In The Heart Of A Demon

Draco smiled as he stroked Raphael's hair gently, licking his lips. “lick it.” he suggested. “lap the head and then suck on it, just like when you play with a lollypop or a Popsicle.” he suggested. “you lick it all over and then you slip it into your mouth and suck.” he muttered softly, licking his lips eagerly. “just go slow.”

Harry watched him from under the water, pretending to ignore him as he played with the water current, creating air bubbles and small cyclones of water laying on his back as he made the surface of the water ripple and bounce and roll, enjoying himself as he forced himself not to think.
Raphael nodded a little leaning a little into the touch, before lowering his head. Gently licking it, following instructions. before smiling shyly, lowering his mouth over his fully, after all he did like his popsicles, and usually ate them whole.

Belial growled pacing, cursing before he turned and blasted one of the cyclones with a burst of fire, laughing delightedly as steam spun through the spiral.Before he sighed, tilting his head back, swallowing hard as he focused on not being angry."Get up here."he said jerking his hand to indicate towards the surface.
Draco smiled and then moaned loudly, arching into the angels mouth, tipping his head back with a bright happy groan of lust. “oooh god... yessss, fuck yessss.” he moaned smirking a little. “mmmg your so talented.

Harry looked amazed at the blast of fire before glaring at the order, bearing his teeth as his tail fluffed out in rage, fanning out behind him and for a moment it looked like he was going to refuse until he kicked his way to the surface, growling. “i don't take well to orders.” he snarled, not leaving the water, but at least up to where they could talk. “i've been taking orders my entire life, you could have the decency to say please you bastard, or do I have to cook your meals, clean your clothes, and save the entire fucking wizarding world for you too?” he demanded, huffing darkly as he rolled onto his back, relaxing in the water. “i suppose your used to getting your way though.” he muttered closing his eyes. “your a top demon right?” he asked, suddenly not sounding angry anymore. “at least your better than Dumbledore... or my family... you don't hit me at least.” he muttered with a soft sigh. “i can't seam to think straight anymore... I'm either pissed off or I'm sad... how do I make my mind focus?”
raphael laughed a little around him,, growling a little as he swallowed around the boy's cock choking a little as he jerked up. Looking up at draco a little surprised at the man arching up into him. Having not been prepared for it.

belial rolled his eyes pacing away from him."You're a baby among among us, being almost immortal does have its disadvantages. Growing up slowly and being human for some of it is one of them."He said looking amused though."Though I came into being fully grown, so this is just from watching everyone else go through it. You'll be able to think clearly soon.Or at least soon for a demon. A few years for a human."He mused.
Draco shivered at the choke and managed to gasp out an apology as he spilled his seed all over Raphael's face, panting hard. “oh g...god, yessss.” Draco moaned, slumping into the bed softly, panting hard. “oh fuck yeah... you have... such a talent.” he moaned smiling a little as he looked at his slutty little angel all covered in cum. “would you like me to do you again?” he asked hopefully. “would you like me to suck you off?” he asked smiling a little.

Harry blinked a little as he stared at the ceiling. “will I..ever feel normal again?” he asked softly his head tilted at Belial, swallowing hard. “will I ever have... have a life again?” he asked softly, licking his lips nervously as he crawled out of the pool, shaking himself dry, making sure he didn't get Belial wet. “just how long will I live? Will I have to see everyone I ever loved dying around me like in those crappy Vampire Novels?” he asked softly, his head tilted a little as he watched Belial, sadness in his eyes. “will you leave me too?... will you abandon me just like everyone else?”
raphael looked startled at the question, before shaking his head a little, licking his lips clean before he rubbed a hand over his face to get it off."N-no.Not right now.'He said stuttering a little, blushing harder.

"You'll feel normal. And have a life. It just takes a while to get your bearings again."He said inspecting himself to make sure he didn't get any water on himself before shrugging."Decades, centuries....your immortal mostly, as long as you don't impale yourself on raphael's blade. Damned angel has the blade of fire."He said snorting a little."I don't abandon people. If you haven't noticed I have a attatchment to a man I really should hate."
he smiled a little and nodded, kissing Raphael calmly smiling a little as he nuzzled the other. “thank you, that felt so wonderful.” he murmured softly smiling at Raphael. “you should sleep.”

