In The Heart Of A Demon

Harry blinked as he crammed an entire Banana in his mouth, only Malik would catch the evil little gleam in Harry's eyes that showed he knew exactly what he was doing to poor, poor, Belial. “i want to know you too.” Harry admitted softly. “i've never known a Family before.” he admitted smiling a little. “i really want to know my father.” he admitted fidgeting a little before he smirked wickedly. “i'd love to share with Belial, I like him already, he's very nice.” he admitted smirking a little before pausing. “so my inability to retain human form was... because I didn't want to be a demon!?.... that is some sick shit.” he complained pouting a little as he crammed another banana into his mouth, swallowing the entire thing without even a single chew.
malik snickered as belial seemed to preoccupied with the banna disappearing to answer."Ah, it is. but you were to angry at being a demon, to be able to hold one form or the other."He smiled a little wider, reassured that his son wanted him."And everyone likes Belial. It's how he keeps his job.'He said snickering louder as the resident know all actually blushed.Poor belial was no match for father and son
Harry smirked a little and shook his head a little. “it was just so shocking!” Harry agreed. “i mean, my human life was kind of crappy, becoming a Demon was just like a nail in the coffin for me. I thought Demon's where horrible creatures, like in the stories.” he admitted shaking his head. “i know better now, and I actually have a chance to be happy for once.” he smiled a little. “i owe Raphael for that, he's the one that triggered my change.” he admitted chuckling as he smirked at Belial's Blush. “aaaw how cute, Bell looks like Raphael!” “does not! Raph is WAY cuter!” Draco complained, sipping at some juice.
Belial snickered looking amused,"well considering we grew up together, we should look like."he said studying teh blushing angel."Awww you're so cute." Raphael pouted a little,giving beilal a look."I'm not cute!Stop saying that."He whined before grinning at harry, taking the compliment even if he didn't mean it."Your welcome.I just try to help.Even if I didn't mean to make you a demon." malik snorted looking amused."Only raph would try to just help a human and find the demon child all of hell was looking for."
Draco snickered a little and shook his head. “would you prefer adorable or gorgeous?” Draco teased his angel smirking a little as Harry snickered before looking amazed. “what? All of hell has been looking for me!?” he asked looking amazed. “...why?” he asked his head tilted, looking baffled. He honestly couldn't fathom why in the world he would be so important. Even as a human and the only savior of the wizarding world he had never really understood why he was so important. “i'm tired again.” Harry complained, rubbing his eyes Draco nodding. “your probably still recovering from the shock of finding out your a demon, not to mention the actual physical change.” Harry nodded. “not to mention being sick. It's weird, I've never really gotten sick before, even when Janey from Huffelpuff got it in our second year I never contracted it.” he admitted tapping his lips. “all the other muggle born's did but I didn't.” Harry's superior Demon immunity had kept him safe until then, so why had it suddenly failed?
Belial frowned looking curious himself. Why had it suddenly stopped working?Frowning as he tugged the younger man out of the seat,"Come on, I'll put you in bed." "and not stay there yourself."Malik said. "Yes mother."Belial said rolling his eyes before answering harry's question."Harry, children are rare for us, and you were Lilah's first. And even if malik isn't liked by everyone, your mother was loved. Everyone wanted her son to come home."he said smiling before looking at malik."Your staying aren't you?" "Of course. Even if he doesn't want to stay, I thought...I thought maybe he'd like to meet his mother tomorrow."He said pain flickering through his eyes. Hoping that finding her missing son would bring back his wife. Raphael smiled a little as he looked at draco, kissing his cheek."Adorable is acceptable."He said blushing
Harry smiled a little as he leaned against Belial already half asleep. He was just like his mother that way, when he was tires he went to sleep, just like she did. “oh, ok then.” Harry mumbled sleepily, smiling a little as he rubbed his eyes. “so long as I'm not in another crappy prophecy.” he mumbled softly yawning again as he stumbled off to bed, Draco lifting an eyebrow as he watched Harry leave. “he's not usually this tired.. I wonder if he's still fighting off the illness?” he mused, struggling not to sound as worried as he really was before smirking at Raph, well then your adorable and utterly gorgeous and beautiful.” he purred softly smirking at the angel as Harry slipped off into dreamland, laying on top of the blankets, complaining once again that he was too warm.
Belial sighed as he gave in and let the man not sleep in anything but a light sheet, knowing that the demon could overheat. Smiling a little as he climbed in bed, smiling down into the bed with a smile to sleep.

Raphael nodded looking concerned himself as he stood."The stress and shock is probably still affecting him. If it keeps up, I'm sure belial will do something."Raphael said looking down at his blond,"Come on.You need sleep to."
