The Pull Of Time

"You had to quit remember because you spent more time in the library than at practice."Brax poked out before he climbed out of the water, collapsing in the shade next to harry, wet blond hair slicked to his head as he laid out on his back, a arm resting over his eyes. Scott snickered as he ate another bite of candy, "Well anyplace would be good as long as it has candy."He teased tom swallowing hard as he tried not to watch the man suck on his candy.
Harry smiled at Brax and tilted his head at the other reaching out and stroking a long scar along the others arm. “i remember the story of that...” he admitted smiling a little. “you saved Tom's life...” at thirteen, they had wandered into the forest, and had come across angry beasts, manticore, and Brax had stepped in front of it, saving Tom from being pierced in the heart with a scorpion tail. “it always amazes me, how much trouble children can get into at Hogwarts.” he admitted smirking a little, Draco snorting a little. “Brax the only person who EVER got into more trouble than you at school was Harry himself. He almost died his first year, like... what twice?” “three times.” Harry admitted. “well... more than that but I count the seven challenges as one thing.” Harry admitted with a small chuckle as he topped his castle with a sea shell grinning at brax. “candy is wonderful.” tom agreed, sucking and slurping, completely unaware of what he was doing to his poor professor.
Brax looked surprised and amused shaking his head."Yes, things do tend to happen at hogwarts."He said laing on his back, asently rubbing at the scar on his hand. Still worried enough about Tom that he wasn't even aware of doing it. The scr across his upper chest looked like someone had tried to go for his heart. which lucien had. As punishmen, tying him down and keeping him alive, forcing his son to go through the agony of having his heart cut out...for the crime of loving Tom enough to refuse to do as he had been asked."I hate school sometimes."He sai yawning. Scott whined softly under his breath amused as he watched Tom build his castle."You know, maybe we could just give voldemort candy...make him fat and lazy. no longer wanting to rule the world."
Harry snorted a little and shook his head, looking over Brax's various scars, some abuse, others just quidditch scars and 'trouble' scars. Harry's body was layered with scars of his own, marks of massive abuse, wounds from getting into so much at danger while at school, and the worst, the long thin marks up his arms, wrist to elbow, where he had tried to end his own life. Which was of course, the real reason why he wouldn't take his cloak off. “i don't think that would work.” Tom stated calmly. “he'd get addicted and go on a murderous rampage to get more.” he stated simply, Tom grimacing a little as he stared at the rock candy in his hand, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. “there is one thing...” Tom admitted softly. “i don't know... if he... I.. he is still afraid but...” he bit his lip, hesitating then. “spiders...” he admitted shuddering violently. “Spiders could get to him...” “... we'd need some pretty damn big spiders to get his attention and I doubt the ones I know would be willing to help, they'd just eat everyone they came across...” Harry admitted. “we'll think of something Tom, don't worry, you don't have to involve yourself in this.”
"You invovled us by the mere fact of dragging us here. There is no such thing as not being involved."Brax said his voice muffled a little from where his arm was over his face, sighing quietly."Who said anything about real spiders?We could create a illusion. Tom was always good at things like that."He said sounding decidely grouchy. Scott sighed thinking about it shifting to wrap his arms around tom, "Don't worry."He muttered trying to make him feel better
Harry growled a little and shook his head. “he had no right to drag you here and he had no right to trick me into helping. If you don't want to help in this war then you sure as hell don't have to! It's not like anyone else knows of your return, Voldemort won't ever find out and even if he does he won't know where to find you.” he promised. “even if I have to take you to the Ancient home of Potter.” he promised Tom smiling weakly at Harry. “eventually, Brax and I are going to have to make a choice.” Tom stated softly. “to fight, or to hide... and I have my doubts about hiding like cowards... it might not be our fight yet, but it will be in our future, why not fight for our future the same as everyone else?” he asked laying his head on Scott's shoulder and closing his eyes. “i don't feel well.. i'd like to go to bed...” he admitted softly, Harry grimacing.
Scott sighed, tensing al ittle because he hated to hear tom sound so sickly."Lets get you to bed then."He said kissing the boy's head before getting up and picking the man up, holding him close as he headed back to the house. Careful not to jar him to much as he walked upstairs and settled the boy in bed."Do you want anything?"

