The Pull Of Time

Abraxas yelped as he was suddenly hugged, nearly falling as the older man fell to his knees. Only qudditch trained muscles kept him from tumbling to the floor. Looking up in a panic at Scott and the two teens as they came in, trembling a little as he tried to not pull away from the man hugging him, or upset him. After a childhood with Lucien, he was trained not to pull away to fast, in case he got hit for it. He didn't know this man, or how he'd react so...staying close even if he was breaking under the thought of being in the future and being touched it was to much. After all, this Abraxas hadn't had years to come to terms with things, or been prepared for a son. At least not one he was close to. Despite knowing he'd had a son and they were close, he wasn't mentally prepared for it. This was the abraxas malfoy who'd been so abused that ahe'd freaked out anyone but tom touched him.

Scott sighed softly watching them."Abraxas, meet Lucius, since he seems to be in no state to introduce himself."Scott said slowly calmingly, wanting to calm the man."Luc, you might want to let him go..."He said a little gently, resting a hand on Lucius's shoulder, gently, trying not to startle him.
Lucius winced a little and got to his feet, coughing a little. “terribly sorry I... that was very rude of me...” he stated calmly, feeling awkward and uncertain as he examined his father. “my emotions got the better of me, please forgive my rudeness. I am Lucius Braxian Malfoy.” he introduced himself bowing slightly to Abraxas. “ son...” he stated softly, examining his father. “i didn't know that Dumbledore was going to bring you to the future...” “we didn't mean to.” Harry explained. “he's sort of a hitchhiker.” Harry explained with a shake of his head. “don't worry Brax, Lucy doesn't bite...” “no but I might curse your innards to your outers if you call me that again.” he growled glaring at Harry who smirked a little. “Brax?” Tom was awake, and sounding sluggish. “are we back home? Why are we at the Manor?” well the manor hadn't changed all that much so it was reasonable for Tom to realize they where at Malfoy Manor. “your dads not home right?” Lucien never had liked tom and his 'dirty mudblood ways.'
Abraxas gave them all a look, still lookng a little shell shocked at having gotten his son hugging him before moving to the other's bed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Gently stroking Tom's hair out of his face."We're... Tom we're in the future."He said softly, soothingly, trying to make him feel calm. Not wanting to upset him. The exact opposite of what the world thought him to be, coldly vicious. And was there, the death eater was present, but it was still the nondominate personality, this caring scarred teen was the one in control of himself. And he wasn't going to upset Tom again, not lie dumbledore had."My...son is living at the manor now. We're staying with him until we figure out how to go home."He said, though truthfully, he liked the present better.

Scott swallowed hard watching the scene, "Come on Lucius. I think you need a drink, I think we all need drinks."He said dragging the malfoys and harry out of the room, giving tom and brax some peace. "He's a hitchhiker. It's why we think he's not doing as badly as Tom is..."
Harry shook his head. “Tom... Voldemort... they never took change well.” he explained calmly. “sudden changes stop them in their tracks, they don't know how to cope with it.” he explained. “when Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, and Snape all switched sides it took him a week to figure out how to even react.” Harry explained, Draco shuddering violently, wondering how Harry could handle being buried in the Dark lords mind all the time, and not even on purpose either. “i'm sure Tom will be alright with Brax to help him calm down.” he admitted Lucius looking almost traumatized. “i can't believe my father...” he paused, realizing Brax wasn't his father... at least, not yet. “i can't believe Abraxas is here...”

Tom blinked at Abraxas, looking horrified. “we... we're really... in the future?” he demanded his eyes filling with tears. “Brax I'm a madman!” he complained, laying his head on the others lap. “a psychotic freak! I never accomplished anything but being ugly and a murderer!!!”
Scotted nodded a little pouring them all drinks, pausing slightly at the idea of giving minors whiskey, then figured they all deserved it."And he's not...not different yet. Whatever changed them, its not bad yet."Scott said resonably, because he could see the dark lord and death eater under the surface, but that part of their personalities weren't in control."Abraxas is here...and we'll have to deal with everything that means."He said absently sipping his drink. Having been prepred to deal with tom who was a traumatized kid, but Abraxas was a whole other story, one that they didn't know because Brax didn't usually talk about it. Before remembering what they wanted to ask."Luc, when they took their trip, did Abraxas ever tell you what happened?"

