Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

"Ugh.." He wheezed, collapsing in a very un-solider like heap near the bar with a sigh. Matt had a weird sense of things, when he felt like he was safe. That's all there was to it, he was relaxed and casual.

"Might as well not bother, lovely." He said. "They'll leave eventually..believe it or not." He chuckled. "Save your ammo."
"I'd rather make sure they're dead..." She mumbled, killing off the last few of them. "I try not to take chances..." She sighed and set her bag and gun on the counter top, before picking up the shotgun and adding it to her pile.

"Hey Matt..." Now that she was safe, she sat down next to him on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She may have been badass in those last few moments, but damn if she didn't owe him her life.
"You did good, Kara." I smiled, arm around her waist. "You did damn good, you'd make the Marines proud with that crazy shit." He laughed. "That's some serious courage you got. I'm impressed." Aroused, difference, right?
She smiled, almost embarrassed. "Once the adrenaline gets pumping...well, you know." A small chuckle followed. "You know, Matt...I..." Was she blushing? Ah fuck, she could take down a Tank, but she felt so out of her element at the moment. "If it weren't for you, those men..." She shook her head, then grasped his face in her hands. "Thank you," she smiled and gave him an impromptu kiss on his lips.
That was..probably not the best choice, given the rush of feelings that were swarming through him after the fighting and..well, when they first met. But hell, he was happy to go with the flow as he returned the kiss with much more gusto, his arms slipping around her waist to tug her closer. know, it could have been any number of things. But her lips were amazing, and the fact that they were doing this in a temporary safehouse was even better..the risk was always a charge of emotions. He never thought these kinds of emotions, however.
Kara made a small noise, of what she wasn't sure. Normally she wasn't so forward but damn if all that had just happened hadn't made her realize how fickle their existence was at this point. She had nearly lost her life a couple of times, in just this one night. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him just as close to where she was almost in his lap, her tongue finding his to deepen the kiss.
"Mm.." He moaned in appreciation, hands trailing down to squeeze the perfect rear end that he saw much of today while his own tongue found hers. Well, shit..he thought he was a little rusty. But he wasn't really going to complain too much for his first kiss since before Iraq..
She enjoyed it for a moment longer, moaning softly into his mouth as her tongue touched with his. Slowly, she pulled back, finding that she liked his hands on her heart shaped bottom. "I'm sorry, got a bit carried away," she murmured, kissing his lips softly again. "I'm glad you're alive, hell, I'm glad I'm alive. Been a helluva night..."
"Yeah," He breathed, giving quite possibly the most ear to ear boyish grin. "The part where you're on my lap or the part where we almost died? I'd say the first one is more important." He said, giving her rear another wonderful squeeze. "We better make sure the restaurant is secure, lovely. We should make sure all the other doors are battered down if possible..might be a good idea to hunker down here for the rest of the night." He was out of options, and quite frankly he was hoping that they could get some actual rest before carrying on.
Kara was almost reluctant to move away from him. "The first one does sound more important," she giggled, actually giggled. Oh, what the hell. She leaned forward to kiss his lips one more time, then pulled back with a sigh. "I suppose you're right. Don't want to get ambushed while kissing, did we?" She chuckled and slipped out of his lap, stretching. "I'll check the front. Take your gun and secure the back?"
"Yes ma'am." He said easily, giving her rear another fond squeeze before he slid up with her. Phew..felt like all the exhaustion just slipped away for a little while, that was something. "Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. It's a restaurant..there's only so many ways to get inside." A second floor, too..maybe where the people stayed after the restaurant closed? Regardless, he grabbed his M4A1 and nudged the kitchen door open.

Heh, maybe things wouldn't be so bad with her around.
Kara nodded, though she admitted missed his warmth. It was possible the extenuating circumstances that made her feel like she wouldn't lose him. Hell, was she sweet on the guy? Not that it couldn't be expected. He had risked his life to save her from rape. And from infected. She grabbed her P220 off the counter and went about checking the locks on the gate, before shutting the doors and locking those, too. Each window was thoroughly examined as well, making sure boards were still in place and not likely to be knocked off.

"The front is clear and secure," she called out to Matt before sitting on one of the bar stools.
"Same back here," Matt called, walking back out in thought. "Strange..let's check the top," He smiled. "Maybe we'll get lucky, eh?" Hell, a warm bed, maybe a shower? The infected were everywhere and out of their minds right now as it is. He wondered if the risk would be worth it..but imagine how nice they'd both feel..

..And Kara naked.

Wonderful, wonderful nudity..

He shook his head visibly, giving her a smile. "Come on, better safe than sorry."
She slid off the bar stool and nodded, moving with him as they found the stairs in the back that led up to an apparent living situation; likely the owners of the diner. "Well, whaddya know..." she moved around the small living space, moving into the kitchen. Cabinets were checked, and the fridge, freezer. "Oh! Holy cow, Cheeze-it's!" She almost squealed as she pulled out the box. More shocking was that it was unopened.

