Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

She nodded her head with a relieved sigh and bent down to sweep up the shotgun, reloading it just like he had showed her the night before. Next was the pistol, reloading the clip. "City hall shouldn't be too much farther away," she noted, taking in one of the building's signs: Midnight diner. According to the map, City Hall should have been one to two blocks from the center of the city, where a lot of the restaurants and gift shops were. The pistol took out a few stragglers here and there that decided jumping out from behind and between cars was a good idea.
"Hopefully not," He agreed, glancing up at the municipal building. "But seeing it close and actually getting there..two different things, eh?" He grinned, rubbing at his throat a moment. "Especially when I get giant tongue on me..and not a tongue I want." He sighed wistfully. "Life as a man is so hard, you know?" This was his element, honestly. This is what he knew how to handle, tense situations and combat problems with guns and physical force. It was what he enjoyed!
"Haha, trust me, life as a woman isn't all peaches and cream either," she chuckled, looking this way and that as they proceeded down the street. The building had cars piled in front of it, bumper to bumper, like they had been parked that way to try and make a barrier, or a wall. The windows were all boarded up, though the front doors were inked out in black, there didn't appear to be anything barring the door. "Hm, are there people there?" She wondered aloud; shouldn't they have radio'd for a rescue if this really was the evacuation point?
"..Sure looks like it, doesn't it." He murmured, glancing around. "..Everything looks too clean, no broken glass, no forceful entry. The windows are barricaded so they could stick muzzles out." He mused. "If there is someone in there, chances are they know we're here..come on," He said, heading towards the double doors. "Let's see if we can't put on our social face, eh?" He grinned.
Kara thrilled over the idea of more survivors, but something about them being holed up in the building that was supposed to be an evacuation point made her slightly nervous. Had the evacuations stopped? Had they refused to leave? Her brows pulled down over her eyes, but she nodded and lightened up as they made their way up the stairs toward the double doors. "Gotcha," she chuckled, almost grinning back. When Matt opened the door, she was right behind him. It closed behind them and the two of them stood there in the hall; it was quiet. Almost too quiet. Had the infected gotten inside? Maybe the people had evacuated.

There was the clear sound of a gun being cocked, then three, no wait, four more. Tall, slim men stepped out from behind various places; a door, an over turned table, a desk, and from around the corner. "Put your weapons down," the red headed man closest to them said. They were outnumbered and, whether or not Matt did the same, she slowly put her P220 pistol and Remmington Shotgun on the ground slowly.

Her skin crawled; why were they all staring at her? All the men had eyes locked on her, eyeballing her from head to toe. Lecherous grins followed suit. The brunette who had the mountain man look going, took a step toward their apparent leader, mumbling something into the man's ear. Then suddenly the leader was grinning too.

"Lovely young lady you have here, young man," the red head commented, almost offhandedly.
Matt had little choice but to slip his rifle down, he hoped that Kara could forgive him for the moment. But their eyes on her was the reason his holstered pistol was hard to see in the jacket. They simply weren't looking. "..Yes, she is." He replied smoothly, arms crossing.

"Lucky for you two, we don't just let anyone in." The man grinned. "But...for you two..we'll make an exception." He said, walking closer. Matt's eyes narrowed, but his posture didn't change. "She's a pretty young thing..and it's safe give us a go with her, eh?"

"Maybe you take a step closer, and you find out with a bullet to the brain feels like." Matt replied causally as the man did indeed step closer with a smirk, he was such a big shot, wasn't he? He took another step towards Kara, and Matt reacted like a coiled snake finally striking, his arm clamping around the redheaded man's neck as he was spun around. Matt's pistol drawn smoothly over the shoulder.

The man tried to break out, but he was gagging in the process. "Drop the weapons, you stupid fucks." He hissed.
A go with me?... Just what the hell was going on here? Kara shuddered and reflexively took a step toward Matt when the leader came closer to them. Before she realized what happened, Matt had the man in an throat hold, holding tight as he pulled out his pistol.

The other men stared as their leader gagged, but they weren't about to keel over just yet. The brunette kept his aim on Matt, but the others swung their aim over to Kara, who's eyes widened.

"You could kill him, or one of us, but we could kill her in the process...A couple quick fucks is better than dying isn't it, young lady?" Kara shook her head and swallowed, feeling sick to her stomach. "Really, that's a shame; we'll just have to make sure you won't have the strength to fight back, won't we? Now - let him go."
"I got a better idea," He replied idly, pressing it against his temple. "You drop your guns, and I don't blow this motherfuckers brains out. You're not going to shoot her, because you want to fuck her more than you want this guy alive, am I right?" He smirked.

"You're not going to shoot me!" He cried.

"You don't think I will?" He replied simply, pressing the cold steel of his pistol against his head. "If your friends take a step closer, we're all going to find out."
The brunette smirked, his eyes narrowed as he stared down Matt; neither man seemed to budge or to want to back down, making Kara swallow reflexively. Maybe she could reach down and grab her pistol without any of them noticing. The man tsk'd her, making her gaze jump up. One look into their faces alerted her to the fact that they were aware of what she was thinking.