Tom nodded,"Yes, we're in the future."He said gent;y stroking his hair, shifting to lay down with him, curling his larger body around his frail friend."No the past you didn't. Now that you know, you're going to do something else. I wont let you end up like that again. I wont let whatever changed us, happen."
Lucius blinked and then hesitated. “well... he... he did but he told me to never tell...” he muttered nervously, biting his lip before swallowing down the alcohol he was given. “he... he told me that his father caught up to them, he cursed Tom with a Never Ending Agony...” he explained softly. “it was incorrectly cast so it only lasted three days, but Tom screamed, never ending...” he explained closing his eyes. “Abraxas he took home.... tied him to the bed and married him off to some harlot of a woman, who died during childbirth.” he bit his lip harder. “but... Lucien did everything he could to try and break his son... torture... curses.... and rape...” he explained looking at them all. “Lucien was a terrible man... he was always locking Brax up in his room, which was little more than a bed and a dresser, he didn't allow Brax to decorate it. Everything had to be perfect, shirts folded just right, always clean...” Lucius explained softly. “if anything was done incorrectly he's take the cane to my father.” he admitted softly. “i read his journal.” he explained. “when he caught me, he just sighed, and made me promise never to tell anyone...” he admitted taking another glass of whiskey, needing the drink.

Tom sniffled and snuggled into the other, sighing as he started to relax, enjoying the physical comfort. Despite their bad past, Tom always felt better when Brax was touching him, it wasn't anything sexual, it was just that Brax was the only one willing to comfort him in such a way, holding him, hugging him. Brax was the big brother Tom had always wanted. “thanks Brax.” he murmured softly, leaning into the other. “everything will be alright, I'm sure of it...”
"Bloody hell."Scott cursed more out of shock then outrage. Then rage set in grinding his teeth as he considered what it meant to be treated like that. No wonder Abraxas was still high strung even before they'd gone on their trip."And Dumbledore tried to do the same thing. Refused to let him leave his room until Brax cursed the door open and threatened to beat up the old goat."He said frowning a little, shaking his head, slightly amused when Abraxas hadn't done anything to his son for reading his journal. Just let it go."Abraxas wants to know. You're going to have to tell him...when he's calm again...."Scott sighed running his fingers through his hair."Bloody hell, this is such a fucking mess...I don't see how dumbledore expects them to be helpful when they have no idea what happened."

Brax nodded, shifting, curling his body around him tightly, a arm around his waist."Welcome. And it will be. As soon as we figure it out. Now rest. Then we'll get up and see what we have to do."He said starting to fall asleep
Harry looked horrified, his eyes wide in astonishment. “they used to lock Tom up too, in the closet.” he explained. “no light, that's why he's afraid of the dark.” “the Dark Lord is afraid of the dark!?” Draco asked, shocked, Harry nodding. “i get locked up too, it's so frustrating not being able to go anywhere, or even use the bathroom when you want.” he admitted. “it's no wonder Brax was freaking out, I probably would have too, jerked to Merlin only knows where and then locked up for no reason? I'm shocked it took him that long to get all pissed off.” Harry admitted shaking his head a little. “i think I should tell Brax, he seams to trust me, and Lucius is a little too emotional for Abraxas's comfort.” he pointed out, Lucius doing the signature Malfoy 'I don't care' shrug. “besides, Dumbledore's trying to find out about their past to find weaknesses, he's not expecting them to be actually helpful at all.” Harry growled with a scowl.

Tom nodded and drifted back to sleep, hesitating. “will you light a candle Brax?” he asked softly. “it's going to get dark soon...” the light was fading, and poor Tom was so afraid of the dark, not that he let the other boys know, only Brax knew his bone deep terror of the darkness, and had helped Tom set up glowing strips of light on the top of the young mans four poster so that Tom wouldn't have to sleep in the dark, once Tom activated them anyway.
Scott looked surprised at the idea of tom being scared of the dark before nodding."He always had a slower temper, then it explodes and gets messy....kinda like yours potter."He said absently beore looking at Harry."go talk to him. Though they might be asleep by now. They were crashing when we left."He said looking concerned, truly worried about what the damage to two teenagers would be. Beyond anything else, he cared about the people. The war could go to hell for all he cared, he just knew that Dumbledore was going to hurt them worse. "If he thinks brax is going to help him kill Tom, no matter what he's done, Dumbledore's going to have his dick ripped off and shoved somewhere uncomfortable."He said knowing, even as the elder malfoy had grown older and disapproved of what tom was doing, Abraxas had protected him, because he was his friend still.

