Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

She smiled and found herself blushing faintly at his compliment. "I hardly think I am beautiful at the moment. I could most definitely use a shower." A soft laugh followed her words and then she suddenly found herself looking at the way his tongue licked his lips of lingering broth from his soup.

Damn it all, he had to say something, didn't he. She was doing so well, too. Fucking A.

She cleared her throat and nodded. "I know what you mean; it all sort of feels surreal, doesn't it?"
"..You're probably talking to the wrong guy," He admitted. "This is something I'm used to, the fighting and all the craziness. Granted, I'm used to having them shoot back..and not really do all other manner of crazy shit..but.." He shrugged. "The only odd thing is the lack of people and the lack of structure, to me anyway. I guess it's just another war I'm fighting...guess that sounds a little dramatic though." He chuckled, rubbing at his neck. "I was coming home to get back to normalcy, you understand? This is crazy,'s..fucking out of this world is how crazy it is. But I know what I need to do to put one foot in front of the other. "

"So.." He said with a friendly grin. " need something to make you feel normal..I'll do what I can." Random sex with a guy she just met? Yeah, that was real normal wasn't it Matt?
"That makes sense," she said after a moment, moving to sit on a crate and stretching her arms. "I understand completely. We all sort of take normalcy for granted. Who would ever had thought I'd wish to go back to being in high school." She sighed and leaned back a bit to stretch and pop her spine. She still kind of sore from the way she had fallen asleep.

His words had her turning to glance at him. Her brow raised. "I don't know what we would consider normal considering." She chuckled softly.
"..Well," He murmured, arms crossed with a soft frown of thought. "I suppose it's less the..context, and more the feeling." He smiled. "You know what I mean? Being afraid..running, yeah..that's pretty normal now..but I mean...uh.." He slowed a little, scratching his neck to think of the proper words. "You things, things that we used to take for, know..not alone?" He was trying to justify what he wanted, and in some small way. Maybe just the feeling alone didn't need to be, things were different now. But the feelings would never go away.

"You know what I mean?" He finally sighed.
Kara blinked once, then twice, adjusting her pony tail as she contemplated his words. Did she understand what he meant? She wasn't sure. Not entirely. He had to be hinting at something, because they weren't alone now, they had each other. Did he mean sex? Her cheeks blushed faintly. It wasn't like she hadn't had sex before, all teens in the days before this hell had sex. It was common, though some kids didn't. She had only had sex once, herself.

Wait, now, don't assume, Kara. You always assume.

She cleared her throat and avoided looking at him for a moment, before her green eyes found him again. "Are you...are you implying what I think you are, Matt?"
" know, mean in general." He hedged. "You know..just..the intimacy of friendship and trust." He murmured. Which was..true, he did want that..he wanted someone he could rely on if things got hairy. While a high school girl wasn't exactly his first choice, the human mind would do anything if you had the willpower to survive. "Things are really bad out there, as you know..and..having someone around to help would really help us both out." He smiled.

Well..he was pretty proud of that recovery..
Oh, so she had misinterpreted. Go figure. You're great at that, aren't you, Kara? Shut up...

"Oh, I get it." She laughed softly, a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to think like that..." She ruffled her ponytail and, deciding it was kinda of being a pain at the moment, she let it down and slide the pony holder on her wrist. Her fingers ran through her hair, the curls sliding through easily, like silk. She tossed her hair over her shoulder to look at him again.
"..Yeah," He sighed inwardly, fuck me. No..fuck her, well..he wanted to fuck her..but..ugh.

"Here," He smiled. "We might as well make use of the time, right? Let's see if I can't get you comfortable with these weapons, alright? Pistols are nice, but they're not going to save your ass like a good shotgun or rifle." And that would do little to quell his erection, but at least it'd make him feel better for touching her instead of being a pervert about it..

Well, he guessed he was a pervert regardless, huh? He wasn't tired yet, although anymore he wasn't quite sure if he simply got tired or his body just decided he needed rest. He slept plenty a few hours ago..whenever the sun was up.
She nodded and came back to him, her boots landing softly on the floorboards as she moved back toward the table where the guns lay. With her hands placed on the table, she leaned forward a bit, not realizing she gave him an ample view of her cleavage. "That's true...they lack the sort of firepower these bigger ones have," she mused, almost to herself. She tossed her hair over her shoulder, turning her head to look at him, wetting her slightly dry lips with her tongue.

