The Pull Of Time

Scott smiled a little, before sighing softly,holding him harder."No, if you have, I wont let it change you. You wont become him. Never."He grwled feeling off center, and wanting to ask harry. Because the only person he thought could tell them was harry if tom had hurt someone when he was this young."I love you.Nothing will ever change that."

Brax smiled a little, glad that his grandson had found that, wrinkling his nose a little as he tried to consider that."Yea...never telling scott or tom. They'll fuss."He said laughing a little before shaking his head."I'd never degrade myself to mock you. I need you to take me back to him. I need to talk to Voldemort."He said, staying calm because he had a feeling Draco was going to totally lose it
he nodded a little and sighed softly as he snuggled into Scott, breathing softly in sleep just as Harry came back up with two cups of hot chocolate and some hard liqueur for Scott, smiling as he saw Tom sleeping. "well i guess he doesn't need this after all." he muttered calmly handing the liqueur to Scott. "you alright?" he asked calmly his head tilted.

Draco tensed at the information that Brax wanted to see Voldemort again and then sighed. "does harry and Scott know?" he demanded, looking at Brax. "i'm assuming this has something to do with Tom..." he grumbled, too tired to argue too much. "and i suppose you want to go now too don't you?" he demanded scowling a little as he shook his head. "fine..." he muttered softly, letting Lucius finish healing his back before he stood up and started getting dressed.
Scott sighed sipping the drink he was given before running his fingers through his hair as he let tom lean against his chest, closing his eyes briefly before looking at harry."I'm...concerned. Tom's so scared that he's already done something. Hurt someone badly.How am I supposed to make him feel better, if I have no idea what he had done?"

Brax sighed rubbing a hand over his face before nodding."It does, and if you were more awake I'd tell you, but I'll let your father explain after you get some sleep."He wrapped his hands around his grandson's arms once the boy was dressed."You're going to take me, then come back here and go to sleep. I don't want you there when you're this tired."
Harry hesitated and then closed his eyes. "he did... though it wasn't his fault." he admitted calmly. "your Lucien took advantage of Tom during his blackouts." he explained calmly. "don't let Brax find out, bu it was in Lucien's journal... we... it was never destroyed." he admitted calmly. "it's in my vault right now, hidden... but, Lucien had Tom under Impirio quiet often, and... had Tom set free the monster of Hogwarts... that's how Myrtle died..."

Draco shook his head. "i am not leaving you there alone." he growled. "if Vol starts beating your head in again you won't be able to get away." he growled. "i'm the only one he'll ever stop hurting someone for and even then that's rare. i have to be there to distract him if he starts trying to kill you again."
SCott looked at him,holding his boy tighter looking shocked."...Brax'll totally lose it if he knew.Does lucius and draco know?"He asked because he wondered if they would be able to keep something like this away from brax. if brax ever knew...things would be ugly.

"Fine.Lets go then."He said shaking his head, not bothering to argue because he knew he'd lose. Letting the other apparate them back to the manor house, he tilted his head a little looking at Draco."Where would he be?It's late enough he could be in bed..."He said looking slightly worried at the idea of waking him up.
he nodded a little. "no one but me knows." he admitted calmly. "see, Lucien's diary wasn't in the Malfoy vaults... he gave it to his half sister." he admitted. "Lucien's father Abraham had an affair with a woman who later married a Potter." he smirked a little. "my grandfather was the result of that woman." he admitted. "it's complicated, but i'm related to the Malfoy's." he admitted calmly. "barley, but i am related, they don't know that either." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm not so sure we should tell Brax or Tom about that though... about Lucien..."

Draco shook his head a little. "Voldemort doesn't sleep." he stated simply. "not unless i'm in bed with him." he admitted calmly. "he has terrible nightmares, he'll be in his study getting drunk or reading, depending on his mood. if he's drinking you'll have to wait till tomorrow." unfortunately when they got there Voldemort was reading a book, studying up on his dark arts, and the man looked up at the two when they walked in. "ah, Araxas, glad to see you again." he almost sounded.... sane, and Draco sighed softly, looking relived. "this is a black out." he muttered softly to Brax. "sort of, it's the only time he's ever sane these days... your lucky."
Scott looked startled, staring at the potter. It was...odd to consider him a related malfoy, but he could see the narrow nose, the slightly feminine jaw..."No."He decided kissing tom's head."We shouldn't. At least, not unless we have any other choice. Both Brax and Tom have enough issues with Lucien, without adding to them. There's nothing they can do now, and brax'll drive himself insane with guilt for not realizing it when it was happening."

Brax smiled a little as he walked in,pouring himself a drink as he sat down."Ah. I'm always lucky."He smirked before looking at his friend, sipping the whiskey he'd poured tilting his head a little."light bedtime reading tom?"He asked leaning forward to poke the book up enough so that he could see what he was reading, the tone light and teasing.
he smirked a little. "yeah i was shocked too." he admitted calmly before shaking his head. "Brax needs to stop blaming himself for his fathers faults." he complained scowling darkly before shaking his head again. "i can understand though." he admitted licking his lips as he smiled at Scott. "i'm going to go to bed... or try to." he admitted calmly. "try and get some yourself."