Abraxas smiled nodding, biting his lip. Because he assumed that him and tom had stayed friends after Luciuen died, and that this had been Tom's room. Not knowing what compelled him to think that, but he did....raising a hand he triggered the light spell they'd put in years ago, snickering a little when the light spelled walls shimmer with soft light."There. We'll both be fine. No dark."He said trembling a little himself, because like tom he hated dark
Harry scowled darkly. “i am nothing like Tom! You take that back!” he demanded, Draco shaking his head. “Harry, everyone who knew Tom as a child would say the same thing, now sit down and calm down before I hex you.” Draco ordered, sighing a little. “i know you think Tom is Evil harry but he just isn't, he's a broken child with more than a few mental problems but evil he most certainly is not.” Harry growled, annoyed by that but even he had to admit that it was true. “Brax will never help kill Tom, he's too loyal, but the thing is, to Brax, Voldemort isn't Tom.” he pointed out. “Tom is tom, Voldemort is just some sick old man who needs to be stopped, even knowing that Voldemort is Tom, I don't know if Brax will associate Voldemort with his best friend.”

Tom sighed when the lights flickered on and he smiled a little as he drifted off to sleep relaxed and happy with Brax so near. “everything is gonna be fine.” he decided. “i think I might like the future.” he decided. “at least your father can't curse me and I won't be locked in the closet anymore.” he mumbled sleepily. “and you won't get hit anymore... it will be nice...” Tom had to hope.
Scott looked amused before nodding."I think you're right. He wont associate the two, because to him, they're to different."He said looking thoughtful, and wondering just how badly this was going to go.

In the morning Brax growled a little as he stood just inside of his door waiting for it to open. To well trained still to open a door without someone opening it for him. Which was part of why it'd taken him so long to fight back to being locked up at hogwarts. He'd been trained that it meant a harsh beating and a curse to open a door and let himself out. His father hadn't needed to lock the door anymore, he'd just been locked in by his own fear. Yelping a little as he nearly got beamed in the face when Harry pushed open the door."Bloody hell!You could have knocked first!"Brax scowled as he scrambled back a few steps even as he turned back towards the door, panting softly. Looking trim and fit, only wearing his jeans because he hadn't been allowed to wear shirts at home, beacause if his faher was going to beat him, he didn't want anything between the cane and flesh. He sooo wanted knew clothes. And soon. and food. Looking anxiously towards Tom's room, having left him still sleeping, he wanted to eat before tom got up and moving like he usually did, because he hated for tom to see just how badly he came undone in appericiation of just a few scraps of food.
harry blinked a little at Brax as the man cursed and he smiled, holding something out to him. “Lucius got you clothes.” he explained, handing Brax the pile of soft silk, dragon leather, and other material that only a Malfoy could properly afford. “i hope they fit, I brought you food too.” he admitted indicating the tray with was hovering next tot eh boy who lived, which had enough food on there for three people to feast on, let alone two boys with the appetite of a bird. “is Tom still sleeping?” he asked glancing in at the other, sighing when it showed that he was, looking almost relieved. “you and I need to talk brax.” harry explained in soft tones, “why don't you get dressed and we'll have breakfast in the library?” he offered his head tilted at the other, waiting for him to get dressed before leading the way to the library, shoving the massive amount of food towards Brax. “sorry about all the food... I get nervous and I start cooking...” he admitted sheepishly. “you could have probably done fine with half of that but I can't help myself.” he admitted biting his lip as he stared at his hands.

