Dead Winter (Anjeru and I)

"Uh..Good morning." Matt mumbled, jerking back when her shoulder went about an inch too close for his taste as he settled back. He dared to put his hands on her waist to relax her, yes..yes..he was well aware that she was right on his dick in an almost literal sense, but he had no desire to highlight it if she didn't. "You okay?" She..sure felt nice against him, awkward erection on her lower back or not. "Get some good sleep, I take it?" He teased with a grin.
"Y-yes, sorry about that," she grumbled, keeping her arm over her eyes as her heart rate settles. Strange how his hands on her waist felt almost natural. She peeked out from under her arm, turning her head to peek at him. "I've gotten a little jumpy. Didn't mean to almost get you." Then she covered her eyes again, laughing a little. "Did you get some sleep?" He must've, what...with his morning - er night - wood poking into her back.

Don't say anything, Kara. Don't. Say. Anything.
"Yeah..lots of nice sleep, actually." Oh, bless her wonderful heart. Matt knew she could feel it, it was hard NOT to feel it. "It's amazing what sleeping with someone does." ..Wrong choice of words, but still. He shifted somewhat, trying not to make the fact that he had a raging boner for her as obvious. "So..why..uhm..don't I get the weapons ready, get some breakfast..and we'll be on our way?" He just..wasn't really quite sure how to get off her without making this weird.
"That's good..." she mumbled somewhat, trying to keep her train of thought from going...well, there. Think of something else, Kara. Anything. was kind of hard - oh dear lord, bad pun - not to think of that. "Ah, yes, t-that sounds like a plan..." She didn't want to move her arm because she knew he'd see her blushing face if she did. "I-I suppose I should get up first, then." Then she went about doing just that, sitting, try so hard - god, again? - not to focus on the feel of his erection as she got up from the couch.
"..Yeah." Matt sighed, waiting until she was fully away before he rose up himself to get to the weapons. He was pretty used to hearing the infected paw at the bars between the door as he began loading rounds into M4 magazines, smacking a fresh one in and racking the charging handle back before he flicked the safety off with a soft hum. He could do this, fill M4 magazines, replenish his own...this was something he was good at.

"Hey, lovely." He called. "Got any empty magazines? Be happy to fill them for you!" He never understood how there was always ammo around..but who was he to complain about it?
"I think I am alright," she called back as she went into the kitchen to find something to feed herself. There was cans of assorted foods, some bread - surprisingly not molded. She opened the drawer to fish out the hand held can opener and opened a can of cream of mushroom, using a questionable bowl to heat it in the microwave, mindful to try and keep it quiet, though the infected didn't seem to care about the ovens. She then proceeded to sit down near the table where Matt was, dipping some bread in the soup and munching on it. "Want some?"
"Ah, yes..please." He smiled, sitting down his weapons to take some bread of his own to scoop up a generous portion to devour it. Boy, it felt nice to feel hungry again. He guessed having someone else around was really doing it for him! "Looks like, judging from the map that the path is pretty obvious." He murmured. "If we're lucky, the straightest path will be open..but I'm doubting it." He sighed. "We'll just have to see how the town is doing."
She chewed, finishing a bite. "I noticed an apartment building on my way; we could get a good look from a high vantage point," she proposed. "Especially with a scope." Her bread scooped some more of the mushroom soup and then found her mouth, her stomach gurgling in appreciation. She hadn't realized how hungry she'd been getting. Hard when you were running for your life, to keep track of that.
"Yeah..there's a few buildings peeking out of the wall." He sighed. "Although I doubt we're going to need a high point to know everything has went to hell, it might be a good idea so we can figure out how much hell it really is." He murmured. "Let's just hope we don't get any special guests on the way there."
She sighed, and nodded solemnly. "We can hope." Kara climbed to her feet and moved to the staircase, wandering back up the stairs to retrieve her bag. She came down with it, grabbed a couple of cans of food and bread, and stuck them in the bag. The P220 on the table went into the side socket, then the bag was slipped over her head to lay against her hip. The shotgun she decided to carry in her arms, holding it to one side as she loaded the bag up with whatever ammunition that she could. After a second, she set the shotgun down and strode over to Matt, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. "Whatever happens, It was a pleasure to meet you, ok?"
"Whoa whoa.." He said, more than happy to have the hug as he pulled back a little, hands on her hips with a smile. "None of that nonsense, Kara. That's not how I operate, we WILL make it out of this, and we will both do it. I'm not leaving you behind, okay? Just stay close, and stay aware, and those freaks will be running the other way in terror." He smirked. "If we make it out of this city, you owe me a kiss. Deal?"
Kara blushed but nodded faintly, giving him an almost sheepish grin. "Deal!" She chirped, stepping back in the worry that she had somehow made her now only friend - sort of - uncomfortable. Slim hands hefted the shotgun back up into her hands and she swallowed. The urge to tremble was there, in her bones, with the thought that she was about to tread into...their world again. No use denying it, they far outnumbered the people in the city by now. She turned her stern green eyes to Matt, nodding. "You ready?"
"Always," He said with an easy smile, flicking the safety off on his M4A1 as he walked towards the door into the city. He tugged away the safety bar that held the infected at bay, and stepped back to kick it open. Infected went flying in surprise as Matt stepped out, putting bullets in the few that were in front of him before turning and dropping the remaining two on either side. Nothing but precise semi-automatic fire, best way to save ammo, after all!

