Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

"Alright," she said from within the shower. She peaked her head out to make sure he had left and when he did, she stepped out and grabbed her underwear, sliding them back on, followed by the new jeans which, to her surprise, actually fit fairly well. The shirt was a tad tight across her ample breasts, but one couldn't be picky when the world was ending. She hung up the towel on the rack and grabbed her boots, walking out into living room.

"It's all yours," she said with a grin, damp strands clinging to her face and neck.
"..Right," He sighed. Oh my sweet merciful...her breasts looked incredible. "But first I need to do that check, so..make yourself at home." He smiled, rifle against his shoulder. Fuck me, this wasn't going to be easy, was it? Well, he'd take dealing with a boner over infected. But regardless.

"You uh.." He started somewhat. "..You..look really good cleaned up, Kara."
Kara could be certain she was blushing, but she flashed him a toothy grin that lit up her young face. "Thanks Soldier," she said with a chuckle. "I'm going to be in the kitchen." She lifted her boots up to show him. "Cleaning the boots." Her free hand tucked some of the damp strands behind her ear. "I hung up the towel on the rack for you, be careful on that check."

With that she went into the kitchen. Rifling through the drawers, she managed to find a rag which she held beneath the facet to dampen it. Boots were set on the counter and, after turning the water off, she went about wiping down the dirty boots until they were the sort of shiny black they were when she had found them. They were better than the heels she had been wearing when she'd had to run for her life; those had been ditched faster than the school when the infected rampaged through.
"..Yeah, sure thing." He smiled, exiting the apartment to head downstairs with a sweep of his rifle. For the most part..everything seemed well in hand..the glass was cracked..but the iron cage would hold the mass of infected if they ever decided to knock on their door. The back doors were still firmly secured..which meant he was already up in the apartment to shower, dropping his rifle once he unloaded it on the coffee table and stepping gratefully into the shower as he tugged off his clothes.

Warm water never felt so good..
When Matt came back up, she was glad to see he hadn't run into any trouble. She heard the shower start and decided that, after all that he'd done for her today, she could at least fix him some food. Boots were placed beside the couch, before she went back in to find some fixins. The milk in the fridge was clearly bad, as were some of the other products with expiration dates. She found beef patties in the freezer - would the miracles never cease? - and a pan under the sink. Once the dust was cleaned off, she turned on the stove and fried a couple of them up, making sure to turn the fan on to keep the smell from wafting outside to attract...unwanted guests.

The bread she had stashed in her bag was a little worse for wear, but it would do. She took it into the kitchen, turned the stove off, and put the two burgers on some bread. The tiny bit of salt she found in the shaker, she used. Burgers in her hand, she took them to the living space and set them on her knee as she sat down, fishing out the two bottles of water she'd nabbed.

"Matt! I made us something to eat!"
"Thank god, I'm starving now." He sighed, stepping out in little more than his dogtags and boxers. Coming home from Iraq when the infection hit meant that he had not gotten that dreaded downtime, so all of his muscle remained. He wasn't as big as he used to be..due to the constant running around. His body had toned considerably since then, but he was still as fit as ever as he sat down on the couch to take the burger.

"..My ah..clothes are drying." He said somewhat, halfway hoping this made her uncomfortable and halfway thinking he should have stayed in the bathroom until they dried. Regardless, he dug into the burger with gusto and practically moaned from the flavor alone. Oh, sweet merciful he had missed hamburgers..
Kara nearly choked on a piece of her burger when he had walked out in nothing but his dog tags and his boxers; even in a zombie apocalypse, there was no way she could not admire a fit, masculine soldier in nearly no clothing. Cheeks red, she averted her gaze as he sat down and took the burger. She ate hers' thoughtfully, oddly quiet as she did so. Once the burger was gone, she gave a soft, pleasant sigh.

"You ah..." she blushed, again, and looked toward the hall. "..clean up nicely yourself, soldier."
" know." He grinned, reclining back like he was some sort of magnificent stud on display. Oh, he was happy to get the attention..very happy..was nice to recall he was attractive to women after all. "I figured fair is fair, since you put your tongue in my mouth." He laughed. Where did all this confidence come from? He wasn't sure..but he was happy that he had it at least once! It was cute seeing her blush. " sense not enjoying it..when is the next chance we will?"

