Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

"So what now, Soldier?" she asked with a quick wink. "Should we try to get some sleep or...?" No words came after or, as she wasn't sure what to say to follow that. What was there to do in an outbreak, anyway. Now that she thought about it, it kind of came off suggestive after what they'd just did in the same spot they were sitting in.
He chuckled a moment, feeling his cheeks redden a little as he scratched his neck. "Uh..well.." He mumbled. "This is..probably going to sound rather un-manly..but..why don't we know..snuggle and enjoy each other's company?" He offered with a shy grin. Hell, he had sex with her and it was amazing, and they had kissed. Not to mention saving each others asses numerous times today, so why not cuddle?
Kara blinked once, than chuckled softly and nodded. She scooted to the edge of the couch and patted the spot behind her for him to lie down on his side so that she could lie down right next to him; almost the same as that first night except that she was on her back so they could see each other, though she did feel a bit self conscious still being naked. But who knew when they'd get the chance again.
"What?" He grinned, scooting next to her. "It's nice to have the intimacy!" He protested. "I don't give my dogtags to JUST anyone, you know." He sniffed, hand settled comfortably on her hip.
"I know," she chuckled and nuzzled his cheek with her nose as she settled down on the couch next to him with a soft, almost content sigh. "Should we talk? Get to know each other a little better?"
"Well..not a lot to me, lovely." He chuckled. "Can't say I had an amazing life, I was an orphan..went to the military as soon as I could to get the hell out of the foster family thing." He shrugged.
"Well..other than my military work I guess it isn't," He smiled, kissing her shoulder softly. "What about you? I'm sure a lovely young lady like yourself has some heartfelt story?"
She smiled as he kissed her shoulder, just enjoying the simple feeling of his lips against her skin. "Well...not really, overly religious family. Mother was extremely strict. I got into gaming behind her back, mainly played in the club at school when I wasn't doing track to vent." She pursed her lips and then clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Never really got to have any fun...curfew, and all that lovely stuff that comes along with religious sociopaths."
"Sounds..shitty," He admitted easily. "Sorry to hear least they're in a better place now." Hopefully, he didn't..really have anyone at home to really wait for him as far as he knew. Most of the people he cared for died on the bus he ran from. So he could sympathize a little, but..other than that he felt woefully awkward about even bringing it up. Well, being social was never a strong suit for him..but at least sex was?
She gave a slight, barely noticeable shrug of her shoulders. "Can't say for sure. If they're beliefs were right, then most likely. I am not sure what I believe in right now." A soft chuckle followed her words before she settled back to look at the dark ceiling of the loft apartment. "I am happy to just be able to believe in feeling human and alive, right now. What with the world falling to shit outside."
"Eh, take it from has always been shit." He murmured. "It's just never been so shit that civilization as collapsed because of it..but you're talking to a guy who spent years in a desert, so maybe I'm not the best judge, eh?" Hell, he actually felt MORE relaxed when those psycho's came at Kara, he could deal with that all day.
" couldn't hurt.." He admitted. They needed to find a way out of here, this was a nice little slice of paradise..but hell was still all around them. The sooner they left, the easier it would be to leave. As much as Matt was really enjoying this naked vixen nibbling the hell out of his neck, they needed a plan. One that unfortunately didn't involve her being naked, which was a damn shame. A DAMN shame.

"We should probably leave soon.."
"So what's the plan anyway, Matt?" She said with a soft yawn, nipping one last time on his neck before she pulled back and propped her chin in her hand, leaning on her elbow. Her other hand pressed to his chest, enjoying the contact with another human. At least, another living human. "City Hall was a bust...what should we do now? We need to get out of the city, somehow..."
"Well," He sighed. "The most logical thing to do would be to find transport that could get us the hell out of dodge, as it were. But I don't know how easy that will be, we're already up to our eyeballs in those freaks and cars are everywhere." His arms crossed idly in thought, head tilted.

"Maybe some luck will come our way again, lovely."
She smiled, a chuckle that was soon followed by an almost wistful sigh. "We could only hope. We managed to find this place, after all. Just in time, too. Needed a break. Haha." Kara laid her head against his chest, the strands of her cleanly scented hair teasing his nose.
"Yeah..nothing says relaxation like a pretty girl against me." He grinned, tugging her closer to wrap his arms around her. "Should we get dressed for bed?" He almost felt like less of a man for asking, but.. "The sooner we're ready to go in the morning, the easier it will be to leave, after all."
"I suppose it couldn't hurt, but you'll missing looking at me," she teased with a gentle laugh, kissing his lips briefly before she slid out of his arms and began to dress herself, pulling her boy shorts back on, then the jeans, followed by the bra and shirt, and yes, even her boots. If they had to make a sudden run for it, she didn't want to do it on her bare feet. That had been bad enough once...ugh, she didn't want to think about that.
"I miss it already," He said with a dramatic sigh, heading to the bathroom. Thankfully, his clothes were drying themselves out nicely, so he slipped them on and headed back out with a soft stretch. "Damn this has taken my one love from me," He sighed. "Pointless nudity."
She couldn't help but laugh at that as he came back to find her lounging on the couch. She stood and moved toward him, feeling a little playful. A slim finger poked him in the chest as she leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'm sure we'll find place for some more pointless nudity...least til' we find something to, you know, make it not so pointless." Then she pulled back and grinned.
" still my heart," He sighed contently. "How many people do I need to kill for that to happen? All I need is enough ammo to do it!" He smiled, giving himself a content stretch., he felt amazing! He hadn't felt this good in years! Sex with a high school girl does wonders! But still, he needed to think of a way to get them out..the only easy way was to find a car and get out of town. Could they be that lucky?
She couldn't help but laugh, feeling content in a moment of true peace despite the hell that was happening around them outside of their little slice of paradise. "A car would do wonders," she said as she sighed as she sat back on the couch, her tension having eased away from a glorious release. Sex always had that affect, a nice thing to have right now, though it being with Matt had made it all the much better. "There are cars all over the city...surely someone left their keys inside? I know when I panic, I don't remember to grab everything; and if I am trying to get out of the car while said panicking, the keys would be the last of my worries." She seemed to almost be thinking out loud as she toyed with Matt's dog tags that now lay around her neck.
He sat down next to her, arm slipping around her shoulder in thought. He really, really liked the fact that she seemed so fond of his dogtags. "Hm..yeah, maybe the problem won't be finding keys..but finding a place for the damn car to looks like they were trying to ram through the wall in some places...the infection must have happened from the inside out." That was the only thing he could really think of, why else would cars be facing the wall and crashed everywhere?
Kara leaned against him when he slipped his arm around her, her head lying against his shoulder as her fingers toyed with his dog tags. "We may have to go off road...oh!" She jumped up slightly, turning to face him slightly, her eyes wide slightly. "What about the car dealerships? They're required to keep the keys in the office, there are bound to still be some in there. They're the only cars I've seen that aren' know, mashed together and shit, least the ones nearest to the building."
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