"First one is for free," He grinned. "Come on, I'm sure you'll get your turn." The door was practically connected to the makeshift wall, so they got a firsthand view of just how utterly fucked this city got. Cars were crammed into every which way, some slammed into buildings and even worse off than that. Looks like the guess of hell was correct..
She grit her teeth as he kicked the door open, quickly taking out the infected that had shambled around the door of their safehouse. The shotgun was held level as her lithe form moved to follow him to the outside, fear beginning to ride her bloodstream at the picture of their world in such disarray. Fuck. She swallowed and nodded, holding the Remmington level and flipping the safety catch; now or never, right? "Right behind you, Matt," she whispered, indicating her head toward the street. "We can use the cars as cover." The street wasn't her favorite option, but the side alleys and backyards were just too dark and risked far more likely sneak attackers.

Ugh. What she wouldn't give to go back to school right about now. Damn apocalypse.
"Yep," He said, smooth as the glass underneath his boots, well..before it crunched gently at his footsteps. He took stock of the situation, squeezing through a pincered truck and a sedan. "Looks like these guys were ready for anything." He remarked. He was seeing ravaged corpses, bullet casings. A lot of the buildings were boarded up and spray-painted to keep out, the occasional infected was lingering about. But Matt saw no reason to waste the ammo at the moment.

"Rare to see," He smiled. "Normally it's like the infection just happened, maybe these guys got lucky for a few weeks."
"It is a little quiet," she said after a moment, following him down the street between cars. A jeep here, a station wagon there, mini vans; they were in the rural parts, not like sports cars would be lying around. You would think the silence, in its rarity, would make her feel a little at ease, but it made her most tense...for some unknown reason. "Who knows, really, but lets not squander the opportunity to get through this place peacefully." She kept low behind the vehicles with Matt; long as they were quiet, the infected, the rather dim witted ones, wouldn't bother them. Being dead and all kind of dims your senses. Least...for these ones...those...weird ones, they...well...she'd rather not think about that.
Matt kept himself as alert as possible as they moved through, keeping his flashlight off as they quietly moved past a pair of infected beating the crap out of each other. Well, he had seen weirder stuff, but thankfully none of it was towards his person. Things were going by a little smooth until he heard that ever wonderful hacking cough that made him perk up with a quiet chuckle.

"Ah..there it is," He smiled. "This is when it gets fun..keep close, Kara." He said, shoving an infected out of the way and slamming his foot down on his neck with a sick snap . They had to get out of the open, but they had to keep their pace steady. Soon as one of those freaky ones started seeing them, then hell starts breaking lose.
Kara heard the hacking, a shudder racing down her spine in response. She nodded faintly to his words. She could still remember the feel of that tongue - what she assumed was a tongue - wrapped around her leg as it tried to drag her away. She did not want to relive that experience if she could help it. They kept going, quietly, as quietly as possible, her boots making slight noises on the pavement and broken glass. Matt knew what he was doing and she sent a silent prayer that he'd come to her, not some other house. She might actually live through this.
"Hm.." He said, taking stock of the situation as they moved through the congested road. Matt was questioning why the cars were like this in the first place..were they trying to leave before the wall was erected, maybe? Honestly? He knew what was was hard not to know when you heard the snarls and growls through the empty town. This was not the idea place to fight off a horde, but the hardest problem was that smoking thing.

"Over here," He said, finally coming into the main street. Most of the buildings were torn and destroyed, if not boarded up. But there seemed to be some crazy crash at the middle of the town, where the statue depicting some historical figure or maybe even a town Representative was toppled and crashed over a fire truck, other cars were scattered out, one tossed to the far right as corpses lay all around.

Guess this place had one of those big guys at one point..perfect. It was the best they had for a secure place to deal with it, but he still kept his eyes up for that smoking thing.

