In The Heart Of A Demon

Belial smiled sadly at the thought of lialh, shifting to rest a hand on harry's head as he came up behind him, stroking ihs hair as he snickered at the sight of both draco and raphael laying sprawled out in the snow, draco having dragged down the angel with him when he fell. Raphael whined rolling on his back,glaring up at the two demons, pouting ever so slightly."That wasn't cool.What are you doing laying right in front of the door?"He whined getting up, brushing himself up.
Harry relaxed when he realized he wasn't being attacked like he had thought, snickering as he watched Draco crawl out of the snow with a shake of his head, trying to dislodge the clumps from his hair. “hey Draco does the exact same thing.” harry stated simply with a small snicker as he laid out into the snow, setting his head in Belial's lap with a happy sigh. “mmm that feels good.” he murmured, enjoying the petting he was getting, Draco snorting a little. “careful Belial, you might spoil the puppy if your not careful.” “screw you Malfoy.”
"Oh no, that's most definately my job to do."Belial said smirking, grinning as he watched raphael bristle at the words. "no!Thats mine!"Raphael said before he thought better of it, his eyes a little wide as he clapped a hand over his mouth looking startled at having said it. Belial snickered stroking harry's hair before nudging him."Get up. I'm getting wet."He whined.
Draco went beat red and Harry snickered again, looking very amused. “it's so cute how Raphael has no idea he's totally in love with Draco, and how Draco is totally in denial that he's in love with Raphael.” he teased causing Draco to sputter. “i'm not in Denial!” “oh so you admit to being in love with Raphael?” “! It's not that I … uhm... goddammit potter why are you fucking with me!? I helped save you life you jackass!” “so? I saved your ass plenty of times.” Harry stated cracking an eye open to stare up at Belial when the Demon ordered him to get up and moved so that his entire chest was laying across Belial's legs, pinning him into the cold wet snow, Draco snorting a little. “Bell, a little bit of advice for you, don't order Harry to do something, he hates it and he'll do everything in his power to piss you off for it.” he admitted smirking as Harry yawned.
Raphael blushedas he watched the scene, before clearing his throat a little."Yes, but i would listen to this order."He said rolling his eyes and holding up a hand to shield both himself and draco, magic wavering slightly in front of them as belial blasted the boy off his lap with a waver of fire. Belial growled absently as he brushed the snow off his pants, steam raising from his clothes as he forced the water to dry. Truly annoyed at having to sit in the snow. now he was cold and actually feeling it for once.
Harry laughed as he was blasted off of Belial and spread his singed body along the snow to put out the flames, far too content with the cold wet snow to care about a little pain, sighing a little as Draco rolled his eyes. “Bell, you really need to work on your temper. You know Harry wouldn't do it if he realized that the water and wet hurt you.” “it what!?” Harry demanded, sounding shocked. “oh shit! Belial I'm sorry I didn't know!” Harry immediately started freaking out, fearing that he had actually hurt the other Demon. “told you.” Draco stated calmly to Belial smirking a little as Harry glared at him. “shut up Draco! I hurt him! I have every right to freak out!”
"Bloody hell.THIS is why I didn't tell him you brat!"Belial growled raising reddened hands looking at the other demon."I'm not hurt."He said rubbing his hands as he tried to ease the cold burn. While it wouldn't be permanant, it was like standing to long out in a brisk wind, feeling chapped and annoyed. raphael growled al ittle, rolling his eyes."Bell, shut up. It's not draco's fault you're a pansy who doesn't like the cold, even though you spend most of your in england."he said rolling his eyes, refusing to give into worry for his friend."I AM NOT A PANSY!"Bell growled glaring at the angel.
Harry whined a little as he gently took the others hands and in a surprisingly tender move gave them each a kiss. “i'm sorry, I wouldn't have held you down if i'd known.” he promised looking up at Belial, smiling a little. “i'll let you punish me later if you want?” he teased Draco snickering a little. “i don't know, you might be a pansy, you DID let Harry fuck you into the ground.” Harry smirked a little. “that's not Belial's fault! I'm very dominant!” a blush settled on his cheeks suddenly. “but for a virgin I think I did pretty damn good.” Draco gaped at Harry and then burst into laughter. “Belial got topped by a VIRGIN!!!!” Draco roared gleefully Harry blushing even harder. “well at least I didn't lose mine when I was twelve.” “eleven.” Draco purred looking proud. “slut.” “bitch.”
Both demon and angel were gaping at draco. For once, belial not protesting to the insults draco was tossing at him. Before snickering looking at his best friend."You're getting screwed by a slut angel boy." "Bastard." "By both birth and temperment."belial agreed, not at all insulted, and finding the angel's newly found loosening up personality even more amusing. He was enjoying the relaxed raphael. Before both demon and angel realized they were ignorign the other two, they looked at the two."They are adorable." "So they are." "we need a picture. Let the slut get top by a virgin." "Now wouldn't that be something to see."raphael said looking between them, not about to let the swell of jealousy he felt get the better of him, his amusement greater at the thought.