“Lucius told us, about your past.” he explained softly. “about your... father.” Harry explained. “about how he used to... abuse you.” he explained calmly. “i know how it feels to be hurt for no reason, and locked away like an animal.” he explained calmly. “so if you ever need to talk, just come get me and I'll find us a safe place.” he promised calmly. “and... we found out what happened when he caught you, on your trip....” he admitted, biting his lip hard. “he cursed tom with a Never Ending Agony curse.” he explained softly. “and you, he took home, and.... he tried to break you Brax.” he explained softly. “he... married you to a woman you hated, she died in childbirth.” he explained softly. “he beat you, and cursed you and...” he paused for a moment and gently took Brax's hand. “he...raped you...” he explained softly, even though it hadn't happened yet, it would be terrifying for Brax to hear. His own father, doing such a heinous thing.... “i'm so sorry Brax.” Harry muttered softly. “i... I wanted to tell you alone, in case you didn't want Tom to know...”
Abraxas smiled wanily as he realized that he wasn't going to have to fight to get food this time. Nibbling a little on the food, his stomach rolling a little when he heard the other speak. The only reaction to the news was the slight wrinkle appearing between his eyes before it smoothed if it wasn't affecting the teen at all. Setting the food he was nibbling on to the side he shrugged."That doesn't help."He sai shrugging,"It wouldn't be the first time, and it probably wasn't the last."He said sounding totally calm about it as he nibbled on his food. eating just a few bites, after all he hardly ever ate enough as it was, so it wasn't odd he wasn't eating. Unlike Draco who was naturally thin, Abraxas was thin from abuse, the slight ridges between his ribs showing even through his shirt. "...what does Dumbledore expect us to do?He pulled us from the wrong time if he wanted to know what's wrong."
Harry stared at the other for a long moment, grimacing as Abraxas admitted that it wasn't the first time, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes to control his fury, well aware Brax would think it was HIM that harry was pissed off at. “eat.” he ordered shoving the tray back in front of Abraxas. “your too thin and I won't allow it.” he ordered shaking his head. He was too used to having to go hungry, to do horrible things to get his meals that he wasn't about to let Brax go hungry for anything. “Dumbledore doesn't expect shit from you, he's looking for weaknesses, not help.” he stated calmly. “he was going to use tom to find out how the Horcruxes work.” he explained. “and I know Tom has already made one.” he admitted shaking his head, but in all reality, Tom didn't remember making the horcrux. In all reality, he himself had never created one, it had all happened during a blackout. “if all else failed.... if.. if tom comes into contact with Voldemort, touches him... two of the same person cannot exist in the same timeline... one of them will cease to exist... it's Dumbledore's last desperate attempt... he's dying and we all know it, and he's determined to kill Voldemort before he dies... we don't know which of the tom's would vanish, but it's a risk Dumbledore is willing to take, even if no one else is... he's old and he's losing touch on reality.... but, he's still our best hope.”
Brax nibbled on the food, watching Harry talk as he ate. As if he was so used to interrupting people's day, that he had to make sure that he wasn't taking up to much time just so he had someone to eat. He, did eat more as long as it seemed the person he was eating with seemed to have nothing better to do then eat with him. Before frowning shaking his head."He never made one. What are you talking about?"He said studying him. Before shaking his head again."It wont work. This tom, and your tom, are no longer the same least not really. Voldemort doesn't think of himself as Tom riddle anymore at least from what the book I found in my room said."-yea he'd found a copy of a history book, a self updating one so it had everything- "Voldemort has dissociated himself to the point his soul might not even recognize himself anymore... sort of how my tom doesn't believe he's voldemort."
Harry reached over and took a strawberry off the others plate and nibbled on it, savoring the taste as only someone who was used to table scraps and trash could savor something. “Brax, Tom made a horcrux in his fifth year.... when the Monster of Hogwarts was wandering the halls.” he explained frowning a little. “i saw the memory myself.” he explained before shaking his head. “and it's probably a good thing you don't think of Voldemort as Tom, because if Voldemort finds out Tom is here... well, Voldemort will do anything he can to kill Tom.” he admitted looking a little worried. “he won't like his past living in his time... he'll see it as a mockery.” he admitted closing his eyes. “at some point, you will have to choose between the two Tom's.” he admitted shaking his head as he examined Brax.