Brax sighed as he raised a arm, sitting up on his elbows, stomach muscles bunching as he did so. scarred as he was, or maybe because of it, he was ruggedly handsome, not the fragile beauty of his grandson, or the harsh beauty of his son....a strange and compelling mix of both."You dragged me out of hell. Damned if I don't fight to get away from what I become."He said scowling, because it truly disturbed him that he had become what he hated
Tom smiled a little as he shook his head at Scott. “nothing that you'll let me have.” he admitted with a small smile. “will.... will you stay here? With me? I... I don't like to be alone...” Tom admitted softly, biting his lip.

Harry smiled at Brax and nodded. “spoken like a true warrior.” he agreed chuckling a little. “alright, you guys can help.” he agreed shaking his head. “i don't like it but there's very little chance that I'll be able to stop you so.” he shrugged a little. “in any case if we can find out how Tom went insane, we should be able to fix him before he starts loosing himself... I have to admit I kind of like him.” he admitted. “he's like a little brother, you hate him, but you like him anyway.” he admitted Draco snorting loudly in amusement.
Scott looked startled at that before nodding, shifting to lay on the bed close but not touching him."oh well, I could always look the other direction if you wanted something you didn't want."He teased looking amused.

Brax smiled a little rubbing a hand over his face before snickering, looking at his grandson."Sort of like you and my grandson?"He asked before tilting his head, shuddering a little."You have no idea how weird it is to say that."He grumbled snickering a little before looking at draco. Having a idea."My picture. Or my father's...did you leave any of them up after I died?"
Tom smiled, relaxing as the other laid in bed with him. “mm I doubt you'd let me have a joint.” he mumbled softly. “Lucius told me 's not a magic thing... 'n the muggles frown on it these days.” he mumbled sleepily. “but 's ok.. I'll just drink some firewhiskey n'stead.” he mumbled, already half asleep.

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. “Draco and I have ALWAYS hated each other, ever since we first met like three days before school. He's such an ARROGANT little pric!” Harry complained. “we only get along now because he's mellowed out about his 'pureblood only' politics and because I've mellowed out about not punching him in the face every time I see him.” he admitted smirking a little. “him saving my life helped that a little.” he admitted. “and I do know how weird it is, me and my friend Hermione went back in time with a time turner once to save my godfather and a hippogryph.” Harry admitted. “we kept almost running into ourselves.” he complained shaking his head. “it was SO strange.” he admitted before blinking at the picture question, Draco looking up at him. “most where destroyed in the fire.” Draco admitted. “when my father, er Lucius was about ten, there was a fire in the Manor, Tom set it because you pissed him off or something and most of the stuff was burned. We have one or two paintings though, I'm not sure where... why?”
Scott laughed softly,"okay then.When you get up."He teased softly stroking the other's hair as he drifted off to sleep, cuddling up against him as they went to sleep.

