The Pull Of Time

Harry scowled a little, looking unnerved by that information, shaking his head as Tom turned and smiled at Brax, relaxing more when he saw his friend. Obeying the order to eat more as Draco slid another tray of food over to Brax. “you need to eat more as well.” Draco ordered calmly as he shoved a tray into Harry's gut. “and don't you even DARE try to tell me your not hungry Harry Potter or I'll beat you with your own broomstick.” he growled, Harry rolling his eyes. “i already ate.” he complained, but accepted the food anyway, nibbling on a slice of fruit with a shake of his head. “now tell me about these blackouts.” he ordered Tom, his head tilted. “have you ever done anything unusual during them?” “no... at least not that I know of...” he paused, frowning a little. “well... no during fifth year I apparently found a monster, and in second year I woke up naked in a woman's bed. It was creepy.” he admitted Harry grimacing a little but looking amused anyway. “Tom aren't you gay?” he asked lifting an eyebrow, Tom nodding. “that's why it was creepy.”
"it was very creepy. considering it was my girlfriend."Abraxas said wrinkling his nose, shaking his head as he studied the small group. Eating as he rubbed at his hand, to nervous about being in the manor, despite knowing that his father wasn't there, he couldn't relax and he didn't know why. Scott frowned a little as he watched the man before looking at Harry and Tom, figuring they all needed to relax."You two-well all of you, why don't you go flying this morning?It's still nice out, and it probably wont stay that way for long."
Tom wrinkled his nose as well. “oh yeah, I forgot that.” he admitted shaking his head as he ate all that he could, his stomach too small to eat any more, Harry devouring his food like a mad man, too used to being starved to take his time or even chew. He needed to eat what he could when he could before someone took it away. Draco Harry and Tom all brightened at the thought of flying and Harry and Draco raced each other to the broom shed, arguing about who was the better flier, Tom blinking a little as he watched them. “...are they always that competitive?” he asked looking at Harry's empty tray. “... has he been starved too?” he asked Scott his head tilted. “he acts like he was starved...” in fact, Tom saw a lot of the same habits he and Brax had in Harry, wincing away from raised hands, and even shying away from Touch all together. Harry had probably been beaten just like he and Brax had. “come on Brax, lets go show those amateurs who's the best.” he ordered, smirking as he headed out after Harry and Draco, but what everyone would realize, was that Harry was still the better flier, beating even Brax, who had broken a speed and stunt record in school was just a little it less of a flier than Harry was, who was utterly reckless on a broom.
That evening found Lucius and Scott watching them amused from the sidelines as he watched them, looking amused as the four tired boys landed."Your father would be as good as harry if he didn't value not crashing into things. Though Harry never does crash."Scott said amused watching. Brax grinned as they landed, the teen looking haggard and amused as he ran his fingers through spikey blond hair, glancing at the others."I think its time to eat."He said as his stomach grumbled, the teen's high metabolism protesting the abuse he usually put his body through while at home. He hated eating at home, it usually was some sort of trick."Yea, definately time to eat."
Lucius chuckled a little as he nodded. “father was always amazing on a broom, but he was safe about it, Harry is practically suicidal, always has been, it drives Draco insane because he values his skin too much to try even half the stuff Harry does.” he stated calmly. “Harry's even worse when theirs a Snitch involved.” Tom laughed at that and clapped Harry on the shoulder, the boy yelping loudly, Making tom gasp, wondering where he had gotten that kind of strength. What no one realized was that only a week ago Harry had been at his families, and that he was still bruised all to hell, and Tom had just hit one. “it's fine tom, just a little bruise, I fell out in the garden and fell on one of my aunts ugly ass garden gnomes.” he admitted Tom wrinkling his nose.

“good god the muggles still HAVE those?” “oh yeah.” Harry stated with a shake of his head as he led the way inside, eager to eat himself, Tom skipping along next to him. It was so strange to see Tom acting so carefree, it was so... not who Harry had expected. Once they where at the table and tom started eating the would be Dark lord paused, fork halfway to his mouth, blinking rather stupidly, a sign of a blackout. Abraxas had seen Tom do that so many times it was just a common thing, especially since Tom seamed to recover quickly and resume eating the same as always. “...Tom? Are you alright?” Draco asked, looking a little worried. “....did you just have a seizure?” “.. no, I don't think so... hy what happened?” “you... froze there for a second.” “froze? No I'm sure i'd remember something like that.” Tom stated with a shrug Harry blinking a little before he pulled out a notebook, glanced at a clock, and wrote down the time that Tom had 'glitched' and what they where doing. “i want everyone to write down when and what you where doing when Tom does that... it might be important.”