"Which do you think I should use? I am sort of partial to a shotgun myself...but I am kinda small," she chuckled.

Wait. Great. Now it sounded like she was making innuendos.
"..Well, it's not about that." He smiled softly, walking forward to join her. "Shotguns have a bit of a bigger kick, but it's nothing look like a pretty strong's all about recoil control." He assured, most shotguns were pretty much the same. And the well used Remington 870 was about as simple as they came to shotguns, he lifted it up carefully. "Not to mention, in a lot of situations that you get into with those usually don't need range anyway." He said, handing it over.

"The trick to shotguns is fire one, and reload one..whenever you can. That way you always have a full tube. It's pretty nice compared to reloading a rifle magazine. Get familiar with the weight, try it out." He offered.
Kara took the shotgun from him carefully, letting her hands and arms getting used to the feeling over the heavier weapon. She hefted it up a little, then lowered it back down. "How do I hold this one? Against my shoulder?" She asked, curious. Pistols you really didn't have to hold in any specific area, just more along the lines of point and shoot, unless you were trying to be accurate. With those things chasing her, she wasn't entirely worried about her aim as opposed to getting away.

"Or down at my waist?" She lowered it to her waist, then back up higher, before settling at her waist again. "The weight feels alright, at least."
"You're definitely going to want it at your shoulder." He chuckled. "Shotgun's kick a little too much to be hip-firing it, press it tight between your shoulder and arm, and you'll have no problems. The hardest part of a shotgun is the recoil and remembering to keep the gun full..other than that, it's cake." He grinned. "See that little bar in front of the trigger? Push it and move the forearm down so the chamber opens, that's how you load it empty..stick one in the chamber, move the forearm back up..and you're good to go, then load the bottom to your hearts content." He chuckled.

"Think you got it?"
She listened closely and then nodded once he had finished, following his instructions as he spoke them. It seemed easy enough. "I think so, yeah." Slim hands turned the shotgun this way and that, to get a good look at it, before hefting it up at her shoulder and holding it the way he'd explained. Seems easy enough, though nothing is really easy anymore, she thought. To think of all the things she had taken for granted before this happened. She'd be lucky if she made it out of the city alive, but at least with Matt she had a better chance.

"Thank-you for showing me. Might save my ass, who knows," she chuckled.
"I promise it will," Matt grinned. "You're going to come with me into the city, right? We'll keep an eye on each others backs. It's about the only way we can really get anything done in there..looking at the map, it's not going to be pretty inside if there's infected." But then again, when did they ever get that lucky? Matt doubted Kara did anymore than he had, people were so busy trying to get away..they were everywhere. The most abandoned gas stations, was impossible not to have those freaks running about.
"Sound good to me," she then chuckled as she set the shotgun back onto the table among the assorted weaponry and ammunition. "Just don't get distracted back there," she added, sticking her tongue out at him briefly before her legs carried her near the door. She listened and when she heard nothing, she nodded and came back. "Dawn will be coming soon, I found it's safer to travel at night. I think we are harder to see that way," she tapped her finger on her chin. With a sigh, she plopped back into the chair that Matt had originally seated himself in not too long ago.
"Yeah..well, might be the best time to get some rest anyway," He smiled, founding himself on the couch as he settled back. "Been a while since I've gotten some sleep anyway," At least..he thought so? He wasn't quite sure, he remembered sleeping. He just couldn't exactly place when he did it. It was sad to say, but the beaten down couch felt like complete and utter heaven when he laid down with a heavy yawn.

"Well..good night, lovely." He said, rubbing at his grimy hair. He was used to sleeping dirty, but man..what he wouldn't do for a hot shower..
Kara looked at him from her perch in her chair, mulling quietly to herself. "Night," she said finally.

It was quiet for awhile, oddly peaceful considering what was going on outside the walls of their safehouse; minutes ticked by, maybe even an hour. She wasn't sure. All she knew was that even though she was cuddled into the chair, she couldn't keep her eyes closed, nor could she sleep. Strangely, with finally having someone with her, she wanted to be close, feel some contact.

Damnit, Kara. You're not that needy.

Shut up...

