In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial growled easing up some, biting his shoulder, riding the other until he came, closing his eyes as they both shuddered in climax before rolling away, sighing contentedly as he sprawled out across the bed. Ha!Let raphael deal with his boy not being able to walk. Besides their constant rivalry, everyone knew belial went out of his way to try and seduce the archangel, and hadn't yet succeded. It was one of heaven and hell's most watched relationships, to see who would win, the archangel angel of heaven or the lord demon."You, are amazing. For a human."Belial said snickering as he looked over at him, just as curious to see if draco would be able to walk also
he moaned loudly, arching as he came hard panting hard as he shuddered, cumming hard and moaning as he went limp under the other, a smirk on his lips. “of course I'm amazing.” he purred smirking a little as he slowly sat up, wincing as his ass touched the bed, quickly rolling onto his belly again. “well I won't be walking for a while...” he groaned looking rather pleased about that. “damn your the best fuck I've had in years. We're going to have to do this again.” sure he was sore and probably wouldn't be walked right for a month, but it was worth it.
Belial snickered at that sitting up slowly, straightening his hair as he looked over at him."Ah well, you could always ask raphael for a healing."he said snickering louder, amused. now that would be hilious to see, raphael healing a demon induced pain. "I don't have sex with the same person.Ever."he said smirking slowly."And of course I am the best. I don't rule hell just by being cruel."
Draco snorted a little as he shook his head. “what am I supposed to do? just yell his name and expect him to show up?” he demanded smirking a little. “maybe I'll tell him you raped me and watch him kick your ass.” he teased snickering a little as he sighed. “you should probably go check on Harry, he's probably up by now, or he will be soon, I'm so taking a nap right now.” he admitted yawning a little as he snuggled into his bed with a small sigh.