Everyone at the table nodded, even as Brax snickered a little, eating eagerly. "He sounds like Sherlock Holmes. Records everything."He muttered, not realizing really what he was saying. Not only had he read the muggle books, but he liked them enough to remember what the character had acted like. Scott looked concerned frowning a little as he thought. It was...he wondered if the person affecting Tom was in the present or if it was the past tom that had something done and it affected this one. This was such a fucking mess. And he had dumbledore to thank for that. Which just made things messy."Tom,have do you feel right now?"He asked concerned for the boy's physical wellbeing after the attacks.
Harry smirked a little. “i am SO not Sherlock Holmes.” he complained shaking his head. “i'm nowhere near smart enough.” “who's Sherlock Holmes?” Draco asked, confused, Harry smirking. “muggle thing, you wouldn't like it.” “my father enjoyed muggle literature.” Lucius admitted smiling a little. “their very clever sometimes, muggles. They like to write about werewolves and vampires, thought their usually wrong about most of everything.” “i don't know, you have to be careful, most of those authors are actually wizards spreading lies so that no one suspects.” Harry admitted Tom looking surprised. “what really?” he asked Harry nodding as he blinked at Scott. “how do I feel?” he asked his head tilted, pondering. “i feel a little Dizzy...” he admitted. “and kind of foggy, confused like... like I'm half asleep.” he admitted smiling before he went back to eating, protecting his food from Harry who was trying to steal small pieces of food off his plate.
Scott frowned thinking it over, shelving the discussion for now, but amused to watch the two older men discussing muggles as if it was normal for a death eater and voldemort to be discussing them. "Lots of the authors just enjoy amusing the muggles, even if none of what they write is true." Abraxas smirked a lttle glancing at Harry, amused as the boy tried to steal tom's food, pulling his own plate closer to himself. There was just some indignities he wasn't willing to suffer in his own home, and getting his food stolen was one of them. Making a face as he looked at Harry."Potter, stop trying to steal his food.There's house elves. Make use of them."He scowled a little because it was so hard to get Tom to eat something, that he didn't want Harry stealing tom's food.
Tom chuckled as Abraxas scolded Harry who sighed a little. “but stolen food tastes so much better.” he complained, obediently asking a house elf for more food Tom smiling as he nibbled on cherries, about the only thing he ate till he was full on, everything else he ate a little bit and then gave it up to someone else. The other Slytherin's didn't notice, but Brax did, Brax noticed everything. Harry helped himself to some more sandwiches, handing one to Tom who shook his head. “no thanks, I'm full.” “bullshit, eat the sandwich.” Draco ordered, eating a large block of ice-cream that a house elf had just delivered, Tom grimacing but he never disobeyed a direct order, so he started to eat Lucius smiling a little as he ordered Abraxas;s favorite dessert, and Voldemort's as well, luckily it proved to be Tom's favorite as well judging from how quickly he abandoned his food and snatched it up, literally rock candy. Tom utterly adored rock candy, particularly the cotton candy and bubble gum flavors. Harry chuckled a little and ordered chocolate covered cherries for himself, all pf them indulging in their sugar cravings, tom chuckling as he sucked on his candy and chewed on it, pulling the string out of his mouth and flicking it at Brax just to be annoying, acting like he always did.
Brax yelped as he was hit with the candy, flicking some back at his friend, whining quietly."Don't do that!Its gross!"He whined germaphobic enough to be bothered as he flicked a piece of candy back at his friend. Scott snickered a little as he watched the teens, before looking at Lucius."we should leave before we find ourselves in a food fight.That really would be bad.We have to appear adultlike and everything."He said snickering a litte.
Tom laughed and flicked another piece of candy at Brax, this one untouched from his 'germy' mouth, giggling as Lucius smirked. “leave? Whatever for, there's nothing better than a good old food fight.” he teased Scott, harry snickering as he started flicking pieces of vegetable at Draco, eyes filled with wicked laughter, still gorging down on chocolate covered cherries. They made an interesting bunch sometimes. “anyway, on the memo of keeping busy, I was thinking we could all go for a swim down by the waterfall.” he admitted cutting off the food fight before it began, Harry blinking. “you guys have a waterfall?” tom asked, excited, he had never gotten to go, because Lucien didn't allow Tom inside Malfoy grounds, but all the Malfoy men knew that Harry and tom where going to love it. There where fish, and shells, and a tall waterfall that you could slid down like a water slide There where animals too, tamed wildcats and playful water lizards and even a few snakes that Tom and Harry would find ever so amusing, considering it was tom who put them there the first time he was allowed onto Malfoy lands.