Draco and Harry where snickering as they watched the Angel and demon going at it, looking amused. “you know, they remind me of someone.” Draco teased, Harry nodding and stroking his chin. “yeah me too, but I just can't put my Paw on it.” they both laughed and then blinked at the suggestion that they fuck each other, both of them making disgusted faces. “what? Sleep with HIM!? Not if he was the last man on earth!” the both chorused Draco pouting at Rapheal as Harry smirked at Belial. “i'd much rather fuck one of my own species thanks.”
Belial snickered a little, "I'm not your own speices,moron."He teased. "I'm one of the fallen, not a born demon." " were always a demon. Even when you had wings."raphael pointed out, wrapping a arm around draco's shoulders, pressing a hesitant kiss to his hair, "I wont let him touch you, you slut.Even if you enjoy demons."He snickered a little.
Harry shrugged a little. “close enough.” Harry stated with a small chuckle as he shook his head, yawning as he curled up in the snow, snuggled in and went to sleep right then and there, Draco snorting a little. “you know, he does that at school too.” he admitted smirking a little. “i think it's because he stays up all night watching the stars.” he admitted shaking his head as he blushed at the kiss, snuggling into Raphael happily, “well good.” he purred chuckling a little. “did you contact Harry's parents yet?” he asked Belial. “i think you said you where going to, what did you say his name was? Malik?”
"Oh bloody hell, I did."Belial sighed, wincing because he hadn't thought of it earlier. Grinning as he watched the angel grimace. Knowing the two didn't get along.'Don't worry, I'll make sure he comes back with me."He grinned disappearing. Coming back within the hour with a demon that could have been harry's older brother, though the man looked nervous as he looked down at his son sleeping in the snow."....why is he sleeping out here?don't you have a room here?" "I do.But I refuse to let snow in the room." "Pansy." "Moron."The two demons argued as they tried to decide how to wake up harry, almost not wanting to since he looked so peaceful.
Harry was snoring softly as he dozed in the cold wet snow, looking utterly content and happy to stay right where he was, Draco stomping out of the house suddenly, blinking at the two demon's with a raised eyebrow. “you two hungry? We have lunch on.” he explained, suddenly kicking harry. Not too hard, but certainly enough that Harry would wake up. “hey, Lazy ass, get up, it's time to eat.” Draco ordered, Harry whining loudly as he cracked open a single eye, which he used to glare at Draco. “can't you do anything nice?” “i can... just not when it involves you.” Draco stated simply. “get up, Father won't let us eat until your there and I'm hungry dammit.” “shut up slut I'm coming.” Harry complained getting to his feet and rubbing his eyes, yawning loudly before blinking at Belial and Malik, looking confused for a moment before his eyes widened as he stared at the man standing next to Balial, swallowing thickly, looking very hesitant suddenly, uncertain how to react.
"they sound like you and raphael."Malik said sounding amused, looking just as hesitant about how to approach his son. Tilting his head."You have your mother's eyes." "And her temper. Now. Inside,both of you. I want food."Belial grumbled, tired of even a few minutes in the snow. Ignoring the touching father son meeting in favor of getting inside. Raphael snorted laughing as he watched from the doorway, ignoring the demon lord as he stomped past him."Harry, draco made you a snow cone in here."He piped up,even if it had been his idea, he was so going to blame the blond for the nice thing. After all, it was amusing to watch him blush
Harry smiled a little at the statement of having his mothers eyes, it was such a familiar comment, even when he'd been human that it made him feel a little more comfortable. “i don't have a temper!” Harry snapped, sulking a little before brightening at the idea of a snow cone before his eyes narrowed. “... it's not a yellow snow cone is it!?” he demanded looking at Draco who snorted and shook his head. “no I did not piss in your snow cone.” Draco promised Harry smirking a little. “well I wouldn't put it past you, you are a slut after all, hell maybe you LIKE piss?” he taunted Draco wrinkling his nose. “what if I do? You gonna piss on me? Mark your territory like a dog!?” “sure am, hold still.” harry ordered, lifting hi leg like he was a dog, Drago shrieking in horror as he flounced away, harry laughing his wicked little ass off as he stood back up and smirked at Raphael. “i bet he wouldn't mind if it was YOU pissing on him.” he teased, just to see the angel blush before realizing he was making a horrid example of himself in front of his father, coughing into his hand as he blushed hard. “” he muttered glancing at his father. “uhm... hi?”
Raphael blushed at the comment, before following draco back inside. Blushing hard enough his head hurt as he walked back to the dining room. Malik smirked as the boy blushed, looking over at belial, shaking his head."You've been spending to much time with him.Raphael's never going to get a moment peace. Keep your hands away from him, you slut."He said to belial heading for the door,pushing his son in front of him,to keep belial from it. Belial whined a little rolling his eyes as he let malik keep harry away from him."that wasn't my influence.They were like that before I did anything."