Brax snickered looking amused at that His poor grandson, getting punched all the time. Before nodding, glad that most of the pictures of his father were destroyed, even if this might be harder because of it. He so didn't want anything of his father's near him. He started realizing he'd been drifting off on a thought for a few minutes before looking at Harry and Draco."Oh.Well, you said my journal was destroyed.But pictures see things. It's how I and Tom kept on top of the gossip at hogwarts. We asked the paintings. Maybe these two remember something."He shrugged absenttly
Draco snorted and shook his head. “oh don't worry about the paintings of your father, you burned them yourself the day he was sent to Azakaban. Tom helped, you had a massive Bonfire in the backyard and you danced around it like Hellcats.” Lucius teased with a small chuckle. “You used to tell me that story whenever I was really mad at you, and you would give me a small picture of you to burn to make me feel better.” Lucius admitted looking amused. “but I never burned them, couldn't bring myself to do it.” he admitted. “i hid them in my dresser instead but I think Father knew.” he admitted smiling a little. “i'll bring out the painting tonight so you can see what you looked like when you where in your forties, you aged very well I might add.” he admitted with a small chuckle Harry smiling as he stood up. “come on, lets go back in, I'm starving.” he admitted yawning a little.
Abraxas smirked as he got up, heading back inside with the others, amused."Of course I aged well.I'm a malfoy."The eldest malfoy said preening a little as he pulled his shirt back on, looking amused as he thought about burning pictures."I do not dance like a hellcat. I am graceful and lovely when I dance.Tom on the other hand, dances like a cat on prozac"He corrected snickering a little."But yes, I could see burning them all.It's a very good stress relief. Almost as good as sex."The man said not really thinking about who he was saying it to. Paling a little when he caught up what he said, smirking a little because his son and grandson were going to be so grossed out at the idea.
Harry snickered as both Malfoy's went beat red, Harry actually laughing out loud at that. “is it really?” he asked smirking as he suddenly gave Brax a playful smack to the ass. “well if you ever need some stress release then...” “P..potter!” Draco protested Lucius looking very grossed out at the thought of his father mating with POTTER of all people. “Brax... potter is not good for sex, he's terrible at it...” “how would you know? I happen to have been taught by the best!” Harry complained, crossing his arms, Draco choking on his tongue as he realized that the rumors about Harry and the Weasley twins... had been true. “... new subject!” Draco decided bright red and clapping his hands together. “what shall we have for lunch?” “anything so long as it's edible, I'm starving.” Harry complained leading the way back tot he house, Draco wrinkling his nose. “Potter do you really eat anything?” “yup, hell if I have to eat the leftover scraps from garbage cans? Yeah I'll eat anything.”
Brax snickered, blushing himself as he yelped at getting smacked.Barely resisting the urge to growl at getting hit. He knew the other hadn't meant it like that. Wrinkling his nose at the idea of garbage."...Well. No more garbage cans for you."The elder said wrinkling his nose as they got the to the kitchen, ordering a small chef salad, starting to eat. Even starving, he couldn't eat more than what his body would allow him to. "Rivals make good lovers. You two should have sex."He said more to ust harass his grandson than anything else, not wanting to discuss garbage cans because it could only lead to bad places.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “no, no more garbage can's for me.” he agreed. “Lucius would never allow it.” he admitted with a small chuckle as he ordered a steak and a milkshake, enjoying his indulgence as Draco and Lucius both ordered more healthy choices, Draco a lean turkey sandwich and Lucius a spinach stuffed ravioli with a cheese sauce. “and I wouldn't fuck Draco if he was the last man on earth.” Harry stated loftily. “besides I don't just fuck someone I have to at least like them first.” he complained with a smile. “you people are too healthy.” he complained sucking down half of his milkshake as Tom staggered in, his stomach growling loudly. “food?” he asked hopefully, Lucius smiling. “just tell the elves what you want.” Tom turned to the elves. “i want food.” he ordered sleepily, too tired to function more than that Harry snickering a little as the elves glanced at each other and then at Brax, hoping for a meal to make.
Brax smiled a little at the elves, debating for a moment on teasing them or not before smiling wider."A steak salad and a milkshake. Two milkshakes."He said sipping the milkshake when it appeared in front of him, pushing Tom's food over to him with a smile before looking around."You lost scott.Did you wear him out?"He teased raising a eyebrow. Though tom wasn't as well known for being the slut of slytherin as Brax was, he had had sex before, on occassion. "No he didn't."Scott yawned as he waled in ordering food for himself as he sat down.
Harry lifted an eyebrow as Tom tucked into the steak, looking down at his own food before he suddenly slammed his forehead into the Table. “son of a bitch!!!” he complained, Draco and Lucius staring at him, startled, Harry shaking his head. “when I was twelve, that memory of tom from his diary told me that we where more alike than I could have ever imagined.” he admitted shaking his head. “he was right goddammit we could be damned brothers...” Tom snickered a little and shook his head. “yes, but at least I'm not trying to kill you.” he pointed out. “this is true.”
Brax snickered a little as he ate, glancing at the two before looking at Draco."You know, it could be worse then you two being like brothers."He said wisely, "You could be related to me, and Draco's cousin. Could you imagine that family talk."He snickered a little sighing as he pushed the last of his salad away. Despite barely eating it, he wasn't hungry. Or better said, he was he just couldn't eat all at once. Scott smiled a little shaking his head."I think we all have issues.Maybe we all need a therapist."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. “if I had grown up as Draco's cousin I never would have hated him.” he pointed out. 'the only reason why I hated him was because I made friends with Ron first and the stupid blond git made fun of him in front of me, I'm VERY loyal.” Harry admitted Draco rolling his eyes. “Tom you should eat more.” Draco ordered, deciding not to give Harry the satisfaction of a response as he pushed more food towards tom, who ate it gleefully, Harry smiling a little as he glanced at Brax. “you should eat more too.” he stated firmly setting a chocolate bar in front of Brax before retuning to his dessert, a massive mound of ice cream and cheesecake Tom staring at it, down at his half eaten fruit salad and back at the cheese cake. “i want one of those!” he ordered, the elves giving him one almost immediately, Tom growling eagerly as he tucked in. there was only one thing Tom would kill for, and that, was cheesecake.
Brax rolled his eyes watching tom devour the cheesecake, having forgotten just how good his friend loved good food. "I'm not hungry."He said pushing the chocolate bar away from him, looking at Harry. Smiling a little as he shook his head, leaning back in his seat, "I'm going to laugh when all of you get fat and round." Scott snickered a little shking his head as he got himself some cheesecake to, looking amused."But its well worth that, being able to have this cake."He said devouring the cake and missing the look of longing on Brax's face. Almost jealousy showing on the blond's face as he wanted to eat more, He'd never been able to eat alot, so he wasn't going to overdo it and throw up.
Harry chuckled and shook his head. “i'm too skinny to get fat.” he teased Draco shaking his head. “i don't eat fatty foods.” he complained Lucius snorting. “for cheesecake? I would happily get fat.” he admitted Tom nodding. “me too!” he admitted grinning happily as he smiled at Brax, Harry gently reaching over and giving Brax's shoulder a comforting squeeze. He recognized that look, he'd had it his first year of Hogwarts, all that wonderful food, and only being able to eat half a plateful at a time... it had been torture. “well, I'm going to go take a shower.” Harry decided, his plate empty once again as he headed off to his room, thankful that no one ever followed him.
Scott looked amused as he ate, glancing at Brax as the other watched Harry go."You could always join him you know."He teased. Brax sputtered a little, starlted."what?" "For a man who holds the highest record for getting caught having sex someplace in school, you're being shy."Scott snickered,"Just go after him. You know you want to." "Do not."Brax said staying where he was for a few minutes, so it wouldn't appear like he was actually obeying a order.After all, who ever heard of Abraxas malfoy listening to someone else? "I'm going to go get a shwer to. I'm sweaty and gross from the pool."He said before getting up heading after harry. "Oh yea, he's got it bad."Scott snickered amused.
Lucius looked a little nervous though. “are you sure that's a good idea? The last time someone almost walked in on Harry was... well he had two broken bones in his arm and a concussion afterwords.” he pointed out biting his lip before sighing. “i'll get the healing potions.” realizing that Brax hadn't even paused to listen to him.