Back in the kitchen where Draco and Scott where eating, a hesitant Tom stepped in, looking for food. “i... uhm..” he muttered, fidgeting when he realized there where people in the kitchen, wondering if he was going to get punished for looking for food without permission. He really didn't want to be locked in a dark closet or something, worse would be a caning like what Brax got, he suddenly decided to lie, make it seam as if he wasn't looking for food, even as his stomach growled loudly. “i was looking for Brax...”
"There are no to tpm's. There's my tom, and Voldemort. Who isn't tom."He scowled before turning the other's words over."Sasan never wandered the halls. We let her out in the chamber, but it never went further than that."Brax said looking confused, "Whatver you saw, wasn't... no.Somethings wrong."He said frowning looking confused."I think I would remember him killing someone with Sasan."He said eating slowly taking his time because he didn't want to be getting sick."And the world SHOULD mock Voldemort, he's worthy of a hole in the ground and a long pointy stick shoved up his ass."

Scott smiled easily, shoving the plate of food sitting between him and Draco towards the boy, keeping the motions so and easy."Brax should know I don't know. Harry went lookng for him earlier."He said shrugging."Eat though, he'll come around later."He said looking amused trying to not get angry at the hesitant broken look on tom's face
Harry smiled a little and nodded before looking shocked. “you NAMED that damn thing?” he demanded looking horrified. “shit....” he shuddered violently and closed his eyes. “i'm going to tell you something Brax, something I never told anyone.” he explained softly. “when I was twelve a horcrux, tom's horcrux, the one he made when he killed Moaning Myrtle possessed a friend of mine. This memory of fifteen year old tom almost killed three students and a cat and slowly drained my friend of her life until he could turn solid. Tom was real Brax, it was his life, and his memories. He was letting S..” he swallowed hard at naming the monster. “Sasan out and ordering it to kill...” he opened his eyes and stared at brax. “Tom ordered her to kill me and it damn near succeeded. If it wasn't for Fawks, I never would have lived...” he admitted softly. “i saw the truth, he TOLD me the truth... he was killing people in your fifth year, and he blamed it on Hagrid.”

Tom hesitated, looking at the food before deciding it was safe and moved into the room, sitting down and eating slowly. “Harry... that's...” he bit his lip. “Voldemort was trying to kill him right?” he asked softly, determined to not associate himself with that madman, Draco nodding. “ever since he was eleven.” Draco admitted softly, blinking at Tom. “did you sleep well?” “... I.. had some nightmares...” Tom admitted softly looking troubled. “i... I wont be that... thing... I refuse....”
Brax frowned shrugging."She was nice. She let us stay down there as long as he wanted to."He said getting up eating a apple as he paced thinking over the other's words. "Something's wrong with this. Hagrid got kicked out because I told, not tom. I blamed that damned spider for killing my cat, so I got him kicked out."He said as if it wasn't a big deal to do it. And to him it wasn't."And moaning mytrle...I remember her dying, Tom was genuninely upset. For some reason I don't know, he actually got along with her. He wouldn't kill her."

"Good.And you wont."Scott said shrugging as he ate. "Dumbledore shouldn't have told you that yesterday. He should have just let it go for the moment."He said looking worried about tom." you remember anything about your blackouts?"He said remembering what the other had said yesterday
he shook his head and sighed a little. “the Horcrux must have been faked...” he muttered, frowning a little. “or the memories in it where altered...” he muttered biting his lip. “but he...” he hesitated and glanced at Brax. “i guess everything is a little screwed up.” he admitted shaking his head. “moaning myrtle told me that Saran killed her, or at least that she looked into big green eyes and then died.” he admitted. “she heard Parseltongue before she died so unless there's another Parsel in your school...” he closed his eyes and shook his head. “i don't know what to think anymore.” he admitted grabbing another strawberry,

Tom blinked a little and licked grease off his lips. “not much, I used to have them when I was little.” he explained calmly. “once I had a blackout, and two boys from the orphanage disappeared.” he admitted shaking his head. “i used to worry it was me but the Matron assured me I had been in the closet all day.” he admitted calmly. “i used to have them all the time in school, whole days would go by and I wouldn't remember anything.” he admitted. “it was the worst in fifth year though.” he admitted looking worried. “that's when the monster of Hogwarts was wandering the halls and students where dying, I was so scared I was going to be next, being a halfblood and all that... you know? Dirty blood? The monster only attacked the muggle born kids after all...” he admitted worrying his lip. “i still have them sometimes, the last one I remember was...” he pondered and thought hard. “last week.” he decided nodding. “i woke up, I remember that, but beyond that nothing until the middle of dinner, I remember because it was my favorite.” he admitted shrugging a little. “why?”
Brax frowned a little as he ate a strawberry shaking his head."We'll have to ask tom. And the bastard."He wrinkled his nose."As it stands, Dumbledore might understand more of what happened that year then we do."He said because it was true. As far as he knew, Tom was the only parsel at school,but him attacking people..."It doesn't make sense. Since the only people attacked were mudbloods, and Tom is actually"He sighed shaking his head."I don't know. I really don't."

