did so. it was....unusual for him to have something so big for his birthday, and he found it off putting and odd to have something as nice and big as this party."Tahnk you." "Your welcome."Scott grinned glad to see them looking so happy to be at the party.
Harry grinned and kissed Brax on the nose, chuckling a little. “i figured since we crapped your life up, we might try to make your future here a little brighter.” Harry admitted smiling at Tom who was already skipping to the food, making Draco chuckle. “not much keeps him still for long does it?” he asked Brax looking amused. “he sort of just goes along with everything and deals with it, it's kind of refreshing.” “careful Dray, Scott might think your flirting with him.” he teased chuckling a little as Tom waved at them. “I found Candy!” he yelled, wanting to share with his friends.
Sott rolled his eyes looking amused."Ah no. Draco's to much of a perfectionist to settle for a meer mortal."He teased before walking across the yard to get his candy. Brax smirked shaking his head."No, nothing much keeps him still. Something he shares with voldemort from what I can tell."He said soounding amused before squiring away from harry bounding over scott to get his candy.
Draco smiled a little, a wistful look in his eyes. “yeah.... mere mortal.” he muttered softly Harry giving him a strange look before he moved to entertain Tom as well, laughing as he stole the boys cotton candy and ran off with it, Tom yelling in false fury as he chased Harry with a second stick of cotton candy, both of them laughing as they pretended to sword fight with the ticks once the cotton candy was gone, Draco chuckling as he enjoyed one of the remaining sticks of cotton candy, glancing at Brax. “you alright?”
Brax smiled amused as he leaned back against the table nibbling on one of the candies, looking thoughtful and way to serious for a birthday party."I' fine."He shrugged not about to burden his grandson with what was bothering him. Frowning al ittle as he studied him."How about you?You're looking wistful."He teased wrapping a arm around Draco, kissing his head. More affectionate then he was usuually but he was trying to be Like harry."You'll find someone."He muttered amused.
Draco grimaced a little and shook his head as he blinked at Brax. “i already did...” he admitted softly before walking away, not about to tell anyone who it was he was in love with, they would think him mad... some days he thought he was. Tom laughed as he skipped over to Brax and snuggled into him. “oooh incest!” he teased grinning at Brax as Harry burst into laughter and stole Brax away from tom, snuggling the blond. “no way! He's mine!” Harry teased chuckling a little. “do you two want to help me set off the fireworks?” he offered grinning as Tom brightened eagerly. “yes!” Tom practically shrieked bouncing around as Harry snorted a little. “your a pyro aren't you?” “... a what?” “a person who likes to play with fire.” Draco supplied Tom blinking before nodding. “yes!” “... are you going to blow something up your not supposed to?” “...noooo....” Tom whined, though it was clear he'd been thinking about it.
Brax grinned looking at tom, though he was looking at his grandson thoughtfully. "We would NEVER consider blowing up something we're not supposed to."He said looking innocent as he studied the fireworks, just as clearly thinking about lowing something up. Scott rolled his eyes looking amused before looking at Draco."Did he pass on that innocent look in your genes Draco?And the pyro?Dear god, they're going to blow something up."Scott whined already imagining the talk he was going to be having with lucius for letting them blow something up
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head a little, Tom grinning happily as he realized they where probably going to get away with blowing shit up, Draco looking over at Scott, standing up in an instant. “of course not, a Malfoy is NEVER innocent, and we're certainly not prone to blowing things up.” “then why are you hiding fireworks behind your back?” “well I would like to set some off too, I can't let Brax and Tom have all the fun.” “Draco setting fireworks off in the house isn't allowed.” Lucius ordered. “if you all simply MUS blow something up blow up those TERRIBLE Fountains.” they had been installed by Abraxas's father, and they really where quite hideous, but Narcissa wouldn't let Lucius get rid of them just because they where ugly.
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