In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial sighed as he watched the scene, smirking as he looked at draco, brushing a finger over the other's neck, healing him,because he knew it would annoy him to not let raphael do it. Of course, he was being annoying because he was annoyed with the younger demon. "Now. Where is the archangel anyways?"he said sounding sulky and pissy. Even if he was going to stay at the manor, and make sure the other demon was okay and fine, he wasn't about to not annoy the angel with telling him he was going to leave. After all, it would be interesting to see what draco had done to him to put such a happy smile on draco's face.
Draco glared at Belial when the Demon healed him, scowling a little. “he's sleeping.” Draco complained as he prodded himself on the neck. “the poor fellow just couldn't handle his very first orgasm.” he purred, feeling too pleased with himself to remain annoyed. “don't bother him.” he growled at Belial as he stalked off to gather some food for his poor angel, certain that his order was going to be ignored.
belial grinned.Ohhh, this was going to be fun. Smirking as he headed for draco's bedroom. By the time draco returned with food, raphael looked cutely confused as he snuggled down into the bed, looking at the young blond through his blue eyelashes, pouting a little."make him stop making fun."He whined, still sleepy. "Ahhh but raphael, I want to make sure you're doing fine."belial grinned, amused at his confusion.
Draco glared at Belial, carefully set the plates of food on the table and then started playfully beating the demon with the flimsy paper try he'd been using to carry the food. “leave Raphael alone! He doesn't need you corrupting him! Go, shoo, beat it!” they all knew the paper tray was pathetic and useless as a weapon, especially against a Demon, but hey, Draco felt better for protecting Raphael.
Belial pouted glaring at the paper tray he was getting beat with, before looking at the sleepy giggling angel in the bed."You so owe me. Not only did I have to put up with harry, I'm getting beat up with a paper plate by your fuck buddy." "Fuck buddy?I don't know what this is,...belial stop not making sense...'raphael whined raising his head a little to see what draco had brought him to eat.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. “a sex buddy is two or more people who enjoy sexual activities between each other without having emotional or relationship connections.” Draco explained before smacking Belial over the head before abandoning it as futile and joining Raphael on the bed, picking up a plate of Raphael's favorite foods and handing it to the angel, smirking a little. “compared to Belial, who is apparently a pussy boy.” he teased smirking wickedly. “you know Bell if i'd known you liked Bottoming I could have helped you out with that.”
beial glared at him though amused at raphael's blush at the explanation and set about eating his food while avoiding looking at either of them."considering you cant even dominate a angel into having sex with you i wouldnt even try it on me."he sulked reaching out tugging on a strand of raphael's blue hair intending on distracting them both."angel that you've had a taste of sex do yo want me to take blondie so you know what you hve to do when you give in?"he asked amused as raphael blushed so hared if he'd been humn belial would havebeen worried about him hving a hrart attack
Draco smirked a little. “if I just wanted sex i'd have it.” Draco stated with a smug little smirk. “but it's not just sex I want, well, not from Raphael anyway.” Draco admitted smirking a little. “besides you've already fucked me, recall it? You don't fuck the same person twice remember?” he teased smirking a little more. “besides I don't think my ass can handle another round with you, Raphael might punish me if he has to heal me again.” he offered Belial a firm glare, jumping violently when a house elf suddenly appeared, trembling violently. “Master Lucius is needing help! He is being badly hurt!” the house elf wailed twisting it's ear nervously. “Master Harry is having him by the neck!!!” “oh shit...” Draco groaned leaping out of bed and racing off to find his father.
"oh bloofy hell."both angel and formr angel did their usual poof gone magic grmacin when draco ran into their backs as the stopped in front of harry sn luciu andharry."harry what areyou doing?"the agel asked waking closer slowly as belia tried tofigure out how to get the younger demon awa without hurting either of them. knowin if he blasted harry like he wanted t the human wouldnt survive.
Harry snarled when the others rushed into the room, his hand tightening around Lucius's throat who choked harder clutching the white fuzzy fingers as he struggled to get a breath of air. “Harry stop it! You'll kill him!” Draco squealed in horror, terrified of Harry's insanity and fury, the ice mist demon didn't even seam to realize they where in the room, he only seamed interested in choking the life out of Lucius, a terrified House elf in the corner staring in shock and terror, hands clamped over her mouth as if she was trying not to say something, Harry growling as his grasp tightened again, Lucius choking hard before he started to go limp. “NO!” Draco shrieked, diving into Harry, slamming into the demon hard enough to spill all three of them onto the ground, Harry letting go of Lucius's neck, the man taking a deep breath of air before coughing hard, Draco and Harry both snarling as furry hands and human hands tried to find purchase on the others neck.
belial snarled as he slammed int the othr demon fie surrounding his hands as he pinned him hving every intention of punishing the youngert demon. raphael wincing as he moved slowly to lucius' side as to not raw eithert enraged demons attention.gentle fingers touchhing the blons neck as he sought to make sure he was fine as he healed him."your voice might be husky for a few days.cant fic that sorry.some things have to heal on their own."
Harry snarled and then he shrieked at the touch of the fire, jerking and twisting in the Elder demon's grip , his legs kicking as he tried to break free, shuddering violently as Ice wrapped around Belial as Harry subconsciously tried to defend himself Draco rushing over and grabbing Belial's shoulders. “stop it~! Bell! Stop!” Draco demanded, trying to rip the demon off as harry shrieked again, arching violently as the fire burned through the ice and touched his skin again, shuddering violently. “BELIAL YOU'LL KILL HIM!” Draco screamed, terrified of what was happening and worried that Belial would really kill Harry.
Belial snarled as he stopped himelf fromkilling the other demon snarling as he paced."he'll be fine. it'll jut teach him control."he growled strugging to keep ahold of his temper."draco get harry and lucius out of here."raphael sad even as the archangel tood to face off against th duke of hell.knowing the only way to get rid of belial's temper was going to be a fight and he was the only one wo could live thrrough hat much pain.
Harry whimpered when he was released, curling up and trying to protect himself as Draco took Harry and Lucius and apparated them into the bedroom, Harry cowering from the now missing threat as Draco swallowed thickly at the sounds of crashing and smashing from below. “Draco, take Harry to the pool.” Lucius ordered hoarsely. “he's a water demon right? He should feel calmer in water.” Draco nodded and apparated Harry into the giant in-house pool and dumped him in, jerking Harry out of his fright and rage and shock all at once before he sighed, relaxing in the water and curling up on the bottom and falling asleep, able to breath in the water, for which Draco was very relieved. There Harry stayed as Draco waited for the fight to end, hesitantly peaking into the destroyed kitchen. “ you guys need any h..healing potions?”
Both demon and angel tilted their heads back to look around the edge of the island to look at the blond, twin smiles curling their lips."No.We're healing. Sort of."Belial said amused as he stretched, sighing quietly. Raphael laughed raising his head to look at the blond before laying back down, giggling a little. High off the aderline of fighting again, like he'd been born to be. After all, it wasn't every day that he got to fight anymore. "I can see up your pant leg."He giggled. Belial turned his head looking at his counterpart, raising a eyebrow before looking at draco."This might be the moment you might suggest sex."He said snickering a little.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head, helping the Angel stand, glancing over at Belial. “Harry's sleeping In the pool, Father explained what happened. It wasn't Harry's fault you know.” he stated calmly. “Father may have accidentally on purpose attacked Harry.” he explained grimacing a little. “Harry reacted before he even realized that Father wasn't trying to hurt him, just stop him from leaving. It was only a stunning spell but Harry was already all pissed off all he saw was the wand and a spell aimed at him.” he admitted shrugging his shoulder. “now if you'll excuse me I have an Angel to put to bed and talk into sucking me off.” he admitted snickering a little as he headed off.
raphael smiled happily as he followed after the other, wrapping his arms around draco as he let the other man oead him upstairs."Sucking you off?I suck alot of things. Like lollipops. And popsicles."the angel piped up as he walked.