Scott frowned looking worried, "Because we're trying to figure out how you became....him."He sighed softly."Tom, what happened that day that you DO remember?"He said frowning softly. Looking at Draco, wondering if he'd ever heard any of this before. Surely someone would have noticed the man having blackouts.
Harry scrubbed his face a little and shook his head. “i don't want to ask Dumbledore.” he growled angrily. “Dumbledore never liked tom.” he explained, shaking his head. “at least that's what the Diary told me.” he explained. “i never thought to ask Dumbledore.” actually, Dumbledore had treated Tom like a son, and offered all the help he could offer. When Tom started sliding into the dark arts, Dumbledore had felt betrayed. The only thing Dumbledore had not been able to do for tom, was take him out of the orphanage, he had tried, but being a wizard he could not legally remove anyone from a muggle orphanage, not by adoption and not by kidnapping, so Dumbledore had not been able to do anything. “well this Voldemort is actually quite intent on slaughtering all 'mudbloods' and halfbreeds.” he admitted shaking his head. “we'll get this all figured out.” he promised gently patting Brax's hand. “come on, lets go see if he's awake yet.”

Tom scowled a little, pondering that day, biting his lip. “it's hard.” he admitted. “it's just darkness, like trying to remember being asleep...” he admitted frowning a little. “i remember... breakfast... and then... a voice, and then I was at dinner eating roast duck.” he admitted blinking at them. “why does it matter? I've always had them...” he admitted looking nervous. “i mean... I never told no one, I didn't seam to be doing anything unusual during them so I just figured there wasn't anything bad about it...” he admitted working his lip a little. “was that...wrong?”
brax winced a little at the contact, following the other out of the room. Careful to stay out of arms reach even as he looked around, as if he was expecting lucien to walk around the corner. Sighing softly as he frowned confused. much as the malfoy hadn't gotten along with dumbledore, he had to admit he had treated tom well."Ask tom sometime. And we'll figure this out."He said absently, musing. his chest tightening a little as he realizd that tom was awake, and not in his room. Fear getting to him, this was...okay. This was the future. He was safe here."Where could he have gone?"

Scott shrugged looking at him, hoping to keep him calm."I dont know. It's just odd.not a normal thing."He said shrugging a little before sighing. This just wasn't helpful. They needed more, they were all missing something.
Harry smiled a little as he watched Brax act so hesitant. It was shocking how much of himself he saw in Brax, and even Tom. “we'll talk to Tom.” he agreed shaking his head. “i have to admit, I'm nervous about talking to him.” he admitted. “relax Brax, he probably went looking for breakfast, he's probably in the kitchen with Draco.” he promised following Brax to the kitchen and pausing when he heard them talking.

“oh, I guess I never thought about it, I mean it's always happened...” Tom admitted, not realizing Brax was listening in. “no one ever noticed or commented so I guess it was just something that happened to some kids.” he admitted Harry frowning. “Brax what in the world is he talking about?” he asked softly looking over at the 'eldest' Malfoy. Technically Brax WAS over seventy years old.
Brax shrugged a little, having suffered from memory lapses himself, though his was abused inflicted instead of...whatever happened to tom, he hadn't thought his friend was weird. which probably hadn't help tom realize something was wrong."He sometimes doesn't remember days, hours of what happens."He shrugged heading into the kitchen, absently rubbing his thumb over the skin between thumb and forefinger a nervous habit as he felt the scar tissue raised against his thumb. A constant reminder to remember that he had to be calm and quiet no matter what.

Scott shrugged shaking his head."I guess."He said though he still looked concerned, not wanting Tom to worry. Sighing a little as he looked at the younger man."Now, eat some more. You're nothing but skin and bones."
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