Harry slept until midnight until a sharp agonizing pain seared down his back, causing him to shriek in pain and shock and jerk awake in an instant, kicking the sheets off as he squirmed on the bed, two large, long lumps had formed on Harry's back, like two long sticks where trying to force their way out of his back at a horizontal angle. The flesh twitched and Harry cried out on pain again, his feet digging into the mattress and dragging down, ripping the feathered bed to shreds as his skin started to split, making him shriek in agony all over again. His cries of pain loud enough that everyone in the house was woken, as flickers of power blazed over Harry's skin like lightning, the bed beginning to freeze under him as he lost control over his own abilities, the pain too overwhelming as blood trickled through Harry's fur.
"Bloody hell!"Belial cursed as he jolted awake, staring for a few long moments as he figured out what he was staring at. Raising a hand he raised his own gift for healing, and his own small control of ice, freezing the nerve endings, making harry so cold that he couldn't feel the agony of his wings come out. Grabbing the man's face he brought him close, growling softly."Hey!Concentrate on me!Harry!"He demanded trying to figure out what to do. He hadn't worked with wings in centuries, he didnt know what to do except try to numb the pain
Harry shrieked again, jerking on the bed as his skin split some more, causing him to cry out in terror and pain, sobbing as his skin went numb, not that it helped the pain any as he shrieked, the muscles under the skin splitting as well, forming more muscle groups so he could fly, Draco and Lucius both bursting into the room as Harry's tear filled eyes finally opened to look at Belial, sobbing in agony. “w..whats...!?” he demanded Draco gaping as he watched the bulges in Harry's back twitch again, making Harry arch and shriek in agony again, the large feathers suddenly bursting free of the flesh, spraying the room with cool wet blood, Draco gettign a face full of it, and Lucius groaning as the blood splattered across his white Pj's, Harry shreiking as he felt his wings spreading wide, a deep Pulse of power unleashing, freezing the entire room and causing snow to fall from the ceiling, a pulse of power that ripped through all three worlds, human, Demon, and Angel alike, anyone with the ability to sense such power was suddenly aware of one very powerful demon who had just come into it's powers. Draco and Lucius where both knocked onto their asses from the pulse, and they both groaned lightly as they got to their feat, Harry limp in Belial's arms, unconscious, covered in blood, and his back ripped open but slowly healing. “Merlin almighty... that looked like hell...” Draco muttered, looking astonished.
Raphael to looked a little sick as he wiped blood off his face, wincing as malik ran into his back."It was hell."He muttered glancing over his shoulder, and side stepping so that the man could get to his son. The two demons ingoring the other people in the room in favor of trying to ease the pain that was still gripping the younger. Raphael frowned as he tilted his head back, still feeling power shudder along his nerves. More then anything else, he knew belial wouldn't let harry die so that didn't worry him, what worried him was that everyone would know that somewhere, they'd found lilah's lost son."He needs to go back to hell for awhile belial." "I know. Shut up,I'm trying to heal him."the elder demon snarled so focused on trying to take care of the younger one that he wasn't considering the ramifications of what would happen should anyone figure out where he was staying
Harry was trembling from the pain, panting softly as his eyes fluttered open, a small whimper falling from his lips. “is it over?” he asked softly, in shock and unable to think properly as his wings twitched and quivered, making him swallow in pain as he finally looked back at himself, his eyes widening in horror, and amazement. “i'm... I have... wings..” he whispered in astonishment his eyes wide. Before he shuddered violently, keening in agony as his wings flexed and then jerked, splattering the room with blood again, Harry sobbing in pain as he trembled again, laying his head in Belial's lap, whimpering loudly. “it hurts...” he whispered hoarsely. “it hurts...” he whispered as his flesh began to knit back together, easing off most of the actual pain, leaving only the soreness of pulled muscles.
malik winced a little as he gently played his fingers over the other's wings, gently cleaning the blond and fingers pressing gently against teh tender skin, trying to ease the tight muslces he could feel as belial ran his hands over harry's back, easign and healing those muscles. "Shhh love, you're okay."The boy's father muttered as he cleaned him up. Belial smiled a little as he gently rubbed harry's back looking down at him."It's over. Just the acheness as your body gets used to having wings now."he said soothingly, pressing a kiss to the young demon's forehead.
Harry slowly stopped trembling and eased off into sleep as the pain started to fade away, smiling lightly at his father and then at Belial, leaning into the kiss and then snuggling into the other, the room still frozen, completely. It would take a long while for it to thaw, but at least the bed was already mostly unfrozen, thanks to a warming spell from Draco, Harry sighing softly as he drifted off into dreamland, Draco hesitantly moving over. “do all demons go through that or is Harry just that unlucky?” he asked lifting an eyebrow, his head tilted. “... you guys are leaving now, aren't you?” he asked looking a little sad, glancing back at Raphael. “and your going with them...aren't you?” because he knew Harry needed them more, Harry who could never have a simple life. “Can I go with?” he asked hopefully, biting his lip.