Belial shook his head looking amused as he walked towards the pool, smiling a little as he looked at the man in the pool, walking over and crouching down at the edge of the pool, careful not to get any water on his skin. While it wouldn't kill him, it wasn't comfortable. Looking over the other, looking worried as he gently touched the other's hair, trying to figure out how to wake him up without causing a attack.
he snickered a little as he kissed Raphael, smirking a little. “good.” he purred softly. “i bet you'll love my lolypop.” he teased smiling a little as he led the Angel into the room and laid him on the bed. “you remember how I licked your cock?” he asked smiling a little. “do you think you could do that for me?”

Harry had shifted himself so that he was in the shallow end with the top of his head settling out of the water but nothing else. His wrists where burned and blistered still from where Belial had pinned him down, but they where healing slowly, the water soothing the pain. He jerked awake at the touch and before he even knew what he was doing he darted away, powerful legs driving him down into the deep end of the pool before Belial even had a chance to react, Harry watching the other through the water, eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out how he was breathing under the water before he rose to the top, floating in the water as he blinked at Belial. “... is Lucius ok?” Harry asked softly. “i didn't...” he was so terrified that he had killed Lucius.
Raphael looked light headed he was blushing so hard, finally getting what the other wanted. Swallowing hard before he nodded hesitantly, licking his lips as he looked at the blond,"It's like a lollipop isn't it?"she asked.

Belial snickered a little shaking his head."Fine and under raphael's instructions to take it easy. if anyone's about to die, it's raphael."He said snickering harder,"He's about to learn the meaning of 'die of embarassment.'"He said laughing harder,imagining his sometimes friend, always rival's face. poor poor naive raphael.
Draco grinned and nodded. “yes, just like a lollypop, you lick it and suck it and then you get a creamy treat.” he promised settling onto the bed and pulling himself out into the open with a small sigh stroking himself gently to get himself a little firmer so Raphael didn't have to work so hard, moaning softly as he smiled at the other. “you don't have to if you don't want to.” he promised, watching the other closely.