Harry sighed a little and shook his head. “i can't seam to notice anything right now.” he admitted softly examining his hands his head tilted as he wiggled all four of his toes. “why did... why was I left in a human house?” he asked softly, looking a little upset. “was I... a runt, or unwanted or... or was it just for the baby human?” he asked softly. “would.... do I have parents or are they...” he licked his lips. “do I..even want to meet them?”
Raphael smiled sleepily as he shifted snugglign down into the other man he fell asleep. He'd be embarassed in the morning, for the moment though, he wanted cuddles.

Belial snickered a little watching him."Me and raphael have...a relationship that managed to stay strong despite my fall from heaven. After that, i don't abandon people, even if I probably should."He sighed smirking a little before it faded into a smile as he studied the other demon."Our children...true blooded full demons are rare. Because we're mostly immortal, we don't normally need to repopulate hell.So what children we do have, are precious."He said biting his lip working on how to explain."But angels...espicially among the lower ranks...take to demon hunting to 'prove' themselves as big strong warriors. Raphael tries to stop it...but he cant be everywhere at once. while we do enjoy the human babies, we steal them more so we can protect our own children."He sighed softly."You ahve parents. They're ice demons like you. Well of a sort. Your mother Liliah, was orginally one of the great thrones in heaven. She's odd,but not horribly bad."He said looking thoughtful as he considered the young demons parents.
Draco smirked as he snuggled the other and drifted off to sleep as well, enjoying the attention.

Harry bit his lip a little and then. “why didn't they ever come for me?” he asked, less hurt and angry now and more afraid of a history he didn't understand. “was it against code or did they.... did they not know what the muggles where doing to me? What Dumbledore was doing to me?” Harry didn't understand how Demon's worked, but he was going to find out. And for a moment he felt hope in his soul, the hope of a real family, with a mother, and a father. “will I be able to meet them?” he asked his head tilted as he considered the name of his mother. Liliah, so close to Lily, was that on purpose or a coincidence? “what does 'Great Throne in Heaven' mean?” Harry asked, confused, but the anger was completely gone, the frustration vanished and the fear banished. Giving Harry a clearer head, he wasn't as clear thinking as he could be, or should be, but at least he wouldn't be flying into rages at every turn.
"iof you ask raphael, its a great title, one of honor. To the rest of the world who's not a naive little fuck, the title of great throne is a warrior's greatest prize. She was leader of heaven's military warriors, at least until she fell in love with your father."He said before he looked pained, " were born, your mother fell into a coma. Your father, his name is Malik by the way, realized that he couldn't take care of you and keep the angels from attacking both of you when she was weak.So...he hid you among the humans, thinking he could return as soon as he dealt with the the time he returned, lily and james potter had been killed, and you disappeared among the humans. He searched, but his magic had hidden you to well. He couldn't find a trace of the demon inside of the human."He sighed quietly, finally realizing who harry had to be. After all, only one son had managed to go missing in the last 100 years."For us...time moves differently, slower. We didn't realize how much danger dumbledore and your muggle parents had posed...hadn't realized that we were putting you in more danger as we tried to figure a way to wake up lilah so she could coem get you."He said biting his lip, because they had known lilah would be able to help him through the changes from human to demon with little fuss. "We didn't know you had gone missing from there...not until raphael turned up and demanded us help."
Harry listened to the story and then he sniffled a little, wiping his eyes, so relieved that he hadn't been abandoned that he had sent himself into tears all over again. “i'm s..s..sorry I just... no ones, ever cared about me.. before.” he explained. “it's, hard to suddenly... realize that, my entire horrible life was an... accident.” he admitted smiling. “i'm so... glad it was... all an accident.” he admitted as he leaned into Belial. “they'll want me back.” he decided softly, falling asleep, too tired still from the traumatic events to stay awake any longer. “can I go outside tomorrow? I don't like the inside...” he muttered softly, falling asleep right then and there on Belial's shoulder.
belial smiled a little,"We'll go outside."He muttered pressing a kiss to the boy's head picking him up and heading upstairs. Making a mental note to send malik a note about his son.Oh, the other was not going to be happy to know he'd already bedded his son.