"We need to. Time moves different in hell, he'll recover faster in hell."Belial said stroking harry's hair, smilign a little. raphael winced a little, hating to go,but he knew they needed to.Nodding as he looked at draco, he swallowed hard, "You could come with us.Ask your father first though."He said looking at the younger man, wondering if maybe the curiousity of a human in hell would raise lialh out of her coma. Even though he knew she was asleep, he'd never seen her, as belial and malik were both fiercely protective. So maybe now that harry was there, he'd get the chance to see if he could fix what was wrong.
Draco nodded and smiled a little. “i'll go ask him now!” Draco chirped, eager to see hell, he had heard such amazing things about it. By the time he raced back Harry had stopped trembling and his wings had stopped jerking from the pain, but was still fast asleep, too stressed to bother waking up. “Father said I can go! So long as I don't leave your house without your accompaniment.” he stated with a nod. “i have to be with one of you at all times, in case the other Demon's get any idea's since I'm so pretty and all.” he purred puffing out his chest before hesitating. “you know... Harry's probably not going to be very happy about being moved to Hell without his permission... you should probably expect a temper tantrum of apocalyptic proportions.”
Belial snorted as he gathered up the brunette in his arms, brushing a kiss over his forehead."Good thing malik's house is damn near indestructable."He said snickering before opening the door between here and there, stepping through to the mansion, that for all appearances, was very close to the manor in size and style, even if the marble floors gleamed black, with vines of actual silver and gold twisting through it. raphael rolled his eyes as he escorted draco into hell, wrapping his armr around the other's waist, feeling protective of the boy."Oh yes, so pretty."He muttered pressing a kiss to his head.
Draco chuckled as he nodded. “good thing.” he agreed snickering a little as he shook his head a little looking amazed at the mansion, examining the floors with wide eyes. “ok, this is cool!” he admitted smirking a little as he examined the walls and floors and ceiling, following after Belial and the winged Demon, who wasn't even twitching as he was carried off into a bedroom, smirking a little. “you know, I've definitely been needing a vacation.” Draco admitted with a chuckle as he leaned into Raphael a little, smirking as he was kissed on the forehead. “mmm you know, people are supposed to kiss lip to lip.” he teased wiggling his eyebrows at the other.
Raphael smiled a little, dipping his head as he kiss the other lightly, before raising his head."Hmm well, you are the expert in what comes to sex." Belial snickered as he laid harry in bed, gently stroking harry's hair before he looked at the angel and human."draco's the expert in anything carnal." Malik snickered a little shaking his head."I'm going to go see Lilah. Let her know harry's home."He said smiling as he left the room.
Draco snickered a little as he kissed back, watching Harry snuggle into the bed like he was a cat, spreading his wings and then tucking them in tight with a small sigh, feeling much more comfortable in the soft, soft bed in a realm he was born to live in. “i am an expert aren't I?” Draco teased, smirking as he rubbed his nails on his shirt and examined them. “hell if I was a demon i'd be fixing to take Belial's place.” he purred with a snicker as he tangled his hand in Raphael's. “come show me around.”
"Hey!No one takes my place!"Belial sputtered as he laid down on the bed with harry. Raphael snickered as he walked out of the room with draco, wrapping a arm around his waist as he started the tour, pausing as they reached the main staircase, pointing through the floor to cieling windows. "See those to houses over there?"He asked, though callign his and belial's side by side mansions houses was the understatement of teh century. A whole town could live in one, and not found each other."Those are mine and belial's.They kinda look like this. Hell kinda has similar houses, though each one is suited to the person's powers."
Draco snickered as he winked at Belial. “better be glad I'm not a demon then eh?” he teased as he followed Raphael out to the window, blinking at the two mansions his eyes widening. “i am totally moving to hell.” he stated calmly with a small chuckle. “this is a lot different than what I imagined... do the evil souls really end up in hell or is that just a fairy tale?” he asked, wondering if the bad people really did end up in hell at the end of their lives. “what does the inside of your house look like?”
"Oh, they end up here. Though its not so bad."She shrugged a little, smiling slightly as they walked the halls, looking around."It's similar to this. Though it's done in creams and golds. Water fountains everywhere. It pisses off belial."He said snickering a little, but as the angel of healing, he enjoyed having teh soothing element around him.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. “everything seams to piss Belial off.” he teased chuckling a little. “i love the sound of water.” he admitted smiling a little. “i've been thinking of putting a fountain in my room back at home.” he admitted. “maybe putting in some fish to watch.” he admitted glancing at the other. “you know... I find it very strange, I don't know Belial very well but even I can tell he's acting out of character... does he seam a little... obsessive over harry to you or is it just me?”

in the bedroom Harry groaned as he shifted, his eyes fluttering open, blinking a little. “what happened?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. “it hurt... did something bad happen? Was I attacked?” he asked his head tilted a little, not remembering anything but the pain, jumping when he felt his wings twitch, looking back at his back, his eyes widening in astonishment. “...those are... wings... did...did I grow wings!?”
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