She hoped he'd hadn't fallen asleep. If he was resting, she didn't want to be responsible for him losing out on much needed, and essential sleep. "Hey Matt...I know this is gonna sound weird, but...could I sleep next to you?"
"..Huh?" He said after a moment, through surprise or some forlorn hope. "Uh..yeah, sure." He smiled. "Not exactly very open..but come on over." He said, scooting back on the couch cushions. He was hardly going to complain about something like this, truthfully. Who would? An actual woman over some crazy freaks to lay with? He could die a happy man, or at least have a dream that didn't involve him dying a horrible death.

..He just hoped whatever he dreamed about wasn't going to cause him problems in the morning. Ugh, dammit..why did the human mind need social interaction!?
"I'm sorry - " Even though she immediately apologized, she got up from the chair and made her way over to the couch. She was small enough, so she knew she wouldn't be taking up too much room; she recalled cuddling on a couch before, a memory that almost made her sick. To think those days were gone. "Thank-you," she whispered with a small smile as she laid on the couch with him, her back toward him; she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Who knows what will happen once night falls...I'm kinda scared," she laughed softly, a little embarrassed. Even though she was only a teenager, she didn't want to seem weak. She wanted to be tough; each time she went to sleep, she hoped to wake and find this was no more than a nightmare, one she'd gotten from falling asleep and playing one of the zombie games...irony is such a bitch.
"Everyone is," He murmured, hand daring to rest against hers to squeeze it gently. "Hell, I know I'm scared.. but it's about controlling your fear and using it to keep yourself moving..there's no shame in being afraid to die..who isn't? It's about knowing when you run and when you need to stay..sometimes there are things more important than living, you know?" He said. "..But I guess that's from a military guy perspective, I don't know if it works so well for you." He chuckled.

"..But I'm here for you, at long as you want me to be here."
She blushed faintly when he squeezed her hand, and she was thankful that he couldn't see her face. His words made a lot of sense and, in that moment, she knew that she was glad that he was here. Funny how a stranger could make her feel safe. She turned her hand over so she could squeeze his hand in return.

"That makes a lot of sense, Matt," she chuckled softly. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank-you."
"Sure thing." He smiled, well..he didn't feel so bad about resting his arm over her then with a light sigh. "Alright, let's get some rest..I can imagine our little date through town isn't going to be a boring one, we're going to need to be on the balls of our feet." Nothing made him happier than going through an enemy infested town, guns or not..shit. At least he had someone to watch his back this time, that made things somewhat easier.
Kara nodded softly and then found herself yawning. Being close to him made her feel safe. With that came the exhaustion she had been trying to catnap her way through. You never knew when those things would find a way in, best to be awake for that. Her eyes closed and within a few moments, the young woman was asleep. Sleeping apparently made her snuggle back against him, since he had his arm over her. Funny how someone simply holding you could make your worries just disappear.
He kept his arm around her waist as he dozed off, face nuzzled into her hair. Yeah, it was a little bit creepy to do that to someone you just met. But he was tired, and smelling something other than death was a sweet dream for Matt. Besides, she had herself against him. What was another level of it? Still, she felt nice to hold..and she was warm to hold. He probably never had such fitful sleep since this whole mess started.

He almost forgot about the fact that the world wasn't right when he opened his eyes and the sweet scent of Kara came into his senses, but then the reality came crashing down when the infected were pounding on both doors. You sort of got used to it, and sort of didn' the time Matt was up, he carefully slid his hand away and stretched. Which..was when he realized that he had a very prominent case of morning wood, despite it being sometime at night.

He grunted softly in embarrassment, oh..perfect. Nothing said good morning like a dick in the rear..
When Matt slid his hand away from her and stretched, Kara's hold body twitched and then the sound of the infected hitting the doors completely awoke her. She jerked upright. Almost hit Matt in the chin with her shoulder. Almost. Her eyes were wide and she looked frantically around for a moment, before she recalled last night. With a sigh, she fell back on the cushions against Matt, throwing an arm over her eyes. Well, that had been embarrassing. Jumpy little shit, wasn't she. Lovely.

She blushed faintly then when she realized Matt was...well, happy to see that she was still there, to be perfectly blunt. Didn't say anything however. No need to embarrass the poor guy.
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