In the morning Belial smiled as he walked downstairs, running his fingers through his wet hair, having paused long enough to take a shower after waking up, even if the need to be clean blistered his skin, he prefered human showers to any other way of cleaning up. Smiling as he saw draco and lucius, raising a eyebrow."you leave your plaything in bed?" "No. Just a shower."Raphael said sulking as he pushed the demon out of teh doorway, truly not a morning person, and still embarassed enough that he didn't want to put up with belial's teasing.
Harry was still sleeping when everyone gathered downstairs, he'd literally refused to wake up, kicking Belial out of the bed when the other had tried and then rolling over and going right back to sleep like nothing had happened. Draco and Lucius both smirked as they glanced at Belial, reading the newspaper as Draco waited for Raphael, Draco sliding the Angel's coffee over to him, done just the way Raphael liked it. “so, Harry's calmed down then?” Lucius asked curiously, worried that Harry might go all psycho murderer on them all again, tensing when Harry suddenly staggered into the room, whining pathetically when he saw no food on the table, his stomach growling loudly. It had almost been two days since he'd last ate, so he was starving. “food.” Harry complained sleepily, Draco snickering a little. “i'd say Harry's calmed down...”
Belial nodded as the house elves broguht the food, directing harry to eat as he sat down,getting his own food."He finally calmed down enough to realize he hadn't eaten yesterday."He said snickering a little. Raphael smiled a little as he took his coffee, though out of embarassment's sake, ended up sitting beside harry instead of draco,sippign his coffee as he avoided looking at any of them. Belial snickered a little at this behavior, raising a eyebrow at draco."Some cruelties shouldn't be done. Embarassing him like this...whatever shall I do with you..."He said tutting, though he was silently laughign at the angel. "Shut up."Raphael growled into his coffee as he drank, his blush bright.
Harry started eating as soon as he caught sight of to food, with a surprising amount of table manners considering he was a demon and he had been raised by muggles. Draco pouted when Raphael sat away from him and glared at Belial. “leave him alone! This is why no one ever tells you things.” he growled, Harry ignoring them all in favor of food as Lucius chuckled a little and glanced at Raphael. “you really shouldn't be so embarrassed Raph, even Belial could not resist Draco, you might as well just give in and let Draco date you, if your not careful he might start bringing you flowers and breakfast in bed.” Draco blushed hard, because he had in fact been planning that until he was distracted by the newspaper and his fathers teasing.
"belial resists no oone. It's one of his unsavored charms."Raphael growled as he sunk low into his seat, sippign his coffee, grumpy just because it was early. Belial pouted at that, snickering a little as he looked at the youngest blond, raising a eyebrow."ohhh i think he's already reached the stage of flowers and breakfast in bed." "...why would I want flowers?"Raphael said sounding curious as he finally looked at them all.
Harry smirked a little as he woke up enough to join the conversation. “in human culture giving someone flowers is a way for us... them to express our...themselves.” harry explained. “for example you give flowers to someone who doesn't feel well to make them feel better. The most common practice is to gift flowers to someone whom your trying to court and impress. The rose is the most popular flower for this because it is the symbol of love, prosperity, and lust.” he smirked a little as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice. “see Draco, I DO pay attention in herbology and muggle studies.” Draco just stuck his tongue out at Harry. “why do you even take muggle studies?” “so I have at least one class that I know I can pass.” Harry stated with a yawn. “at least I wont have to take classes anymore.” Draco glared at him again and Harry smirked. “i'm going to stay here I think, and try and seduce our resident Angel...” “YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY ANGEL!” Draco demanded, slamming his fist on the table, Harry smirking a little. “oh... YOUR angel?” he asked causing Draco to go completely red, his entire face the shade of a tomato.
Belial snickered as raphael stared at draco as if it was the first time he saw him. For once, the talktive abiet goofy angel was totally speechless. Snickering he looked at draco,"I think I'm going to get you something that says that. stay away from my angel...makes you sound insane."he said perkily, amused at the idea of making fun of him before looking at harry.'I think we need to get him flowers. He looks about ready to have a heart attack.he needs roses to feel better."He said looking wise, even if he was spouting shit.
Draco looked absolutely mortified and before Harry could say he was sorry Draco bolted from the room, Lucius sighing a little. “do you know how hard it is for Draco to admit he has feelings for anyone?” the oldest Malfoy complained scowling at Harry and Belial. “Raphael is the first person I've ever seen where Draco didn't just want a quick shag or two, leave him alone or I'll neuter you both.” he ordered, Harry smirking a little as he shook his head. “hey, he made my school days hell, he's getting what he deserves.” he stated with a small bored yawn as he finished his meal. “i'm bored... can I go outside now?” he demanded, staring wistfully out the window, be-spelled to look like it lead outside, though there was no real window there.
Belial sighed, watching the angel dart out of the room after draco, making a mental note to talk to the blond later, before raphael decided that he'd look good wearing his sword somewhere uncomfortable."Yes. Lets go outside.Though it is colder then the window appears to be. Lucius is vain, it has to be summer around him all the time."Belial said with a snicker, looking at the bespelled window in amusement.