Draco was right too, Harry was up when Balial made his way up there, and he was fully alert and had Lucius in the air by the front of his robes, shaking him hard and demanding to know what the fuck they'd done to him, Lucius struggling to explain through lack of air that no one had done anything to him.
"Oh, hey hey hey. No need to kill the human."Belial said pulling lucius away from him looking at the demon warily, raising his hands to ward him off from attacking him to."You're a demon, not human.Being sick and getting healed by a angel triggered your change.You're more or less the exactly the same as you were."
Harry snarled at Belial, finding his prey taken away was not something Harry was very pleased with. “you LIAR! I'm human! I've always been human! Change me back! Put me back to normal NOW!” he snarled, crouching, his two toed feet spreading wide for balance as he prepared to attack Belial, running on rage and instinct, never a good combination. “Harry calm down! We're just trying to help, you need to calm down before we can explain what happened!” “you shut up! I'm human you bastard! Not some goddamn... animal... thing!” he snarled swiping for Lucius's head. The blond managed to duck just in time, and instead Harry took out a chunk of the wall before white furred fingers snapped out and grabbed Belial around the neck, squeezing tightly, frost curling from Harry;s fingers to creep along Belial's neck, causing instant frostbite. “change me back, NOW!”
Belial snarled, harry's rage setting off his own, and the feeding he had just had, wa burning him up.Because lust fed his power, gave him things to fight with. Snarling as he felt the frostbite bit deep, shuddering a little before he slammed a fist into the younger demon's side, punching hard, feelign bone break and healing instantly. More to cause pain then to really put him down. Snarling as he forced the younger back into human form."You are demon. Live with it."he snarled, fire swirling in his eyes as he studied the other as he forced him back.
he shrieked when he felt the demon punch him and he released the older demon, collapsing onto the floor, clutching his side and groaning as his body forced it's way back into his human form, panting hard. “i'm not a demon.” he whispered shaking his head. “i am not a demon.. I'm a human.” he complained laying his head on the floor to rest from breaking, then healing, then transforming took a lot of energy. Lucius coughed a little and rubbed his throat when he finally made it to his feet, blinking at Belial. “you alright?” he asked reaching down and picking Harry up, laying him on the bed and carefully covering him with blankets. “just rest Harry, I'm sure we can find someone to figure out whats going on.” he promised, Harry just nodding, too tired to argue.
Belial raised a hand, rubbing against the frostbitten skin."'s just been awhile since I fought a ice demon. Forgot they could cause frostbite."He said whining a little before sighing putting harry back in the bed, debating. "We need to know how no one on this side noticed. Hell's known that he wasn't human, but we assumed humans had figured it out to."He said having not noticed because time moved so slowly for them, it was like a blink of a eye between now and then."Surely some one through the years should have noticed something was wrong with him."
Lucius chuckled a little and then shook his head. “no one noticed anything, nothing at all he was just... an average ordinary hot headed teenage boy. Sure he had amazing luck but some people are just lucky.” he admitted shrugging a little. “he survived the killing curse though, was that because of his Demon blood?” probably, and it would also explain why Harry had never changed or shown any signs until Raphael tried to heal him, Harry's demonic powers hadn't regained potency from the Killing Curse. “did heaven know that he was a Demon?” it was hard to tell, if the angels had known wouldn't Raphael known too? “we never once suspected him of being anything other than completely hu...” he paused and went bright red when he realized that Harry was stripping off all of his clothes, whining that it was too hot. “er...” well, Harry certainly had an amazing body, Lucius could be certain of that.
Belial snickered watching Lucius watch the young demon,"I wouldn't think of doing anything until he calms down. He's liable to give you frostbite in a uncomfortable place."He teased before sighing, shrugging a little."As far as I know, none in heaven know. Or at least not for sure. surviving a killing curse is a demons best weapon, so some might have suspected. But not suspected enough to tell raphael, which means thier suspicions never came to anything."he shrugged a little."He might be reckless, might be insanely in love with your son,but raphael is still a archangel, and knows everything heaven does."
Lucius blushed even harder and shook his head hard. “i am NOT going to sleep with a child!” he protested glaring at Belial before looking startled. “wait... Raphael is in love with Draco?” he asked looking baffled his head tilted a little. “ok so only the Demon's knew because they saw the switch happening.” he mused frowning a little. “how interesting... I wonder if we can keep everyone from finding out? He's still considered Wizard kinds best hope, and that might make a lot of people interested in using him, Demon's, Angels, Voldemort and Dumbledore just to nae the main four.” he pointed out sighing a little. “this is all a mess.” he grumbled shaking his head. “how the hell are we going to protect this kid?” what no one realized, was that Lucius was very Paternal, he saw a child in pain or in trouble and he almost immediately had to help them, even if he hated them. He was going to do everything he could for Harry, even if Harry was unlikely to appreciate it.
Belial swallowed his laughter that he was sure would be taken the wrong way. Lucius was just so adorable at having a child who needed his help. "We'll have to ask Raphael.He's always been better at the illusion magic."he said the words sounding like it hurt. He hated admitting that he was bad at something."And yes, raphael's in love with the slut."He teased, more to make lucius think about something besides the problem that harry had become."Even if he doesn't know it himself. Heaven's most powerful and naive angel... he's the laughingstock of my court becaues of it."
he snorted a little and shook his head, jumping when Harry suddenly sprouted Fur again, a massive tail sprouting out of the base of his tail and smacking Lucius on the back, Lucius turning to scold Harry again before blushing harder at the boys massive package and very lude sleeping position, choking on his own angry retort, spinning back to face the door. “... I'm going to go insane this time, I just know it, even asleep the kid gets under my skin!” he complained before smacking Belial. “and don't call my son a slut you whore.” hell they both knew Draco was a slut, but that didn't mean that they had to say so aloud. “i'll go fire-call Raphael and tell him we need help with Draco and Harry, no doubt you left my son unable to walk... brute.”
Belial smirked as he moved to sit in the seat by the window."I AM a whore I know, I like being one, and if I needed a second, I'd consider your son a perfect candiate."He said amused watching the other man leave amused because everyone knew he only promoted the liuentiniets that could match him sexual exploit for sexual exploit.

"Lucius?"Raphael said when he answered the fire call, looking bemused and sleepy as he looked at the other man. Trying to figure out what could be wrong now.
Lucius snorted a little and shook his head. “Draco wouldn't survive it.” he stated simply. “he prefers bottoming as we both are well aware and he is still a human no matter his demon sized libido.” he stated calmly with a small chuckle as he abandoned the demon to head for the fireplace, Harry whining in his sleep as he squirmed.

Lucius smiled at Raphael rather sheepishly. “Draco's hurt and Harry's recovering but Belial says we're going to need your help keeping him hidden, he seams to be rejecting his human form and he threw a fit when he saw his demon form. We want to try and keep Harry off all of the Radars, and that includes angelic and demonic and I don't know if we can do that without your help, will you help us?”
Belial sighed quietly moving to sit on the edge of the bed, gently stroking the younger demon's hair, trying to calm him."Shhh, you're okay."he said letting the demonic power stroke him, wanting to sooth him.