Brax grinned."Let's.I'm sure some things have changed since I saw it."He said eager to see what he'd added to it the older he'd gotten. Interested because he knew the waterfall just as a waterfall and something interesting, not the funhouse Lucius knew it as. Scott snorted laughing before grinning, "Let's. Swimming will be good."he said feeling a little out of place. He wasn't...he was different then these scarred damanged men. He just didn't know how to act around them."Brax'll enjoy the wildcats."He mused. Brax perked up as he finished his food grinning a little."Cats?I like cats."He said sounding amused
Lucius chuckled a little. “yeah they changed a lot.” Lucius admitted smiling. “Tom took it over the minute he was allowed into Malfoy manor. Most of the strange things you see in this house are actually you indulging Tom.” Lucius admitted. “after Lucien was sent to Azkaban tom moved in with you.” he admitted. “i was born about nine months after you where freed from your father, but by that Time Tom had run off and started...” he paused and Tom grimaced, nodding. “well... we'll find out how I went...bad.” he decided. “i'm probably sick somehow... in my head.” he admitted. “and that's why I have blackouts, right?” “perhaps.' Draco agreed. “there are tests we can run, but we won't be sure until you start showing some real signs of madness, the blackouts could just be a pinched nerve in your brain or a tumor, possibly it could even be purely mental from your traumatic past.” he admitted Lucius chuckling as Harry stared at the blond. “hell just froze over... a blond, a Malfoy blond no less who...who's smart!” “HEY!” both Lucius and Draco complained at that, Harry snickering.
Scott snickered as they all headed outside, smirking a little."Oh, not only smart, but pretty to. A rarity that."He snickered looking at the blonds smirking as Brax preened under the praise, as if he was shucking off some of his father's abuse just by getting complimented."Malfoys are always a rarity."Brax said nodding, looking amused. Running his fingers through short cropped hair he sighed quietly, smiling as he looked around the lands, his jaw dropping a little at the sight of all the animals." that a sphnix?"The eldest malfoy said for the moment distracted from the problem that they were faced with.
Draco and Lucius both beamed at the compliment as well, Tom snorting a little. “please, Scott's by FAR better looking.” he stated Harry chuckling a little. “no no, Brax is by FAR the best looking one here.” Harry chirped simply, smirking as he watched Brax run off to look at the Sphynx who smiled at Brax and posed him with a riddle. “What is broken every time it's spoken?” the creature asked, her head tilted. Tom staring at her wondering if they where going to be attacked if they answered incorrectly. “don't worry, she won't attack, she's been tamed, it's just for fun.” he promised smiling a little. “Snakes!” Harry chirped happily skipping off, the Sphynx watching him, sulking that he had no interest in her riddles.
Brax smiled softly as the sphynx looked annoyed,shifting to wrap his arms around the animal as he answered."Silence."He said grinning. scott looked amused as he gt called beautiful, rolling his eyes a little as he wathed the group slip up to go after different creatures, lowering a hand to pet the lynx that rubbed up against his legs like a overgrown house cat."...this has to be the oddest collection of animaks I've ever seen."He said looking at lucius then back at the animals. It was truly amusing to see the animals that Brax had collected to appease tom's curiousity.
the Sphynx purred, kissed his forehead and nodded. “you are correct.” she purred smiling a little as she stood up and wandered off, revealing a pile of sweets underneath her that she had been 'protecting' Lucius chuckling as he reached down and picked up a piece of rock candy, licking it as Abraxas stroked the cat. “you used to say that if you weren't so anti social you would open up this place as a tourist attraction.” he teased Brax Harry and Tom played with the many snakes in the pond, Tom laughing as he ran up to the 'water slide' and slid down on his belly, dropping the four feet into the water with a bright laugh, drifting in the water, Harry grinning as he started building a sand castle, Draco playing the riddle game with the Sphynx, he loved riddles and he always tried to stump the sphynx with his own.
"I am not anti-social!"Brax stuttered looking confused and amused. He was not actually, at the moment even as he nibbled on the candy. Scott laughed quietlly shaking his head as he watched the kids play, relaxing alot to see tom so relaxed. Having worried that they'd truly drive the man insane by dragging him into the future."Yes you are. You only talk to people now because you have to."The teacher said looking amused as he looked at Brax. While he knew the teenaged Brax wasn't as anti-social as the older one, he still prefered his own company or tom's to anyone elses.