"He's just one man," the man said. "And we outnumber you...but...if you're unwilling to listen, well..." He turned his gun over to Kara quickly and pulled the trigger, Kara's eyes widening as the bullet released from the muzzle and shot at her. The man had poor aim it seemed, the bullet sinking through thin layers of flesh on her arm, making her cry out in pain and surprise. Blood dribbled down her arm and she felt dizzy, falling back to sit on her rear. Reflexively, her eyes teared. "Now, let's try this again; let him go or she gets a worse shot," the brunette man said as he swung his gun back to Matt.

The other men, the two of them, seemed lax in their posture, not believing that one man could undo them all.
""Wrong," He snarled, his .45 jerking in his hand as the man's brains splattered across the side of the wall. He shoved the corpse forward, running right behind him as the man blinked in surprise. Matt's fist connected right with his face in a spray of blood, the other moved to aim and Matt spun himself around; his backhand connecting with his face as he went sprawling. Two more were already coming in with surprised shouts, but Matt rose up his 1911 and dropped them both with a .45 to the chest.

"Wh..What the fuck!?" The man cried, already scrambling away as Matt stalked closer, grabbing him by the throat.

"You just shot that girl." He stated simply. Tapping the the muzzle against his his cheek. "I'm tolerant of a lot of things, you know? But shooting people like that? That's one of my buttons. Now..why don't we try this again? Say your sorry."

"W..What!? I'm sorry!" He said. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! None of us did! We're..we're just scared, and lonely!"

"Hm.." Matt replied. "Well..that's quite the honest apology, but I'm afraid I have three rounds left. And there's two people here.." He said, putting the muzzle of his 1911 against the protesting man's mouth and squeezing the trigger. Teeth and blood went spraying behind him as he dropped the body and turned to the other man, putting his last round into his head as he slumped back in pain. His 1911's slide snapped back, smoke curling from the chamber.

"Fucking pigs," He muttered, smoothly dropping the magazine out as he slapped in a fresh one; the slide snapping into place with a deft flick of the slide release. Typical, find a cute girl..and she's in more danger with him than alone. His luck just got better and better right? He was quick to head back over to Kara, kneeling down to examine her arm.

"Hey," He said, giving her cheek a light smack. "Focus on me,'re fine. WE're not out of the shit yet, alright?" He could hear more of them, and even worse. There were those infected pounding on the door. Just their luck.
The initial gunshot made Kara tense and what happened next, was almost as surreal as the infection itself. Matt literally risked his life, moving faster and reacting faster than she, or the men, could have predicted. It was all in a matter of moments before it was silent again, all men lying dead on the ground in the various places. As much as Kara longed for other survivors, men like this made her slightly happier to know that they wouldn't be able to do this to another young woman, one, who god forbid, could be alone.

She came to, Matt right in her face, his hand landing on her cheek to get her attention. It was then she heard the infected, pounding on the door. As if they didn't have enough on on their plates as it was. "I'm okay, I think," She said; her arm was throbbing, stinging, but she could tell that the wound wasn't bad.

Fucking assholes. Can't believe they had shot her. Thank god for Matt. "What do we do now?"
"Good." He smiled, picking up her shotgun to hand it to her. "We get to the top of the building, shooting anyone who shoots back at us." He murmured. Probably not what you'd expect in a situation like this, people should be working together. But how often was that really? These people put themselves in their own little position power and now they were ruing the day they had ever tried to keep it. "I saw some sandbags up there, maybe there's a way out."
She got herself to her feet and took the shotgun, wincing just bit. "Maybe; the evacuations are said to be started with a radio call. Don't see why these guys just didn't leave though..." She set the safety bar on the shotgun and set it three-fourths of the way in her pack, before picking up the P220 pistol and making sure the clip was full. "Let's go."
"They probably held out for a while," He mused. "But something looked to hit the fan sometime, I bet." He said, lifting up his M4A1 again as he moved into the City Hall. The windows were long sense shattered, and heavily reinforced with whatever they could find. Normally, they were probably safe..but all the recent noise was drawing them in by the handfuls..and it was only a matter of time until they started to hear the high pitched wails of those leaping bastards.

"We better hurry." He muttered, glancing up to the roof. "There's got to be some stairs somewhere."
"Here, let's get out of the entrance hall; the stairs should be in the main room at least to the second floor. We should be able to find the stairs from there," her p220 held in the hand of her uninjured arm, she started forward toward the double doors down the hall from them. She held the pistol close as she slowly pushed the door open, waving Matt forward once she saw that the main area and reception looked clear. "We can bar the doors one we go through, to slow down the infected. They're bound to get through that door very soon."
"Sounds good to me," He smiled, following after her as he swept his rifle across the top balconies. "Funny..few survivors here, and yet they hid in the largest place possible.." He murmured. "I guess the feeling of security is more important than the practicality behind it." It was hard to hear himself think, as loud as it was getting. Infected pounding on the windows and doors, but to no avail at the moment.