Voldemort looked up at Brax, looking amused as he poured himself a drink. "such a Malfoy." he teased. "you know thanks to you, young Draco there thinks he can get away with anything." Draco smirked. "i CAN get away with anything." Draco teased as he sat down on the couch along the wall and nabbed a book for himself, Voldemort glaring at Brax. "don't call me that!" he growled. "i am NOT that week pathetic little brat!" he spat hatefully. "Tom is DEAD and i am what remains and you would do well to remember that Abraxas Malfoy." he growled before letting the other see the book 'Dead Souls and Reanimation'.
Scott nodded smiling as he settled down with Tom to sleep.

Brax sighed, wrinkling his nose a little."You must remember that I rather enjoyed the weak little brat.. It's...very discerning to suddenly find myself with a older more powerful one."Brax said leaning forward and stealing the book so he could read, so used to stealing tom's books that it had never occurred to him that stealing from voldemort would be a bad thing."So. This is how you survived.No wonder I ended up dead and gone."He mused looking through the book.
Voldemort glared at Brax and snapped the book back, snarling darkly. "don't touch my things!" he hissed violently, Draco sighing a little. "really Brax, must you antagonize him?" Draco complained, Tom wiping imaginary finger prints off the book. "and no, this is not how i survived you insufferable little brat.' he spat, scowling at Abraxas. "if you must know my theory about Horcrux was correct." Tom had been contemplating a soul cutting technique in school, but had abandoned it when Brax had expressed concerns. it appeared that Tom had picked it back up despite Brax's worries. "and no you can't have any information on it, it's MINE and i'm NOT sharing." Voldemort sure was possessive.
Brax made a face, not reacting to the anger, despite having a healthy survival instinct, he knew tom. Or at least, knew the man he'd been. He knew surface temper from true anger. Leaning back in his seat he sighed,"Ah, your the self named dark lord,and I'M the insufferable one?"Brax teased vaguely looking slightly intrigued, despitie his worry."really? I had wondered if you continued despite my warnings."
Voldemort growled at him and simply straightened the disrupted desk in the OCD manner he'd always had. Tom had always had OCD, and it was almost comforting to see the disgruntled look on his face as he straightened his desk again. "i waited until school was finished before continuing my research." he stated simply his eyes narrowed. "i made one while in school, accidental i suppose during one of my blackouts." he admitted simply. "i have to kill someone to do it, i guess i used Myrtles death to make my first one." he admitted calmly, as if it didn't matter, and to him it didn't. "is there a reason your here? one would think me smashing your head into the floor would have made my feelings towards you perfectly clear."
"It did, but you know me. Can't tell if someone loves me, unless they're trying to bash my head in."He said tilting his head a little, because it was true. Despite everything, despite what his father had done, he had no doubt that lucien had loved him. Loved him enough to scare him to death. Swallowing he looked thoughtful before sighing, running his fingers through short blond hair looking at Voldemort."I came because I wanted to know what happened I feel this gape between what I know right now, and what's going on in the world.Tell me. Please, t-voldemort.I need to know."He said taking a round about way to get wht he wanted.Knowing voldemort would probably just not tell him to spite him if he just came out and asked.
Voldemort didn't even bother answering that comment, it was too stupid to honor with a response. "ask Draco." Voldemort ordered, Draco sighing a little. "i did... as much as i knew anyway." Draco admitted softly. "but... he doesn't know anything else." Voldemort slammed his fists into the desk hard enough that his things scattered everywhere, but instead of picking them up in his usual Manner he just snarled, true fury in his eyes. "GET OUT! JUST GET OUT!" he demanded before vanishing with a Pop, Draco looking shocked. "that was... strange... even for him..." he admitted calmly, blinking a little before looking over at Brax. "do you think i'm mad? loving him?"
Brax looked thoughtful as he leaned back in his seat, having no intention of leaving. After all, he figured it was progress that he hadn't gotten his head bashed in, and he wanted to talk to his friend...or what was left of his friend within the dark lord."Not...yes, but Malfoys have been known for mad loves, so it really isn't that odd that you love him.I probably did, at one time."He said looking thoughtful."Well, I did when I was younger, did I love your grandmother?"He asked sounding thoughtful, curious about the woman he'd loved, or had he just married to please a tyrant of a father to procreate?
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "he won't be back tonight Brax. come on, we'll head home and come back tomorrow, i don't like sleeping here, Bella tries to slit my throat in my sleep." he complained getting slowly to his feet and yawning loudly before pausing then. "... you loved her, but not as a wife." he admitted. "she was broken when you married her... nothing more than a shell, you where able to coax life back into her. she was your best friend for many years while tom struggled to come to terms with his rape." he admitted softly. "you helped Tom as best as you could, but in the end it was Lady Brianna who saved Tom from suicide, and you loved her all the more for it." he admitted. "you where devastated when she died, so was Tom." he admitted softly. "died in childbirth, that is why you loved Lucius so much. not only because he was your son, but because he was so much like Brianna." he smiled a little and leaned into Brax. "take us home, i'll take you to a picture of her, she really is a gorgeous thing. she might have some answers too."