Harry had left his door unlocked, and was standing with a towel around his waist, already finished showering, his skin slightly pink from the hot water, but that just made the scars stand out more. He looked like Brax did in all honesty, pale marks where Harry had been caned, belted, and whipped. But what was most horrible where the cigar burns all over his body, all over, there where even a few on his shoulders, and he was so thin his ribs where sticking out, which made one wonder how he didn't puke up all that food he ate. He hadn't noticed Brax yet as he reached over to grab his pants, three long ropy lines running up both arms, clearly suicide marks. It was no wonder Harry had refused to get Naked, ever. Because there where marks not from abuse too.

There where burn marks from his fights with Dragons and blast ended skrewts, a long line cut down his shoulder from the Dragon in fourth year. There where pale patches on his chest, where parts of his soul had left him in third year. There was a puncture mark on his right shoulder from the snake in his second, and there where other marks from various battles and skirmishes through his long years at Hogwarts. “you had better be dead or dying for you to be in here Abraxas Malfoy.” Harry hissed, suddenly taking notice of Brax and hiding his body with a blanket. “or your balls might go missing...”
Brax shruged absently from where he was laying in the middle of the shower, staring at the cieling. Not noticing the scars yet. Respecting his privacy enough not to look while he was naked, but not enough not actually leave the room. Actually a arm resting over his eyes, as if to prove that he hadn't look."Well,considering I'm nearly 80 years old, I should be dying."He said joking before growing serious shrugging."I...just didn't want to be with the others.But didn't want to be alone...seemed like you were a good option...but I can go..."brax said. Oh look at that, for once, Abraxas Malfoy sounded unsure of himself.
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