Harry chuckled a little. “you are too Anti social, in fact everyone in this glade is anti social.” he pointed out. “we just get along with each other because we have similar attitudes and personalities.” he admitted smirking, pausing as he blinked at Tom, who was standing in the shallow end of the 'pool' blinking stupidly. “it looks like he's coming out of it...” Harry muttered looking a little worried as Tom looked freaked out, looking around, blinking as he looked at Brax. “... where the hell are we?” he demanded, utterly baffled. “did we win a cruise!? How long have I been out!?” freaking out a little s Harry wrote down the time and place that Tom had come out of his blackout. “is that a Sphinx!?” he demanded, freak out forgotten in favor of interest at the creature, bounding over to it Harry chuckling as Draco scowled relaxing in nothing bur his boxer shorts while Harry had never removed his robe. “you know Harry your supposed to take off your clothes when you hit the beach.” “can't, all these gay men will see my brilliant body and they'll never want another man again, I'll turn them straight!” what an ego.
Brax snickered as he looked at the gryffindor, before looking at tom."Tom, the youngster thinks he looks better then us."He pouted a little before sighing having stayed dressed himself he grinned. Because he might as well strip down, they already knw what his back looked like. Shrugging out of the robe he was wearing the man stripped down to his boxers, grinning at the younger gryffindor."Strip. Come join the rest of us."He said amused as Scott stripped down to, the lean teacher giving into the need to slide down the slide. Looking years younger as he splashed into the water.
Harry chuckled and shook his head before freezing as Brax stripped, his mouth going dry before he... oh Merlin almighty he was DROOLING! Literally! “i'm not stripping down, I happen to like my body unburned thank you.” Harry stated, returning to patting the sandcastle into shape, Tom laughing as he managed to answer a riddle right and got his prize, gathering the Candy into his arms and running off with it, stashing it in a corner so no one else could find it and steal it, an old habit from the orphanage. “strip down and sit in the shade.” Tom stated Harry scowling. “i am not getting undressed so you people can ogle me!” he growled, the tone of his voice, warning them to drop it.
Brax smirked a little,"Oh, he's just worried we'll laugh at him for not having a stomach like mine."He said poking the definate six pack abs before he dove into the pool. Scott snickered as he pulled up next to tom, sitting on the edge, his feet hanging in the water as he watched everyone."You wont get that burned potter."He said staring at Brax's back as the man swam, studying the pale scar lines over his shoulders. Trying to figure out just how many times and what was used to make them.
Lucien had used multiple weapons on brax, the Cane had been his favorite, leaving long red welts, but sometimes he used a whip, or a few times a cast iron fire poker, it depended on how furious he was. Sometimes he used a belt, , but mostly it was the Cane. Tom smiled at Scott, his head tilted as Harry glared at Scott and ignored them all. No one had ever seen his marked up body, not even Ron and Hermione, he suspected Madam Pomfry had seen, but she'd never said anything, and he'd never brought it up. Sure it was hot under his cloak, but cooling charms where doing just the trick and he would rather play in the sand than swim in the nice cool water anyway. “so where are we anyway? And how long was I out?” Tom asked his head tilted. “did I act differently?” he'd always wondered what he was like during a black out. “you where only out for a few hours, and we're still on Malfoy lands, you helped build most of this, in your future.” Draco admitted smiling at Tom who grinned as he looked around. “it's so pretty here.... if Brax wasn't so anti social i'd suggest charging people to come here for a day of relaxation.”
"Dammit tom!We already had this discussion. I am not anti social!I am extremely picky over who is in my life."Brax said turning to look at the others, looking amused and a little worried about his friend. Scott grinned looking around, before looking at tom again."Just think, because he wanted to please you he built all this. Including finding a sphyx."Scott teased looking at Tom, amused but also worried about the blackouts. He just couldn't believe what was going on surely there was a reasonable explanation about what was happening to the teen.
Tom smirked a little and shook his head. “your anti social.” he teased smiling as he rested in the water, smiling as he looked around at everything. “i always could get Brax to get me whatever I wanted.” he admitted with a chuckle. “he even bought me a broom in third year so I could try out for the quidditch team.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “most of my clothes where from him too.” he admitted shrugging a little. “anyway, this is a really pretty place...” he admitted smirking. “AND it comes with candy!” he admitted Lucius laughing as he tossed the boy another piece of rock candy, Tom smiling as he suckled on it. “mmm yummy.”
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