Brax laughed nodding as he stood."Well at least I had that."He said amused as he apparated them home, actually mildly disturbed that he'd made a lifemate of a woman. It was...discerning because he,while bi, usually enjoyed the company of men more then must have taken a special woman to touch his heart. Looking at Draco he smiled wider"Lets go see this picture, before Harry realizes I'm back. Otherwise I'm going to be bullied back into bed without seeing. And forced to rest because I'm still 'recovering'."He snickered wrapping a arm around the blond, pressing a kiss to his forehead, a silent understanding between them.Because he could understand how draco'd fallen in love, and despite everything, he understood and all he could was worry about his grandson.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "you never loved anyone after that save Father." he admitted calmly. "you doted on hi." he admitted with a small chuckle leaning into Brax, silently thanking him for the comfort, sighing a little. "Scott would think i'm a complete idiot." he admitted smiling a little as he nodded. "you are still recovering you know." he teased before vanishing, reappearing in a large, overly dusty room. "your old room, Father couldn't bear to disturb anything in here. he makes sure to dust Brianna every day though." "oh Abraxas..." the woman breathed, looking amazed. she was utterly gorgeous, and there was a bright life in her eyes, even as a painting. "come here, let me see you again, oh you look just like i remember, so beautiful."
Abraxas grinned as he walked closer to the painting, preening under the attention."I am NOT recovering!I am recovered!"He protested before smiling a little tilting his head towards Brianna."I am beautiful.As are you. No wonder our grandson is pretty."He mused, smirking a little, that same old happy go lucky smirk that had won her heart when she was younger, and he was still the man who had loved her. Just not...with the memory of doing so.
she giggled a little and shook her head a little. "you always where gettign out of bed too soon." she admitted smiling happily at him. "when you broke your leg i had to TIE you to it." she admitted playfully. "at least you never tried to ride that damn wild Pegasus after that." she admitted with a shake of her head smiling at him. "it's wonderful to see you Abraxas." she admitted chuckling a little as draco carefully started dusting her painting. "oh don't worry dear, Lucius was in here earlier, he warned me that Brax might stop in and explained what was happening." she smiled a little and looked at Brax. "go to the rug, and open the safe underneath, two two four three." she ordered. "my diary is in there. it doesn't have anything after my death, but it should give you a little insight about what happened."
Brax was halfway to the safe and opening it before his mind caught up to what she had said. Straightening with the diary in hand he grinned wildly."I rode a wild pegasus?"He grinned wider before tossing the journal to Draco, "Go give that to Luc. Me and Harry have something to do."He grinned heading off in search of his lover, having every intention of going to go find a wild pegasus. After all, he was young and reckless, with all that reckless bravery that Brianna had loved. And he wanted to ride a horse. Then do some other kind of riding. To bad his son and lover would probably stop him, but for the moment he wasn't going to think about that. He just had to go find harry and leave before Lucius could protest.
she groaned a little. "great... i just gave him another bad idea." she complained chuckling at Brax's wild nature. "try not to break your leg this time alright? and see if you can't convince Lucius to move me would you?" she asked smiling a little. "i haven't said anything because i know how much this room, and your office means to him, but it does get lonely in here." she admitted smiling a little as Draco snorted. "i'll speak to father." he promised following Brax out with a small smirk. "Harry's never going to let you try to ride a wild Pegasus." "oooh are we riding wild Pegasi?" Harry asked walking up behind them. "count me in! sounds fun!" "... i should have known better." Draco complained shaking his head. "you two really are perfect for each other." he grumbled simply as Harry laughed a little.
Brax grinned just as wildly as he pulled harry in for a kiss before leaning away to look at draco, flicking his fingers in a goodbye motion."Now go talk to your father about moving brianna into the living room or the family hallway. And not a word about this.Now shoo!"He ordered grinning as he dragged harry towards the door. Scott smirked as he walked out of his bedroom, looking slightly amused."Off to do something stupid again?"He asked, because he knew better then to try to stop them. The effort would just get him hexed.
Harry laughed and Draco rolled his eyes as he wandered off to take a nap and tell his father that Brianna needed to be moved, but he didn't give the man the journal, no, Brianna's diary was only for Brax, even Lucius did not know the broken state in which Brianna had been in when she had been married to him. she hadn't even talked, too fearful of punishment to voice any opinion unless directly asked a question. Harry smirked at Scott. "of course, you and Tom want to come with?" he asked playful, Tom hesitating before smirking and nodding. "yes, yes i do." he chirped gleefully grabbing Scott's hand. "can we, please?"
"Oh bloody hell."SCott said before laughing."OKay okay, brax stop with the puppy eyes.We're going."he said grinning as he scooped up his boy, wrapping him in a hug kissing the other's cheek before he followed harry and brax out."so how to you suppose you find this wild pegasus?"He teased looking amused and wondering really how they were going to pull it off
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