At the moment. Who knew how long that would last?
When Matt went through the doors, she turned and shut them, grabbing a chair and wedging it against the handles to block access from the other side. Kara kept the pistol level and moved through the main lobby; in truth there was a grand staircase in front of them, branching into two sects to the second floor, one left, one right. She took to scanning the lobby and then the halls, before she pulled open the door to the reception office to clear it.

"Seems clear," She said, releasing the door to let it swing shut. There was a roar, loud pounding, and suddenly it felt like the whole room was shaking. Kara snapped around just was the wall seemed to explode from inside the reception room. "Run!" She screamed, turning to bolt for the staircase just as the Tank burst through the glass, shattering it and sending it flying as it came right at them.
"Ah, fuck me!" Matt groaned, scrambling after her. With the Tank came one big problem, but with the giant gaping hole came a flood of infected with it. "Go, go, go! Get to the roof!" He said, turning around the middle of the staircase and opening fire down on the rushing hordes before sprinting back up the stairs, smacking a fresh magazine into his smoking rifle.

Shit, shit, shit! That bastard was getting close!
Kara darted up the staircase surprisingly quickly, swinging out the Remmington Shotgun, flipping the safety off, and turning to fire the rounds into the Tank as it charged toward Matt. Deft and swift fingers reloaded the barrels, her .45 pistol firing the .45 rounds into the various infected in the horde following the muscled monster. The beast stopped moving at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed part of the floor, hefting it free.

"MATT! Move, move!" Kara screamed, the clip falling free from her pistol, the girl slamming another in. She pulled the slide back and immediately unleashed the bullets into the beast, who roared in defiance. The Tank lifted the bulk of marble floor above its head and changed its direction, throwing it at her instead of Matt.

"Fuck!" She screamed and dove out of the way, just as the marble floor smashed into the staircase, effectively blocking her from Matt. She rolled to her feet. "Go up the other side! Meet at the top!" Her feet then turned and carrying up the right hand set up stairs.
"Working on it!" He muttered, turning instantly. Face to face with the Tank and infected as far as the eye could see. Oh, god dammit . The Tank let out a horrible roar, his massive fists coming down right where Matt used to be as he hit the ground in a roll. Scrambling up the stairs with the infected running right behind him.

"I hate City Halls!" He snarled, turning around as he opened fire; sending the infected sprawling down the stairs. "Get moving, Kara! I'll cover you." Fuck, fuck, fuck! The Tank wasn't giving up!
"I'm fine!" She snapped back, more worried for him. He'd already risked so much to keep her safe; she wanted to help him for once. "I'm going to do something, make sure to get clear! Just Run!" She got to the top of the stairs and fished out a bottle of alcohol from her pack, popped the lid off and stuffed a rag into it. Next came the lighter, lighting the rag to start a blaze. It caught and she hefted the bottle, aiming very carefully before she tossed it quite accurately at the Tank. It broke at its feet and suddenly, the monstrous beast was aflame, screaming and roaring, now slamming itself into the wall.

She lifted her shotgun and blasted the Tank with the rounds. "Goddamnit! GO DOWN!" The infected were crawling over the wreckage and were now coming toward her. Reloading the barrels, she released them into the Tank and finally it weakened, falling to its knees and flailing about almost blindly. The fire would kill it now, she had other problems on her hand.

The infected got too close, one swinging at her and causing her to stumble back. She had to roll to keep the hungry things off her, scrambling to her feet and sprinting toward the left side, firing .45 rounds into the infected as they chased her.
"Nice one!" He grinned, moving towards her as he smacked another magazine into his smoking rifle. "You're popular today," He smirked, waiting until she passed behind him before he opened fire on her would be suitors. "We need to get the hell out of this City Hall!" He said, glancing around. "The window behind us! Go, Go, Go!" Boy, nothing turned him on more than a woman who could kill one of those big freaks without breaking a sweat.

..Focus, Matt.
She nodded her head and bolted for the window, her long legs carrying her easily. This was one of those days she was thankful for all that time on the Track team. She covered her face with her arms, knowing the infected were right behind them, the horde having dwindled but enough to make it likely they would be over run. Her folded arms hit the glass and it shattered as her body slammed through it, her grip tight on her fire arms as she tucked in and landed on her feet, rolling to help soften the fall.
Matt was soon after her, diving out with the same roll before he was already moving. "Man, I used to complain about not doing enough!" He wheezed. "Come on, keep running!" Stubborn assholes!
"Follow me!" And then she was off, sprinting off ahead of him, holding her pistol in front of her should she need to fire. That diner she had seen, it had a steel cage for when the restaurant would close. They had to get in and block off those damn things. She came to the door and, when she found it locked, she busted the glass with her fire arm, reaching in to turn in the lock. Once Matt was in, she dropped her weapons and jumped, grabbing the cage and pulling it down to slam it shut, locks clicking in place.

The infected hit the cage, limbs stretching through in their desperate hostility to get at them. She huffed a long sigh of temporary relief before she picked up her .45 to finish picking off the bastards.
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