Knowing his own luck, not very soon..but with her, he seemed to be hitting a lucky spell. Even if it was temporary..
"Never going to let me live that one down, are you?" She chuckled, turning to put a finger on his chest, just over his breast bone where she could feel his heart pumping. "Are you complaining? Because I thought it was a very nice way to say thank you." Her green eyes glinted as she tried to suppress the grin she knew was making the corner of her lips twitch.
"It was," I grinned. "And I would never complain about a cute girl giving me a kiss." He laughed, arm around her waist. Yep..that sent his heartbeat skyrocketing..but regardless, he gave her a smile before he reached for his dogtags, slipping them off. "..Here, I want you to have these." He said easily. "Consider it a gift of've saved my ass about three times since we first met, I owe you a lot, Kara. It's not much..but..I'd like you to take them."
It was almost a comfortable feeling to have his arm around her small waist. She could feel his heart beginning to race beneath her finger. She smiled and drew her finger away, still half leaning into him. When he handed her the dog tags, her eyes widened slightly with genuine surprise. "Are you sure, Matt? I mean, you have saved my ass a few times already yourself," she said with a chuckle, fingering the dog tags.
"They're just dogtags," He smiled. "But..they mean that I trust you, and I think that's pretty important in this day and take them..if we ever get..separated or whatever, they'll be your good luck charm. They helped me find you, so that means they're pretty damn lucky in my book." He said, rubbing her back. "So I won't take no for an answer, lovely."
"As you say, soldier," she chuckled and slipped the dog tags over her head, settling them around her neck and readjusting her hair. They fell against her breasts and she sighed softly, feeling oddly content. She laid her head on his chest. "For what it's worth Matt, I'm glad it was you that stumbled into my safe house and not someone else."
" too." He smiled, arm content around her waist. Everything was fine and wonderful until he shifted a little..and there it was. Five and a half inches of awkwardness standing at attention, oh god dammit..he couldn't even be romantic without his hormones kicking in? "..You..uh..smell really good." He mumbled, shifting. " understand, I'm sure." Man...he should have put his pants on..but the way she looked at him made it all to worth it regardless.

But this is why he had a boner in the first place, ugh! Damn you, logic!
She blushed when she realized exactly what was going on, though it took her a moment with a perplexed expression to figure out what exactly was going on...or rather, going up. Kara hid her face against his neck, giggling. "Don't worry about it...ah, um, I'm flattered, really," she mumbled, lifting her head a little to look at him. "After all, if this didn't happen when you think of me after I stuck my tongue in your mouth, something is bound to be wrong."
"Exactly." He grinned, the clothed erection twitching in agreement. "..Well..uhm.." He said idly. " want..?" He suggested offhand. "I mean..when's the next chance we' know, get to do something like that?" For one, we were both clean. And..well, since he had a raging erection..he might as well offer!
Kara blushed hotly, suddenly feeling very self conscious and nervous. She didn't pull away, but sat up a little, tucking her almost dry hair behind an ear. "It's ah...been awhile..." she said softly, clearing her throat, suddenly unable to bring herself to look at him. "And...I...what with the infection...Ah bugger, feeling kinda out of my element here..."
"It's been a while for you?" He laughed. "Last time I had sex was before Iraq, lovely. Trust me, I don't have any advantage over you." He smiled. " want to?" He said. "I mean..we can take things slow." He offered. "Otherwise, I'm not going to lie. I have to get rid of this thing." He chuckled. "My element is out there, know..fighting, shooting..that's me..dealing with you is never my element."
Kara liked the sound of that, that she made such a man like Matt feel out of his element. She smiled and blushed, leaning into him again, setting her hand on his chest shyly. "Is that a bad thing, Matt? That I make you feel...out of your element?" she asked him softly, eyes looking into his own.
"Not at all," He said, feeling more than a little under the radar as his hand slid boldly along her back to give that perfect rear an admittedly perverted squeeze. "But don't expect me to suck anymore than you will, so stop acting like you don't want to try." He smiled. "We're both out of practice being not try it just once and see how bad we mess it up?" He teased.
"Hey, I never said I didn't want to try," she said with a grin. "You men, always thinking you know a woman's every thought. Tsk. Assuming is always bad, you should know that." She chuckled and, feeling a little emboldened, wiggled her bottom against his perverted squeeze. "And who knows, it could be the last time, and we did land an amazing place...for the situation, anyway."
"Yeah." He smiled, pressing his fingers ever so un-delicately between her legs. "So I say we go for it," He purred. "As you can tell, you're already have two brains, right?" Oh, and both very desperately wanted to see those dog-tags dangle between bare breasts. Among other things, anyway..
"Mmm, you do make a good point," she chuckled, enjoying the back and forth. "It's the least I can do." With that, she set her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him until their lips met, her tongue sliding over his lips until they parted to let her in so that she could kiss him deeply.
He took the bait eagerly, slipping on top of her with a hungry groan. His tongue wasted little time on her sweet lips before sinking into her mouth. His hands were already trailing up her chest. What could he say? It had been years, and he was a little desperate in movements because..well..he sort of was desperate.
She made a noise of approval, loving the feeling that he was desperate to have her. Well, she hoped it was for her and not just the sex. Her mouth ate at his just as eagerly when he pushed her down on the sofa. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her breasts up into his eager hands.
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