"You ready?" He murmured. "Don't worry, if I can take out a group, two of us will have no problem." He assured. "I'll whittle them down, you get the ones close up, alright?"
Hot on his heels, though not literally on them. They came into the main street and could see the extent to the damage done here. Her lip curled slightly and she grimaced, the reality of it just always sickening to her. The cars were a mess, scattered here and there, and piled, crashed into each other, on their sides, roofs; buildings had mostly been boarded but she could see gaping holes in the structures, where she could imagine one of the big ones running through. The toppled statue only re enforced that image.

She nodded and her hold on the shotgun tightened briefly, thankful her pistol was in reach should she need it. "Got it," she whispered. She wasn't about to leave Matt to fight them alone. She could handle her own, despite the fear coursing through her. Adrenaline had that sort of effect.

"I'm right behind you, Matt. I got your back, don't worry." Her eyes trailed over the area, trying to find where that insistent coughing was coming from. She knew what it was coming from, but...remember, they smoke, Kara. That strange green smoke had been around the one that had tried to drag her away, and when they'd killed it - her group - it had exploded into a green cloud. Just keep an eye out for it, Kara. High ground.

"I'm sure that hacking...thing is on one of the roof sounds high."
"One thing at a time, lovely." He smiled, squeezing the trigger of his rifle as he raked it across the incoming hordes. If there was one thing he liked about these freaks, is that human anatomy didn't seem to change, chest, didn't matter. You shot them and they fell down, he took out more than a few of the beasts before his magazine was empty.

"Reloading," He said smoothly, switching magazines as the bolt release snapped into place. "Get the ones coming in." He said, taking a step or two to the right to catch the rushing horde on the side. Sooner they filed them out, the quicker they could get the fuck into somewhere safer. The one benefit was that they couldn't really attack with numbers besides from the road and the alleyway to the right, two things they currently had covered nicely.

But his eyes still scanned the rooftops..
She was wary of being able to reload a shotgun quickly and with the horde incoming, she wanted to be on her game. She kept the shotgun in her hand, but reached into the pocket of her bag and whipped out her P220 pistol, aiming and pecking off incoming infected with surprisingly accurate shots, often getting them in their snarling faces. She placed the shotgun against the car and reloaded her pistol, feeling slightly relieved when the numbers began to dwindle. Sweat dripped down her brow as her heart pounded.

The horde finally died down as she and Matt took out the dwindled numbers, downing the last few. It was then that the hacking became louder, making Kara jerk in response. There was a loud cough and before they could comprehend what was happened, that long, sickening tongue was wrapped around Matt's neck and trying to drag the man away from her.

"NO!" Her heart pounded hard, squeezed, making her chest hurt. His hands were at that gross appendage, his feet rooted, trying to keep the smoking thing from taking him. "Fuck you, you bastard! Let him go!" Her voice echoed out, unintentionally loud, and she followed the line of its tongue, her eyes finding it on top one of the lower building's roof tops. "Hold on, Matt! I got you!" She swung up the shotgun and bounded up on top of the nearest car, sucking in a deep breath before firing both rounds straight into the smoker's chest; it screeched and released Matt, before exploding into that green smoke.

The recoil of the shotgun was so unexpected, Kara fell back off the car with a hard thump onto the cement.
He didn't really have much time to thank her, as soon as he dropped. He was on his feet, Carbine raised and on full auto as the remaining infected dropped in a heap of bullets. His neck was killing him, probably bruised. But he'd survive as he slung his rifle back to head over to Kara, pistol drawn. God damn, she did a hell of a shot!

"Hang on, lovely!" He said, his voice rasped and thick as he put two bullets into the chest of rushing straggler, finally coming next to her as he knelt down to offer his hand. "Come on, on your feet." He smiled. "Great shot." Ugh, that was going to take a day or two to recover..
She groaned and took his hand, letting him help her to her feet, her back sending waves of aching pulsing through her limbs. Shit, that had hurt. "Thank-you," she wheezed, brushing the glass and dirt from the back of her body. He'd been right to warn her about the recoil, she was going to have to remember to anchor herself next time. "Are you alright?" She asked, green eyes looking at his red neck worriedly.
"Nothing that'll kill me," He assured with a smile, patting her side. "Come on, we don't have time to worry about pain. We need to get somewhere safe to get a breather, alright?" He said, holstering his pistol to reload the rifle smoothly. No time to be lovey dovey when we're standing in the center of town like idiots. "There's gotta be a place around here that isn't boarded up, so stay sharp." Shit, that scared the crap out of him seeing her fall. His fault for not catching the tongue in time..
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