Raphael sighed."Belial gives me the most interesting problems.I'll be right there."He said disappearing from the fire only to walk in the door a few minutes later. raising a eyebrow, hiding just how hard the idea of draco being hurt was worrying him."What happened to draco?"he asked, already having a idea. After all, draco was draco, and just couldn't stop playing games.
Harry sighed, relaxing under the comforting touch of another demon, shifting to lay his fox like head on the others lap, sighing before going back to sleep, whining any time Belial tried to get up his long arms wrapping around his legs to hold him still, as if Belial was a giant teddy bear.

Lucius smiled a little as Raphael walked in. “i think you know whats wrong with Draco.” he admitted. “that boy just can't help himself.” he complained shaking his head. “he can't even stand up right now.” he admitted sighing a little. “and Harry is rejecting himself, and his demon form is rejecting his human form... as you can see we have a lot of problems. Harry's sleeping right now so i'd suggest talking to Draco first.”
raphael nodded a little."Belial'll be the best one to help harry right now. I'll see to draco."he said before walking upstairs, knocking lightly on draco's door before walking in, shutting the door behind him as he studied the blond laying in bed."You poor slut."He said, the usual scold sounding tender as he sat on the edge of the bed, greeting him like he always did when he found draco in this kind of condition.
Lucius nodded and smiled as he watched the Angel head to Draco with an amused chuckle, Draco looking over at Raphael wit a small smile, and as always responded with. “well it seamed like a good idea at the time.” he admitted chuckling a little. “i wouldn't have to go seduce Demons if you'd just screw me you know.” he teased chuckling a little sighing a little. “i never thought he'd be quiet that rough though, the other demon's at least try to remember that I'm human.” he whined chuckling a little.
Raphael snorted, laughing a little as he ran his hands over the other's back healing the strained muclese and torn skin that he could find, not responding to the whining about not sleeping with draco, except a small light blush trailing over his cheeks."Belial's a fallen angel. The others were born demons. Belial doesn't even try to understand humans. Never has. So he treats everyone like a demon, and woe to you if you don't like that."He teased brushing the other's hair out of his face."better?"
Draco snorted a little and shook his head, sighing softly as he felt his body relaxing and the pain fading away. “...mmm he was a good fuck though.” he admitted rolling onto his back. “more rough than I really like, but totally worth the sore ass for the short hour I had it.” “you should let him suffer next time, maybe he'll learn his lesson.” Lucius stated calmly, snickering as his son glared at him.

Harry jerked awake and blinked slowly as he realized he was holding onto someone, yawning as he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking at his hands, looking confused by the white fur and sharp claws before he froze, realizing that him turning into a demon hadn't been a dream before he groaned and clapped his hands over his eyes. “oh god no... no I can't be a demon... demon's are bad.. evil... why does this shit always have to happen to me!?” not realizing that Belial was still in the room.
Raphael wrinkled his nose a little, disliking both the idea of draco enjoying belial's company that much, and the idea of leaving draco to suffer to teach him a lesson."He might.Though it might just convince him to talk to belial before seducing him."He smirked a little looking amused, just to hide just how disturbing he found the idea.

"Ahhh, demons aren't good or evil.We're just neutral, and would rather live for our own reasons instead of some higher beings, like raphael does."Belial said smirking a little as he looked at the young demon that had been holding him.
Draco smirked a little and shook his head. “i'm never letting Belial screw me again.” he admitted rubbing his ass. “it was nice but it wasn't worth it.” he admitted shaking his head. “besides he never fucks the same person twice.” he teased chuckling a little. “in comparison to me who just can't get someone to screw me more than once.” he admitted kissing Raphael's cheek. “thanks for healing me again.”

Harry jumped violently and stared at Belial for a long moment before he scowled a little his head tilted. “how can I be a Demon?” he demanded. “i've been a human all my life! How can I just suddenly turn into a demon!?” he asked scowling at the other biting his lip a little, suddenly realizing how handsome Belial was, his nose twitching as he smelled the air, or rather smelled how GOOD Belial's scent was. “... you smell really good.” Harry muttered softly, anger and confusion forgotten as his demonic instinct to mate was kicked into overdrive.
Raphael laughed a little, blushing a little at the other's words."Your welcome."he said before wrinkling his nose a little."Poor draco, are you that bad at sex, that no one wants you twice?"he teased.

Belial smirked slowly, that twisted little smile that promised so much pain and pleasure."You didn't suddenly turn into a demon.You've always been demon, you're demon nature was just repressed."He sighed a little, smiling wider."Of course I smell good. I always smell good."He smirked, because of his nature, and his power being tied so closely to lust, no matter who he was around, he smelled like what would attract that person the most. For raphael he smelled like fire and brimstone, for humans he smelled of tangled sheets and perfume...for harry, he was curious to see what he smelled like.
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