Raphael yelped as he nearly tripped over his own feet, "Draco!Wait up!"The angel demanded panting as he caught up to his...lover?That was the word wasn't it?Yes. Lover.
Harry snorted a little and then grinned. “it's snowing outside.” he stated calmly. “i can feel it.” he admitted. “even when I was human... I always knew when it was snowing.” he admitted looking at the other. “i love the snow, it's so white and pretty, and so cold... I love the cold.” he admitted, eagerly anticipating the large piles of fluffy snow that no one else had noticed yet.

Draco paused when he heard Raphael calling him, looking sheepish. “i...i'm sorry I... I didn't mean... I mean I did I just...” he sighed a little and fell silent, unwilling to talk when he was so flustered.
"Bloody hell."Belial muttered to himself as he headed for the door, smiling a little as he walked outside with the other, making sure he was bundled up in a jacket, leather pants and boots. really the only thing showing on teh fire demon was his face, even his hair was hidden under a slytherin colored cap."You, are your mother's son.She loves the snow. Would sit in it for hours if we let her."

Raphael looked slightly confused, embarassed, but wanting to help draco feel better, even if he didn't know how to help with that. Wrapping the other up in a hug, holding him close."Do you want something to drink? Food?Flowers?"He offered, trying to figure out what would make the other feel less flustered.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head, grinning at him. “what is my mother like?” he asked his head tilted. “and my father? What is he like?” he asked as he burst out of the Mansion and dove into the piles of fluffy snow, rolling around in it with a deep inhale, breathing in all the fresh air and the free space and the openness of the outside. Harry hated the narrow halls and closed in rooms, no matter how big they where they where stifling and closed off, he much preferred it outside. “my mother, she's a snow... water... a demon like me right? What kind of demon am I anyway?, and my dad, what kind of demon is he?” he asked curiously, laying in the snow and blinking at Belial.

Draco smiled as he was wrapped up into a tight hug, snuggling himself into the demon with a happy little sigh, breathing in the others smell happily. “mmm I already feel better.” he admitted softly. “you always feel so good, no matter what it is your doing... you always make me feel better even if you don't even know your doing it.” he admitted kissing Raphael's cheek, smiling a little. “thanks Raph.”
"You are a mist demon. And you take after your father in that regard."Belial smiled a little duckign his head down, hiding most of his face inside his scarf, trying to avoid touching the falling snow."Your mother"He paused trying to figure out how to word it."She's a dark demon. Mistress of nightmares and darkness itself."He shrugged."they are...interesting together. Or at least they were."His voice was pained."Lilah was...a delight to be around. Even for jaded demons, she brought something new to a conversation. Malik and lilah gave most of us hope, because they had genuninely fallen in love with each other."He said smiling wistfully, because despite everything, and his power based on lust, he wanted love.

Raphael smiled shyly, looking down at the younger man before nodding.'Good. I always want to make you feel better.'he said smiling wider, "it's snowing. Do you want to go outside?"he said knowing the blond enjoyed the snow, even if his father said it was undiginfied to be jumping around in it.
Harry smiled a little as he burrowed into the snow, sighing softly, blowing cool steamy breaths across the air, grinning a little before pausing, blinking at Belial. “...oh... she... she is still in a coma isn't she?” he asked softly, looking sad, upset at the thought of one of the only people who had honestly cared about him being hurt. “she'll wake up, I'm sure of it.” he decided smiling before hesitating. “so... Demons can love then?” he asked sounding so relieved about that. “good, I was honestly a little worried.” he admitted sheepishly.

Draco smiled a little and nodded, grinning at Raphael before brightening excitedly. “it's snowing!? Really!?” he demanded happily as he grabbed Raphael's hand and dragged the other out into the snow, yelping loudly when he suddenly tripped over Harry, who yelped in astonishment and dove out of the snow and behind Belial, snarling in terror as his tail fanned out again, Draco sputtering as he spit out snow, having face planted right into the fluffy stuff.
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