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. “me and Draco always act like that, except usually we start throwing fists by now.” he admitted snickering as Belial was called a slut and allowed his father to manhandle him out of Belial's reach, looking rather wicked and happy. “in any case it's Draco you have to worry about, he's wanted to fuck me since we where eleven.” “i did not!” Draco protested hatefully. “you where pissy and annoying!” “as I recall it YOU where the one trying to make friends with ME!” Harry taunted back, Draco rolling his eyes. “that was before I know you where a ponce.” “hey, 't-least I didn't lose my virginity to my teacher.” “i did not! I only fucked my teacher for better grades!” “that's so sick Draco!” Harry complained laughing wickedly, Draco snickering a little as he handed harry a blue snow cone picking up a red one for himself, both of them flopping into a chair almost in perfect harmony as they nibbled on their cold treats. “so where do we live then? Demon's I mean... hell?” Harry asked curiously, glancing over at Belial and Malik, licking his frozen treat far too sensually for his own good.
Belial looked far to enticed by the cold treat licking, then for his own good. before smirking a little, studying the blond. "which teacher?"he asked curious, wanting to know what the man would do. Pretty sure raphael was just as interested as he looked up from his food. Malik smiled a little before nodding, "Hell this world. Just seperate."He said snickering a little, amused to see belial so enraputred by something so innocent as eating a treat. It was a rare sight that.Usually by now he was moving on to the next conquest,but for all looks belial seemed tot be staying put.
Harry grinned and licked at his cone, Draco blushing hard. “i do believe that is no ones business.” Draco stated loftily, Harry smirking darkly. “it was that pretty lady teacher, the one that Hermione has, the Runes Teacher, Sinistra right?” he teased Draco rolling his eyes. “or maybe that sexy man teacher, the one just joined to teach fencing.” Draco's face lit up in a wicked blush again and Harry snickered, Lucius walking in to join them for lunch before pausing. “... do I want to know?” “no.” “... I think I'll eat Lunch in my office.” Lucius decided shaking his head as he walked away, well aware that if Draco was blushing it was not good for his mind. “so Hell has snow?” Harry asked hopefully his head tilted. “and forests, and rain?” he asked looking curious again, ears pricked up and his eyes fixed on his father even as he practically swallowed his snow-cone whole.
Malik grinned as belial's eyes nearly fell out of his head at the sight of hary swallowing the snow cone whole, snickering aas he nodded."Lot's of snow, to belial's never ending despair. Of course, his half of the realm is filled with forests and bushfires. Not even a raindrop.He actually messed up the trees so that they would feed on fire, instead of water." Belial snickered smirking."Hey!it was something to fill the centuries with." Raphael blushed looking at draco, looking amused."fencing?I could use a sword."He said not realizing the double entrandre
Harry snickered a little and nodded, licking Syrup off his fingers far too sensually for Belial's sanity smirking a little. “trees that feed off fire? That's kinda sick Bell.” Harry teased and reaching over, stealing Draco's snow-cone, cramming it into his mouth before the blond had even realized it was missing. “HEY!” Draco bitched glaring at Harry who smiled innocently Draco suddenly realizing what Raphael said before smirking rather wickedly. “yes, your exceptionally talented at Sword swallowing.” Draco teased his angel, wondering how long it would take Raph to realize they weren't talking about actual swords. “so... do I live in hell?” Harry asked hesitantly, glancing at Malik. “am I going to live with you?” Harry wasn't sure he wanted to live in hell, away from everything he knew.
"You can. Though I do have a house here in london. Apparently, belial is to lazy to get his own home, and lives in mine." Belial whimpered unconsiously as he looked at the other, "Why shoudl I live in a house that's no where I want to be, wehn you own teh one next to raphael?" Malik rolled his eyes lookign at harry."You can live wherever you want." "What?I don't swallow s-"raphael stopped, thought it over, his face going bright red as he looked at him."I...oh."He blushed swallowing hard looking down at his food.
harry blinked at Belial his head cocking to the side a little as he heard the whimper. “Bell? Are you alright?” he asked blinking a little. “i'd rather live in london if that's alright?” he asked hopefully before he hesitated looking down at himself, biting his lip. “of course... I'm going to have to figure out how to make myself look human again...” he muttered shaking his head, watching Draco bust into laughter as Raphael caught the joke, kissing the angel's cheek. “i love making you blush, you look SO adorable!” he admitted smiling as he kissed the angel's knuckles as Harry yawned and then winced. “ow!... something bit me!” he complained scratching his back where a sharp pain had suddenly struck. “i'm hungry, I need more than snow cones, Draco feed me!” “feed yourself.” “alright I will.” Harry bitched digging in the cold box for something better,settling on some grapes and a bunch of banana's, craving fruit. “anyone want some?”
raphael grinned leaning over to steal a bite of fruit, avoiding looking at the blond who was laughing at him."I'm not adorable!"He whined squirming a little as he looked at belial, snickering as he figured out what was getting to the demon. Malik smiled, "You can stay where ever you want to harry.I have no demands except....I want a chance to know you."He said smiling sadly, wishing lilah could see her son."And as long ad you don't mind sharing with belial."Belial smiled looking at harry,"We'll help you get back to human again. now that you've had a little while to get used to being a demon, you should be able to shift back."he said sounding thoughtful.
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