"There's some food in here," She said as she popped her head out of the kitchen. "Dunno about you but I am suddenly starving."
"Go ahead, lovely." He smiled. "I'm going to take a sweep around. But dig in." He said easily, moving into the living room. Two doors left..he moved to the right, nudging open the door..and he was instantly assaulted with a horrible smell of decay. He almost gagged as he shook his head. Wow..that..that was looked to be some sort of children's room...sad, but thankfully he didn't have to see any children's corpse. But what he did see was dried blood splatter and a broken window, curious as Matt was. He made his way towards the broken window and peered down.

Suicide, maybe? Or something got in and left? Either way, Matt glanced around and lifted the bed up with a grunt, pressing it against the wall as he closed the door behind him. That'd be good for now.

"Broken window in that room," He said idly, opening the next one. "Ah! A bathroom!" He said happily. "Perfect!" A shower stall, a toliet..a sink..this was a nice little slice of heaven. They had scored a lucky break!
Kara sat on the small couch that was in the living space, munching on the Cheeze-it's as Matt went about clearing the rest of the apartment. She visibly perked at the mention of a bathroom. "Really? I can't remember the last time I had a shower," she whispered almost wistfully. "Why don't you go ahead and see if it works?" She asked as she popped another cheesy cracker in her mouth, chewing happily. Her intuition had actually panned out for once, lucky break indeed.
"Sure thing," He smiled, parting the shower curtain to turn on the faucet. There was a soft rumble, before water started gushing out. Matt laughed happily at that, wow! Running water! And a shower! Even a way to clean our clothes!

"Jackpot!" He grinned. "We have running water!"
"No shit?" She exclaimed, jumping off the couch with said box of crackers still in her hand. She moved down the hall and leaned into the bathroom. "Wow! No shit! Actual running water..." She then found herself laughing a little. "Strange how now just running water is like a goldmine. Aaahh, but man, to be cleeaaaan!"
"Yeah," He smiled, patting her back. "Ladies first," He smiled. "Go ahead, I'll make sure things are secure, okay?" He needed to be damn well away from her if she was showering, he didn't need to catch sight of her like that..unless she wanted him to see.

Oh man, focus Matt! Focus! Safety first..
"Okay!" She laughed softly and handed him the box of crackers. "Thank you, Matt." When he went out the door, she shut it behind him though she left it cracked just a slight, setting her .45 pistol on the counter with the sink. She sat on the toilet lid and off her boots, followed by slipping out of her dirty clothes. "Hey Matt! Can you see if there are any clothes about?" She called out as she finished stripping. One foot into the shower, followed by the other, the semi warm water pouring over her head as she pulled the curtain shut.

Ah by the gods! Never had she thought a shower could feel so good!
"Uh..sure," He said, no. He didn't catch peek of those panties, or them slipping down her leg as he headed off to the closet. "What..kind of clothes, like..undergarments, or..?" He called back, opening the closet at the opposite side of the living room. Well..there were clothes, shirts, pants..undergarments. The thought was enticing to get new clothes..but hell, these didn't look like they'd fit him..he'd just have to wash his.
"Just pants and a top!" She yelled out from in the shower, pulling the hair tie out so that she could run her fingers through the now wet strands of her hair. The water ran grey for a minutes, washing out all that grime and dirt and blood from her hair. Eyes found a questionable bar of soap, but she held it under the water until it was clean so that she could use it so wash herself and her hair, as there didn't appear to be any shampoo around. She washed herself thoroughly and then turned the water off, somewhat reluctantly, poking her head out from behind the curtain. "Is there a towel or something I can dry off with?"
"Uh.." He said, glancing at the closet. "Oh!" He said, tucking the towel under his arm before gathering some pants and a shirt. These would fit her..maybe? Regardless, he headed over. Trying not to fall into his guy senses as he opened the door, eyes closed as he handed her the towel and folded close on top. "..Here you go." Don't look, Matt. Don't Look, oh sweet merciful heavens do not still had to check the restaurant and double check everything. Looking would be bad, looking would be loss of control.

And he was a Marine, dammit. He had all kinds of control!

She reached and took the clothes, setting them down on the toilet seat, before then taking the towel. "Thank you," she said with a smile as she took the towel into the shower with her, drying off behind the curtain, first her body and then her hair. It didn't really occur to her that this was torment for Matt; that world had come and gone when she had to worry about her actions effecting the men around her. Or at least, that's what she had thought until today.
Ah..dammit, he looked. The outline alone was enough for him to clear his throat. Yep, focused Marine..that was him! But regardless, he needed to get going. "I'm going to do another check, like I said." He murmured. "Maybe we'll actually be able to relax for a while." Small hopes kept things going, after all. No matter how desperate things seemed, you always needed to be optimistic. Matt was just surprised the optimistic part was hoping he'd get laid.

World was a twisted place anymore, he supposed priorities were hard to really settle on.
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