Harry sighed a little as he kicked his way back over to Belial, crawling out of the water, dripping, soaking wet as he headed over to the other his head tilted, not even bothering to shake himself off. “Draco's sucking him off or something?” he asked curiously blinking at Belial before sighing a little. “i want to go home.” he stated calmly. “and I keep thinking about who to go to and I realize... I don't have a home... and I get all angry, and seeing... seeing Lucius and Draco just pisses me off because their normal and I'm not... they have a home and I... I never did...” Harry admitted softly, staring out a window into the green gardens. “i'm an animal... and they get to stay human and I just...”
Raphael bit his lip shifting down, stretching across the bed next to him, his cheek resting on Draco's hip as curious fingers followed draco's, gently touchinng him curious. Before his small pink tongue darted out for a taste, just a lick before darting back into his mouth. Looking like a small innocent cat trying to decide if he liked it.

"You cant be mad because you were never human."belial sighed sitting down on the concerate, letting his legs dangle into the water,enjoying the mild stinging it brought to him."And you do have a home. Or at least, your family does. It's actually next to mine...and raphael's. Though how that came to be, is anyone's guess. I think he just likes to keep everyone guessing on what the most naive person in the world, is doing in hell.And yes, HE is sucking off DRACO. Or at least trying to."He said snickering at the idea.
Draco smiled as Raphael made himself comfortable, moaning as he felt the others fingers on his shaft, licking his lips as he bit his lip a little, moaning softly at the touch of his tongue. “oh... oh feels good.” he groaned softly, trembling lightly, smiling more as he looked at his angel with lustful eyes.

Harry growled in annoyance. “i thought I was though, I was raised by humans, lived as a human, lived with humans, for all I cared WAS human... I at least looked human... I don't ever see myself ever being able to just walk out into diagon alley to enjoy an ice-cream cone, do you!?” he demanded before sighing a little, forcing himself to calm down. “i can't... go to school, or buy a house... I won't be able to get a job, I wont even be able to talk to mu friends! Look at me! I look like a fucking... beast!” he complained shaking his head. “i never knew my family, my human or my demon... you think finding out that the people that abandoned me so they could have a human baby are sitting cozy in a house in hell? What makes you think I care!?” he demanded scowling a little.

“my life is ruined and I have nothing to look forward to and to make things worse you and all these FREAKS are keeping me locked in this fucking maze of a house!” he snapped pacing now, snapping and snarling to himself. “i hate being locked up... trapped... caged... I feel like a dog.” he hissed his eyes narrowed. “you know, I used to be treated like a dog... they had a cat flap in the door, and they'd slide the food through.” at this point, Harry was just venting. “they had locks on everything and I couldn't get out, couldn't even shower or get a breath of fresh air... it was just four walls a bed and a stinging birdcage and rotting food.” he dropped to all fours suddenly and shook the water out of his fur violently. “and now I'm trapped again and it pisses me off! That you sit there, and try to tell me, that I was never human! I WAS human! I had friends! I had a family! I had a life and then you come along and take It all away from me! And wont let me leave, and keep me trapped here like I'm some fucking bad dog!”
raphael blushed harder as he licked along the shaft. taking his time touching and tastign the other. Easing into doing what draco had done. not knowing if he could,but he was going to like this."good?"he muttered glancing up.

Belial frowned, the water boiling ever so slightly around his legs as his temper spiked, though he still looked calm. If nothing else, his battle with raphael had drained off the extra power that made him a demon lord, leaving him as weak as a newborn kitten, with all the fierce temper of a moutain cat."If you'd stop acting like a misbehaving puppy, I'd stop smacking you around like one."He snarled, nto about to tell him why they traded their own children for humans, besides the flesh trade. All demons guarded their children well,because it was so rare for them to have pureblooded demon children, so those who did have them, protected them by giving them human families. his temper kept under control by the lack of power to back it up, and letting harry vent because he didn't want to do anything about it yet.
he moaned and panted as Raphael touched him, shivering and groaning as he tipped his head back. “oh god, yes, feels so good.” he moaned, enjoying the slow teasing pleasure of Raphael's hesitant touches. “feels so good.”

Harry sighed a little and sat down next to Belial, dipping his legs into the water as well. “when have I ever had anything?” he asked softly. “i guess I should just be used to being treated like a waste of space and a prisoner.” he stated simply. “i don't even know why I'm talking to you, since you clearly don't give a fuck.” he stated, diving back into the water, making sure to douse Belial with water as he kicked his way to the bottom of the pool, curling up on the bottom to sulk. He should have known better than to expect anyone to understand. He had been a human, and then his entire world was ripped away from him and he was locked inside a stifling house with people who had been his enemy since birth. Who wouldn't be pissed about that?
Ra[hae; smiled a little as he lowered his head, nuzzling his nose against the other's cock, whimpering quietly as he leaned up to look at him."I... dont know whawt to do next..."he muttered looking at the other a little wide eyed as his fingers played over the other's skin.

belial cursed as he jumped back from the water, scowling as the water blistered his skin, snarling at the burns as he waited for the red marks to fade. Truly disliking water,but having put his legs in, having overdone his exposure. "Bloody fucking hell.I should go home. Should go interrupt draco and raphael. Wouldn't that make my day."He muttered pacing steaming rising under his bare feet from where it touched droplets of water.
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